290 research outputs found

    Autoimmune and infectious skin diseases that target desmogleins

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    Desmosomes are intercellular adhesive junctions of epithelial cells that contain two major transmembrane components, the desmogleins (Dsg) and desmocollins (Dsc), which are cadherin-type cell–cell adhesion molecules and are anchored to intermediate filaments of keratin through interactions with plakoglobin and desmoplakin. Desmosomes play an important role in maintaining the proper structure and barrier function of the epidermis and mucous epithelia. Four Dsg isoforms have been identified to date, Dsg1–Dsg4, and are involved in several skin and heart diseases. Dsg1 and Dsg3 are the two major Dsg isoforms in the skin and mucous membranes, and are targeted by IgG autoantibodies in pemphigus, an autoimmune disease of the skin and mucous membranes. Dsg1 is also targeted by exfoliative toxin (ET) released by Staphylococcus aureus in the infectious skin diseases bullous impetigo and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS). ET is a unique serine protease that shows lock and key specificity to Dsg1. Dsg2 is expressed in all tissues possessing desmosomes, including simple epithelia and myocardia, and mutations in this gene are responsible for arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia. Dsg4 plays an important adhesive role mainly in hair follicles, and Dsg4 mutations cause abnormal hair development. Recently, an active disease model for pemphigus was generated by a unique approach using autoantigen-deficient mice that do not acquire tolerance against the defective autoantigen. Adoptive transfer of Dsg3−/− lymphocytes into mice expressing Dsg3 induces stable anti-Dsg3 IgG production with development of the pemphigus phenotype. This mouse model is a valuable tool with which to investigate immunological mechanisms of harmful IgG autoantibody production in pemphigus. Further investigation of desmoglein molecules will continue to provide insight into the unsolved pathophysiological mechanisms of diseases and aid in the development of novel therapeutic strategies with minimal side effects

    Klimafolgenabschätzungen in der Wasserwirtschaft und deren Nutzen für die Praxis

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    KlimafolgenClimate ImpactsDer globale Klimawandel kann regional unterschiedliche Auswirkungen haben. Während sich die wissenschaftliche Forschung vor allem mit der Analyse der Daten beschäftigt, ist die fachliche Praxis darum bemüht, die Ergebnisse zu interpretieren und Handlungsempfehlungen daraus abzuleiten. Im Zuge des Projektes KliBiW (Globaler Klimawandel – Wasserwirtschaftliche Folgenabschätzung für das Binnenland) wurden die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Hochwasser- und Niedrigwasserverhältnisse in Niedersachsen untersucht. Hierzu wurden die Daten von zwei regionalen Klimamodellen (WETTREG2006 und REMO), beide angetrieben durch das Globalmodell ECHAM5/MPI-OM, räumlich interpoliert und die Niederschläge zum Teil zeitlich disaggregiert, um hoch aufgelöste Klimainformationen bereitzuhalten. Anschließend erfolgte die Kopplung mit einem hydrologischen Modellsystem (PANTA RHEI), das bereits in der Hochwasservorhersagezentrale des NLWKN im Einsatz ist. Über Langzeitsimulationen wurden zukünftige Veränderungen in den Abflussverhältnissen räumlich und zeitlich differenziert für das Aller-Leine Gebiet identifiziert. Als Betrachtungszeiträume dienten eine nahe Zukunftsphase (2021 – 2050) und eine ferne Zukunftsphase (2071 – 2100). Die Veränderungen verschiedener hydrologischer Hoch- und Niedrigwasser-Kenngrößen wurden gegenüber einem Kontrollzeitraum (1971 – 2000) aufgezeigt. Die Auswertungen an 8 Pegeln in Einzugsgebieten >1.000 km² auf Tageswertbasis und an 6 Pegeln in Einzugsgebieten <1.000 km² auf Stundenwertbasis zeigten, dass sich die Hochwassersituation zukünftig verschärfen kann. Während kleinere Hochwässer häufiger auftreten können, nehmen die Scheitelabflüsse insbesondere in der fernen Zukunft zu. Aussagen zu größeren Ereignissen sind aufgrund der großen Bandbreite der Ergebnisse jedoch mit erheblichen Unsicherheiten behaftet. Die Niedrigwasserverhältnisse zeigten eine Abnahme der Abflüsse, speziell im Sommer, sowie eine Zunahme der Dauer undnder Volumendefizite bei Trockenperioden. Hierbei erschien die Variabilität und Ausprägung der Trockenheit in kleineren Einzugsgebieten etwas größer. Die Nutzung dieser Erkenntnisse stellt die fachliche Praxis vor die Herausforderung, die Ergebnisse zu interpretieren und zu kommunizieren. Unsicherheiten in den Modellketten müssen berücksichtigt und, wenn möglich, quantifiziert werden. Die abgeleiteten hydrologischen Konsequenzen des Klimawandels können z.B. Anwendung finden in der gesetzlich geforderten Berücksichtigung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Risikogebiete entsprechend der Hochwasserrisikomanagement-Richtlinie (2007/60/EG). Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über wasserwirtschaftlich relevante Auswertungen von Klimamodelldaten auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen Skalen und zeigt anhand ausgewählter Beispiele auf, wie primär im wissenschaftlichen Kontext erhobene Ergebnisse effektiv für praxisrelevante Fragestellungen genutzt werden können

    The Protease Inhibitor Alpha-2-Macroglobuline-Like-1 Is the p170 Antigen Recognized by Paraneoplastic Pemphigus Autoantibodies in Human

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    Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) is a devastating autoimmune blistering disease, involving mucocutaneous and internal organs, and associated with underlying neoplasms. PNP is characterized by the production of autoantibodies targeting proteins of the plakin and cadherin families involved in maintenance of cell architecture and tissue cohesion. Nevertheless, the identity of an antigen of Mr 170,000 (p170), thought to be critical in PNP pathogenesis, has remained unknown

    Retroperitoneal Castleman's tumor and paraneoplastic pemphigus: report of a case and review of the literature

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    BACKGROUND: Castleman's disease is a rare lymphoproliferative syndrome. Its etiology and pathogenesis are unclear. The disease can be occasionally associated with a paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP), an autoimmune mucocutaneous disorder commonly seen in neoplasms of lymphocytic origin. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of a 63-year old male patient who was referred for surgical treatment of a lately diagnosed retroperitoneal pelvic mass. The patient had been already treated for two years due to progressive diffuse cutaneous lesions histologically consistent with lichen ruber verucosus and pemphigus vulgaris. Intraoperatively a highly vascularized solid mass occupying the small pelvis was resected after meticulous vascular ligation and hemostasis. After surgery and following immunosuppressive treatment a clear remission of the skin lesions was observed. CONCLUSION: Castleman's tumor should be always suspected when a retroperitoneal mass is combined with PNP. In a review of the literature we found 37 additional cases. Complete surgical resection of the tumor can be curative in most of the cases

    Injectable gellan gum-based nanoparticles-loaded system for the local delivery of vancomycin in osteomyelitis treatment

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    Infection spreading in the skeletal system leading to osteomyelitis can be prevented by the prolonged administration of antibiotics in high doses. However systemic antibiotherapy, besides its inconvenience and often low efficacy, provokes numerous side effects. Thus, we formulated a new injectable nanoparticle-loaded system for the local delivery of vancomycin (Vanc) applied in a minimally-invasive way. Vanc was encapsulated in poly(Llactide- co-glycolide) nanoparticles (NPs) by double-emulsification. The size (258 ± 11 nm), polydispersity index (0.240 ± 0.003) and surface potential (-25.9 ± 0.2 mV) of NPs were determined by dynamic light scattering and capillary electrophoresis measurements. They have a spherical morphology and a smooth topography as observed using atomic force microscopy. Vanc loading and encapsulation efficiencies were 8.8 ± 0.1 and 55.2 ± 0.5 %, respectively, based on fluorescence spectroscopy assays. In order to ensure injectability, NPs were suspended in gellan gum and cross-linked with Ca2+Ca^{2+}; also a portion of dissolved antibiotic was added to the system. The resulting system was found to be injectable (extrusion force 11.3 ± 1.1 N), reassembled its structure after breaking as shown by rheology tests and ensured required burst release followed by sustained Vanc delivery. The system was cytocompatible with osteoblast-like MG-63 cells (no significant impact on cells’ viability was detected). Growth of Staphylococcus spp. reference strains and also those isolated from osteomyelitic joints was inhibited in contact with the injectable system. As a result we obtained a biocompatible system displaying ease of application (low extrusion force), self-healing ability after disruption, adjustable drug release and antimicrobial properties

    BPIFB1 is a lung-specific autoantigen associated with interstitial lung disease.

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    Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a complex and heterogeneous disorder that is often associated with autoimmune syndromes. Despite the connection between ILD and autoimmunity, it remains unclear whether ILD can develop from an autoimmune response that specifically targets the lung parenchyma. We examined a severe form of autoimmune disease, autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 (APS1), and established a strong link between an autoimmune response to the lung-specific protein BPIFB1 (bactericidal/permeability-increasing fold-containing B1) and clinical ILD. Screening of a large cohort of APS1 patients revealed autoantibodies to BPIFB1 in 9.6% of APS1 subjects overall and in 100% of APS1 subjects with ILD. Further investigation of ILD outside the APS1 disorder revealed BPIFB1 autoantibodies present in 14.6% of patients with connective tissue disease-associated ILD and in 12.0% of patients with idiopathic ILD. The animal model for APS1, Aire⁻/⁻ mice, harbors autoantibodies to a similar lung antigen (BPIFB9); these autoantibodies are a marker for ILD. We found that a defect in thymic tolerance was responsible for the production of BPIFB9 autoantibodies and the development of ILD. We also found that immunoreactivity targeting BPIFB1 independent of a defect in Aire also led to ILD, consistent with our discovery of BPIFB1 autoantibodies in non-APS1 patients. Overall, our results demonstrate that autoimmunity targeting the lung-specific antigen BPIFB1 may contribute to the pathogenesis of ILD in patients with APS1 and in subsets of patients with non-APS1 ILD, demonstrating the role of lung-specific autoimmunity in the genesis of ILD

    Characterization of Bacteria in Ballast Water Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

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    To evaluate a rapid and cost-effective method for monitoring bacteria in ballast water, several marine bacterial isolates were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Since International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations are concerned with the unintended transportation of pathogenic bacteria through ballast water, emphasis was placed on detecting species of Vibrio, enterococci and coliforms. Seawater samples collected from the North Sea were incubated in steel ballast tanks and the presence of potentially harmful species of Pseudomonas was also investigated. At the genus-level, the identification of thirty six isolates using MALDI-TOF MS produced similar results to those obtained by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. No pathogenic species were detected either by 16S rRNA gene analysis or by MALDI-TOF MS except for the opportunistically pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition, in house software that calculated the correlation coefficient values (CCV) of the mass spectral raw data and their variation was developed and used to allow the rapid and efficient identification of marine bacteria in ballast water for the first time

    The Flavonoid Luteolin Inhibits Fcγ-Dependent Respiratory Burst in Granulocytes, but Not Skin Blistering in a New Model of Pemphigoid in Adult Mice

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    Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune blistering skin disease associated with autoantibodies against the dermal-epidermal junction. Passive transfer of antibodies against BP180/collagen (C) XVII, a major hemidesmosomal pemphigoid antigen, into neonatal mice results in dermal-epidermal separation upon applying gentle pressure to their skin, but not in spontaneous skin blistering. In addition, this neonatal mouse model precludes treatment and observation of diseased animals beyond 2–3 days. Therefore, in the present study we have developed a new disease model in mice reproducing the spontaneous blistering and the chronic course characteristic of the human condition. Adult mice were pre-immunized with rabbit IgG followed by injection of BP180/CXVII rabbit IgG. Mice pre-immunized against rabbit IgG and injected 6 times every second day with the BP180/CXVII-specific antibodies (n = 35) developed spontaneous sustained blistering of the skin, while mice pre-immunized and then treated with normal rabbit IgG (n = 5) did not. Blistering was associated with IgG and complement C3 deposits at the epidermal basement membrane and recruitment of inflammatory cells, and was partly dependent on Ly-6G-positive cells. We further used this new experimental model to investigate the therapeutic potential of luteolin, a plant flavonoid with potent anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties and good safety profile, in experimental BP. Luteolin inhibited the Fcγ-dependent respiratory burst in immune complex-stimulated granulocytes and the autoantibody-induced dermal-epidermal separation in skin cryosections, but was not effective in suppressing the skin blistering in vivo. These studies establish a robust animal model that will be a useful tool for dissecting the mechanisms of blister formation and will facilitate the development of more effective therapeutic strategies for managing pemphigoid diseases

    Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Identification of Mycobacteria in Routine Clinical Practice

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    Background: Non-tuberculous mycobacteria recovered from respiratory tract specimens are emerging confounder organisms for the laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis worldwide. There is an urgent need for new techniques to rapidly identify mycobacteria isolated in clinical practice. Matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has previously been proven to effectively identify mycobacteria grown in high-concentration inocula from collections. However, a thorough evaluation of its use in routine laboratory practice has not been performed. Methodology: We set up an original protocol for the MALDI-TOF MS identification of heat-inactivated mycobacteria after dissociation in Tween-20, mechanical breaking of the cell wall and protein extraction with formic acid and acetonitrile. By applying this protocol to as few as 10 5 colony-forming units of reference isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, and 20 other Mycobacterium species, we obtained species-specific mass spectra for the creation of a local database. Using this database, our protocol enabled the identification by MALDI-TOF MS of 87 M. tuberculosis, 25M. avium and 12 non-tuberculosis clinical isolates with identification scores $2 within 2.5 hours. Conclusions: Our data indicate that MALDI-TOF MS can be used as a first-line method for the routine identification of heatinactivated mycobacteria. MALDI-TOF MS is an attractive method for implementation in clinical microbiology laboratories i