4,055 research outputs found

    Direct detection of electron backscatter diffraction patterns.

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    We report the first use of direct detection for recording electron backscatter diffraction patterns. We demonstrate the following advantages of direct detection: the resolution in the patterns is such that higher order features are visible; patterns can be recorded at beam energies below those at which conventional detectors usefully operate; high precision in cross-correlation based pattern shift measurements needed for high resolution electron backscatter diffraction strain mapping can be obtained. We also show that the physics underlying direct detection is sufficiently well understood at low primary electron energies such that simulated patterns can be generated to verify our experimental data

    Dual ion beam deposition of carbon films with diamondlike properties

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    A single and dual ion beam system was used to generate amorphous carbon films with diamond like properties. A methane/argon mixture at a molar ratio of 0.28 was ionized in the low pressure discharge chamber of a 30-cm-diameter ion source. A second ion source, 8 cm in diameter was used to direct a beam of 600 eV Argon ions on the substrates (fused silica or silicon) while the deposition from the 30-cm ion source was taking place. Nuclear reaction and combustion analysis indicate H/C ratios for the films to be 1.00. This high value of H/C, it is felt, allowed the films to have good transmittance. The films were impervious to reagents which dissolve graphitic and polymeric carbon structures. Although the measured density of the films was approximately 1.8 gm/cu cm, a value lower than diamond, the films exhibited other properties that were relatively close to diamond. These films were compared with diamondlike films generated by sputtering a graphite target

    Natural Enemies of Cranberry Fruitworm, \u3ci\u3eAcrobasis Vaccinii\u3c/i\u3e, (Lepidoptera: Pyraudae) in Michigan Highbush Blueberries

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    A two-year study was conducted in Michigan highbush blueberries to determine the complex of parasitoids attacking cranberry fruitworm, Acrobasis vaccinii. Eight parasitoid species and one fungal pathogen were collected. Parasitism of collected hosts ranged from 6.6% to 28.1%. The more common larval parasitoid encountered was Campoletis patsuiketorum (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). The more common parasitoid recovered from fruitworm hibernacula was Villa lateralis (Diptera: Bombyliidae). This study documented six unreported natural enemies of cranberry fruitworm, including C. patsuiketorum; V. lateralis; Diadegma compressum (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae); Compsilura concinnata (Diptera: Tachinidae); Memorilla pyste (Diptera: Tachinidae); an undescribed Microtypus species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae); and a fungal pathogen, Paecilomyces near farinosus. This is the first known host association for the undescribed Microtypus species, and increases the known parasitoid complex of cranberry fruitworm to 17 species

    Path integral evaluation of equilibrium isotope effects

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    A general and rigorous methodology to compute the quantum equilibrium isotope effect is described. Unlike standard approaches, ours does not assume separability of rotational and vibrational motions and does not make the harmonic approximation for vibrations or rigid rotor approximation for the rotations. In particular, zero point energy and anharmonicity effects are described correctly quantum mechanically. The approach is based on the thermodynamic integration with respect to the mass of isotopes and on the Feynman path integral representation of the partition function. An efficient estimator for the derivative of free energy is used whose statistical error is independent of the number of imaginary time slices in the path integral, speeding up calculations by a factor of 60 at 500 K. We describe the implementation of the methodology in the molecular dynamics package Amber 10. The method is tested on three [1,5] sigmatropic hydrogen shift reactions. Because of the computational expense, we use ab initio potentials to evaluate the equilibrium isotope effects within the harmonic approximation, and then the path integral method together with semiempirical potentials to evaluate the anharmonicity corrections. Our calculations show that the anharmonicity effects amount up to 30% of the symmetry reduced reaction free energy. The numerical results are compared with recent experiments of Doering and coworkers, confirming the accuracy of the most recent measurement on 2,4,6,7,9-pentamethyl-5-(5,5-2^2H2_2)methylene-11,11a-dihydro-12H-naphthacene as well as concerns about compromised accuracy, due to side reactions, of another measurement on 2-methyl-10-(10,10-2^2H2_2)methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]dec-1-ene.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 6 table

    Simulation of Pasture Phase Options for Mixed Livestock and Cropping Enterprises

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    In southern Australia, 50% of grain-producing farms also run beef and/or sheep enterprises. Legume pasture leys are used to replace soil nitrogen and manage crop disease risks. Deep-rooted perennials, predominantly lucerne (Medicago sativa), are replacing annual Trifolium subterraneum-based leys to increase pasture production. They also have the environmental benefits of limiting soil acidity, rising water tables and dryland salinity. After recent droughts depletion of soil water by lucerne has penalised wheat yields. Decision support tools can help farmers evaluate the long-term effects of grazed annual and perennial leys on animal and crop production at the whole farm level

    Aging and aerobic fitness affect the contribution of noradrenergic sympathetic nerves to the rapid cutaneous vasodilator response to local heating

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    Sedentary aging results in a diminished rapid cutaneous vasodilator response to local heating. We investigated whether this diminished response was due to altered contributions of noradrenergic sympathetic nerves; assessing 1) the age-related decline and, 2) the effect of aerobic fitness. We measured skin blood flow (SkBF)(laser-Doppler flowmetry) in young (24±1 yr) and older (64±1 yr) endurance-trained and sedentary men (n=7 per group) at baseline and during 35 min of local skin heating to 42 °C at three forearm sites: 1) untreated; 2) bretylium tosylate (BT), preventing neurotransmitter release from noradrenergic sympathetic nerves; and 3) yohimbine and propranolol (YP), antagonising α- and β-adrenergic receptors. SkBF was converted to cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) (SkBF/mean arterial pressure) and normalized to maximal CVC (%CVCmax) achieved by skin heating to 44 °C. Pharmacological agents were administered using microdialysis. In the young trained, the rapid vasodilator response was reduced at the BT and YP sites (P0.05) but treatment with BT did (P>0.05). Neither BT nor YP treatments affected the rapid vasodilator response in the older sedentary group (P>0.05). These data suggest that the age-related reduction in the rapid vasodilator response is due to an impairment of sympathetic-dependent mechanisms, which can be partly attenuated with habitual aerobic exercise. Rapid vasodilation involves noradrenergic neurotransmitters in young trained men, and non-adrenergic sympathetic cotransmitters (e.g., neuropeptide Y) in young sedentary and older trained men, possibly as a compensatory mechanism. Finally, in older sedentary men, the rapid vasodilation appears not to involve the sympathetic system

    Eliciting public preferences for managing the public rights of way

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    Public Rights of Way (PROW) in England and Wales, provides a wide range of social and economic benefits to those other than owners of land. The protection and extension of PROW are an important way of encouraging people to engage in informal enjoyment of urban and rural areas, with beneficial consequences for health and welfare. In urban areas they provide networks of mobility and interaction for people at the community level, helping to reduce reliance on motorised transport. In the rural context they define access to the countryside, critically linked to recreation and tourism, as well as providing mobility networks for local residents. This study describes the use of a Choice Experiment (CE) to derive monetary estimates the social benefits of PROW in an English county.Choice Experiments, Public Rights of Way, Willingness to Pay, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Home versus hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation: A systematic review

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    Comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation has positive effects on many cardiac risk factors (physical activity, smoking status, cholesterol, anxiety and depression) and can lead to improvements in mortality, morbidity and quality of life. Most formal cardiac rehabilitation in the UK is offered within a hospital or centre setting, although this may not always be convenient or accessible for many cardiac patients, especially those in remote areas. The proportion of eligible patients who successfully complete a cardiac rehabilitation program remains low. There are many reasons for this but geographical isolation and transport issues are important. This systematic review examines the current evidence for home- versus hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation. Home-based cardiac rehabilitation offers greater accessibility to cardiac rehabilitation and has the potential to increase uptake. While there have been fewer studies of home-based cardiac rehabilitation, the available data suggest that it has comparable results to hospital-based programs. Many of these studies are small and heterogeneous in terms of interventions but home-based cardiac rehabilitation appears both safe and effective. Available evidence suggests that it results in longer lasting maintenance of physical activity levels compared with hospital-based rehabilitation and is equally effective in improving cardiac risk factors. Furthermore, it has the potential to be a more cost-effective intervention for patients who cannot easily access their local centre or hospital. Currently home-based cardiac rehabilitation is not offered routinely to all patients but it appears to have the potential to increase uptake in patients who are unable, or less likely, to attend more traditional hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation programs

    Charge Screening by Internal pH and Polyvalent Cations as a Mechanism for Activation, Inhibition, and Rundown of TRPM7/MIC Channels

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    The Mg2+-inhibited cation (MIC) current, believed to represent activity of TRPM7 channels, is found in lymphocytes and mast cells, cardiac and smooth muscle, and several other eukaryotic cell types. MIC current is activated during whole-cell dialysis with divalent-free internal solutions. Millimolar concentrations of intracellular Mg2+ (or other divalent metal cations) inhibit the channels in a voltage-independent manner. The nature of divalent inhibition and the mechanism of channel activation in an intact cell remain unknown. We show that the polyamines (spermine, spermidine, and putrescine) inhibit the MIC current, also in a voltage-independent manner, with a potency that parallels the number of charges. Neomycin and poly-lysine also potently inhibited MIC current in the absence of Mg2+. These same positively charged ions inhibited IRK1 current in parallel with MIC current, suggesting that they probably act by screening the head group phosphates on PIP2 and other membrane phospholipids. In agreement with this hypothesis, internal protons also inhibited MIC current. By contrast, tetramethylammonium, tetraethylammonium, and hexamethonium produced voltage-dependent block but no inhibition. We show that inhibition by internal polyvalent cations can be relieved by alkalinizing the cytosol using externally applied ammonium or by increasing pH in inside-out patches. Furthermore, in perforated-patch and cell-attached recordings, when intracellular Mg2+ is not depleted, endogenous MIC or recombinant TRPM7 currents are activated by cytosolic alkalinization and inhibited by acidification; and they can be reactivated by PIP2 following rundown in inside-out patches. We propose that MIC (TRPM7) channels are regulated by a charge screening mechanism and may function as sensors of intracellular pH