68 research outputs found

    High tolerance to self-targeting of the genome by the endogenous CRISPR-Cas system in an archaeon

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    CRISPR-Cas systems allow bacteria and archaea to acquire sequence-specific immunity against selfish genetic elements such as viruses and plasmids, by specific degradation of invader DNA or RNA. However, this involves the risk of autoimmunity if immune memory against host DNA is mistakenly acquired. Such autoimmunity has been shown to be highly toxic in several bacteria and is believed to be one of the major costs of maintaining these defense systems. Here we generated an experimental system in which a non-essential gene, required for pigment production and the reddish colony color, is targeted by the CRISPR-Cas I-B system of the halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii. We show that under native conditions, where both the self-targeting and native crRNAs are expressed, self-targeting by CRISPR-Cas causes no reduction in transformation efficiency of the plasmid encoding the self-targeting crRNA. Furthermore, under such conditions, no effect on organismal growth rate or loss of the reddish colony phenotype due to mutations in the targeted region could be observed. In contrast, in cells deleted for the pre-crRNA processing gene cas6, where only the self-targeting crRNA exists as mature crRNA, self-targeting leads to moderate toxicity and the emergence of deletion mutants. Sequencing of the deletions caused by CRISPR-Cas self targeting indicated DNA repair via microhomology-mediated end joining

    The role of Cas8 in type I CRISPR interference

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    CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat) systems provide bacteria and archaea with adapt- ive immunity to repel invasive genetic elements. Type I systems use ‘cascade’ [CRISPR-associated (Cas) complex for antiviral defence] ribonucleoprotein complexes to target invader DNA, by base pairing CRISPR RNA (crRNA) to protospacers. Cascade identifies PAMs (protospacer adjacent motifs) on invader DNA, triggering R-loop formation and subsequent DNA degradation by Cas3. Cas8 is a candidate PAM recognition factor in some cascades. We analysed Cas8 homologues from type IB CRISPR systems in archaea Haloferax volcanii (Hvo) and Methanothermobacter ther- mautotrophicus (Mth). Cas8 was essential for CRISPR interference in Hvo and purified Mth Cas8 protein responded to PAM sequence when binding to nucleic acids. Cas8 interacted physically with Cas5–Cas7–crRNA complex, stimulating binding to PAM containing substrates. Mutation of conserved Cas8 amino acid residues abolished interference in vivo and altered catalytic activity of Cas8 protein in vitro. This is experimental evidence that Cas8 is important for targeting Cascade to invader DNA

    Whole‐genome comparison between the type strain of Halobacterium salinarum (DSM 3754T) and the laboratory strains R1 and NRC‐1

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    Halobacterium salinarum is an extremely halophilic archaeon that is widely distributed in hypersaline environments and was originally isolated as a spoilage organism of salted fish and hides. The type strain 91‐R6 (DSM 3754T) has seldom been studied and its genome sequence has only recently been determined by our group. The exact relationship between the type strain and two widely used model strains, NRC‐1 and R1, has not been described before. The genome of Hbt. salinarum strain 91‐R6 consists of a chromosome (2.17 Mb) and two large plasmids (148 and 102 kb, with 39,230 bp being duplicated). Cytosine residues are methylated (m4C) within CTAG motifs. The genomes of type and laboratory strains are closely related, their chromosomes sharing average nucleotide identity (ANIb) values of 98% and in silico DNA–DNA hybridization (DDH) values of 95%. The chromosomes are completely colinear, do not show genome rearrangement, and matching segments show 10 kb). The well‐studied AT‐rich island (61 kb) of the laboratory strains is replaced by a distinct AT‐rich sequence (47 kb) in 91‐R6. Another large replacement (91‐R6: 78 kb, R1: 44 kb) codes for distinct homologs of proteins involved in motility and N‐glycosylation. Most (107 kb) of plasmid pHSAL1 (91‐R6) is very closely related to part of plasmid pHS3 (R1) and codes for essential genes (e.g. arginine‐tRNA ligase and the pyrimidine biosynthesis enzyme aspartate carbamoyltransferase). Part of pHS3 (42.5 kb total) is closely related to the largest strain‐specific sequence (164 kb) in the type strain chromosome. Genome sequencing unraveled the close relationship between the Hbt. salinarum type strain and two well‐studied laboratory strains at the DNA and protein levels. Although an independent isolate, the type strain shows a remarkably low evolutionary difference to the laboratory strains

    The crystal structure of Trz1, the long form RNase Z from yeast.

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    tRNAs are synthesized as precursor RNAs that have to undergo processing steps to become functional. Yeast Trz1 is a key endoribonuclease involved in the 3΄ maturation of tRNAs in all domains of life. It is a member of the ÎČ-lactamase family of RNases, characterized by an HxHxDH sequence motif involved in coordination of catalytic Zn-ions. The RNase Z family consists of two subfamilies: the short (250-400 residues) and the long forms (about double in size). Short form RNase Z enzymes act as homodimers: one subunit embraces tRNA with a protruding arm, while the other provides the catalytic site. The long form is thought to contain two fused ÎČ-lactamase domains within a single polypeptide. Only structures of short form RNase Z enzymes are known. Here we present the 3.1 Å crystal structure of the long-form Trz1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Trz1 is organized into two ÎČ-lactamase domains connected by a long linker. The N-terminal domain has lost its catalytic residues, but retains the long flexible arm that is important for tRNA binding, while it is the other way around in the C-terminal domain. Trz1 likely evolved from a duplication and fusion of the gene encoding the monomeric short form RNase Z

    Assigning a function to a conserved archaeal metallo-ÎČ-lactamase from Haloferax volcanii

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    The metallo-ÎČ-lactamase family of enzymes comprises a large group of proteins with diverse functions in the metabolism of the cell. Among others, this superfamily contains proteins which are involved in DNA and RNA metabolism, acting as nucleases in e.g. repair and maturation. Many proteins have been annotated in prokaryotic genomes as being potential metallo-ÎČ-lactamases, but very often the function has not been proven. The protein HVO_2763 from Haloferax volcanii is such a potential metallo-ÎČ-lactamase. HVO_2763 has sequence similarity to the metallo-ÎČ-lactamase tRNase Z, a tRNA 3â€Č processing endonuclease. Here, we report the characterisation of this metallo-ÎČ-lactamase HVO_2763 in the halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii. Using different in vitro assays with the recombinant HVO_2763, we could show that the protein does not have tRNA 3â€Č processing or exonuclease activity. According to transcriptome analyses of the HVO_2763 deletion strain, expression of proteins involved in membrane transport is downregulated in the mutant. Therefore, HVO_2763 might be involved directly or indirectly in membrane transport

    25 years of catalytic RNA: looking younger than ever!

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugÀnglich. - This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively

    Regulatory RNAs in Prokaryotes

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    XIV, 258 p.online resource

    In vitro

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