386 research outputs found

    Silhouettes of a Silent Female’s Authority: A Psychoanalytic and Feminist Perspective on the Art of Kara Walker

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    The focus of my research centers on the contemporary work of Georgia-based artist, Kara Elizabeth Walker. In conducting extensive research on the life of the artist as well as three select artworks which recall the antebellum slave era within the south, I argue the explicit presence of the power of the enslaved prepubescent girl and young woman. The three select works that I intend to analyze are Burn, a cut-paper silhouette on canvas created in 1998, The Invisible Beauty, a mixed media piece made in 2001, and Cut, a paper cut-out silhouette made in 1998. In a time where one’s power and freedom were both stripped away upon entering the prison-like confines of a plantation home, the life of a slave (a female slave in this case) was committed to grueling housework, the rearing of her slave master’s children in the place of her own, sexual exploitation and merciless beatings, humiliation, submission to her white counterparts, and in many cases, the occasion of rape. Walker’s intense, overtly erotic and disturbing life-size (and larger than life size) interpretations of the Antebellum south force a stirred emotion within her viewers, so as to implicate them upon viewing. Utilizing methodologies such as formal analysis, feminist deconstruction, semiotic analysis, and psychoanalytic theory, I will prove that Walker’s work is not only a provocative rendition of the horrors of the slave era, but also a way to deconstruct the notion of the female slave as a powerless individual and counter that thought process with a more powerful, authoritative, aggressive, and sexually autonomous image of a female slave, as well as the authority reflected in herself as a contemporary African American artist. *As a disclaimer and out of personal respect to my readers, I caution that there are phrases in my article that may be considered offensive, given their racial nature. The artist has used these terms as a way to describe the figures in her works of art. While they may be offensive, I feel they are necessary to bolster my arguments of racial stereotypes of enslaved females, which over time have been socially constructed and historically situated

    Commissioning and Evaluation of an Electronic Portal Imaging Device-Based In-Vivo Dosimetry Software.

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    This study reports on our experience with the in-vivo dose verification software, EPIgray® (DOSIsoft, Cachan, France). After the initial commissioning process, clinical experiments on phantom treatments were evaluated to assess the level of accuracy of the electronic portal imaging device (EPID) based in-vivo dose verification. EPIgray was commissioned based on the company's instructions. This involved ion chamber measurements and portal imaging of solid water blocks of various thicknesses between 5 and 35 cm. Field sizes varied between 2 x 2 cm2 and 20 x 20 cm2. The determined conversion factors were adjusted through an additional iterative process using treatment planning system calculations. Subsequently, evaluation was performed using treatment plans of single and opposed beams, as well as intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) plans, based on recommendations from the task group report TG-119 to test for dose reconstruction accuracy. All tests were performed using blocks of solid water slabs as a phantom. For single square fields, the dose at isocenter was reconstructed within 3% accuracy in EPIgray compared to the treatment planning system dose. Similarly, the relative deviation of the total dose was accurately reconstructed within 3% for all IMRT plans with points placed inside a high-dose region near the isocenter. Predictions became less accurate than < 5% when the evaluation point was outside the treatment target. Dose at points 5 cm or more away from the isocenter or within an avoidance structure was reconstructed less reliably. EPIgray formalism accuracy is adequate for an efficient error detection system with verifications performed in high-dose volumes. It provides immediate intra-fractional feedback on the delivery of treatment plans without affecting the treatment beam. Besides the EPID, no additional hardware is required. The software evaluates local point dose measurements to verify treatment plan delivery and patient positioning within 5% accuracy, depending on the placement of evaluation points

    Cultivating a Culture of Mutuality: The Role of Mentorship in Emerging Professional Development

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    All universities report being committed to meaningful teaching and scholarship, and supporting faculty in their professional development. Arguably, this commitment is particularly present for a new hire or professor in her early career. This article represents the experiences of a group of first year faculty with a particular focus on transition into a new working environment during our initial year at Lesley University. This article argues that mentorship programs are crucial to the success of faculty development throughout the course of one’s career, and that the University is responsible for helping to create a “culture of care” by supporting mentorship initiatives at the systemic level

    O palafito que muda a sua vida... uma grande experiência de apoio nutricional e alimentar

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    President's letterCarta del presidenteCarta do president

    La motivación y el desempeño laboral en los docentes de la Institución Educativa Privada “Nueva Generación”, del distrito de Carabayllo Lima – Perú, 2020

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la motivación y desempeño laboral en los docentes de la Institución Educativa Privada “Nueva Generación”, del distrito de Carabayllo Lima - Perú 2020. Las fuentes que se consultaron fueron artículos científicos, libros, revistas, páginas web. El enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, alcance descriptivo de tipo correlacional, corte transversal, población de 100, muestra finita da 79.51 docentes se realizó un cuestionario de tipo cerrado, confiabilidad de Alfa Cronbach es de 0.52, validado por juicio de expertos – escala (Likert) base de datos, para la determinación de la población total se aplicó el estadístico de SPSS 2021. Los resultados según la prueba de kolmogorov – Smirnov la variable motivación nos da un grado de significancia de 0,00 mientras que la variable desempeño laboral nos da 0,04, luego al realizarse la prueba no paramétrica de coeficiente de correlación de Rho Spearman que es igual a 0. 548 (valor positivo) esto nos dice que es una probabilidad muy pequeña, pero se encuentra dentro del rango . Una de las limitaciones que hubo fue la disponibilidad por parte de los profesionales de la muestra estudiada ya que no contaban con tiempo para poder ejecutar el cuestionario.The general objective of this research is to determine the relationship between motivation and work performance in teachers of the Private Educational Institution "Nueva Generación", of the district of Carabayllo Lima - Peru 2020. The sources which were consulted were scientific articles, books, web pages. The quantitative approach, non-experimental design, descriptive scope of correlational type, cross section, population of 100, the sample was a census type of 80 teachers to whom a closed type questionnaire, survey, reliability of Alpha Cronbach is 0.52069871, Validated by expert judgment instrument - scale (Likert) having a database, for the determination of the total population the SPSS 2021 statistic was applied. The results obtained were that both variables, motivation and job performance, have a degree of correlation when the non-parametric test of the Rho Spearman correlation coefficient was performed, which is equal to 0. 548 (positive value), this tells us that it is a very high probability. small, but within the range . One of the limitations that existed was the availability on the part of the professionals of the studied sample since they did not have time to be able to execute the questionnaire

    “La comunicación interna y su relación con la gestión del cambio, Escuela Hogar comunitaria Regional Sagrada Familia, Ventanilla, 2018”

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “LA COMUNICACIÓN INTERNA Y SU RELACIÓN CON LA GESTIÓN DEL CAMBIO, ESCUELA HOGAR COMUNITARIA REGIONAL SAGRADA FAMILIA, VENTANILLA, 2018” tiene como principal objetivo, determinar la relación que existe entre la comunicación interna y la gestión de cambio en la Escuela Hogar Comunitaria Regional Sagrada Familia. El tipo de investigación es de tipo aplicada, el nivel de investigación es descriptivo correlacional, el diseño de investigación es no experimental y de corte transversal y de método Hipotético Deductivo, de esta manera en el estudio se hizo uso de la técnica de la encuesta, se utilizó como instrumento el cuestionario para ambas variables, comunicación interna y gestión del cambio, siendo aplicado a la EHCRSF con una población de 45 docentes, la muestra para el presente estudio de investigación es de tipo censal y se trabajará únicamente con los docentes de los tres niveles

    La Gestión Pedagógica y la Calidad del Proceso de Enseñanza – Aprendizaje en Educación Secundaria para la I.E Mariscal Eloy Gaspar Ureta – Nueva Esperanza – V.M.T

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue este estudio se desarrolló sobre la gestión pedagógica y la calidad del proceso de enseñanza–aprendizaje en educación secundaria para la IE Mariscal Eloy Gaspar Ureta, Nueva Esperanza, VMT. En su metodología el estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básico, nivel correlacional, diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. Estuvo conformaron la población 45 docentes y la muestra fue censal. La técnica aplicada fue la encuesta, y el instrumento, el cuestionario que fue validado y, posteriormente, obtuvo óptimos niveles de confiabilidad. Los resultados demuestran un coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman = 0,687, lo que se interpreta al 99,99 % que la correlación es significativa al nivel 0,01 bilateral, interpretándose como una relación positiva alta entre las variables, con un p = 0,00 (p < 0,01), rechazándose la hipótesis nula. La gestión pedagógica está relacionada directamente con la calidad del proceso de enseñanza– aprendizaje; es decir, cuanto mejor sea la gestión pedagógica, mayor será la calidad del proceso enseñanza–aprendizaje, además, según el coeficiente de Spearman de 0,687, representa esta una correlación positiva alta.The objective of this research work was this study was developed on the pedagogical management and the quality of the teaching process. teaching-learning in secondary education for the IE Mariscal Eloy Gaspar Ureta, New Hope, VMT. In its methodology, the study of quantitative approach, type basic, correlational level, non-experimental and cross-sectional design. Was The population was made up of 45 teachers and the sample was census. The applied technique was survey, and the instrument, the questionnaire that was validated and, subsequently, obtained optimum levels of reliability. The results demonstrate a correlation coefficient Spearman's Rho = 0.687, which is interpreted at 99.99% that the correlation is significant at the 0.01 bilateral level, being interpreted as a high positive relationship between the variables, with p = 0.00 (p < 0.01), rejecting the null hypothesis. management pedagogy is directly related to the quality of the teaching process. learning; that is, the better the pedagogical management, the higher the quality of the teaching-learning process, in addition, according to the Spearman coefficient of 0.687, This represents a high positive correlation.ChosicaEscuela de Posgrad