11 research outputs found

    Utvrđivanje na Makarskom primorju u vrijeme mletačko-turskih ratova na primjeru naselja Igrane

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    U članku se daje pregled povijesnih prilika na Makarskom primorju za vrijeme mletačko-turskih sukoba, obrađuju se fortificirane građevine naselja Igrane kao doprinos boljem razumijevanju prilika i načina utvrđivanja u Primorju. Kroz primjere utvrđenih građevina u Igranama obrađuje se tipologija građevina i obrambeni elementi, s naglaskom na Zalinu kulu kao najvažniju fortifikaciju naselja, daje se pregled prostornog razvoja građevine, uz opis njenog zatečenog stanja i provedenih građevinskih i konzervatorskih zahvata, kako povijesnih tako i recentnih

    Katalog spomenika

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    Ovaj katalog abecednim redom popisuje lokalitete i spomeničku baštinu vezanu uz njih. Većinom su to crkve, javni objekti i spomenici. Stradanja spomeničke baštine u Domovinskom ratu još nisu evidentirana, jer se mahom nalaze na okupiranom području

    Gotičko-barokna kuća Bartučević u Hvaru

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    Sanacija i rekonstrukcija gotičko-barokne kuće u Hvaru, koja je izvorno pripadala renesansnim pjesnicima Jerolimu i Hortenziju Bartučeviću, ujedinile su istražne radove na kući sa zahtjevnom arhitektonskom sanacijom i specijalističkim restauratorskim radovima, kako bi se rekonstruirali iznimni interijeri gotičke dvorane i baroknoga stubišta, a sama kuća privela kvalitetnom stanovanju

    O povijesti hvarske lože povodom restauracije glavnog pročelja

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    Restauratorski radovi na glavnom pročelju gradske lože u Hvaru odvijali su se tijekom listopada i studenog 2013. godine, a godinu ranije izrađena je arhitektonska dokumentacija zatečenog stanja južnog pročelja lože i konzervatorsko-restauratorski elaborat, koji je uključio mapiranje materijala gradnje, načina obrade kamena, vrste oštećenja, kao i prijedlog restauratorskih radova sanacije. Dokumentaciju su izradili talijanski restauratori iz tvrtke LAIRA s.r.l. iz Padove sa studenatima restauracije iz Italije, a tijekom restauratorskih radova priključila im se i hrvatska restauratorska tvrtka NEIR d.o.o. iz Splita. Projekt međunarodne suradnje pokrenut je na inicijativu Zajednice Talijana grada Hvara, financiran je iz fondova Regije Veneto, a Grad Hvar pružio je financijsku potporu i podršku čitavom projektu. Restauratorske radove na loži supervizirao je Konzervatorski odjel u Splitu, a ovom prigodom iznosimo rekapitulaciju povijesnih događanja iz kojih su vidljive preinake na gradskoj loži, potkrijepljene novim spoznajama tijekom restauratorskog zahvata

    Kameni umivaonici 15. i 16. stoljeća u gradu Hvaru

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    Rezultati istraživanja kamenih umivaonika grada Hvara prezentiraju se u obliku kataloga. Obrađena su pila iz sakralnih prostora i gradskih kuća. Pila nastaju u razdoblju od 15. do 16. stoljeća, u gotičkom i renesansnom slogu, a analiziraju se s obzirom na položaj u interijeru, kao i na konstrukcijska i stilska obilježja

    Drvene stropne konstrukcije u gradu Hvaru

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    U tekstu se obrađuju do sada istražene drvene stropne konstrukcije sačuvane u kulturno-povijesnoj cjelini grada Hvara, koji imaju stilske odlike od gotike do baroka, analizira se konstrukcija i dekoracija stropova na do sada poznatim primjerima

    Spatial Planning in Rural Cores

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    Člankom dajemo kritički prikaz Programa poticanja obnove raseljenih i zapuštenih sela „Etno-eko“ Splitsko-dalmatinske županije kojim se potiče obnova sela kao turističkog resursa. Problematiziramo izradu prostorno-planske dokumentacije za obnovu sela. Imajući u vidu da će snimak postojećeg stanja i analiza naselja ostati trajni dokument o tradicijskoj gradnji koja se novom namjenom transformira, dajemo upute o sadržaju i mjerilu geodetskog snimka koji bi trebao biti podloga za izradu arhitektonskog snimka svake građevine te navodimo elemente koje treba sadržavati svaki konzervatorski elaborat sa smjernicama za izradu prostornih planova. Osvrćemo se na vrstu i sadržaj prostornih planova koje propisuje Zakon o prostornom planiranju, a koje smatramo neadekvatnim za planiranje u ruralnom prostoru.Changes to the traditional way of living and earning had two distinct effects onrural spaces and they way they appeared: either the complete abandonment of villages, or their transformation through which all traditional characteristics were lost. The only way to revive abandoned villages would be the return of their inhabitants along with economic stimulation which would motivate those inhabitants to live in them. This article gives a critical review of the "Ethno - Eco" economic Program of Split – Dalmatian County for the Promotion of the revival of the displaced and uncared for villages. The authors also talk about their own experiences regarding the preparation of foundations for making plans for the revival of rural cores, and reviewing the types and contents of special plans appointed by the Law on Spatial Planning, and which the authors consider to be inadequate. The “Ethno – Eco” Program encourages the renewal of rural cores which should become tourist destinations, and thus a source of income for the local population. Regardless the degree of legal protection, the Program prescribes the making of spatial planning documentation for the renewal of every valuable core, preceded by an elaborate preservation system with protective measures, which is an extremely valuable contribution to the protection and preservation of traditional construction. One of the protection measures of traditional architecture is documentation of the pre-existing conditions of the buildings which, through repurposing, will lose their original, inner spatial organization and function. Bearing in mind that a quality survey of the pre-existing conditions will be a permanent document about a traditional building which will be transformed for its new purpose, the authors gave instructions regarding the contents and findings of a geodetic survey which is the foundation for the preservation, and at the same time also the foundation for making an architectural survey of each building. Based on their experience in making preservation elaborates for the villages of Humac and Malo Grablje, the authors presented the elements which each preservation elaborate should contain so the protection measures and directions for making spatial plans could be established even for those settlements for which the preservation documentation is not done by the employees of the preservation departments. Through the cooperation in making spatial planning documentation, the authors noticed that the Urban Plan for Planning (UPU in Croatian) and the Detailed Plan for Planning (DPU in Croatian) are not applicable for planning rural cores. The character of the Urban Plan for Planning which makes the plans for separate zones different according to their purposes is not in accordance with the basic characteristic of the rural space in which residential and economic purpose are inseparable and mutually intertwined. Rural cores need more detailed plans which will establish the conditions of renovation of each building separately, as well as all of the elements of the settlement as a whole. In that sense, we might apply the Detailed Plan for Planning. However, the Detailed Plan for Planning, which is based on a defined land subdivision and which also sets the purpose of buildings, is not suitable for construction planning in the new zones, as well as in interpolations and reconstructions in the existing tissue of a village. The authors advocate defining of a special category of the spatial plan which would be adjusted to the space of the village, the plan which would be flexible enough for zoning and yet detailed in preparation of the special conditions for the renovation of the pre-existing construction funds and inherited spatial structure of the village. The preservation elaborate should be an integral part, and not the foundation, for making such a plan

    The Church of St. John in Jelsa – an Example of Comprehensive Conservation Treatment

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    Crkva sv. Ivana kao srednjovjekovna građevina gradi se u istoimenoj uvali na sjevernoj strani otoka Hvara, a u dokumentima se prvi put spominje 1463. godine. Uvala, koja se ispočetka koristi kao luka naselja Pitve, razvit će se u naselje Jelsu, zahvaljujući prije svega ribarstvu i brodarstvu. Nakon prestanka osmanske opasnosti, kad naselje ponovno doživljava prosperitet, rekonstruira se dotrajala crkva kao jedinstveno arhitektonsko-urbanističko rješenje na prostoru već formiranog Trga sv. Ivana. Barokna crkva nastaje sredinom 18. stoljeća, kad se potpuno uređuje i njezin interijer te se oprema umjetninama. Posebna vrijednost crkve je vremenska i stilska ujednačenost arhitektonskog oblikovanja, interijera i sakralne opreme, što je prepoznato u postupku obnove, pa je on vođen prema rehabilitaciji svih spomeničkih vrijednosti kao skladne cjeline. Obnovu obilježava suradnja svih stručnjaka specijalista koji su zajedničkim radom pridonijeli uspješnoj rehabilitaciji sakralne građevine kao jedinstvenog baroknog zahvata.The church of St. John was erected in the Middle Ages in the eponymous bay on the north coast of the island of Hvar. Earliest surviving records mentioning the church date from 1463. In the bay, which initially served as a port for the nearby village of Pitve, the town of Jelsa would later grow, having owed its development primarily to fshing and shipbuilding. As the Ottoman raids subsided, the town experienced a renewed prosperity, and the decaying church was reconstructed, as a singular architectural and urban project in the already-formed St. John’s Square. The Baroque church originated in the mid-18th century, when its interior was completed and furnished with artworks. The church has the characteristic layout of an elongated octagon; the façades are decorated with Baroque stone sculpture, while the main axis is made prominent by the portal, rose window and bell cote. In the interior, the vault is supported by transverse arches resting on pilasters, while the sanctuary is accentuated with a triumphal arch and a stone chancel screen. The walls are painted in imitation of stone, while the vault in the zones of the transverse arches is highlighted with painted bordures, which on the sanctuary vault carry floral painted motifs. The masonry altar is furnished with a wooden chancel screen, and on the altar an altarpiece is enclosed within the wooden screen. The screen, on which three paintings have survived, is presented in the last floral painting, whose motif matches the original and was designed to resonate with the bordures painted on the walls. In the course of conservation, particular attention was paid to the altarpiece of St. John the Baptist, which had undergone a ‘restoration’ decades earlier. The painting was once attributed to Italian painter and priest Giovanni Battista Tosolini. However, during the recent conservation efforts, once the unprofessionally executed overpaints were removed, we uncovered the signature of an unknown author that disproves the earlier attribution. The church has particular value in the chronological and stylistic unity of its architectural design, interior and liturgical furnishings. This was acknowledged in the process of renovation, which was aimed towards a rehabilitation of all heritage values into a harmonized ensemble. The concept guiding the conservation of movable furnishings was to unify them with the church space. Candlesticks and bases for palmettes found their place in the church, while the benches that were renovated by local carpenters were returned to use. The chancel screen, as a frame enclosing the altarpiece, was made to match the ceiling painting. The renovation of the church of St. John was completed in 2015, and the conservation work was presented with the exhibition “Renovation of St. John’s Church” in the Kravata Gallery, Jelsa Municipal Museum. We especially wish to emphasise the coordinated efforts of all experts and specialists whose collaboration contributed to the successful rehabilitation of this church building, one compelling example of a Baroque Gesamtkunstwerk

    Utvrđivanje na Makarskom primorju u vrijeme mletačko-turskih ratova na primjeru naselja Igrane

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    U članku se daje pregled povijesnih prilika na Makarskom primorju za vrijeme mletačko-turskih sukoba, obrađuju se fortificirane građevine naselja Igrane kao doprinos boljem razumijevanju prilika i načina utvrđivanja u Primorju. Kroz primjere utvrđenih građevina u Igranama obrađuje se tipologija građevina i obrambeni elementi, s naglaskom na Zalinu kulu kao najvažniju fortifikaciju naselja, daje se pregled prostornog razvoja građevine, uz opis njenog zatečenog stanja i provedenih građevinskih i konzervatorskih zahvata, kako povijesnih tako i recentnih