887 research outputs found

    Bulgarian experience in the development of inclusive education in modern school

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    Access to quality education for children with disabilities is the modern reform of Bulgarian education in the conditions of globalization of the Bulgarian education and its unity with the European Union. It is necessary to achieve compliance with the Bulgarian educational organizations with European standards in this area. However, at this stage of development, there are many problems to be solvedСовременная реформа болгарского образования в условиях глобализации системы образования в условиях присоединения Болгарии к Евросоюзу предусматривает создание доступа к качественному образованию для детей с особенностями здоровья. Необходимо достичь соответствия болгарских образовательных организаций европейским стандартам в этой области. Вместе с тем на данном этапе развития существует много проблем, требующих решени


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    Introduction. The present publication presents the results of an experiment conducted on the territory of Bulgaria with children aged 4.5 to 6 years.The aim of the research is to work out a model of interaction based on the contemporary knowledge of preschool children’ development and cognitive process peculiarities of children aged 4.5 to 6. Methodology and research methods. The methodology of the research is based on theories and classifications of values by Rokeach, Graves, Inglehart (values of survival and self-expression) and Hofstede (desired and desirable values). Active approach and principles of determinism (S. L. Rubinstain, A. C. Brushlinskiy) and interiorization (L. S Vigotskiy, A. I. Leontiev), systemic approach (B. F. Lomov, B. N. Rizhov) are used in the experimental part of the research work. Psychological neoformations are educed by means of the diagnostic test proposed by P. V. Stepanov, D. V. Grigoryev; I. V. Stepanova.Results. There have been visible changes in the profiles of children after the experiment held. It is found out that value system formation in childhood is influenced by the development of higher cognitive processes. This formation can be accelerated by specially organized social cultural and learning environment that widens children’s understanding of the world they live in. As a result they start finding sense and realize values. There appears a transfer from knowledge to self-regulation behavior.Scientific novelty. Pilot data got during the experiment prove the model is an innovative method of pedagogical interaction and a «practical tool» for teachers. Four algorithms are developed to support cognitive, emotional and volitional processes, including thinking for accelerating the formation of values of children 4 to 6 years old.Practical significance. The suggested model is particularly suitable for use in multicultural and heterogeneous social composition groups. Введение. Публикация посвящена проблеме формирования в обучающей среде системы ценностных отношений к миру и окружающим людям у детей в возрасте 4,5–6 лет. Описаны результаты эксперимента, проводимого авторами в различных образовательных учреждениях Болгарии. Цель статьи – представить разработку и итоги апробации модели социального взаимодействия, основанную на современных знаниях о развитии детей старшего дошкольного возраста и об особенностях эволюционирования познавательных психологических процессов в этом возрастном периоде.Методология и методы. Методологической основой исследования выступили теории и классификации ценностей М. Рокича, К. Грейвса, Р. Ингл- харта (ценности выживания и самовыражения) и Г. Хофстеде (желаемые и желательные ценности). В экспериментальной части работы применялись деятельностный подход, принципы детерминизма (работы С. Л. Рубинштейна, А. К. Брушлинского) и интериоризации (труды Л. С. Выготского, А. И. Леонтьева), а также системный подход (исследования Б. Ф. Ломова, Б. Н. Рыжова). Психологические новообразования у воспитанников детских садов выявлялись на основе диагностического теста, предложенного П. В. Степановым, Д. В. Григорьевым и И. В. Степановым. Результаты. Установлено, что формирование системы жизненных ценностей в раннем детском возрасте происходит под влиянием развивающихся познавательных процессов. Специальным образом организованная социальная, культурная, обучающая среда, расширяющая понимание ребенка об окружающем мире, может ускорить это формирование. Помощь ребенку в нахождении «смысла» и осознании ценностей человеческих отношений способствует трансформации знания в поведение, возникновению форм «саморегуляции» поведенческих реакций. Научная новизна. Предложена модель активизации развития системы ценностей у воспитанников детских садов. Данная модель является инновационным методом педагогического взаимодействия взрослого (воспитателя, психолога) и ребенка и детей между собой и может служить «практическим инструментом» для учителя. В рамках модели сконструированы четыре алгоритма развития познавательных (включая размышление), эмоциональных и волевых процессов у дошкольников 4–6 лет. Практическая значимость. Экспериментальные данные, полученные в ходе апробации авторской модели, показали ее эффективность. Описанный метод воспитания и обучения особенно продуктивен в мультикультурных и разнородных социальных группах

    The staff training for competitive economy - cooperation between education and business

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    Рассматриваются вопросы политики Болгарии в открытости профессионального образования к профессиональным знаниям и навыкам применительно к современным требованиям экономики путем внедрения дуальной (двойной) образовательной программы применения проекта обновления образовательной среды, опробованной в университете лесничества, а именно на экономическом факультете управления с соблюдением требований бизнесаThe aim of this work is an overall view on the Bulgarian Policy in opening the secondary education towards professional knowledge and skills with reference to real / actual economy requirements, by introduction of Dual Educational Program applying a Project for updating the educational context, experienced in University of Foresty, especially for the Faculty of Economic Management and complied with the business requirement


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    Introduction. The present publication presents the results of an experiment conducted on the territory of Bulgaria with children aged 4.5 to 6 years.The aim of the research is to work out a model of interaction based on the contemporary knowledge of preschool children’ development and cognitive process peculiarities of children aged 4.5 to 6.Methodology and research methods. The methodology of the research is based on theories and classifications of values by Rokeach, Graves, Inglehart (values of survival and self-expression) and Hofstede (desired and desirable values). Active approach and principles of determinism (S. L. Rubinstain, A. C. Brushlinskiy) and interiorization (L. S Vigotskiy, A. I. Leontiev), systemic approach (B. F. Lomov, B. N. Rizhov) are used in the experimental part of the research work. Psychological neoformations are educed by means of the diagnostic test proposed by P. V. Stepanov, D. V. Grigoryev; I. V. Stepanova.Results. There have been visible changes in the profiles of children after the experiment held. It is found out that value system formation in childhood is influenced by the development of higher cognitive processes. This formation can be accelerated by specially organized social cultural and learning environment that widens children’s understanding of the world they live in. As a result they start finding sense and realize values. There appears a transfer from knowledge to self-regulation behavior.Scientific novelty. Pilot data got during the experiment prove the model is an innovative method of pedagogical interaction and a «practical tool» for teachers. Four algorithms are developed to support cognitive, emotional and volitional processes, including thinking for accelerating the formation of values of children 4 to 6 years old.Practical significance. The suggested model is particularly suitable for use in multicultural and heterogeneous social composition groups

    Развитие профессионализма педагога в области организации инклюзивного образования в школе (опыт России и Болгарии)

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    The aim of the investigation is to discuss the problems connected with a current state of inclusive education in Russia and Bulgaria. Methods. Experience, positive and negative tendencies in the field of inclusive education of the Russian and Bulgarian systems of training and education are analysed and generalized.Results and scientific novelty. Creating conditions for quality education for all children regardless of the characteristics of their health is a social guarantee of any post-industrial country. Access to quality education for children with disabilities is a target of nowadays reforms of the Russian and Bulgarian education in the context of globalization: Bulgaria’s accession to the European Union and activity of Russia as an independent state on the international education arena. Adverse conditions of inclusive education in the two countries complicate establishing and implementation of public policies for the development of inclusive education. However, objective data about teachers’ readiness for the implementation of inclusive education and public debate around this issue stimulates a better understanding of the principles on which the activities of the teacher, directed at the education of children with disabilities. The principles providing a basis for developing professional teacher competencies in the field of inclusive education are presented in the article. The importance of complex solution to the problem is highlighted: involvement of an administrative resource, realization of the social mechanism of a special type of mutual aid (tutoring), formation in the organization and society of culture of the attitude towards people with peculiarities of health. Everything listed has to be supported by the state measures, including the motivation of teachers to development in a profession and obtaining special professional competences.Practical significance. The research findings can be useful for correction of pedagogical activity during the work with the pupils having features of development and needing special attentionЦель статьи – обсуждение проблем, связанных с современным состоянием инклюзивного образования в России и Болгарии. Методы. Проанализирован и обобщен опыт, позитивные и негативные тенденции в области инклюзивного образования российской и болгарской систем обучения и воспитания. Результаты и научная новизна. Констатируется, что создание условий для получения качественного образования всеми детьми вне зависимости от особенностей их здоровья – социальная гарантия любого постиндустриального государства. Доступ к качественному образованию для детей с особенностями здоровья – целевой ориентир современных реформ российского и болгарского образования в условиях глобализации – присоединения Болгарии к Европейскому Союзу и выхода России как самостоятельного государства на международную образовательную арену. Показано, что неблагоприятные предпосылки развития инклюзивного образования в этих двух странах осложняют разработку и реализацию государственных стратегий по развитию инклюзивного образования. Однако объективные данные о готовности педагогов к внедрению инклюзивного образования и общественная дискуссия вокруг этого вопроса стимулируют лучшее понимание принципов, на которых должна основываться деятельность педагога, направленная на образование детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Сформулированы принципы, позволяющие уточнить профессиональные компетенции педагога в области инклюзивного образования. Подчеркивается важность комплексного решения проблемы – подключения административного ресурса, реализации социального механизма особого вида взаимопомощи (тьюторства), формирования в организации и обществе культуры отношения к людям с особенностями здоровья. Все перечисленное должно поддерживаться государственными мерами, в том числе по мотивации педагогов к развитию в профессии и получению специальных профессиональных компетенций. Практическая значимость. Материалы статьи могут быть полезны при коррекции педагогической деятельности с учащимися, имеющими особенности развития и нуждающимися в особом внимани

    Generalized Heisenberg Algebras and Fibonacci Series

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    We have constructed a Heisenberg-type algebra generated by the Hamiltonian, the step operators and an auxiliar operator. This algebra describes quantum systems having eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian depending on the eigenvalues of the two previous levels. This happens, for example, for systems having the energy spectrum given by Fibonacci sequence. Moreover, the algebraic structure depends on two functions f(x) and g(x). When these two functions are linear we classify, analysing the stability of the fixed points of the functions, the possible representations for this algebra.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, subfigure.st

    Raman study of self-assembled InAs/InP quantum wire stacks with varying spacer thickness

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    Self-assembled InAs/InP (001) quantum wire stacks have been investigated by means of Raman scattering. The characteristics of the observed vibrational modes show clear evidence of confinement and atomic intermixing between As and P atoms from the wire and the spacer. The change in the intermixing with spacer layer thickness and growth temperature is investigated. Likewise, the effect of annealing on the exchange of As and P atoms is also studied. Resonance effects in confined and interface phonons are discussed for excitation in the vicinity of the InAs E1 critical point. Finally, the energy of the interface modes is related to the structural characteristics of the wires by comparing the experimental data with a lattice dynamic calculation based on the dielectric continuum [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

    Neuraminidase Inhibitor Susceptibility of Influenza Viruses Circulating in Bulgaria during the Last Four Consecutive Epidemic Seasons (2011/12 to 2014/15)

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    Emergence of resistant influenza virus progeny to currently approved antiviral drugs determines the need for antiviral susceptibility monitoring. The aim of the present study is to analyze neuraminidase inhibitor susceptibility of influenza viruses circulating in Bulgaria during the 2011/2012, 2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 flu seasons. A phenotypic fluorescence-based assay with MUNANA substrate was conducted with 93 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and type B isolates. Screening of 352 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses was carried out using a Real Time RT-PCR discrimination assay for detection of the H275Y oseltamivir resistance point mutation. Phenotypic (IC50) evidence for resistance or reduced susceptibility to neuraminidase inhibitors was not found for any of the influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and type B viruses screened. Only one (0,3%) influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus carrying the H275Y substitution was detected. Real Time RT-PCR assay could be applied to screen large numbers of clinical A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus positive samples for oseltamivir resistance. The present study highlights the importance of continued influenza antiviral susceptibility monitoring in clinical specimens

    Natural chain-breaking antioxidants and their synthetic analogs as modulators of oxidative stress

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    Oxidative stress is associated with the increased production of reactive oxygen species or with a significant decrease in the effectiveness of antioxidant enzymes and nonenzymatic defense. The penetration of oxygen and free radicals in the hydrophobic interior of biological membranes initiates radical disintegration of the hydrocarbon “tails” of the lipids. This process is known as “lipid peroxidation”, and the accumulation of the oxidation products as peroxides and the alde-hydes and acids derived from them are often used as a measure of oxidative stress levels. In total, 40 phenolic antioxidants were selected for a comparative study and analysis of their chain-breaking antioxidant activity, and thus as modulators of oxidative stress. This included natural and natural-like ortho-methoxy and ortho-hydroxy phenols, nine of them newly synthesized. Applied experimental and theoretical methods (bulk lipid autoxidation, chemiluminescence, in silico methods such as density functional theory (DFT) and quantitative structure–activity relationship ((Q)SAR) modeling) were used to clarify their structure–activity relationship. Kinetics of non-inhibited and inhibited lipid oxidation in close connection with inhibitor transformation under oxidative stress is considered. Special attention has been paid to chemical reactions resulting in the initiation of free radicals, a key stage of oxidative stress. Effects of substituents in the side chains and in the phenolic ring of hydroxylated phenols and biphenols, and the concentration were discussed

    Optimization of titanium and titanium alloy surface properties by ultra-short laser processing for improved antibacterial characteristics

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    AbstractThe aim of the current study is to improve in a one step process the properties of Ti and Ti alloy surfaces by enhancing their bioactivity in order to provide better conditions for microbial rejection. We propose to alter the biomaterial characteristics by a method alternative to the chemical ones, namely, non-contact processing of the surface by ultra-short laser pulses. The laser-induced modification results in a surface with different topographic features and an increased presence of oxides. We performed hierarchical laser patterning of the surface inducing the formation of areas covered by nanostructures, or laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS), alternating with areas covered by micropillars in their turn surmounted by LIPSS. The increased roughness achieved due to the presence of micropillars, together with a marked presence of oxides, has been proven by several studies to enhance the biocompatibility of the material by improving the surface wettability and, furthermore, promoting the cells adhesion and osseointegration, while reducing the adhesion of pathogens.The laser processed surface, consisting of a pattern of parallel lines, showed improved and anisotropic wettability. The water contact angle value decreased by ∼10° in a direction orthogonal to the lines of the pattern, and by ∼40° in a parallel direction