8 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The objective of this research is to improving the result of writing description skill through poster media to the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten in the academic. The research was held in two cycles in each which consisted of planning, taking action, observation and reflection. The result shows that poster media type can improving the result of writing description skill grade IV students in SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten. Based on the research, it can be concluded that poster media can improve the result of writing description skill in SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten academic year 2011/2012. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan keterampilan menulis deskripsi melalui Media Poster pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) terdiri dari dua dengan tiap siklus terdiri dari 2 pertemuan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi, wawancara, observasi langsung dan tes. Hasil penelitian ini yang dilaksanakan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan media poster dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis deskripsi pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Kata kunci: Keterampilan Menulis Deskripsi dan Poste


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    Abstract: The objective of this research is to improving the result of writing description skill through poster media to the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten in the academic. The research was held in two cycles in each which consisted of planning, taking action, observation and reflection. The result shows that poster media type can improving the result of writing description skill grade IV students in SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten. Based on the research, it can be concluded that poster media can improve the result of writing description skill in SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten academic year 2011/2012. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan keterampilan menulis deskripsi melalui Media Poster pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri  Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) terdiri dari dua dengan tiap siklus terdiri dari 2 pertemuan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi, wawancara, observasi langsung dan tes. Hasil penelitian ini yang dilaksanakan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan media poster dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis deskripsi pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Borongan 02 Polanharjo Klaten tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Kata kunci: Keterampilan Menulis Deskripsi dan Poste

    Kinerja Bupati Batang Tahun 2012

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    In 2011, Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo was being elected as Batang‘s Regent. He tagged ―Clean Bureaucracy and Growing Economy‖ vision in running his government for 5 years ahead. He started the 2012 by focusin on enhancing the quality of public service, infrastructure and the government accountability.Contrary, we find out there is lack of good governance in Batang‘s Regency during 2012. Some reasons are residents are being not pleased with the Government plan in developing the regency; also the government never reaches an agreement with the legislative for its own budget and masterplan. Vividly, those complicated events are becoming an obstacle for the government. Moreover the legitimation of the regent is also being questioned by his lack of ability in maintaining its own government.The purpose of the research is to understand the performance of Batang‘s Regent while running its Government during 2012.The performance evaluation indicators are taken from the Dwiyanto‘s theorem, those are: productivity, accountability, transparancy, reponsivity, and responsibility. The research is conducting by using the descriptive basis while the supporting data are analyzed qualitatively. The object‘s of the research is the Batang‘s Regent performance for the year 2012.The research concludes that the Regent‘s performance during a year is qualitatively reasonable for being marked as good. The purpose is, the optimum effort that already being given by the regent to reach its own goal—the government‘s vision. Some government supporting departments also reach a significant performance improvement during his leadership. However, we still find some governance failure during a period


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan terjadinya kecacatan produk kaos di divisi penjahitan pada CV See Now Clothing dengan metode Six Sigma dan Upaya mengendalikan kualitas produk di CV See Now Clothing. Penelitian ini berfokus pada produk kaos di Divisi Penjahitan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah kecacatan produk kaos pada kriteria C (yaitu jahitan tidak kuat) yang sudah digambarkan pada Diagram Pareto. Hasil yang di peroleh sejumlah 157 dan persentasenya adalah 44,1.Kegagalan kecacatan produk proses produksi kaos di Divisi Penjahitan juga diketahui berdasarakan tahap Analyze dengan metode yang dipakai adalah Fishbone, dapat ditemukan dua faktor, yaitu adalah manusia dan metode. Kegagalan kecacatan yang sudah diketahui akan mendapatkan rekomendasi setiap faktor yaitu manusia dan metode

    Physicochemical properties of snackbar canna edulis ker with additional butterfly pea extract as funtional food

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    Abstract Lifestyle is a subset of secondary human requirements that can shift with the times or a person's desire to alter himself. Consuming unhealthy meals that have a significant impact on blood sugar levels, such as fast food, soft drinks, and other forms of food, is one of the lifestyle modifications. Fiber-rich, low-glycemic-index, sodium-free snack bars for diabetics should be manufactured from natural components. Diabetic snack bars, such as diabetes, have been developed specifically for diabetics. This study aims to make snack bars with low gluten so that they are safe for consumption by everyone, including those who are prone to diabetes mellitus. The study used an Experimental (Posttest Only Design) research design with three treatments of 1 mg, 1.5 mg, and 2 mg of butterfly pea flower extract. Then an analysis of antioxidant activity, protein, fiber content, total sugar, fat carbohirat, texture, and a prganoleptic test was carried out which included color, aroma and taste. Based on the results of the analysis, the results of F1 were obtained as the best formulation

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Lilin Aromaterapi dari Minyak Jelantah Sebagai Sarana Peduli Lingkungan Perairan dan Implementasi Konsep Ekonomi Sirkular Warga Bumi Suko Indah

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    Minyak jelantah berpotensi menjadi bahan dasar untuk dijadikan benda yang bermanfaat dan bernilai ekonomi seperti lilin aromaterapi. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan ibu-ibu warga Bumi Suko Indah RT 56 Sidoarjo dan pengamatan di lokasi, warga membuang minyak bekas penggorengan setelah terjadi perubahan warnanya menjadi hitam. Pembuangan minyak jelantah juga dilakukan di badan air seperti selokan dan sungai di sekitar perumahan, hal ini berpotensi mengganggu ekosistem perairan. Diperlukan pemberian informasi, pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat agar dapat memberikan kesempatan berwirausaha sekaligus mengolah limbah rumah tangga melalui paradigma recovery. Upaya menumbuhkan ekonomi kreatif bagi ibu-ibu rumah tangga dilakukan melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tujuan untuk melestarikan lingkungan dengan mengelola limbah menjadi produk layak jual dan bermanfaat seperti produk lilin aroma terapi berbahan dasar minyak jelantah. Kegiatan pelatihan di laksanakan di Bumi Suko RT 56 Sidoarjo. Kegiatan diawali dengan pemberian materi kepada 10 orang warga yang akan menjadi peserta pelatihan, kemudian dilanjut dengan diskusi interaktif dan praktik langsung membuat lilin aroma terapi. Hasil praktik langsung di lapangan, minyak jelantah sebanyak 600 gram dapat menghasilkan 25 lilin aromaterapi dalam gelas kaca setinggi 5 cm dan diameter 1.5 cm. Lilin yang dihasilkan telah diuji melalui pembakaran menggunakan pemantik api gas mekanik

    The Effect of Pineapple Juice Concentration (Ananas comosus L.) and Pectin Concentration on Pineapple Milk Powder Characteristics

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    The processing of dairy products can result in ready-to-serve or ready-to-drink products. The process of drying generally turns dairy products into powder that must first be dissolved. A randomized block design with a 3x3 factorial analysis with just two components was used in this research, factors namely factor N (pineapple juice concentration) which consisted of 3 levels, namely n 1: 10%, n2: 20%, and n3: 30%, and factor P (pectin concentration) which consisted of 3 levels, namely p1: 0.1%, p2: 0.3% and p3: 0.5%. In this research, chemical interactions including pH, vitamin C levels, and water content were reviewed. Dissolution time, insolubleness, hygroscopicity, L* a* b* color intensity, and yield quantity are characteristics of physical interactions. Organoleptic responses include color, aroma, taste, and after taste. pineapple juice's impact on the body's chemistry, physiology, and organoleptic response. Water content, pH level, dissolving rate, insoluble, color intensity, and organoleptic reaction to aftertaste are all affected by pectin concentration. Water content, vitamin C levels, and color intensity values *L and *b are all impacted by the interaction between pineapple juice concentration and pectin concentration