4,131 research outputs found

    Examining the Literacy Practices of Engineers to Develop a Model of Disciplinary Literacy Instruction for K-12 Engineering (Work in Progress)

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    Despite efforts to diversify the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce, engineering remains a White, male-dominated profession. Often, women and underrepresented students do not identify with STEM careers and many opt out of STEM pathways prior to entering high school or college. In order to broaden participation in engineering, new methods of engaging and retaining those who are traditionally underrepresented in engineering are needed. This work is based on a promising approach for encouraging and supporting diverse participation in engineering: disciplinary literacy instruction (DLI). Generally, teachers use DLI to provide K-12 students with a framework for interpreting, evaluating, and generating discipline-specific texts. This instruction provides students with an understanding of how experts in the discipline read, engage, and generate texts used to solve problems or communicate information. While models of disciplinary literacy have been developed and disseminated in several humanities and science fields, there is a lack of empirical and theoretical research that examines the use of DLI within the engineering domain. It is thought that DLI can be used to foster diverse student interest in engineering from a young age by removing literacy-based barriers that often discourage underrepresented students from entering and pursuing careers in STEM fields. This work-in-progress paper describes a new study underway to develop and disseminate a model of disciplinary literacy in engineering. During this project, researchers will observe, interview, and collect written artifacts from engineers working across four sub-disciplines of engineering: aerospace/mechanical, biological, civil/environmental, and electrical/computer. Data that will be collected include interview transcripts, observation field notes, engineer logs of literacy practices, and photographs of texts that the engineers read and write. Data will be analyzed using constant comparative analytic (CCA) methods. CCA will be used to generate theoretical codes from the data that will form the basis for a model of disciplinary literacy in engineering. As a primary outcome of this research, the engineering DLI model will promote the use of DLI practices within K-12 engineering instruction in order to assist and encourage diverse, underrepresented students to engage in engineering courses of study and pursue STEM careers. Thus far, the research team has begun collecting and analyzing data from two electrical engineers. This work in progress paper will report on preliminary findings, as well as implications for K-12 classroom instruction. For instance, this study has shed insights on how engineers use texts as part of the process of conducting failure analysis, and the research team has begun to conceptualize how these types of texts might be used with K-12 students to help them conduct failure analyses during design testing. Ultimately, this project will result in a list of grade-appropriate texts, evaluative frameworks, and activities (e.g., failure analysis in testing) that K-12 engineering teachers can use to prepare their diverse students to think, act, read, and write like engineers

    Intervención de Enfermería y Aplicación de cuidados durante la atención del parto de bajo riesgo según Normas y Protocolos en el centro de salud Lucrecia Lindo del Municipio de San Ramón Departamento de Matagalpa, II Semestre 2016

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las intervenciones de enfermería según normativa y la aplicación de cuidados durante la atención del parto de bajo riesgo en el centro de salud Lucrecia Lindo del Municipio de San Ramón Departamento de Matagalpa II, semestre 2016. Con el propósito de que el personal de enfermería ,realice las intervenciones de manera correcta y completa según Normativa, para obtener la información se realizó la siguiente actividad como es la aplicación de la guía de observación al personal de enfermería la cual contenía las intervenciones documentadas de la Normativa (011,2015) es de importancia ya que se abordan las intervenciones de Enfermería con el cuidado aplicado a las usuarias en los tres periodos del trabajo de parto con el objetivo de que se cumplan con eficiencia y eficacia las intervenciones antes mencionadas, las principales conclusiones fueron,a) Se enumeraron las intervenciones de enfermería durante la atención del parto en la Normas y protocolo para la atención prenatal, parto, recién nacido/a y puerperio de bajo riesgo, Normativa (042,2010) Parto humanizado, b) se compararon las intervenciones de enfermería en los tres periodos del parto con el cuidado aplicado por lo tanto se obtuvieron los resultado de forma insatisfactoria, c) al evaluar las intervenciones de enfermería con el cuidado aplicado se encontró que a la mayoría de las usuarias se le realizan las intervenciones de forma incorrecta e incompleta por lo que se valora el cuidado como insatisfactorio. Palabras claves: cuidados de enfermería, intervenciones, periodos del parto, parto de bajo riesg

    Effectiveness of the Bridge/Adapt Program on Functional Skill Generalization After Acquired Brain Injury

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    This study explored the effectiveness of the Bridge/Adapt program for generalizing increased cognition to functional skills. Three participants, identified as having significant cognitive impairments as measured by the Cognistat assessment, participated in the Bridge/Adapt program, an eight-week program that includes both remedial and compensatory components. The remedial component used was a computer-based cognitive rehabilitation program called Parrot Software. Past studies have proven computer-based cognitive rehabilitation to be effective in increasing overall cognition. The Bridge/Adapt module is the compensatory component that utilized a variety of strategies and everyday tasks to facilitate the generalization of improved cognition to functional performance. A homework component was also implemented for participants to incorporate the strategies learned in the Bridge/Adapt program to their own meaningful occupations. This study utilized a pretest posttest design using the medication box assessment to measure functional performance. Results of the medication box assessment indicated that one of the three participants demonstrated generalization of skills from improved cognition to functional performance. Future research should include re-evaluating the Bridge/Adapt modules and the medication box assessment. Recommendations to improve future implementation are provided to increase likelihood of generalization

    Bridge/Adapt: Transfer from Computer Remediation to Functional Skill

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    This study explored the effectiveness of the Bridge/Adapt program for generalizing increased cognition to functional skills. Three participants, identified as having significant cognitive impairments as measured by the Cognistat assessment, participated in the Bridge/Adapt program, an eight-week program that includes both remedial and compensatory components. The remedial component used was a computer-based cognitive rehabilitation program called Parrot Software. Past studies have proven computer-based cognitive rehabilitation to be effective in increasing overall cognition. The Bridge/Adapt module is the compensatory component that utilized a variety of strategies and everyday tasks to facilitate the generalization of improved cognition to functional performance. A homework component was also implemented for participants to incorporate the strategies learned in the Bridge/Adapt program to their own meaningful occupations. This study utilized a pretest posttest design using the medication box assessment to measure functional performance. Results of the medication box assessment indicated that one of the three participants demonstrated generalization of skills from improved cognition to functional performance. Future research should include re-evaluating the Bridge/Adapt modules and the medication box assessment. Recommendations to improve future implementation are provided to increase likelihood of generalization

    Bridge/Adapt: Transfer from Computer Remediation to Functional Skill

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    This study explored the effectiveness of the Bridge/Adapt program for generalizing increased cognition to functional skills. Three participants, identified as having significant cognitive impairments as measured by the Cognistat assessment, participated in the Bridge/Adapt program, an eight-week program that includes both remedial and compensatory components. The remedial component used was a computer-based cognitive rehabilitation program called Parrot Software. Past studies have proven computer-based cognitive rehabilitation to be effective in increasing overall cognition. The Bridge/Adapt module is the compensatory component that utilized a variety of strategies and everyday tasks to facilitate the generalization of improved cognition to functional performance. A homework component was also implemented for participants to incorporate the strategies learned in the Bridge/Adapt program to their own meaningful occupations. This study utilized a pretest posttest design using the medication box assessment to measure functional performance. Results of the medication box assessment indicated that one of the three participants demonstrated generalization of skills from improved cognition to functional performance. Future research should include re-evaluating the Bridge/Adapt modules and the medication box assessment. Recommendations to improve future implementation are provided to increase likelihood of generalization.https://scholar.dominican.edu/ug-student-posters/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Effect of morphological characteristics and productive traits on the survival of dual-purpose Simmental cows

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    In recent years, dairy farmers have observed a substantial decrease in cow survival, with a direct negative consequence on the profitability. Shorter lifespan raises questions about animal welfare and farming conditions at which cows are exposed to. Traditionally, the cows’ productive life length is affected by voluntary and involuntary culling, e.g. sale, slaughter, salvage, or death. Culling risks are affected by animal-related features such as calving events, lactation stage, energy balance, reproduction, and aging, but also external factors, namely management and season. The present study aimed to investigate the morphological and productive traits affecting the survival of Italian Simmental dual-purpose cattle. Data available belonged to 2656 Italian Simmental dairy cows from 324 dairy herds (Emilia Romagna region, Italy). Cows involved in the study were linear classified once, as primiparous, between the 2002/2003 to 2019/2020 dairy seasons. Kaplan-Meier survival analyses were performed with the LIFETEST procedure of SAS software v 9.4 using milk yield, muscularity, and body condition score (in classes) as independent variable and survival at the subsequent lactation up to the 6th as dependent variable. As expected, the culling risk increased with parity, i.e. as the age of cows progressed. In general, animals with a low production level and medium body conditions have the highest probability of survival compared to high-producing cows. This trend was more evident in later parities: in fact, cows in parity 5 with low milk production and medium muscularity were more likely (+20.11% of probability) to survive at the subsequent lactation compared to others (13.99 vs 10.49, for medium and high production levels, respectively). Moreover, high-producing cows with medium body conditions were those with the lowest probability to survive at the subsequent lactation. The reasons that could explain these findings may be linked to the metabolic stress experienced by the cows during lactation. Indeed, especially during the peripartum period, lactating cows undergo a state of negative energy balance and a reduction of immune competence. Results from this study indicated that other than productivity level, morphological traits are important for making culling decisions in the Italian Simmental cattle

    Diagnóstico al programa de protección contra caídas para la empresa Applus

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    74p.The present work consists of diagnose the protection program against falls at work at high heights in the process of climbing by a fixed structure and positioning, that’s the case of the company Applus, which is implementing it according the guidelines of the management system of security and health at work, that’s search as an mainly objet safeguard the health of the worker. It was based on the current regulations of the minister of work and social protection which regulates the works at heights in terms of risk mitigation, the employer and workers’ duties, the certification process in terms of labor skills and its strict compliance. The phases of the methodology allowed making theoretical-practical recognition of the protection program against falls at work, their control and mitigation measures. For this purpose a survey was made where the program achievements, the knowledge and the application of the operational staff in the procedures establish by the company stand out. When tabulating the results of the survey we can conclude and recommend improvement actions within the program, as the emergency plan and the secure practices allows continuous improvement and mitigate accidents or incidents which workers are exposed to. Key words: Work heights, risks, rescue plan, procedure, regulations.El presente trabajo consiste en diagnosticar el programa de protección contra caídas en el trabajo en altas alturas en el proceso de escalar por una estructura y posicionamiento fijos, ese es el caso del empresa Applus, que lo implementa de acuerdo con los lineamientos del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, esa es una búsqueda como un objetivo principalmente salvaguardar la salud del trabajador. Se basó en la normativa vigente del ministro de trabajo y protección social. que regula los trabajos en altura en términos de mitigación de riesgos, el empleador y los trabajadores deberes, el proceso de certificación en términos de habilidades laborales y su estricto cumplimiento. Las fases de la metodología permitieron hacer un reconocimiento teórico-práctico de la programa de protección contra caídas en el trabajo, sus medidas de control y mitigación. Para este propósito se realizó una encuesta donde se detallan los logros del programa, el conocimiento y la aplicación de se destaca el personal operativo en los procedimientos establecidos por la empresa. Al tabular los resultados de la encuesta podemos concluir y recomendar mejoras acciones dentro del programa, ya que el plan de emergencia y las prácticas seguras permiten mejora y mitiga accidentes o incidentes a los que están expuestos los trabajadores. Palabras clave: alturas de trabajo, riesgos, plan de rescate, procedimiento, regulaciones

    Adopting and growing a community-based early language program: Challenges and solutions for implementation success

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    The number of interventions focused on early language development in young children has increased over the past decade. There is a paucity of research on the adoption and implementation of these programs in real-world community settings. This study presents findings from qualitative interviews with leadership, staff, and past participants of a community-based early language development intervention. Themes related to program implementation challenges and solutions are presented. Previous program participants (n=16) identified facilitators and barriers to successful program implementation and provided specific recommendations for program improvements. Interviews with the program leadership and staff (n=6) revealed two main themes: Servant leadership and implementation facilitators. Servant leadership, perseverance and dedication to the families and community, was the premise on which the majority of the program successes could be attributed. The curriculum and structure of the program are important, but based upon the leadership and staff interviews, it is apparent that beyond the content and curriculum, relationships and addressing needs of participants are critical to achieving the goals of the program. Implementation in real-world contexts may require adaptations and enhancements of community-based programs, while maintaining fidelity to core program components, to successfully reach the targeted population and achieve program related outcomes


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    El profesor del siglo XXI en su “deberser” debe tener la disposición deampliar la mirada y centrar su interésde conocimiento en los procesos neurológicoshumanos, la evolución de la enseñanza y lasnuevas maneras de aprendizaje para logrartransformar su perspectiva superficial ytradicional frente a la manera de educar. Dadoque “debe ocurrir un cambio en el paradigmade enseñanza-aprendizaje para que la educaciónsea realmente compatible con el cerebro” puestoque es fundamental que la tecnología digital enunión con los procesos cognitivos y los modelospedagógicos orientados por el docente dentrodel aula, posibilita la creación de proyectosinnovadores que cumplen con el objetivo dereconstruir el concepto de la tecnología para pasarde un hecho instrumental y físico a una esferapedagógica y de alfabetización digital, que lefacilita al estudiante adquirir nuevas habilidadesy conocimientos que le aportan a su vida diaria