324 research outputs found

    Shannon entropy and particle decays

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    We deploy Shannon's information entropy to the distribution of branching fractions in a particle decay. This serves to quantify how important a given new reported decay channel is, from the point of view of the information that it adds to the already known ones. Because the entropy is additive, one can subdivide the set of channels and discuss, for example, how much information the discovery of a new decay branching would add; or subdivide the decay distribution down to the level of individual quantum states (which can be quickly counted by the phase space). We illustrate the concept with some examples of experimentally known particle decay distributions.Comment: 12 pages, 18 plots; to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Skin mucus proteome map of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Cordero, H., Brinchmann, M.F., Cuesta, A., Meseguer, J. & Esteban, M.A. (2015). Skin mucus proteome map of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Proteomics, 15(23-24), 4007-4020, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201500120. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving (http://olabout.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-820227.html)

    Efficacy of the tissue regenerating agent (RGTA) in the treatment of neurotrophic corneal ulcers and persistent epithelial defects

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    Purpose : To report the results obtained in a series of 58 eyes with chronic corneal ulcers and persistent epithelial defects resistant to conventional therapy and treated with 0.01% poly-carboxymethylglucose sulfate (RGTA, Cacicol®). Methods : A prospective study was made of 58 eyes of patients with corneal ulcers and persistent epithelial lesions secondary to neurotrophic disorders, caustic damage, ulcerated metaherpetic lesions, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, peripheral ulcerative keratitis and severe dry eye, among other conditions. The ulcers were essentially chronic and slow-evolving, with mean vertical and horizontal diameters of 2.4 and 2.7 mm, respectively (range 1-5.5 mm). All patients had been previously treated with classical tear substitutes, and some had also received blood products, topical cyclosporine, corticosteroids, amniotic membrane coverings, therapeutic contact lenses and/or a vitamin-based eye ointment. The patients received an initial dose of one drop in the morning every 48 hours during 10 days. After evaluation of the effects of treatment, new dosing schemes were prescribed for those patients who had improved their clinical condition though without complete resolution of the disease. Results : Important variation was observed in the time to recovery of corneal integrity, ranging from a few days to some weeks, depending on the severity and etiology of the case. Full healing was recorded in 50 patients. The patients with large neurotrophic ulcers showed improvement of the lesions, with a decrease in lesion size after 15 days of treatment. Eight eyes did not achieve complete healing. In the case of severe ulceration and when a positive effect was observed after one month, treatment was continued with spacing of the applications until complete healing was achieved. All patients reported subjective improvement. The drug showed immediate efficacy in 11 eyes with epithelialisation disorders following PRK or trauma, with recovery of tissue integrity after the first treatment period. Conclusions : The tissue regenerating agent (RGTA, Cacicol®) is an interesting and effective topical adjuvant product for the treatment of severe and chronic corneal ulcers resistant to conventional treatment. Its efficacy remains to be confirmed in the context of double-blind, randomised clinical trials

    Dietary Inclusion of Halobacterium salinarum Modulates Growth Performances and Immune Responses in Farmed Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata L.)

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    The use of natural immunostimulants is considered the most promising alternative to promote fish health, productive performance and quality, increasing the aquaculture profitability, sustainability and social acceptance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the integration of a potential probiotic strain, Halobacterium salinarum, belonging to the Archaea domain, in the formulated diets of farmed gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) in terms of growth performances and immunity responses. The experiment was set up to test two different levels of inclusion of the bacteria in the diet: 0.05% (D1) and 0.1% (D2). The effects on fish growth performances; humoral (peroxidase, protease, antiprotease and IgM levels) and cellular immunity parameters (phagocytosis, respiratory burst and myeloperoxidase), along with bactericidal activity, were evaluated after 15 and 30 days of experimental feeding. The obtained results showed that the inclusion of H. salinarum at the highest concentration (D2 0.1%) improved growth performances, bactericidal activity against Vibrio anguillarum and some parameters related both to the humoral and cellular immune response, suggesting exploring other aspects of welfare in view of future supplementations of this probiotic strain in the diet of S. aurata


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    Introduction: The Pan American Health Organization in 2014 published strategic for the primary health care and healthy eating, for the prevention of malnutrition, including the restriction of advertising in foods with high-calorie schedule and kids channels. Television became the best choice for the promotion of these foods by the easy access that has in this group. Objective: To evaluate the degree of Association of the consumption of caloric food, broadcast television, and malnutrition through the theory of the consumption in school children of the school primary Miguel Hidalgo of the municipality of Temamatla, Mexico State. Method: Study transversal, descriptive, quantitative; shows statistics stratified by clusters of 140 schoolchildren. Instrument: "TV and consumption", Cronbach's Alpha of 0.789; data processed by the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 statistical package. Results: The direct relationship between consumption of caloric foods and the use of broadcast through the Association of P Pearson, with a contention between: 0.35, and greater than 0.05, playing: Association with positive linearity. Conclusions: Broadcast television keeps, a positive association with regard to consumption, preference and choice of food energy, promoted through advertising campaigns, based on the use of games, dreams, fantasies and characters from fashionable to establish long-term relationships between the school and the brand, which is part of an ephemeral happiness, conditioning perpetual stages of malnutrition.Introduction: The Pan American Health Organization in 2014 published strategic for the primary health care and healthy eating, for the prevention of malnutrition, including the restriction of advertising in foods with high-calorie schedule and kids channels. Television became the best choice for the promotion of these foods by the easy access that has in this group. Objective: To evaluate the degree of Association of the consumption of caloric food, broadcast television, and malnutrition through the theory of the consumption in school children of the school primary Miguel Hidalgo of the municipality of Temamatla, Mexico State. Method: Study transversal, descriptive, quantitative; shows statistics stratified by clusters of 140 schoolchildren. Instrument: "TV and consumption", Cronbach's Alpha of 0.789; data processed by the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 statistical package. Results: The direct relationship between consumption of caloric foods and the use of broadcast through the Association of P Pearson, with a contention between: 0.35, and greater than 0.05, playing: Association with positive linearity. Conclusions: Broadcast television keeps, a positive association with regard to consumption, preference and choice of food energy, promoted through advertising campaigns, based on the use of games, dreams, fantasies and characters from fashionable to establish long-term relationships between the school and the brand, which is part of an ephemeral happiness, conditioning perpetual stages of malnutrition

    Dietary administration impact of olive pulp on growth performance, metabolic profile, immune status, and antioxidant potential of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.)

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    The use of natural immunostimulants in aquaculture is intended to foster overall health and bolster resilience against diseases in farmed fish populations. It constitutes a crucial strategy that can contribute to securing the sustainability of the aquaculture industry, and it is an area that warrants ongoing exploration and development. Therefore, the aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of dietary administration of olive pulp on growth rate, metabolic profile, serum antioxidant potential, and humoral and cellular innate immune parameters of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.). For this, fish were fed control diet or olive pulp enriched diets (50, 100, and 200 mg kg feed−1) for 4 weeks. Our results demonstrated that the highest inclusion level improved the growth rates and the biological antioxidant potential in the serum of fish. However, after 4 weeks of feeding, most of the assayed metabolic parameters (Ca2+, TP, ALB, K+, and Na+) were increased in the serum of fish fed with a diet containing the lowest level of olive pulp (50 mg kg feed−1). Regarding the innate immune parameters, the IgM levels decreased in the serum of fish fed 50′s diet after 2 and 4 weeks of trial. However, the serum of fish fed with diets containing 100 and 200 showed an increase in hemolytic complement activity after 2 weeks whilst this increase was only sustained in the 200′s group after 4 weeks. After 2 weeks of feeding, the serum of the fish showed an increase in peroxidase activity due to the highest olive inclusion. Concerning cellular innate parameters, peroxidase activity, respiratory burst, and phagocytic ability were increased in head-kidney leucocytes of fish fed 100′s diet at 2 weeks compared to values from control fish. These results suggest that the administration of olive pulp-enriched diets can benefit fish growth, antioxidant, and immune status of gilthead seabream
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