101 research outputs found

    Az osteoporosis jeleinek reprodukálhatósága panoráma röntgenfelvételeken

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    Az osteoporosis krónikus degeneratív betegség, amely főleg a postmenopausa időszakában lévő nőket érinti. Szakirodalmi adatok szerint a panoráma felvételeken meghatározható morfometriai és vizuális indexek eredményesen alkalmazhatók a betegség korai felismerésében. Klinikai vizsgálatunk célja panoráma röntgenfelvételeken elemezni a mandibula corticalis és panoráma felvételi osteoporosis-indexeinek kísérletes reprodukálhatóságát. A vizsgálatban 40 fogorvostan- hallgató és két egyetemi oktató vett részt, akik 50 osteoporosisos (átlagéletkor 65,1 ± 5,9 év) és 36 (66,4 ± 7,1 év) kontroll női páciens röntgenfelvételét elemezték azonos körülmények között. Az adatokat SPSS szoftver alkalmazásával értékeltük ki. A röntgenelemzést végzők között a corticalis index eredményeiben találtunk szignifikáns eltérést, más vonatkozásban az indexek reprodukálhatónak bizonyultak. A panoráma felvételeket meghatározott fogorvosi indikációval készítik, de amennyiben a fogorvos felismeri azokon az osteoporosis jeleit, a beteget szakrendelésre utalhatja, ahol megfelelő ellátásban részesíthetik

    1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Isatin-Derived Azomethine Ylides with 2H‐Azirines: Stereoselective Synthesis of 1,3- Diazaspiro[bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane]oxindoles

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    A regio- and diastereoselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of 2H-azirines with azomethine ylides generated in situ from isatins and α-amino acids has been elaborated, affording an unprecedented aziridine-fused spiro[imidazolidine-4,3′-oxindole] framework. This one-pot three-component reaction tolerates a wide range of substrates and enables the construction of highly diverse 1,3-diazaspiro[bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane]oxindoles in isolated yields up to 81% under mild conditions

    The role of pargasitic amphibole in the formation of major geophysical discontinuities in the shallow upper mantle

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    Several explanations have been proposed for variation in geophysical properties and depths to the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) and mid-lithospheric discontinuities (MLD). Here we investigate the proposal that the dehydration solidus of pargasitic amphibole-bearing upper mantle with very low bulk water (hundreds ppm) may be one of the main reasons for the observed geophysical anomalies. The pargasite dehydration solidus may be associated with a very small degree of partial melting in the upper mantle at temperatures and pressures in excess of 1050 °C (for geochemically more depleted) or 1100 °C (for geochemically more fertile upper mantle) and from 1 to 3 GPa (~ 30 to 90 km) respectively. This small amount of partial melt may be responsible for changes in geophysical properties (e.g. lower seismic velocity, higher attenuation of seismic waves, higher electrical conductivity) in association with the LAB and MLD. This simple petrologic model is tested on the abundant geophysical data of the Carpathian-Pannonian region (CPR), central Europe. The high resolution heat flow data available in the CPR allows us to estimate the depths to intersection of area specific depth-temperature curves with the dehydration solidus temperatures (1050 and 1100 °C isotherms). There is relatively small mismatch (< 5 km) between the position of these intersections and the geophysically determined LAB in the central area of the CPR. These observations lend support for the proposition that the dehydration solidus may be largely responsible for depth variation of the LAB in young continental rift areas. Towards the margins of the CPR, however, where the heat flow is lower (< ~ 70 mW/m2), the predictive capability of the dehydration solidus model deteriorates. This is because, for lower geothermal gradients, pargasitic amphibole breaks down at ~90 km (or ~ 3 GPa) before temperature exceeds the dehydration solidus temperatures. Consequently we should expect changes in geophysical properties attributable to hydrous silicate melt at ~90 km depth in areas where surface heat flow is lower (i.e. Precambrian cratonic shields, Phanerozoic continental lithospheres or, possibly older oceanic plates). Alternatively, in these areas, the intersection of the geotherm with pargasite breakdown may correlate with the MLD rather than the LAB, which is at deeper levels. A global review is also included to assess whether: 1) the position of the dehydration solidus temperatures in the upper mantle (~1050 and 1100 °C isotherms) could explain the origin of the LAB under younger oceanic plates with higher surface heat flow; 2) there is indeed global anomalies at ~90 km depth, which are often interpreted as MLDs, in older continental areas, older oceanic crust and cratons with lower surface heat flow

    In vivo imaging of Aminopeptidase N (CD13) receptors in experimental renal tumors using the novel radiotracer 68Ga-NOTA-c(NGR)

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    Purpose: Aminopeptidase N (APN/CD13) plays an important role in tumor neoangiogenic process and the development of metastases. Furthermore, it may serve as a potential target for cancer diagnosis and therapy. Previous studies have already shown that asparagine–glycine–arginine (NGR) peptides specifically bind to APN/CD13. The aim of the study was to synthesize and investigate the APN/CD13 specificity of a novel 68Ga-labeled NOTA-c(NGR) molecule in vivo using miniPET. Methods: c[KNGRE]-NH2 peptide was conjugated with p-SCN-Bn-NOTA and was labeled with Ga-68 (68Ga-NOTA-c(NGR)). Orthotopic and heterotopic transplanted mesoblastic nephroma (NeDe) bearing Fischer-344 rats were prepared, on which biodistribution studies and miniPET scans were performed for both 68Ga-NOTA-c(NGR) and amb3 integrin selective 68Ga-NODAGA-[c(RGD)]2 tracers. APN/CD13 receptor expression of NeDe tumors and metastases was analyzed by western blot. Results: 68Ga-NOTA-c(NGR) was produced with high specific activity (5.13–5.92 GBq/lmol) and with excellent radiochemical purity (95%<), at all cases. Biodistribution studies in normal rats showed that uptake of the 68Ga-NOTA-c(NGR) was significantly (p 6 0.05) lower in abdominal organs in comparison with 68Ga-NODAGA-[c(RGD)]2. Both radiotracers were mainly excreted from the kidney. In NeDe tumor bearing rats higher 68Ga-NOTA-c(NGR) accumulation was found in the tumors than that of the 68Ga-NODAGA-[ c(RGD)]2. Using orthotopic transplantation, metastases were developed which showed specific 68Ga-NOTA-c(NGR) uptake. Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of APN/CD13 expression in NeDe tumors and metastases

    Siketnémák és Vakok Oktatásügye 36 (1934) 03-04

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    A Siketnémák és Vakok Tanárai Országos Egyesületének hivatalos lapja és szakfolyóirata 36. évfolyam, 3-4. szám Budapest, 1934. Előzménye a "Magyar Siketnéma-Oktatás a siketnémák oktatásával foglalkozók szakközlönye". A lap 1=41. évfolyam 1. számától (1939) "Magyar gyógypedagógiai tanárok közlönye a Magyar Gyógypedagógiai Tanárok Országos Egyesületének hivatalos lapja és szakfolyóirata" cím alatt folytatódott

    Magyar Gyógypedagógia 15 (1927) 01-03

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    A Magyar Gyógypedagógiai Társaság folyóirata 15. évfolyam, 1-3. szám, Budapest, 1927. Havi folyóirat a fogyatékosok (siketnémák, vakok, szellemileg gyengék, beszédhibások, idegesek, epileptikusok és nyomorékok) ügyeinek tárgyalására. 1939-től beolvadt a Magyar gyógypedagógiai tanárok közlönyébe