9 research outputs found


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    The agricultural sector is one of the greenhouse gases (GHG) sources and sinks. Inventory of GHG emis­ sionsintheagriculturalsectorisdonebyapplyingtheprincipleof  measurable,reportable,verifiableorMRV, thusGHGmeasurement resultsarenotbiasedorunder/overestimate, reliable,andcheaper.The researchaimedto assess the most effective retrieval sampling time and measurement of greenhouse gas at different water manage­ mentsinricefield.Thefirstfactortreatmentwasthemanagementofirrigationwaterintheformsofcontinuous andintermittentirrigationusingarandomizedblockdesignwhichwasreplicatedthreetimes.Thesecondfactor treatmentwasthegassamplingtimeat6–7,9–10,12–13,15–16,and18–19.ObserveddatawasCO andCH fluxes.TheresultsshowedthatintermittentirrigationcouldreduceCH emissionsmorethan27%comparedto continuousirrigation.BasedonPearsoncorrelationvalue,samplingtimeandmeasurementofCO andCH were the most effective at 15–16 with correlation values of 0.901 and 0.984, respectively

    N2O Emission from Managed Soil Under Different Crops in Rainfed Area, Central Java

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    N2O emission from agriculture has been assumed to increase by 30-35% until 2030. This gas has a major contribute to the emission from agriculture. N2O emission from managed soils is the 2nd contributor to green house gas (GHG) emission from agriculture in Indonesia. Rainfed area requested high management input. This research aimed to examine N2O emission from different crops in the rainfed area and its affecting factors, also to identify things that need to be considered in conducting N2O measurement from managed soil. Research conducted in Pati and Blora District, Central Java Province. Four (4) different experimental sites with 4 different crops were chosen. Those were mung bean, rubber plantation and sugarcane which located within Pati District, and maize crop which located in Blora District. No treatment was applied. Gas samples were taken following the day after fertilizing. Daily N2O fluxes from managed soil in tropical land of Indonesia determine by several factors, which are: days after fertilizing, fertilizer type and dosage, previous land use, growth phase of crops, sampling point and soil characteristic. The peak time was mostly influenced by crop type. Maize has the highest N2O daily fluxes with the range of 311.9 - 9651.6 ugN2O m-2day-1 and rubber plantation has the lowest with the range of 16.1 - 2270.7 ugN2O m-2day-1. Measurement of N2O from managed soil to determine annual emissions should be done at all crop types, soil types, considering crops growth phase and also high sampling frequency to prevent an over or underestimation

    N2O Emissions from Rainfed Sugarcane Plantation

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    Expansion of sugarcane areal to support enhancement production and fulfilment target of self-sufficiency for national sugar should be conducted to see environment impact, particularly related to greenhouse gases emission. The objective of this study was to figure out N2O emission from conventional sugarcane plantation by farmer in rainfed area. The observation of N2O gas was carried out in sugarcane plantation in Sidomukti Village, Jaken District, Pati, Central Java. Sampling of N2O gas was conducted by close chamber method. The study showed that maximum fluxes of sugarcane plantation before and after fertilizer application are 4.011 and 223 µg N2O m-2 day-1. Meanwhile, after fertilizer application the maximum and minimum fluxes of N2O are 6.408 and 25 µg N2O m -2 day-1. N2O emission from sugarcane plantation recorded in rainfed area as 4.21 ± 2.53 kg N2O ha-1 year-1 with potential of global warming number as 1.31 ton CO2-e per hectar per year.Emisi N2O dari Pertanaman Tebu di Lahan Tadah HujanPerluasan areal tanam tebu untuk mendukung peningkatan produksi dan pemenuhan target swasembada gula nasional sudah dianggap perlu untuk melihat dampak lingkungan khususnya mengenai evaluasi emisi gas rumah kaca dari pertanaman tebu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui emisi gas N2O dari sistem pertanaman tebu secara konvensional petani di lahan tadah hujan. Pengamatan gas N2O dilakukan pada lahan perkebunan tebu di desa Sidomukti Kecamatan Jaken Kabupaten Pati Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Pengambilan sampel N2O menggunakan metode sungkup tertutup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fluks maksimum pada pertanaman tebu sebelum pemupukan sebesar 4,011 µg N2O m -2 hari-1 dan fluks minimum sebesar 223 µg N2O m -2 hari-1, sedangkan fluks maksimum setelah pemupukan sebesar 6,408 µg N2O m -2 hari-1 dan fluks minimum sebesar 25 µg N2O m -2 hari-1. Emisi N2O pertanaman tebu sebesar 4.21 ± 2.53 kg N2O ha-1tahun-1 dengan nilai potensi pemanasan global sebesar 1.31 ton CO2-e per hektar per tahun

    Methane Emissions and Rice Yield in Rainfed Bed System (Surjan) as Affected by Manure and Zeolite Treatment

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    Rainfed area as one of rice production areas is facing drought due to climate change. Management of rainfed area is needed due to its contribution, in addition to the production of rice, in producing methane as a contributor to greenhouse gas emission. This research aimed to investigate the methane emission status and yield from rainfed rice system with manure and zeolite treatment on the bed system (surjan). The doses of manure were 5, 15 and 30 tons/ha and the zeolite was 1 and 2.5 tons/ha. The result showed that all treatment had no significant effect on daily methane fluxe and grain yield in surjan system. However, the combination of manure at 15 tons/ha with zeolite at 1 ton/ha promoted higher methane emissions (63.43 kg CH4/ha/season). In addition, the combination treatment of manure at 5 tons/ha with zeolite at 2.5 tons/ha contributed to obtain higher grain yield (6.9 tons/ha)

    N2O Emission From Managed Soil Under Different Crops in Rainfed Area, Central Java

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    N2O emission from agriculture has been assumed to increase by 30-35% until 2030. This gas has a major contribute to the emission from agriculture. N2O emission from managed soils is the 2nd contributor to green house gas (GHG) emission from agriculture in Indonesia. Rainfed area requested high management input. This research aimed to examine N2O emission from different crops in the rainfed area and its affecting factors, also to identify things that need to be considered in conducting N2O measurement from managed soil. Research conducted in Pati and Blora District, Central Java Province. Four (4) different experimental sites with 4 different crops were chosen. Those were mung bean, rubber plantation and sugarcane which located within Pati District, and maize crop which located in Blora District. No treatment was applied. Gas samples were taken following the day after fertilizing. Daily N2O fluxes from managed soil in tropical land of Indonesia determine by several factors, which are: days after fertilizing, fertilizer type and dosage, previous land use, growth phase of crops, sampling point and soil characteristic. The peak time was mostly influenced by crop type. Maize has the highest N2O daily fluxes with the range of 311.9 - 9651.6 ugN2O m-2day-1 and rubber plantation has the lowest with the range of 16.1 - 2270.7 ugN2O m-2day-1. Measurement of N2O from managed soil to determine annual emissions should be done at all crop types, soil types, considering crops growth phase and also high sampling frequency to prevent an over or underestimation

    N2O Emissions From Rainfed Sugarcane Plantation; Emisi N2O Dari Pertanaman Tebu Di Lahan Tadah Hujan

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    Expansion of sugarcane areal to support enhancement production and fulfilment target of self-sufficiency for national sugar should be conducted to see environment impact, particularly related to greenhouse gases emission. The objective of this study was to figure out N2O emission from conventional sugarcane plantation by farmer in rainfed area. The observation of N2O gas was carried out in sugarcane plantation in Sidomukti Village, Jaken District, Pati, Central Java. Sampling of N2O gas was conducted by close chamber method. The study showed that maximum fluxes of sugarcane plantation before and after fertilizer application are 4.011 and 223 µg N2O m-2 day-1. Meanwhile, after fertilizer application the maximum and minimum fluxes of N2O are 6.408 and 25 µg N2O m -2 day-1. N2O emission from sugarcane plantation recorded in rainfed area as 4.21 ± 2.53 kg N2O ha-1 year-1 with potential of global warming number as 1.31 ton CO2-e per hectar per year.Perluasan areal tanam tebu untuk mendukung peningkatan produksi dan pemenuhan target swasembada gula nasional sudah dianggap perlu untuk melihat dampak lingkungan khususnya mengenai evaluasi emisi gas rumah kaca dari pertanaman tebu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui emisi gas N2O dari sistem pertanaman tebu secara konvensional petani di lahan tadah hujan. Pengamatan gas N2O dilakukan pada lahan perkebunan tebu di desa Sidomukti Kecamatan Jaken Kabupaten Pati Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Pengambilan sampel N2O menggunakan metode sungkup tertutup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fluks maksimum pada pertanaman tebu sebelum pemupukan sebesar 4,011 µg N2O m -2 hari-1 dan fluks minimum sebesar 223 µg N2O m -2 hari-1, sedangkan fluks maksimum setelah pemupukan sebesar 6,408 µg N2O m -2 hari-1 dan fluks minimum sebesar 25 µg N2O m -2 hari-1. Emisi N2O pertanaman tebu sebesar 4.21 ± 2.53 kg N2O ha-1tahun-1 dengan nilai potensi pemanasan global sebesar 1.31 ton CO2-e per hektar per tahun

    Optimising Water Management in Drylands to Increase Crop Productivity and Anticipate Climate Change in Indonesia

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    In the future, Indonesia will become increasingly dependent on dryland agriculture. New adaptive technology innovations able to transform drylands into arable land throughout almost the entire year have been developed to anticipate global climate change in tropical areas. This article reviews the results of research on the importance of climate and water management technology to increase the crop index and productivity in Indonesia. We found that irrigation treatment at 80% of the FAO-recommended rate resulted in the highest maize stover yield (around 13.65–14.10 t h−1). Irrigation treatment at 60% of the FAO-recommended rate for soybeans (at 0.24 L s−1 h−1) produced good-quality soybean seeds. The use of existing water resources can increase the planted area from 1.25 to 1.67 and increase the cropping index during the second planting season in the same area. Agricultural systems based on water management can improve their crop index and productivity, and anticipate climate change to increase farmers’ incomes and wellbeing. Support measures in the form of regulations, legislation, acts, programmes, and policies from central and local governments for land use and management are crucial. The development of infrastructure by establishing water management institutions at the village/farmers’ group levels to allocate irrigation water is a leverage point to develop dryland agricultural systems appropriately and judiciously to assist in sustainable development

    Influence of water depth and soil amelioration on greenhouse gas emissions from peat soil columns

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    <p>Recently, large areas of tropical peatland have been converted into agricultural fields. To be used for agricultural activities, peat soils need to be drained, limed and fertilized due to excess water, low nutrient content and high acidity. Water depth and amelioration have significant effects on greenhouse gas (GHG) production. Twenty-seven soil samples were collected from Jabiren, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, in 2014 to examine the effect of water depth and amelioration on GHG emissions. Soil columns were formed in the peatland using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe with a diameter of 21 cm and a length of 100 cm. The PVC pipe was inserted vertically into the soil to a depth of 100 cm and carefully pulled up with the soil inside after sealing the bottom. The treatments consisting of three static water depths (15, 35 and 55 cm from the soil surface) and three ameliorants (without ameliorant/control, biochar+compost and steel slag+compost) were arranged using a randomized block design with two factors and three replications. Fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>), methane (CH<sub>4</sub>) and nitrous oxide (N<sub>2</sub>O) from the soil columns were measured weekly. There was a linear relationship between water depth and CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. No significant difference was observed in the CH<sub>4</sub> emissions in response to water depth and amelioration. The ameliorations influenced the CO<sub>2</sub> and N<sub>2</sub>O emissions from the peat soil. The application of biochar+compost enhanced the CO<sub>2</sub> and N<sub>2</sub>O emissions but reduced the CH<sub>4</sub> emission. Moreover, the application of steel slag+compost increased the emissions of all three gases. The highest CO<sub>2</sub> and N<sub>2</sub>O emissions occurred in response to the biochar+compost treatment followed by the steel slag-compost treatment and without ameliorant. Soil pH, redox potential (Eh) and temperature influenced the CO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub> and N<sub>2</sub>O fluxes. Experiments for monitoring water depth and amelioration should be developed using peat soil as well as peat soil–crop systems.</p