235 research outputs found

    Active Learning in Teaching Digital Tourism: Preliminary Results Through Online Travel Business Simulation

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    Today, education requires a constant search of methods and instruments that stimulate students’ engagement. Active learning methods ensure students’ activities through their creativeness and reactiveness during educational processes. Sim- ulation has been used as a crucial component of active teaching especially in the context of Business Informatics due to a close relationship between simulated business models and computer technologies and management skills. In this paper, we focuse on online Travel Agency Business simulation and show how a real simulation performed through active methodology of web coding results in a complete set of learning outcomes in Digital Tourism and Management education

    Adding Fuel to the Fire: Life and Meaning of Data in a Principal’s World

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    In this paper a former middle school principal and his dissertation chair look back at the research process envisioned and carried out against the neo-positivist grain aggressively put forward by the government and espoused in school districts across the United States. We revisit the meaning of data and show how they emerged from the paradigmatic stance of action research and came to life via collaboration between teachers-research participants and a school principal-researcher. We provide examples of data that was simultaneously collected and interpreted and served as evidence that the process of action research resulted in meaningful learning, genuine change, and reflective instructional practices

    Structural properties of the linkers connecting the n- and c- terminal domains in the mocr bacterial transcriptional regulators

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    Peptide inter-domain linkers are peptide segments covalently linking two adjacent domains within a protein. Linkers play a variety of structural and functional roles in naturally occurring proteins. In this work we analyze the sequence properties of the predicted linker regions of the bacterial transcriptional regulators belonging to the recently discovered MocR subfamily of the GntR regulators. Analyses were carried out on the MocR sequences taken from the phyla Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria. The results suggest that MocR linkers display phylum-specific characteristics and unique features different from those already described for other classes of inter-domain linkers. They show an average length significantly higher: 31.8 Â± 14.3 residues reaching a maximum of about 150 residues. Compositional propensities displayed general and phylum-specific trends. Pro is dominating in all linkers. Dyad propensity analysis indicate Pro–Pro as the most frequent amino acid pair in all linkers. Physicochemical properties of the linker regions were assessed using amino acid indices relative to different features: in general, MocR linkers are flexible, hydrophilic and display propensity for β-turn or coil conformations. Linker sequences are hypervariable: only similarities between MocR linkers from organisms related at the level of species or genus could be found with sequence searches. The results shed light on the properties of the linker regions of the new MocR subfamily of bacterial regulators and may provide knowledge-based rules for designing artificial linkers with desired properties. © 2016 The Author(s

    Extremophilic SHMTs: From Structure to Biotechnology

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    Recent advances in molecular and structural biology have improved the availability of virtually any biocatalyst in large quantity and have also provided an insight into the detailed structure-function relationships of many of them. These results allowed the rational exploitation of biocatalysts for use in organic synthesis. In this context, extremophilic enzymes are extensively studied for their potential interest for many biotechnological and industrial applications, as they offer increased rates of reactions, higher substrate solubility, and/or longer enzyme half-lives at the conditions of industrial processes. Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT), for its ubiquitous nature, represents a suitable model for analyzing enzyme adaptation to extreme environments. In fact, many SHMT sequences from Eukarya, Eubacteria and Archaea are available in data banks as well as several crystal structures. In addition, SHMT is structurally conserved because of its critical metabolic role; consequently, very few structural changes have occurred during evolution. Our research group analyzed the molecular basis of SHMT adaptation to high and low temperatures, using experimental and comparative in silico approaches. These structural and functional studies of SHMTs purified from extremophilic organisms can help to understand the peculiarities of the enzyme activity at extreme temperatures, indicating possible strategies for rational enzyme engineering

    Ajuste por inflación: una realidad que afecta la interpretación y veracidad de la información contable

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    Tesis (Especialización en Contabilidad Superior y Auditoria) -- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Argentina, 2019.En el presente trabajo se buscó analizar el ajuste por inflación de los Estados Contables, a fines de observar los efectos distorsivos que produce su falta de aplicación, en la interpretación, y veracidad de la información contable. Del análisis de los resultados surge que la inflación es un fenómeno de alza pronunciada, continua, y generalizada de los precios de bienes y servicios, lo que trae como consecuencia una pérdida del poder adquisitivo de la unidad monetaria del país. Se advierte la existencia de criterios compartidos sobre la necesidad de lograr que la contabilidad refleje el impacto de la inflación sobre los Estados Contables. Los intereses en juego afectan a toda la comunidad y la responsabilidad de los profesionales en ciencias económicas ha tomado posiblemente una importancia quizás nunca imaginada, por lo tanto los Estados Contables deben hoy en día ser ajustados en forma integral para reflejar los efectos de la inflación y ser presentados como Estados Contables únicos. Las normas de auditoría utilizan como sensores a las normas contables profesionales, por lo tanto la suspensión del ajuste por inflación distorsiona las cualidades de la información contable, afectando a los usuarios de dicha información, ya que la misma distorsiona la realidad, pero además afecta también a la responsabilidad del Auditor Externo y al Síndico Societario.Fil: Angelaccio, Sofía. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Argentina

    The origin and quality of water for human consumption: the health of the population residing in the Matanza-Riachuelo river basin area in Greater Buenos Aires

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    El objetivo del estudio es analizar el origen y la calidad del agua domiciliaria utilizada para el consumo, en una muestra de hogares del área de la cuenca Matanza-Riachuelo del Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina. Según su origen, el 9% de las muestras de agua provenientes de la red pública, el 45% de las de agua envasada y el 80% de las provenientes de perforaciones o pozos individuales resultaron no potables por exceso de coliformes, Escherichia coli o nitratos. Los individuos de la muestra de hogares en los que la fuente principal de agua para el consumo eran pozos individuales presentaron una probabilidad 55% superior de padecer alguna enfermedad de origen hídrico, probabilidad que llegaría al 87% en el caso de las diarreas y al 160% en el de las dermatitis. El agua para consumo humano en este territorio debería provenir de fuentes centralizadas que aseguren el control de la calidad del agua.The aim of this study is to analyze the origin and quality of water used for consumption in a sample of households in Matanza-Riachuelo river basin area in Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina. The results of drinking water by source indicated that 9% of water samples from the public water system, 45% of bottled water samples and 80% of well water samples were not safe for drinking due to excess content of coliforms, Escherichia coli or nitrates. Individuals living in households where well water is the main source of drinking water have a 55% higher chance of suffering a water-borne disease; in the cases of diarrheas, the probability is 87% higher and in the case of dermatitis, 160% higher. The water for human consumption in this region should be provided by centralized sources that assure control over the quality of the waterFil: Monteverde, Laura Malena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudio Sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Cipponeri, Marcos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Angelaccio, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Giannuzzi, Leda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones en Criotecnología de Alimentos (i); Argentin
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