744 research outputs found

    Prototype resupply scheduler

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    Resupply scheduling for the Space Station presents some formidable logistics problems. One of the most basic problems is assigning supplies to a series of shuttle resupply missions. A prototype logistics expert system which constructs resupply schedules was developed. This prototype is able to reconstruct feasible resupply plans. In addition, analysts can use the system to evaluate the impact of adding, deleting or modifying launches, cargo space, experiments, etc

    What ABOUT the book? Google-izing the Catalog with Tables of Contents

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    Animal holocausts

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    How to do Things with Green Culture

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    A review of Adrian Parr's Hijacking Sustainability (MIT Press, 2009) and Richard Maxwell and Toby Miller's Greening the Media (OUP, 2012)

    Digital Collections Master Plan - 2010

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    This is an update to our 2006 master plan for Digital Assets Management

    Plastics packaging waste management and regulations Turkey versus Europe

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    Plastics are used almost everywhere and making our lives much easier thanks to their multiple functionalities. However, due to inadequate production and recycling methods, millions tons of plastic litter are ending up in the earth and oceans every year. The European Union is taking necessary actions to make an impact and to be able to overcome that problem. In 2015, the EU Commission adopted an ‘Action Plan’ for a circular economy of plastics. In 2017, the EU Commission declared another goal of ensuring all plastic packagings will be recyclable by 2030. In comparison to the EU, as a big contributor of plastics waste in the region, Turkey’s actions were also wondered and so, Turkish plastics waste management system and related regulations have been examined, as well as the European Union’s. Primarily, it has been investigated that the current Turkish waste management regulations are mostly compatible with the European Union ones, as Turkey is adapting its regulations according to the EU requirements. The significant difference between the examined Turkish and the EU regulations was the recycling target ratios for plastic packagings. While Turkish regulation on management of packaging waste was obliged to recyclate min 54% (until 2020) of the plastic packaging waste, the mandatory ratio according to the EU’s packaging waste directive was only 22.5% (until 2025). According to the latest data reached, Turkey was recycling 54% of its total plastic packaging waste occurred in 2017 which was equal to the given target. On the other hand, the EU was recycling 40.8% of its total plastic packaging waste occurred in 2016 and that was much higher than their given target ratio. By considering only the recent ‘plastic packagings waste’ recycling ratios, it can be interpreted that Turkey’s recycling performance is better than the EU average. However, considering both current Turkish and the EU’s plastics waste management practices and results, even though there are good plans for the future, it can be concluded that their recent systems are not sustainable and not adequate enough to solve plastics waste problem in our territory everlastingly.Os plásticos são usados em quase todo o lado e facilitam muito a nossa vida graças às suas múltiplas funcionalidades. No entanto, devido a métodos inadequados de produção e reciclagem, milhões de toneladas de resíduos plásticos acabam na terra e nos oceanos cada ano. A União Europeia está a tomar as medidas necessárias conseguir superar esse problema. Em 2015, a Comissão Europeis adotou um "Plano de Ação" para uma economia circular de plásticos. Em 2017, a Comissão Europeia declarou outra meta: garantir que todas as embalagens de plástico sejam recicláveis até 2030. Em comparação com a UE, sendo a Turquia um grande contribuinte de resíduos plásticos na região, as suas ações também foram questionadas, sendo que tanto o sistema turco de gestão de resíduos de plástico como os regulamentos afins foram examinados, assim como os da União Europeia. Primeiramente, verificou-se que os atuais regulamentos turcos de gestão de resíduos são em grande parte compatíveis com os da União Europeia, já que a Turquia está adaptando suas regulamentações de acordo com os requisitos da UE. A diferença significativa entre as regulamentações turcas examinadas e as regulamentações da UE foi o objetivo relativo à taxa de reciclagem para embalagens de plástico. Embora a regulamentação turca sobre a gestão de resíduos de embalagens tenha como meta reciclar 54% (até 2020) dos resíduos de embalagens de plástico, de acordo com a diretiva de resíduos de embalagens, as exigências da UE eram de apenas 22,5% (até 2025). De acordo com os últimos dados obtidos, a Turquia reciclou 54% de seu total de resíduos de embalagens de plástico em 2017, o que foi igual à meta estabelecida. Por outro lado, a UE reciclou 40,8% do seu total de resíduos de embalagens plásticas em 2016 e foi muito superior à meta estabelecida. Ao considerar apenas as taxas de reciclagem de resíduos de embalagens de plástico, pode interpretar-se que o desempenho de reciclagem da Turquia é melhor que o média da UE. No entanto, considerando as atuais práticas e resultados da gestão de resíduos de plástico tanto da Turquia como da UE, embora exista um bom plano para o futuro, pode concluir-se que os seus sistemas atuais não são sustentáveis nem suficientes para resolver o problema dos resíduos de plástico no nosso território para sempre

    Africana Legal Studies: A New Theoretical Approach to Law & Protocol

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    “African people have produced the same general types of institutions for understanding and ordering their worlds as every other group of human beings. Though this should be obvious, the fact that we must go to great lengths to recognize and then demonstrate it speaks to the potent and invisible effect of the enslavement and colonization of African people over the last 500 years.” – Greg Car