12 research outputs found

    Učestalost depresije u starijoj životnoj dobi na području grada Dubrovnika

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    Opisujemo incidenciju depresije u populaciji starije životne dobi u Gradu Dubrovniku. U istraživanje su uključena 43 ispitanika, a provedeno je tijekom 60 dana u 2015. godini.Rezultati pokazuju kako se depresija kod osoba starije životne dobi može javiti kao reakcija na stresove i gubitke povezane sa starosnom dobi

    Učestalost depresije u starijoj životnoj dobi na području grada Dubrovnika The incidence of depression in the elderly in the city of Dubrovnik

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    Opisujemo incidenciju depresije u populaciji starije životne dobi u Gradu Dubrovniku. U istraživanje su uključena 43 ispitanika, a provedeno je tijekom 60 dana u 2015. godini. Rezultati pokazuju kako se depresija kod osoba starije životne dobi može javiti kao reakcija na stresove i gubitke povezane sa starosnom dobi

    Navika pušenja na radnom mjestu kod medicinskih sestara - usporedba između Opće bolnice i Doma zdravlja Dubrovnik

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    Danas kronične nezarazne bolesti uzrokuju 63 % ukupnog mortaliteta, a duhanski preparati jedan su od najvećih rizičnih čimbenika [1] . Pušenje je rizični čimbenik za nastanak velikog broja bolesti koje znatno smanjuju stupanj kvalitete života te uzrokuju prijevremenu smrt

    Cotton in the new millennium: advances, economics, perceptions and problems

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    Cotton is the most significant natural fibre and has been a preferred choice of the textile industry and consumers since the industrial revolution began. The share of man-made fibres, both regenerated and synthetic fibres, has grown considerably in recent times but cotton production has also been on the rise and accounts for about half of the fibres used for apparel and textile goods. To cotton’s advantage, the premium attached to the presence of cotton fibre and the general positive consumer perception is well established, however, compared to commodity man-made fibres and high performance fibres, cotton has limitations in terms of its mechanical properties but can help to overcome moisture management issues that arise with performance apparel during active wear. This issue of Textile Progress aims to: i. Report on advances in cotton cultivation and processing as well as improvements to conventional cotton cultivation and ginning. The processing of cotton in the textile industry from fibre to finished fabric, cotton and its blends, and their applications in technical textiles are also covered. ii. Explore the economic impact of cotton in different parts of the world including an overview of global cotton trade. iii. Examine the environmental perception of cotton fibre and efforts in organic and genetically-modified (GM) cotton production. The topic of naturally-coloured cotton, post-consumer waste is covered and the environmental impacts of cotton cultivation and processing are discussed. Hazardous effects of cultivation, such as the extensive use of pesticides, insecticides and irrigation with fresh water, and consequences of the use of GM cotton and cotton fibres in general on the climate are summarised and the effects of cotton processing on workers are addressed. The potential hazards during cotton cultivation, processing and use are also included. iv. Examine how the properties of cotton textiles can be enhanced, for example, by improving wrinkle recovery and reducing the flammability of cotton fibre

    Impact of current cost accounting on cost modeling in telecommunications industry

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    Jedna od mjera koju nacionalne regulatorne agencije poduzimaju u cilju sprječavanja nekonkurentnog ponašanja SMP operatora te u cilju provedbe obveza transparentnosti i nediskriminacije jest provedba računovodstvenog razdvajanja. Računovodstveno razdvajanje omogućava regulatoru ulazak u računovodstveni sustav operatora te analizu i vrednovanje postojećih informacija sukladno regulatornim potrebama. Na taj način regulator dobiva detaljne informacije temeljem kojih može donositi relevantne odluke čiji utjecaj nije vezan isključivo uz reguliranog SPM operatora već doseže i sve ostale subjekte na tržištu. U ovom radu je pojašnjen značaj i način provedbe navedene mjere, pri čemu je poseban naglasak stavljen na izgradnju troškovnog modela koji podatke iz računovodstvenog sustava operatora transformira u podatke sukladne regulatornim potrebama. Također, a iz razloga jer odabir metode vrednovanja imovine dovodi do značajnih razlika u vrijednostima izlaznih podataka troškovnog modela, posebno su istaknute i analizirane razlike do kojih dolazi u slučaju primjene povijesnog troškovnog računovodstva u odnosu na primjenu tekućeg troškovnog računovodstva. U cilju da se predmetna problematika sagleda sa aspekta tržišta elektroničkih komunikacija u Republici Hrvatskoj, u radu je prikazan rezultat provedbe računovodstvenog razdvajanja od strane trgovačkog društva Hrvatski Telekom d.d.One of the measures taken by National Regulatory Agencies in order to prevent anti-competitive behaviour of SMP operators and to implement the obligations of transparency and non-discrimination is the implementation of Accounting Separation obligations. Accounting Separation allows NRA to enter operator's accounting system in order to analyse and evaluate existing accounting information in accordance with regulatory requirements. Thus, the NRA receives detailed information which can make the relevant decisions whose impact is not linked only to regulated SPM operators but to all other entities in the market. This paper clarifies the importance and methods of implementing these measures, with special emphasis on building a cost model that transforms the data from operator's accounting system with regulatory requirements. Different method of asset valuation leads to significant differences in cost model's output values. Therefore the differences that occur in the case of application of the historical cost accounting in relation to the application of current cost accounting are highlighted and analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, this paper presents the result of the implementation of the accounting separation of HT Croatian Telecom Inc

    Impact of current cost accounting on cost modeling in telecommunications industry

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    Jedna od mjera koju nacionalne regulatorne agencije poduzimaju u cilju sprječavanja nekonkurentnog ponašanja SMP operatora te u cilju provedbe obveza transparentnosti i nediskriminacije jest provedba računovodstvenog razdvajanja. Računovodstveno razdvajanje omogućava regulatoru ulazak u računovodstveni sustav operatora te analizu i vrednovanje postojećih informacija sukladno regulatornim potrebama. Na taj način regulator dobiva detaljne informacije temeljem kojih može donositi relevantne odluke čiji utjecaj nije vezan isključivo uz reguliranog SPM operatora već doseže i sve ostale subjekte na tržištu. U ovom radu je pojašnjen značaj i način provedbe navedene mjere, pri čemu je poseban naglasak stavljen na izgradnju troškovnog modela koji podatke iz računovodstvenog sustava operatora transformira u podatke sukladne regulatornim potrebama. Također, a iz razloga jer odabir metode vrednovanja imovine dovodi do značajnih razlika u vrijednostima izlaznih podataka troškovnog modela, posebno su istaknute i analizirane razlike do kojih dolazi u slučaju primjene povijesnog troškovnog računovodstva u odnosu na primjenu tekućeg troškovnog računovodstva. U cilju da se predmetna problematika sagleda sa aspekta tržišta elektroničkih komunikacija u Republici Hrvatskoj, u radu je prikazan rezultat provedbe računovodstvenog razdvajanja od strane trgovačkog društva Hrvatski Telekom d.d.One of the measures taken by National Regulatory Agencies in order to prevent anti-competitive behaviour of SMP operators and to implement the obligations of transparency and non-discrimination is the implementation of Accounting Separation obligations. Accounting Separation allows NRA to enter operator's accounting system in order to analyse and evaluate existing accounting information in accordance with regulatory requirements. Thus, the NRA receives detailed information which can make the relevant decisions whose impact is not linked only to regulated SPM operators but to all other entities in the market. This paper clarifies the importance and methods of implementing these measures, with special emphasis on building a cost model that transforms the data from operator's accounting system with regulatory requirements. Different method of asset valuation leads to significant differences in cost model's output values. Therefore the differences that occur in the case of application of the historical cost accounting in relation to the application of current cost accounting are highlighted and analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, this paper presents the result of the implementation of the accounting separation of HT Croatian Telecom Inc

    Impact of current cost accounting on cost modeling in telecommunications industry

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    Jedna od mjera koju nacionalne regulatorne agencije poduzimaju u cilju sprječavanja nekonkurentnog ponašanja SMP operatora te u cilju provedbe obveza transparentnosti i nediskriminacije jest provedba računovodstvenog razdvajanja. Računovodstveno razdvajanje omogućava regulatoru ulazak u računovodstveni sustav operatora te analizu i vrednovanje postojećih informacija sukladno regulatornim potrebama. Na taj način regulator dobiva detaljne informacije temeljem kojih može donositi relevantne odluke čiji utjecaj nije vezan isključivo uz reguliranog SPM operatora već doseže i sve ostale subjekte na tržištu. U ovom radu je pojašnjen značaj i način provedbe navedene mjere, pri čemu je poseban naglasak stavljen na izgradnju troškovnog modela koji podatke iz računovodstvenog sustava operatora transformira u podatke sukladne regulatornim potrebama. Također, a iz razloga jer odabir metode vrednovanja imovine dovodi do značajnih razlika u vrijednostima izlaznih podataka troškovnog modela, posebno su istaknute i analizirane razlike do kojih dolazi u slučaju primjene povijesnog troškovnog računovodstva u odnosu na primjenu tekućeg troškovnog računovodstva. U cilju da se predmetna problematika sagleda sa aspekta tržišta elektroničkih komunikacija u Republici Hrvatskoj, u radu je prikazan rezultat provedbe računovodstvenog razdvajanja od strane trgovačkog društva Hrvatski Telekom d.d.One of the measures taken by National Regulatory Agencies in order to prevent anti-competitive behaviour of SMP operators and to implement the obligations of transparency and non-discrimination is the implementation of Accounting Separation obligations. Accounting Separation allows NRA to enter operator's accounting system in order to analyse and evaluate existing accounting information in accordance with regulatory requirements. Thus, the NRA receives detailed information which can make the relevant decisions whose impact is not linked only to regulated SPM operators but to all other entities in the market. This paper clarifies the importance and methods of implementing these measures, with special emphasis on building a cost model that transforms the data from operator's accounting system with regulatory requirements. Different method of asset valuation leads to significant differences in cost model's output values. Therefore the differences that occur in the case of application of the historical cost accounting in relation to the application of current cost accounting are highlighted and analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, this paper presents the result of the implementation of the accounting separation of HT Croatian Telecom Inc

    Selfie and visual communications psychology

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    Čovjek ima potrebu komunicirati od svojih početaka razvoja, danas i imat će potrebu komunicirati u budućnosti. Kako se čovjek razvija tako se razvija način komunikacije, različiti alati i kanali kojima se određena poruka šalje. Nekada je komunikacija bila na interpersonalnoj razini, kasnije slanjem poruka i pisama, korištenjem različitih puteva i tehnika pa sve do danas kada se za komunikaciju u velikoj mjeri koristi nova tehnologija. Jedan dio tehnologije su pametni telefoni koji imaju velike mogućnosti, a između ostaloga i fotografiranje. Kako su se kamere na pametnim telefonima razvijale tako su se razvijali i načini rađenja istih, a ujedno i slanje. Tu se dolazi do selfieja koji je u današnje vrijeme vrlo popularan jer se napravi u sekundi i isto se tako u sekundi pošalje nekome drugome putem društvenih mreža. Selfie tako ima dobre i loše strane o kojima se mora voditi računa jer se pokušavanjem dobivanja mišljenja drugih i sviđanje drugima vrlo lako može pasti u depresiju koja nije nikako bezazlena. Vezano uz selfie provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 280 ispitanika od kojih su 224 bile žene i 56 muškaraca, a anketa je provedena u razdoblju od 4.11.2019. do 14.11.2019., putem društvenih mreža i emaila. Od ispitanika koji su sudjelovali u anketi 146 žena (53%) se izjasnilo da vole izrađivati selfieje, dok je njih 77, (28%) se izjasnilo da ne vole izrađivati selfieje. Kod ispitanika muške populacije njih 18, (6%) se izjasnilo da vole raditi selfieje, dok se njih 37 (13%) izjasnilo da ne vole raditi selfieje. Ovi i drugi odgovori spomenutog istraživanja pokazuju sliku vezanu za izradu selieja.Man has a need to communicate from his beginnings of development, today and will have a need to communicate in the future. As a person develops, so does the way of communication, the different tools and channels through which a certain message is sent. Communication used to be on an interpersonal level, later by sending messages and letters, using different ways and techniques until today when new technology is widely used for communication. One part of the technology is smartphones that have great features, including photography. As cameras on smartphones evolved, so did ways of doing them, as well as sending them. This is where a selfie comes in, which is very popular nowadays because it is made in a second and also sent to someone else in a second via social networks. Selfie thus has good and bad sides that must be taken into account because by trying to get the opinion of others and liking others, it can very easily fall into depression, which is by no means harmless. Regarding selfies, a survey was conducted on a sample of 280 respondents, of which 224 were women and 56 men, and the survey was conducted in the period from 4.11.2019. to 14.11.2019, via social networks and emails. Of the respondents who participated in the survey, 146 women (53%) said they liked to take selfies, while 77 of them (28%) said they did not like taking selfies. Among the male respondents, 18 (6%) said they liked to take selfies, while 37 (13%) said they did not like to take selfies. These and other responses of the mentioned research show the picture related to the making of selie

    Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound in Liver Disease: Where Do We Stand?

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    As the burden of liver disease in the general populace steadily increases, so does the need for both advanced diagnostic and treatment options. Endoscopic ultrasound is a reliable diagnostic and therapeutic method that has an established role, foremost in pancreatobiliary pathology. This paper aims to summarize the growing role of endoscopic ultrasound in hepatology based on the search of the current literature. A number of applications of endoscopic ultrasound are reviewed, including both noninvasive methods and tissue acquisition in focal and diffuse liver disease, portal hypertension measurement, detection and management of gastric and esophageal varices, treatment of focal liver lesions and staging of pancreatobiliary malignancies, treatment of cystic and solid liver lesions, as well as liver abscess drainage. Both hepatologists and endoscopists should be aware of the evolving role of endoscopic ultrasound in liver disease. The inherent invasive nature of endoscopic examination limits its use to a targeted population identified using noninvasive methods. Endoscopic ultrasound is one the most versatile methods in gastroenterology, allowing immediate access with detection, sampling, and treatment of digestive tract pathology. Further expansion of its use in hepatology is immanent

    Poly(ε-caprolactone) Titanium Dioxide and Cefuroxime Antimicrobial Scaffolds for Cultivation of Human Limbal Stem Cells

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    Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency (LSCD) is a very serious and painful disease that often results in impaired vision. Cultivation of limbal stem cells for clinical application is usually performed on carriers such as amniotic membrane or surgical fibrin gel. Transplantation of these grafts is associated with the risk of local postoperative infection that can destroy the graft and devoid therapeutic benefit. For this reason, electrospun scaffolds are good alternatives, as proven to mimic the natural cells surroundings, while their fabrication technique is versatile with regard to polymer functionalization and scaffolds architecture. This study considers the development of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) immune-compatible and biodegradable electrospun scaffolds, comprising cefuroxime (CF) or titanium dioxide (TiO2) active components, that provide both bactericidal activity against eye infections and support of limbal stem cells growth in vitro. The PCL/CF scaffolds were prepared by blend electrospinning, while functionalization with the TiO2 particles was performed by ultrasonic post-processing treatment. The fabricated scaffolds were evaluated in regard to their physical structure, wetting ability, static and dynamic mechanical behaviour, antimicrobial efficiency and drug release, through scanning electron microscopy, water contact angle measurement, tensile testing and dynamic mechanical analysis, antimicrobial tests and UV-Vis spectroscopy, respectively. Human limbal stem cells, isolated from surgical remains of human cadaveric cornea, were cultured on the PCL/CF and PCL/TiO2 scaffolds and further identified through immunocytochemistry in terms of cell type thus were stained against p63 marker for limbal stem cells, a nuclear transcription factor and cytokeratin 3 (CK3), a corneal epithelial differentiation marker. The electrospun PCL/CF and PCL/TiO2 successfully supported the adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of the cultivated limbal cells and provided the antimicrobial effect against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans