172 research outputs found

    Food And Identity In Laila Wadia And Igiaba Scego

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    Through the accounts of Laila Wadia and Igiaba Scego the possible relationships between food and identity in Italian migration literature are analysed. Can we construct, change, hide or show others an identity by buying sausages or cooking chicken curry? Is food necessarily an expression of a culture or is it simply a factor in integration, a sense of belonging to a culture? And does this ‘culinary identity’ really identify us? According to the principles of Ayurveda, we are what we eat. But it is also true that we eat what we are, in the sense that what we eat is loaded with cultural connotations. Furthermore, in the context of migrant literature, it seems worthwhile to add that we eat what we would like to be. A través de relatos de Laila Wadia e Igiaba Scego, se analizarán las posibles relaciones entre comida e identidades en la literatura de migración italiana. ¿Es posible construir, cambiar, esconder o enseñar a los demás una identitad comprando salchichas o cocinando pollo al curry? ¿Es la comida necesariamente expresión de una cultura o es simplemente un factor de integración, una forma de pertenecer a una cultura? ¿Y esta «identidad culinaria» nos identifica de verdad? Según los principios de la Ayurveda, somos lo que comemos. Pero también es verdad que comemos lo que somos, en el sentido de que lo que comemos está estrictamente relacionado con nuestra cultura. Además, en el contexto de la literatura de migración, hay que añadir que comemos lo que nos gustaría ser

    End point prick test: could this new test be used to predict the outcome of oral food challenge in children with cow's milk allergy?

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    Background: Cow\u2019s milk allergy (CMA) is the most frequent food allergy in childhood; the trend of CMA is often characterized by a progressive improvement to achieve tolerance in the first 4 to 5 years of life. It has been observed that specific IgE (sIgE) towards cow\u2019s milk proteins decrease when the age increases. Although food allergy can be easily diagnosed, it is difficult to predict the outcome of the oral food challenge (OFC), that remains the gold standard in the diagnosis of food allergy, by allergometric tests. Methods: We considered 44 children with CMA diagnosed through OFC who returned to our Allergy and Immunology Pediatric Department between January to December 2010 to evaluate the persistence of allergy or the achievement of tolerance. On the basis of the history, we performed both allergometric skin tests and OFC in children that were still following a milk-free diet, whereas only allergometric skin tests those that had already undergone spontaneous introduction of milk protein at home without presenting symptoms. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the persistence of CMA or the acquisition of tolerance and the results of the end point prick test (EPT). Results and Discussion: The OFC with cow\u2019s milk was performed on 30 children, 4 children were excluded because of a history of severe reactions to cow\u2019s milk, and 10 because they had spontaneously already taken milk food derivates at home without problems. 16/30 (53%) children showed clinical reactions and the challenge was stopped, 14/30 (47%) did not have any reaction. Comparing the mean wheal diameter of every EPT\u2019s dilution between the group of allergic children and the tolerant ones, we obtained a significant difference (p < 0.05) for the first 4 dilutions. We have also calculated sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP), the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative predictive value (NPV) for each EPT dilution. Conclusions: EPT is a safe and cheap test, easy to be executed and that could provide good prediction of the outcome of OFC; so it might be used to avoid OFC-induced anaphylaxis in children affected by CMA. It can also help avoiding dietetic restrictions in tolerant children who show sensitization towards cow\u2019s milk proteins

    Unfair teachers, unhappy students: longitudinal associations of perceived teacher relational unfairness with adolescent peer aggression and school satisfaction

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    IntroductionTeacher relational unfairness is a significant risk factor for students’ physical and mental well-being, especially during adolescence. However, school psychology research has not yet fully analyzed the links between teacher unfairness and important indicators of school experience and wellbeing, including peer aggression and school satisfaction. Even less evidence does exist with longitudinal, multilevel data.MethodsThe present study tested the prospective relations between Fall perceived teacher unfairness and Spring reactive and proactive aggression, and school satisfaction. At T1, participants were 1,299 students (48.3% girls, mean age = 13.6 years, SD = 1.1) attending 67 classrooms in Italian public schools, whereas 1,227 students participated in the second wave 6 months later.ResultsMultilevel regressions showed that, at the individual level, T1 perceived teacher unfairness positively predicted T2 reactive and proactive aggression, and negatively predicted school satisfaction. At the class-level, T1 class teacher unfairness explained between-class variability in T2 school satisfaction, but not variability in peer aggression.DiscussionThe findings expand current knowledge about the role of teacher unfairness with the classroom and have implications for interventions at school

    Social media features, perceived group norms, and adolescents’ active social media use matter for perceived friendship quality

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    Introduction: Developmental researchers are becoming increasingly interested in the role of social media in adolescents’ experiences with their peers; however, to date, few studies have investigated the association between youngsters’ interactions with friends online and the perceived quality of their friendship relationships. Methods: Thus, the current study aims to test the associations between three social media features, as perceived by adolescents, (i.e., availability, quantifiability, visualness) and the quality of adolescents’ friendships (in terms of perceived validation, intimacy, companionship), considering participants’ frequency of active social media use (i.e., self-oriented and other-oriented social media use), and the role of perceived group norms about social media use. Moreover, we tested potential differences across gender groups. Participants were 751 adolescents (Mage = 16.2, SD = 1.5). Results: A SEM analysis showed that, among the perceived social media features, availability was positively associated with perceived friendship quality–both directly and indirectly. Furthermore, friends who participated more in other-oriented social media use reported being more satisfied with their friendship relationships and the results showed that peer influence processes were also active on social media. Discussion: Taken together, these results emphasize the study of social media as a social context for a better understanding of contemporary peer experiences during adolescence. Specifically, novel behaviors (e.g., liking or commenting on posts or content of peers), which characterize interactions between friends, may support relational functioning and well-being purposes in both the offline and online context

    A matter of life and death : substance-caused and substance-related fatalities in Ibiza in 2015

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Rita Santacroce, et al, 'A matter of life and death: substance-caused and substance-related fatalities in Ibiza in 2015', Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental, Vol. 32 (3), e2592, May 2017, which has been published in final form at DOI: 10.1002/hup.2592. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. The Accepted Manuscript is under embargo. Embargo end date: 18 May 2018.Objectives and methods: In the framework of the EU-funded project “EU-Madness,” we collected and analysed all the reports of fatalities directly or indirectly related to substances of abuse registered in Ibiza from January to September 2015, in order to analyse the characteristics of the sample, the identified substances, and the nature of deaths associated with their consumption. Results: A significant increase of substance-caused deaths with respect to the previous 4 years has been highlighted. Most of the subjects were young males, more than half were not Spanish. Males prevailed also amongst the victims of traffic accidents and suicides. The most commonly involved substances included MDMA, alcohol, cocaine, THC, opiates and prescription drugs. Conclusions: Although the use of NPS is rapidly increasing in Europe, according to the results from our sample, alcohol and well-known stimulants (MDMA and cocaine) are still the substances of abuse mainly involved in the cases of substance-caused and substance-related fatalities. The significant increase of fatalities in Ibiza in the last 5 years is an issue that must be taken into account and should be better investigated, as other theories besides NPS-increased diffusion should be proposed, and therefore, targeted prevention strategies should be designed.Peer reviewe

    Mechanisms of resistance to a PI3K inhibitor in gastrointestinal stromal tumors: an omic approach to identify novel druggable targets

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    Background: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) represent a worldwide paradigm of target therapy. The introduction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors has deeply changed the prognosis of GIST patients, however, the majority of them acquire secondary mutations and progress. Unfortunately, besides tyrosine-kinase inhibitors, no other therapeutic options are available. Therefore, it is mandatory to identify novel molecules and/or strategies to overcome the inevitable resistance. In this context, after promising preclinical data on the novel PI3K inhibitor BYL719, the NCT01735968 trial in GIST patients who had previously failed treatment with imatinib and sunitinib started. BYL719 has attracted our attention, and we comprehensively characterized genomic and transcriptomic changes taking place during resistance. Methods: For this purpose, we generated two in vitro GIST models of acquired resistance to BYL719 and performed an omic-based analysis by integrating RNA-sequencing, miRNA, and methylation profiles in sensitive and resistant cells. Results: We identified novel epigenomic mechanisms of pharmacological resistance in GISTs suggesting the existence of pathways involved in drug resistance and alternatively acquired mutations. Therefore, epigenomics should be taken into account as an alternative adaptive mechanism. Conclusion: Despite the fact that currently we do not have patients in treatment with BYL719 to verify this hypothesis, the most intriguing result is the involvement of H19 and PSTA1 in GIST resistance, which might represent druggable targets

    Neoboletus antillanus sp. nov. (Boletaceae), first report of a red-pored bolete from the Dominican Republic and insights on the genus Neoboletus

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    Neoboletus antillanus sp. nov. appears to be the only red-pored bolete known from the Dominican Republic to date. It is reported as a novel species to science based on collections gathered in a neotropical lowland mixed broadleaved woodland. A detailed morphological description, color images of fresh basidiomes in habitat and line drawings of the main anatomical features are provided and relationships with phylogenetically and phenotypically similar taxa are discussed. Three genomic regions (nrITS, nrLSU/28S and rpb2) have been sequenced in order to reinforce the recognition of the new species and to elucidate its taxonomic affiliation within Neoboletus

    Distinct disease phenotypes linked to different combinations of GAA mutations in a large late-onset GSDII sibship

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    Background: Glycogenosis type II (GSDII or Pompe disease) is an autosomal recessive disease, often characterized by a progressive accumulation of glycogen within lysosomes caused by a deficiency of \u3b1-1,4-glucosidase (GAA; acid maltase), a key enzyme of the glycogen degradation pathway. To date, more than 326 different mutations in the GAA gene have been identified in patients with GSDII but the course of the disease is difficult to be predicted on the basis of molecular genetic changes. Studies on large informative families are advisable to better define how genetics and non genetics factors like exercise and diet may influence the clinical phenotype. Methods and results. In this study, we report on clinical, instrumental, and pathological features as well as on molecular analysis of a family with 10 out of 13 siblings affected by late-onset Pompe disease. Three mutations segregated in the family, two of which are novel mutations. Siblings showing a more severe phenotype were compound heterozygous for c.118C > T [p.R40X] and c.2647-7G > A [p.N882fs] on GAA, whereas, two patients showing a mild phenotype were compound heterozygous c.2647-7G > A [p.N882fs] and c.2276G > C [p.G759A] mutations. Quantitative expression analysis showed, in the patients carrying p.R40X/ p.N882fs, a significant (p 0.01) correlation between the levels of expression of the mutated allele and the age at onset of the disease. Conclusions: As far as we know, this is the largest informative family with late-onset Pompe disease described in the literature showing a peculiar complex set of mutations of GAA gene that may partially elucidate the clinical heterogeneity of this family. \ua9 2013 Sampaolo et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Analysis of microbiome in gastrointestinal stromal tumors: Looking for different players in tumorigenesis and novel therapeutic options

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    Preclinical forms of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), small asymptomatic lesions, called microGIST, are detected in approximately 30% of the general population. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor driver mutation can be already detected in microGISTs, even if they do not progress into malignant cancer; these mutations are necessary, but insufficient events to foster tumor progression. Here we profiled the tissue microbiota of 60 gastrointestinal specimens in three different patient cohorts—micro, low-risk, and high-risk or metastatic GIST—exploring the compositional structure, predicted function, and microbial networks, with the aim of providing a complete overview of microbial ecology in GIST and its preclinical form. Comparing microGISTs and GISTs, both weighted and unweighted UniFrac and Bray–Curtis dissimilarities showed significant community-level separation between them and a pronounced difference in Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidota was observed. Through the LEfSe tool, potential microbial biomarkers associated with a specific type of lesion were identified. In particular, GIST samples were significantly enriched in the phylum Proteobacteria compared to microGISTs. Several pathways involved in sugar metabolism were also highlighted in GISTs; this was expected as cancer usually displays high aerobic glycolysis in place of oxidative phosphorylation and rise of glucose flux to promote anabolic request. Our results highlight that specific differences do exist in the tissue microbiome community between GIST and benign lesions and that microbiome restructuration can drive the carcinogenesis process