143 research outputs found

    Acute Diarrhea with Mild to Moderate Dehydration E.c Viral Infection

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    Diarrhea is a public health problem in developing countries, such as Indonesia, because of its high morbidity and mortality. Diarrhea is defined as an increasing of defecation frequency more than 3 times per day in infants or children, with liquifying of stool consistency with or without mucus and blood, which is occured less than one week. It was a case report study taken from Abdul Moeloek general hospital in October 2013. An 1 year 4 months boy came with watery diarrhea about 6 times defecation in a day and vomiting more than 10 times, since 12 hours before hospital admission. The physical examination, was founded moderate general state, compos mentis, 36,8°C of body temperature, 30 times/minutes respiratory rate. The pulse 140 beats/minutes, the eyes looked concave, skin turgor returned slowly and increased of bowel peristaltic. The complete blood count founded leucocytosis and no bacteria in stool examination. The patient was diagnosed as acute diarrhea with mild to moderate dehydration e.c viral infection. The pharmacology therapy of this patient was intravenous fluid of KAEN 3A XX gutatae per minutes, zinc sulfate syrup 20mg/5ml per day for 10 days, ibuprofen syrup 100mg/5ml 3 times a day and 1 sachet oralit in 200 ml drinking water in each defecation

    A study of Pagu proverbs: Saving an endangered language of North Halmahera

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    Pagu is an endangered  Non-Austronesian  language spoken  in North Halmahera, Indonesia. This research is an endeavor to save the language specifically through documenting and studying its proverbs in order to reveal the linguistic patterns and meanings of these proverbs. A mixed qualitative and quantitative method is applied to see their structure and characteristics (Angouri, 2010; Rasinger, 2010). It presents a number of stylistic and structural features of Pagu proverbs based on the preliminary research of 2012-2014 (D. Perangin-Angin, 2013) and recent online communication with one of the Pagu  community leaders. The findings show that, first, metaphor and simile are the most common features in Pagu proverbs that function to express politeness through indirectness (Brown Levinson, 1987; Thomas, 2014). Second, structurally it was found out that Pagu proverbs do not follow the typical Europeans structure such as relationships between elements (Dundes, 1975), number of clause, types of sentences (Mac Coinnigh, 2015), and types of figurative languages (e.g. Eaglestone, 2000). But rather, Pagu proverbs vary in different structures that intend to express the Pagu culture and thought namely indirect politeness

    The Role of Young Entrepreneurs in Encouraging the Indonesian Economy to Improve National Development

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    The emergence of young entrepreneurs and the involvement of the active role of entrepreneurs are alternative solutions to the problem of unemployment. Young entrepreneurs have functional roles and strategic positions in accelerating national development. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview, analysis and discussion of the role of young entrepreneurs in the Indonesian economy and development. The approach used in this paper by using the perspective of national interest and the method used in this paper is a qualitative analysis method. In the role of young entrepreneurs, there are at least three main things that are important discussions, namely important discussions, namely the government's steps to encourage the active role of young entrepreneurs through efforts to create new young entrepreneurs and maximize the role of young entrepreneurs. The second is efforts to develop and empower young entrepreneurs, including contributions and partnerships with organizations and local governments. And the third is regarding the active role of young entrepreneurs in increasing national economic development. Easy entrepreneurs act as innovators whose duties and activities play a role in finding and carrying out reform tasks, planning in formulating business operating guidelines and playing a role in facing challenges risks, as leaders who have a vision of development goals. , as a systematic and strategic decision making in facing the challenges of change as well as acting as a liaison that establishes harmonious, collaborative relations, both internally and externally in an effort to contribute to national development


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    Objective: The goal of this study was to determine the antihyperglycemic, antioxidant as well as pancreas regeneration effects of ethanol extracts of Nigella sativa L. seeds in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.Methods: The male Wistar rats were induced by intraperitoneal injection of alloxan (150 mg/kg bw). N. sativa seeds extract was prepared and orally administrated at the dose of 125 and 250 mg/kg bw for 28 d. Blood glucose level was measured, and antioxidant status was determined by the activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase as well as malonyl aldehyde in liver. Histopathological and immunohistochemistry study of the pancreas was conducted at the end of the experimental period. The data obtained were analyzed by one-way ANOVA (p<0.05).Results: Both doses of N. sativa seeds extract showed the glucose lowering effect and corrected antioxidant status of diabetic animals in liver. N. sativa seeds extract dose of 250 mg/kg decreased blood glucose levels and malonyl aldehyde, as well as increased the activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, more effective than a dose of 125 mg/kg. Immunohistopathology profiles proved the pancreas regeneration activity of N. sativa seeds extract, based on the enhanced of diameter and amount of Langerhans islet cells.Conclusion: N. sativa seeds extract dose of 125 and 250 mg/kg showed antihyperglycemic effect, enhanced antioxidant activity, as well as pancreas regeneration from organ damage on an alloxan-induced diabetic rat.Keywords: Nigella sativa L. seed extract, Antihyperglycemic, Antioxidant, Pancreas regeneratio


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    Pengadukan (mixing) merupakan suatu aktivitas operasi pencampuran dua atau lebih zat agar diperoleh hasil campuran yang homogen. Pada media fase cair, pengadukan ditujukan untuk memperoleh keadaan yang turbulen (bergolak). Perancangan Mesin mixer dengan menggunakan eleman pemanas ditujukan untuk pengadukan jenis bahan Thernoplastik antara campuran LDPE dan Remafin Blue. Pererencanan Mixer ini meliputi perencanaan motor penggerak, perencaan sabuk, roda gigi, elemen pengaduk, elemen pemanas, sistem inlusin pada bejana aduk dan kelistrikan. daya pengaduk ¼ Hp putaran 2800 rpm dan perbandingan transmisi roda gigi 1;10 menjadikan putaran maksimal 280 rpm. Elemen pemanas yang dipakai jenis stripe Heater dengan daya 2400 watt menghasilkan temperatur maksimal 300o C. LDPE adalah sejenis bahan thermoplast dengan suhu didih sekitar 115 -120 o C. bahan ini akan diaduk/ dicampurkan dengan remafin blue sebagai pewarna bahan plastik. Pengadukan dilakukan ketika bahan telah dicairakan terlebih dahulu. Dengan kapasitas dari mixer 6,9 liter

    Pengaruh Informasi Kinerja Incumbent Terhadap Partisipasi Pemilih Milenial Dalam Pilkada Medan 2020

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan karena telah terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada tingkat partisipasi dalam Pilkada langsung Walikota Kota Medan tahun 2020 setelah lima belas tahun mengalami penurunan partisipasi. Kandidat pesaing Bobby Afif Nasution yang merupakan generasi milenial dan menantu Presiden Joko Widodo berhasil mengalahkan petahana Akhyar Nasution dengan selisih 46,55% dan Bobby menang 53,45%. Peningkatan tingkat partisipasi yang signifikan ini merupakan fenomena baru dalam sejarah Pilkada Kota Medan yang patut untuk ditelaah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kinerja incumbent terhadap partisipasi milenial dalam Pilkada Kota Medan 2020 dengan menggunakan teori perilaku pemilih rasional Anthony Downs (1957). Penelitian ini menggunakan survei, sebagai salah satu jenis metode kuantitatif, menggunakan sampel sebanyak 204 responden dengan tingkat kepercayaan 93% dan Margin of Error (MoE) 7%. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab peningkatan partisipasi pemilih dan kekalahan petahana adalah pengetahuan dan evaluasi kinerja petahana di sektor infrastruktur yang dianggap buruk oleh milenial dalam Pilkada Kota Medan 2020 dengan hasil nilai chi square sebesar 0,020 sebagai indikator pertama, 0,022 sebagai indikator kedua dan 0,003 sebagai indikator ketiga. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap teori yang digunakan. Dalam teori perilaku pemilih rasional, faktor kinerja incumbent menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan dan signifikan pada Pilkada Medan 2020. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab peningkatan partisipasi pemilih dan kekalahan petahana adalah pengetahuan dan evaluasi kinerja petahana di sektor infrastruktur yang dianggap buruk oleh milenial dalam Pilkada Kota Medan 2020 dengan hasil nilai chi square sebesar 0,020 sebagai indikator pertama, 0,022 sebagai indikator kedua dan 0,003 sebagai indikator ketiga. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap teori yang digunakan. Dalam teori perilaku pemilih rasional, faktor kinerja incumbent menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan dan signifikan pada Pilkada Medan 2020. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab peningkatan partisipasi pemilih dan kekalahan petahana adalah pengetahuan dan evaluasi kinerja petahana di sektor infrastruktur yang dianggap buruk oleh milenial pada Pilkada langsung Kota Medan 2020 dengan hasil nilai chi square sebesar 0,020 sebagai indikator pertama, 0,022 sebagai indikator kedua dan 0,003 sebagai indikator ketiga. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap teori yang digunakan. Dalam teori perilaku pemilih rasional, faktor kinerja incumbent menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan dan signifikan pada Pilkada Medan 2020. Kinerja sektor infrastruktur yang dinilai kurang baik oleh kaum milenial pada Pilkada Kota Medan 2020 dengan hasil nilai chi square 0,020 sebagai indikator pertama, 0,022 sebagai indikator kedua dan 0,003 sebagai indikator ketiga. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap teori yang digunakan. Dalam teori perilaku pemilih rasional, faktor kinerja incumbent menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan dan signifikan pada Pilkada Medan 2020. Kinerja sektor infrastruktur yang dinilai kurang baik oleh kaum milenial pada Pilkada Kota Medan 2020 dengan hasil nilai chi square 0,020 sebagai indikator pertama, 0,022 sebagai indikator kedua dan 0,003 sebagai indikator ketiga. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap teori yang digunakan. Dalam teori perilaku pemilih rasional, faktor kinerja incumbent menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan dan signifikan pada Pilkada Medan 2020

    Analisis Kesulitan Guru dalam Melaksanakan Penilaian Autentik pada Kurikulum 2013 di SDN 104208 Cinta Rakyat

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    Along with the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, many changes occurred in the learning components, especially in the assessment system, which in the 2013 curriculum is known as authentic assessment. Authentic assessment emphasizes activity-based learning that covers aspects of attitude, cognitive and psychomotor. The implementation of authentic assessments in the field is still not running as it should. There are still many teachers who have difficulty in carrying out authentic assessments in schools due to several factors. This study aims to describe the difficulties of teachers in carrying out authentic assessments in the 2013 curriculum at SD Negeri 104208 Cinta Rakyat. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and documentation. The sample in this research is a VB grade teacher at SD Negeri 104208 Cinta Rakyat. The data analysis technique uses interactive model data analysis techniques. Based on the results of data analysis, the results of the study show that there are several difficulties experienced by teachers in carrying out authentic assessments in the 2013 curriculum including (1) Incompatibility of the assessment rubrics in the teacher's book with current learning (2) Lack of improvisation in using assessment instruments ( 3) The problem of time constraints. The teacher's efforts/solutions to overcome the difficulties of authentic assessment are; (1) the teacher continues to carry out all the assessments in the teacher's book which includes the attitude domain, cognitive domain and pricomotor domain, (2) the teacher conducts discussions with fellow teachers at the school and the teacher practices to vary the existing attitude assessment, (3) teachers practice to pay more attention to how to manage time well so that the implementation of the assessment can be more optimal by dividing the days in conducting this authentic assessment

    The Representation of Culture in “Bumi Manusia” Novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer

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    Critical discourse analysis is a view of language in discourse analysis that views powers as always involved in forming subjects represented in language. The AWK model used in this paper is Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis. Critical discourse analysis, which generally analyzes media texts, can also be used to analyze literary works, including novels. The novel analyzed by Norman Fairclough’s discourse analysis is the novel Bumi Manusia by Manusiaya Ananta Toer. Norman Fairclough’s discourse analysis examines text, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice. The three aspects of Norman Fairclough’s discourse analysis can be answered through the descriptive method text section the researcher can find three basic elements in the Norman Fairclough model, namely elements of representation, relations, and identity in the novel Bumi Manusia. Meanwhile, this paper will only discuss one element, namely representation. The result of this research is that culture is found in the text of the novel Bumi Manusia, in the form of daily behavior, language, clothes, to the names that appear in the text of the novel. In the text of the Bumi Manusia novel, there are also several cultures, not only Indonesian culture but, there is also Dutch culture by the contents of the story or synopsis of the novel describes indigenous life side by side with the Dutch

    Regulatory T Cells Expanded from Hiv-1-Infected Individuals Maintain Phenotype, Tcr Repertoire and Suppressive Capacity

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    While modulation of regulatory T cell (Treg) function and adoptive Treg transfer are being explored as therapeutic modalities in the context of autoimmune diseases, transplantation and cancer, their role in HIV-1 pathogenesis remains less well defined. Controversy persists regarding their beneficial or detrimental effects in HIV-1 disease, which warrants further detailed exploration. Our objectives were to investigate if functional CD4+ Tregs can be isolated and expanded from HIV-1-infected individuals for experimental or potential future therapeutic use and to determine phenotype and suppressive capacity of expanded Tregs from HIV-1 positive blood and tissue. Tregs and conventional T cell controls were isolated from blood and gut-associated lymphoid tissue of individuals with HIV-1 infection and healthy donors using flow-based cell-sorting. The phenotype of expanded Tregs was assessed by flow-cytometry and quantitative PCR. T-cell receptor ß-chain (TCR-β) repertoire diversity was investigated by deep sequencing. Flow-based T-cell proliferation and chromium release cytotoxicity assays were used to determine Treg suppressive function. Tregs from HIV-1 positive individuals, including infants, were successfully expanded from PBMC and GALT. Expanded Tregs expressed high levels of FOXP3, CTLA4, CD39 and HELIOS and exhibited a highly demethylated TSDR (Treg-specific demethylated region), characteristic of Treg lineage. The TCRß repertoire was maintained following Treg expansion and expanded Tregs remained highly suppressive in vitro. Our data demonstrate that Tregs can be expanded from blood and tissue compartments of HIV-1+ donors with preservation of Treg phenotype, function and TCR repertoire. These results are highly relevant for the investigation of potential future therapeutic use, as currently investigated for other disease states and hold great promise for detailed studies on the role of Tregs in HIV-1 infection.Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (Pediatric HIV Vaccine Program Award MV-00-9-900-1429-0-00)Massachusetts General Hospital. Executive Committee on Research (MGH/ECOR Physician Scientist Development Award)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH NIAID (KO8 AI074405))National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH NIAID AI074405-03S1)Massachusetts General Hospital (William F. Milton Fund)Harvard University. Center for AIDS Research (CFAR Scholar Award)Massachusetts General Hospital. Center for the Study Inflammatory Bowel Disease (P30DK043351)Harvard University. Center for AIDS Research (NIH funded program (5P30AI060354-09