11 research outputs found

    Leveraging Zebrafish to Study Retinal Degenerations

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    Retinal degenerations are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by death of photoreceptors and progressive loss of vision. Retinal degenerations are a major cause of blindness in developed countries (Bourne et al., 2017; De Bode, 2017) and currently have no cure. In this review, we will briefly review the latest advances in therapies for retinal degenerations, highlighting the current barriers to study and develop therapies that promote photoreceptor regeneration in mammals. In light of these barriers, we present zebrafish as a powerful model to study photoreceptor regeneration and their integration into retinal circuits after regeneration. We outline why zebrafish is well suited for these analyses and summarize the powerful tools available in zebrafish that could be used to further uncover the mechanisms underlying photoreceptor regeneration and rewiring. In particular, we highlight that it is critical to understand how rewiring occurs after regeneration and how it differs from development. Insights derived from photoreceptor regeneration and rewiring in zebrafish may provide leverage to develop therapeutic targets to treat retinal degenerations

    Retinoid isomerase inhibitors impair but do not block mammalian cone photoreceptor function

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    Visual function in vertebrates critically depends on the continuous regeneration of visual pigments in rod and cone photoreceptors. RPE65 is a well-established retinoid isomerase in the pigment epithelium that regenerates rhodopsin during the rod visual cycle; however, its contribution to the regeneration of cone pigments remains obscure. In this study, we use potent and selective RPE65 inhibitors in rod- and cone-dominant animal models to discern the role of this enzyme in cone-mediated vision. We confirm that retinylamine and emixustat-family compounds selectively inhibit RPE65 over DES1, the putative retinoid isomerase of the intraretinal visual cycle. In vivo and ex vivo electroretinography experiments in Gnat1-/- mice demonstrate that acute administration of RPE65 inhibitors after a bleach suppresses the late, slow phase of cone dark adaptation without affecting the initial rapid portion, which reflects intraretinal visual cycle function. Acute administration of these compounds does not affect the light sensitivity of cone photoreceptors in mice during extended exposure to background light, but does slow all phases of subsequent dark recovery. We also show that cone function is only partially suppressed in cone-dominant ground squirrels and wild-type mice by multiday administration of an RPE65 inhibitor despite profound blockade of RPE65 activity. Complementary experiments in these animal models using the DES1 inhibitor fenretinide show more modest effects on cone recovery. Collectively, these studies demonstrate a role for continuous RPE65 activity in mammalian cone pigment regeneration and provide further evidence for RPE65-independent regeneration mechanisms

    Melanopsin-expressing amphioxus photoreceptors transduce light via a phospholipase C signaling cascade

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    Β© The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS One 7 (2012): e29813, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029813.Melanopsin, the receptor molecule that underlies light sensitivity in mammalian β€˜circadian’ receptors, is homologous to invertebrate rhodopsins and has been proposed to operate via a similar signaling pathway. Its downstream effectors, however, remain elusive. Melanopsin also expresses in two distinct light-sensitive cell types in the neural tube of amphioxus. This organism is the most basal extant chordate and can help outline the evolutionary history of different photoreceptor lineages and their transduction mechanisms; moreover, isolated amphioxus photoreceptors offer unique advantages, because they are unambiguously identifiable and amenable to single-cell physiological assays. In the present study whole-cell patch clamp recording, pharmacological manipulations, and immunodetection were utilized to investigate light transduction in amphioxus photoreceptors. A Gq was identified and selectively localized to the photosensitive microvillar membrane, while the pivotal role of phospholipase C was established pharmacologically. The photocurrent was profoundly depressed by IP3 receptor antagonists, highlighting the importance of IP3 receptors in light signaling. By contrast, surrogates of diacylglycerol (DAG), as well as poly-unsaturated fatty acids failed to activate a membrane conductance or to alter the light response. The results strengthen the notion that calcium released from the ER via IP3-sensitive channels may fulfill a key role in conveying - directly or indirectly - the melanopsin-initiated light signal to the photoconductance; moreover, they challenge the dogma that microvillar photoreceptors and phoshoinositide-based light transduction are a prerogative of invertebrate eyes.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation of the USA (grant 0918930)

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    This folder has four matlab .mat files. This should contain raw data for Figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. It isn't all data for all the figures, but there is example data for those. flash_responses.mat has data from all of Fig 1 and parts of Figs. 2 and 5; sbc_examples.mat has data for figure 6; cellular_noise.mat has data for figure 7; cone_linear_filters.mat has data from figure 4. Readme file is in the folder

    Data from: S-cone photoreceptors in the primate retina are functionally distinct from L and M cones

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    Daylight vision starts with signals in three classes of cone photoreceptors sensitive to short (S), middle (M), and long (L) wavelengths. Psychophysical studies show that perceptual sensitivity to rapidly varying inputs differs for signals originating in S cones versus L and M cones; notably, S-cone signals appear perceptually delayed relative to L- and M-cone signals. These differences could originate in the cones themselves or in the post-cone circuitry. To determine if the cones could contribute to these and related perceptual phenomena, we compared the light responses of primate S, M, and L cones. We found that S cones generate slower light responses than L and M cones, show much smaller changes in response kinetics as background-light levels increase, and are noisier than L and M cones. It will be important to incorporate these differences into descriptions of how cone signaling shapes human visual perception