348 research outputs found

    Agency Theory dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Since agency theory was founded in 1970 by accountancy experts in the United States, the reliability of accountancy role as information media for people outside company was questioned. Agency theory explaining risk problem between prinsipals and agents resulted from cooperation between prinsipals and agents frequently discusses the role of accounting information as relating media between both sides. The insight discrepancy between prinsipals and agents and the information difference of agents make agents often report invalid asymmetric information to earn expected advantages. This moral hazard urges the prinsipals to implement controlling system to watch management behaviors as amanah holder

    Analisis Pengelolaan Keragaman Karyawan Ud Buana Star

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    Keragaman merupakan percampuran antara perbedaan dan juga persamaan item-item dari suatu karakterisasi (seperti: jenis kelamin, usia, budaya, dan lainnya). Keragaman karyawan pada suatu lingkungan di butuhkan suatu manajemen keragaman yang baik untuk menyatukan orang-orang dengan berbeda karakter demi mencapai tujuan tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengelolaan keberagaman karyawan UD Buana Star. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keragaman pada lingkungan kerja karyawan UD Buana Star cenderung cukup beragam, namun dalam pengelolaan keragaman masih kurang terlihat dari peraturan yang berlaku

    Dukungan Sosial Yang Diterima Oleh Perempuan Yang Belum Berhasil Dalam Pengobatan Infertilitas

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    Manajemen Talenta Dan Pengembanag Karier Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    Background – The human resourcess management aims to improve employee performance, so talent management and career development are increasingly important for an organization. Aim – This study aims to examine the effect of talent management and career development on employee performance. This study can contribute to improving employee performance. Design/ Methodology/ Approach - The object of the research is the employees of the Dinas Pertanian Ketahanan Pangan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Bondowoso, amounting to 200 people. Hypothesis testing was carried out by using the SPSS program t test. Results and Discussion - The results show that the talent management variable has a significant effect on employee performance in a positive direction. Career development has a significant effect on employee performance in a positive direction. Conclusion - The conclusion of this study, that the tree hypotheses proposed are accepted, namely talent management has a significant effect on employee performance in a positive direction. Career development has a significant effect on employee performance in a positive direction. Talent management and carrer development has a significant effect on employee performance in a positive direction. Research implications - This research can contribute to organizations on how to improve employee performance through talent management and career developmen

    Sistem Pemasaran Nenas di Kecamatan Cijeruk, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Bogor pineapple is the leading commodity ini Cijeruk subdisctrict, Bogor Regency, which is expected to increase the potential resource of local economy. The marketing of Bogor pineapple faces some constraints, such as (1) the large gap between farm price and retail price, (2) the weak bargaining position of farmers in the marketing chain, (3) the role of farmers group that have not been optimalized, (4) the farm location that is difficult to access, and (5) the competition with pineappples from outside Bogor. The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing channels formed in the marketing system of Bogor pineapple and the efficiency of each marketing channels so that we can provide the most efficient for pineapple farmers. The method of data collection is snowball sampling as many as 30 farmers to local traders, wholesalers, and retailers. Results of this research is that there are 10 marketing channel patterns formed. Seen from the value of marketing margin, farmer\u27s share, ratio of profit to cost, and the ease of access, the relatively efficient channelsare channel 3and 6. Both channels are the most selected marketing channels, which respectively amounted to 2,33 percent and 16,66 percent of farmers

    Analysis of Creative Industries Development in Indonesia

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    This study aims to identify the relative strengths of the creative industry subsector in Indonesia and analyze the determinants that affect the GDP of the creative industry sector in Indonesia. The analysis period from 2010 to 2016 used Klassen's typological analysis and panel data regression. The data used in this study from 2010 to 2016 (time series) and 16 sub-sectors of the creative industry sector. Based on typology Klassen creative industry sub-sector craft, fashion and culinary is a sub-sector that has a relative advantage over other subsectors, thus contributing more to the GDP of the creative industry. The panel data regression results show that the variable of the creative industry workforce, creative industry employee wages, and patents were able to increase the GDP of the creative industry. The vocational creative industry sector which is a proxy for education and creative industry sector policies can make the GDP value of Indonesia's creative industries in the future be higher. Some industrial sub-sectors such as photography, publishing, architecture, advertising, interior design, and fine arts need government support to catch up with other subsectors to make a better contribution to the GDP of creative industries. the promotion of patents and policies for small businesses must be improved, especially administrative and technical requirements to make it easier
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