13,368 research outputs found


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    Edible film merupakan kemasan bahan pangan yang terbuat dari bahan hidrokoloid yang dapat dimakan. Bahan pembuatan edible film sangat mempengaruhi ketebalan, laju transmisi uap air (WVTR), kuat tarik, dan juga elongasi. Syarat-syarat edible film ini merupakan faktor yang penting karena kemasan edible film digunakan sebagai pelindung produk makanan dari kerusakan mekanis maupun kerusakan biokimia. Tujuan dari mini review ini adalah untuk mengkaji berbagai informasi mengenai bahan hidrokoloid yang paling baik untuk dijadikan dalam pembuatan edible film. Ketebalan edible film akan memengaruhi kekuatan tarik dan elongasinya. Semakin rendah nilai WVTR, kualitas edible film akan meningkat. Selain tu, semakin besar nilai kuat tarik dan juga elongasi suatu film akan semakin baik kualitas edible film tersebut. Gelatin kulit ayam, gelatin tulang ikan patin, gelatin kulit babi, pati tapioka, dan pati jagung merupakan bahan yang baik untuk digunakan dalam pembuatan edible film. Selain itu, edible film dari pati tapioka memiliki kuat tarik dan elongasi paling baik

    How Has The Food Industry Manipulated The Way Consumers Perceive Food And Health?

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    Food is the most advertised commodity in the United States and food corporations spend on average over $36 billion a year on marketing and advertising (Albritton 172). Seventy percent of total advertising goes to market convenience foods, candy, snacks, soft drinks, desserts and alcohol (Albritton 172). As a result of the wide range of marketing on an even wider range of products, consumers have been taught to feel they have a considerable amount of choice. Ironically despite the array of brand-name commodities that give off this impression, only a few giant corporations control much of what is being offered

    Women in Early New Mexico: A Preliminary View

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    Pengaruh Kepemilikan Institusional, Komite Audit, dan Kinerja Lingkungan Terhadap Pengungkapan Emisi Karbon

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan secara empiris pengaruh kepemilikan institusional, komite audit, dan kinerja lingkungan terhadap pengungkapan emisi karbon pada perusahaan manufaktur. Untuk mengukur seluas apa pengungkapan emisi karbon pada tiap perusahaan, digunakan checklist yang telah dikembangkan berdasarkan lembar permintaan informasi yang diberikan oleh proyek pengungkapan emisi karbon (CDP). Jenis penelitian ini digolongkan pada penelitian kuantitatif dengan pengujian hipotesis. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif dan kualitatif berupa laporan tahunan yang diperoleh dari www.idx.co.id. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI selama 4 tahun berturut-turut yakni dari tahun 2017 sampai dengan tahun 2020. Sedangkan sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan metode purposive sampling, total 148 sampel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel kepemilikan institusional dan komite audit berpengaruh positif terhadap pengungkapan emisi karbon. Variabel kinerja lingkungan berpengaruh negatif terhadap pengungkapan emisi karbon

    No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: How the New Hampshire Probate Court Has Strengthened the Power of the Attorney General in Charitable Trust Suits

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    As Americans increasingly use estate planning tools to provide for their favorite charities, the charitable trust is an important instrument that fits uniquely into general trust law. While charitable trusts are similar to private trusts to a great extent, there are also some critical differences between the two vehicles, especially regarding their enforcement. Specifically, state attorneys general play a special role in the enforcement of charitable trusts. This Note examines this special role of the state attorney general—namely, how trustees interact with the attorney general, arguments for why the role of the attorney general needs to be reformed or eliminated, and arguments in support of letting the attorney general maintain his or her power in these charitable trust cases. After considering the historical background on charitable trusts, this Note analyzes a recent New Hampshire case, In re Nashua Center for the Arts, as an example of how the New Hampshire Probate Court affirmed the power of the state Attorney General in this charitable trust setting. In that case, several groups of concerned citizens tried to intervene when the trust for Nashua Center for the Arts, part of the Edith Carter estate, announced it would relocate its funds to the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester, New Hampshire. The court denied their motions to intervene because only the state Attorney General has the power to represent them—the parties did not have standing to intervene on their own. The Note then explores other New Hampshire cases, Massachusetts cases, and legal disputes in other states to provide additional perspectives. This Note concludes that while the court’s decision in In re Nashua Center for the Arts initially seems like a harsh injustice for the nonprofits in Nashua that felt entitled to make use of the funds from Edith Carter’s estate, the court correctly applied the existing law. The outcome of the case should remind nonprofits and citizens in New Hampshire that, while the state has held itself out as one of the most progressive states for trust law, the significant powers held by the state Attorney General will not be limited any time soon

    Extension-related breccias: implications for groundwater flow from Pahute Mesa to near Beatty, Nevada

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    The Las Vegas Valley Shear Zone, a right lateral strike slip fault that trends >100 m at N60W, makes a right step east of Beatty, Nevada resulting in detachment faulting and rhyolitic volcanism characteristic of the South West Nevada Volcanic Field. In the Fluorspar Canyon region of the field area, the Fluorspar Canyon-Bullfrog Hills (FC-BH) detachment dips 40° N and separates Late-proterozoic and Paleozoic strata in the footwall from Tertiary Volcanics and sediments in the hanging wall. To the east, the detachment links with the moderately dipping Tate's Wash Fault. After removing the 40°N tilt, these two structures form a listric normal fault that cuts through the Paleozoic and into the crystalline basement. The hanging wall does not crop out in the field area and may be represented by the strata of the Grapevine Mountains of Death Valley. Extension along the FC-BH detachment migrates westward and occurs in previously recognized pulses. Expansive breccias are a distinctive feature in the field area and are directly related to extension. This study examines mapped breccias to determine their origin and relationship to deep structures in the field area. Deposits related to deep structures may influence the flow of possibly contaminated groundwater from Pahute Mesa in the Nevada Test Site southwest into the Beatty region. Breccias are interpreted to be deposited as large slide masses or accumulated in extension-related low areas. Groundwater flows southwest possibly using the NE trending Thirsty Canyon Lineament as a pathway. Water ponds against the east side of the N- trending Hogback Fault as suggested by the presence of numerous springs. The breccias mapped in the study area are not directly fault related, do not cut the underlying detachment, and do not significantly influence groundwater flow. Flow continues southward into the Beatty, Nevada region via the Amargosa River

    Piloting the Research Instrument to Identify the Conditions that Promote Coaching in Organisations

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    Purpose of the article: This paper aims to present both the procedure and the results of the piloting the questionnaire to identify the conditions under which coaching is likely to be promoted in the organisations. Methodology/methods: To achieve the aim of the study, the extensive literature search was undertaken based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement and the conditions were identified from the selected articles. These conditions constituted the basis for the questionnaire for coaches and coaching clients. Piloting the questionnaire was conducted with a limited sample in order to check content validity. Scientific aim: The aim of the research is to identify the conditions that facilitate the promotion of coaching in the organisations of Latvia and Lithuania. Findings: As a result of piloting the questionnaire the clarity of layout and instructions were checked, irrelevant questions were identified and uncertainty and poor wording were eliminated. The experts could evaluate all conditions. The highest score got the conditions that were connected with the willingness to learn and develop Conclusions Limitation: The construct validity and the criterion validity of the questionnaire were not checked since it was not the aim of the piloting. Implications: The designed and piloted questionnaire will be used for the survey of coaches and coaching clients. Sampling list of coaches is prepared preliminarily; it is comprised of coaches from Latvia and Lithuania who are the members of associations of coaches. Sampling list of coaching clients will be created simultaneously. However, it would be done all possible to select a sample large enough for statistical analysis

    Pengaruh Kompensasi Finansial dan Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) pada Hotel Alit's Beach Bali

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    Job satisfaction and OCB will reflect the positive attitude of each individual in completing tasks and loyalty to the company. This study focused on Alit's Beach Hotel Bali, Sanur. Total samples are 70 employees without leaders, using probability sampling methods. The study used path analysis model. The test results showed thatthe financial compensation affect significantlyon employee job satisfaction, significant effect of leadership style on employee job satisfaction, financial compensation significant effect on OCB, and leadership style significantly influence OCB and job satisfaction have a significant effect on OCB