244 research outputs found

    Introduction to monograph on observational data analysis

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    In our introduction, we express our gratitude to Anales de Psicología for publishing this monograph, which embodies many of the achievements that have been made in observational data analysis over the past quarter of a century. Scientific production in the area of observational methodology has improved both quantitatively and qualitatively over this period, helping to overcome the negative perceptions perpetuated by critics who viewed it as a merely descriptive methodology. Another source of satisfaction is the growing interest in the study of everyday behavior from multiple angles and perspectives, and the methodological advances that have paved the way for even further developments. Thanks to this progress, the publication and dissemination of research grounded in observational methodology has reached satisfactory levels. The introduction concludes with a brief description of the articles included in the monograph

    Movement Notation Revisited: Syntax of the Common Morphokinetic Alphabet (CMA) System

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    Advances in the study of non-verbal behavior and communication have generated a need for movement transcription systems capable of incorporating continuous developments in visual and computer technology. Our research team has been working on the construction of a common morphokinetic alphabet (CMA) for the systematic observation of daily life activities. The project, which was launched several years ago, was designed to create a system for describing and analyzing body motion expression, physical activity, and physical appearance. In this paper, we describe an idiosyncratic application of Noam Chomsky's phrase marker grammar to the morphokinetic phrase, the objective being to establish the grammatical rules and basic order of the symbol string according to a relational tree formed by the breakdown of the syntactic components identified as structuring the visual description of movement. Criteria for using the CMA as a coding system and a free transcription system are proposed

    Avaluació en la intervenció psicopedagògica

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    Presentem una síntesi de l'estat de la qüestió en avaluació, concepte d'àmplia cobertura conceptual, diferenciant entre els dos grans models avaluatius d'avaluació del rendiment o de les capacitats dels alumnes, i l'avaluació de programes. De cada un es presenten sintèticament els trets bàsics diferenciadors. El treball conclou amb una perspectiva relativa al futur de l'avaluació, marcada pel llarg debat metodològic que s'està propiciant des d'èpoques llunyanes, caracteritzat per un enfrontament, que moltes vegades ha estat radical, entre els vessants qualitatiu i quantitatiu. Entenem que aquest antagonisme ha de superar-se definitivament a partir de la complementarietat metodològica, que està demostrant ser altament eficaç i prometedora

    incidencia de los mixed methods en comunicación humana: rigor en la integración cualitativo-cuantitativo

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    En muchas de las situaciones de interacción social (enfermoshospitalizados, formaciónde padres, régimen penitenciario, situciones escolares de aprendizaje, centros de adicciones, etc.) se producen continuadamente actoscomunicativosd e muy diferentes tipos y formatos(que pueden ser interindividuales, de persona con grupo, entre grupos, etc.), y en todos ellos nos puede resultar interesante conocer mejor su continuidad, intensidad, fluidez, regularidad, espontaneidad, intereses, ejecuciónde roles, etc. En esta conferencia abordamos nuevas perspectivas metodológicas que permiten analizar los flujos de comunicación mencionados.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    To the search for regular structures in observational analyses in soccer : determination of temporal patterns

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    El análisis tradicional del fútbol se ha centrado habitualmente en el uso de análisis estadísticos y representaciones gráficas que aportan información acerca de la frecuencia, distribución espacial de los pases de los jugadores, tiros a puerta, o estilos de defensa,por mencionar algunos ejemplos. Pero el rendimiento de los jugadores resulta de estrategias y tácticas que se corresponden con los patrones de conducta que se repiten a lo largo de un partido. En este artículo se propone la detección de patrones emporales mediante la utilización del programa informático THÈME, una vez se ha efectuado previamente el registro de las correspondientes situaciones de juego (partidos) utilizando el frame como unidad de tiempo convencional. El número, frecuencia y complejidad de los patrones detectados indican que la conducta de los jugadores de fútbol es mucho más estructurada de lo que parece a simple vista. Los patrones que se pueden obtener permiten diferenciar diversos niveles de estructuras temporales complejas que se extienden a lo largo de los períodos de tiempo observados. Conventional soccer analysis focuses mostly on elementary statistics and field plots that provide information about, for example, the frequency and spatial distribution of player’s passes, shots on goal, and defence style. But the performance of soccer players is often guided by strategies and tactics that result in repeated patterns of behavior. In this paper we propose the detection of T-patterns through the use of THÈME software, and later of the record of soccer games using frames as conventional units of time. The number, frequency and complexity of patterns detected indicates that behaviour of soccer players is much more structured that the human eye can detect. This patterning was found to exist on different levels with highly complex time structures extending over considerably long time periods.Actividad Física y Deport

    La metodología observacional en el ámbito del deporte

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    En este trabajo se realiza una revisión del concepto, de los principales trabajos y del protocolo metodológico (herramientas de observación -sistemas de categorías y formatos de campo- y programas de codificación, etc.) que debe seguir una investigación desarrollada desde la perspectiva de la Metodología Observacional. Recoge uno de los aspectos novedosos dentro de esta metodología,los diseños observacional donde el grupo de investigación de los autores ha trabajado en los últimos veinte años. Se recoge el procedimiento de análisis de calidad del dato y de análisis de datos. Quedan apuntadas las últimas tendencias metodológicas en esta área como los Mixed Methods. This paper reviews the conceptual framework, the key literature and the methods (observation tools,such as category systems and field formats, and coding software, etc.) that should be followed when conducting research from the perspective of observational methodology. The observational designs used by the authors' research group over the last twenty years are discussed, and the procedures for analysing data and assessing their quality are described. Mention is also made of the latest methodological trends in this field, such as the use of mixed methods

    Observation of interactions in adolescent group therapy: A mixed methods study

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    Group psychotherapy is a useful clinical practice for adolescents with mental health issues. Groups typically consist of young people of similar ages but with different personalities, and this results in a complex communication network. The goal of group psychoanalytic psychotherapy is to improve participants' mentalization abilities, facilitating interactions between peers and their therapist in a safe, containing environment. The main aim of this study was to analyze conversation turn-taking between a lead therapist, a co-therapist, and six adolescents over the course of 24 treatment sessions divided into four blocks over 8 months. We employed a mixed-methods design based on systematic observation, which we consider to be a mixed method itself, as the qualitative data collected in the initial observation phase is transformed into quantitative data and subsequently interpreted qualitatively with the aid of clinical vignettes. The observational methodology design was nomothetic, follow-up, and multidimensional. The choice of methodology is justified as we used an ad-hoc observation instrument combining a field format and a category system. Interobserver agreement was analyzed quantitatively by Cohen's kappa using the free QSEQ5 software program. Once we had confirmed the reliability of the data, these were analyzed by polar coordinate analysis, which is a powerful data reduction technique that provides a vector representation of relationships between categories. The results show significant relationships between the therapist and (1) the activation of turn-taking by the participants and the co-therapist and silence and (2) conversation-facilitating interventions and interventions designed to improve mentalization abilities. Detailed analysis of questions demonstrating interest in others showed how the communication changed from radial interactions stemming from the therapist at the beginning of therapy to circular interactions half way through. Repetition was found to be a powerful conversation facilitator. The results also illustrate the role of the therapist, who (1) did not facilitate interventions by all participants equally, (2) encouraged turn-taking from more inhibited members of the group, (3) stimulated conversation from the early stages of therapy, and (4) favored mentalization toward the end. Despite its complexity, polar coordinate analysis produces easy-to-interpret results in the form of vector maps

    Metodología observacional y psicología del deporte : estado de la cuestión

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    En este trabajo se realiza un análisis en perspectiva de la trayectoria de la Metodología Observacional en el devenir de la Psicología del Deporte. La crisis de la Psicología Social implica un cambio metodológico hacia la observación, esta situación es recogida por los trabajos pioneros de Martens y supone su consolidación. En la última década se ha producido un avance considerable, materializado y consolidado por un desarrollo emergente de diferentes aspectos procedimentales de la Metodologia Observacional (diseños, instrumentos de observación, programas informáticos de registro, etc.) en Psicologia del Deporte, y en las más diversas modalidades (fútbol, balonmano, baloncesto, hockey, natación, tenis, judo, actividad física, atletismo, etc.). Nos hallamos en la actualidad en un momento que consideramos crucial para que sigan fructificando los nuevos avances metodológicos, desde un planteamiento flexible y abierto, en la multiplicidad de perspectivas perceptibles que se plantean en la Psicología del Deporte.This paper examines the evolution of the observational methodology in developments in sports psychology. As noted in Martens' pioneering work, the crisis in social psychology has seen a shift towards observation, an approach that has now become well established. Indeed, considerable advances have been made over the last decade, with different elements of the observational methodology (designs, observational instruments, data recording software etc.) being increasingly applied in the context of sports psychology and in various sporting disciplines (soccer, handball, basketball, hockey, swimming, tennis, judo, physical exercise, athletics etc.). This situation is crucial in the development of these new methodological approaches, and we need to ensure that they continue to bear fruit and can be applied in an open flexible way to the wide range of perspectives that characterize the field of sports psychology.Neste trabalho realiza-se uma análise na perspectiva da trajectória da Metodologia Observacional no âmbito da Psicologia do Desporto. A crise da Psicologia Social implica uma mudança metodológica no que respeita à observação, sendo esta suportada nos trabalhos pioneiros de Martens e que pressupõe a sua consolidação. Na última década registou-se um progresso considerável, materializado e consolidado pelo desenvolvimento emergente de diferentes aspectos procedimentais da Metodologia Observacional (delineamentos, instrumentos de observação, programas informáticos de registo, etc.) em Psicologia do Desporto, e nas mais diversas modalidades (futebol, andebol, basquetebol, hóquei, natação, ténis, judo, actividade física, atletismo, etc.). Encontramo-nos na actualidade num momento que consideramos crucial para que continuem a frutificar novos avanços metodológicos, a partir de um planeamento flexível e aberto, na multiplicidade de perspectivas perceptíveis que se verificam na Psicologia do Desporto