313 research outputs found

    Up the nose of the beholder? Aesthetic perception in olfaction as a decision-making process

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    Is the sense of smell a source of aesthetic perception? Traditional philosophical aesthetics has centered on vision and audition but eliminated smell for its subjective and inherently affective character. This article dismantles the myth that olfaction is an unsophisticated sense. It makes a case for olfactory aesthetics by integrating recent insights in neuroscience with traditional expertise about flavor and fragrance assessment in perfumery and wine tasting. My analysis concerns the importance of observational refinement in aesthetic experience. I argue that the active engagement with stimulus features in perceptual processing shapes the phenomenological content, so much so that the perceptual structure of trained smelling varies significantly from naive smelling. In a second step, I interpret the processes that determine such perceptual refinement in the context of neural decision-making processes, and I end with a positive outlook on how research in neuroscience can be used to benefit philosophical aesthetics

    Isolation and linkage mapping of NBS-LRR resistance gene analogs in red raspberry ( Rubus idaeus L.) and classification among 270 Rosaceae NBS-LRR genes

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    Plant R genes confer resistance to pathogens in a gene-for-gene mode. Seventy-five putative resistance gene analogs (RGAs) containing conserved domains were cloned from Rubus idaeus L. cv. ‘Latham' using degenerate primers based on RGAs identified in Rosaceae species. The sequences were compared to 195 RGA sequences identified from five Rosaceae family genera. Multiple sequence alignments showed high similarity at multiple nucleotide-binding site (NBS) motifs with homology to Drosophila Toll and mammalian interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) and non-TIR RNBSA-A motifs. The TIR sequences clustered separately from the non-TIR sequences with a bootstrap value of 76%. There were 11 clusters each of TIR and non-TIR type sequences of multiple genera with bootstrap values of more than 50%, including nine with values of more than 75% and seven of more than 90%. Polymorphic sequence characterized amplified region and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence markers were developed for nine Rubus RGA sequences with eight placed on a red raspberry genetic linkage map. Phylogenetic analysis indicated four of the mapped sequences share sequence similarity to groupTIR I, while three others were spread in non-TIR groups. Of the 75 Rubus RGA sequences analyzed, members were placed in five TIR groups and six non-TIR groups. These group classifications closely matched those in 12 of 13 studies from which these sequences were derived. The analysis of related DNA sequences within plant families elucidates the evolutionary relationship and process involved in pest resistance development in plants. This information will aid in the understanding of R genes and their proliferation within plant genome

    Adverse event reporting and patient safety at a University Hospital: Mapping, correlating and associating events for a data-based patient risk management

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    BACKGROUND: Reporting adverse events (AE) with a bearing on patient safety is fundamentally important to the identification and mitigation of potential clinical risks. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the AE reporting systems adopted at a university hospital for the purpose of enhancing the learning potential afforded by these systems. RESEARCH DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study METHODS: Data were collected from different information flows (reports of incidents and falls, patients' claims and complaints, and cases of hospital-acquired infection [HAI]) at an university hospital. A composite risk indicator was developed to combine the data from the different flows. Spearman's nonparametric test was applied to investigate the correlation between the AE rates and a Poisson regression analysis to verify the association among characteristics of the wards and AE rates. SUBJECTS: Sixty-four wards at a University Hospital. RESULTS: There was a marked variability among wards AE rates. Correlations emerged between patients' claims with complaints and the number of incidents reported. Falls were positively associated with average length of hospital stay, number of beds, patients' mean age, and type of ward, and they were negatively associated with the average Cost Weight of the Diagnosis-related group (DRG) of patients on a given ward. Claims and complaints were associated directly with the average DRG weight of a ward's patient admissions. CONCLUSIONS: This study attempted to learn something useful from an analysis of the mandatory (but often little used) data flows generated on adverse events occurring at an university hospital with a view to managing the associated clinical risk to patients

    Theory of the firm and integrated reporting model. First essay from NIBR Guidelines for SMES in Italy

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    This paper investigates the theoretical relationships among Integrated Reporting (IR) and the theory of the firm. The review of the integrated reporting literature is focused on the Business Administration perspective. The paper aims to understand what is the possible innovations which can be grasped about the theory of the firm underpinning IR. A qualitative research is carried out on the basis of three different phases: the search for relevant key words, the content analysis applied to Network Italian Business Reporting (NIBR) Guidelines for SMEs in Italy, and finally an in-depth interview to an expert belonging to NIBR committee. The results show that the idea underpinning the integrated reporting (IR) seems to underline the value of other capitals rather than financial one that are considered only according to their contribution to the company's wealth. Nevertheless, the empirical research of this paper as well the most recent Business Administration literature review showed that despite all the premises the results are still quite disappointing. This paper contributes to both literature and practice by offering an in-depth analysis of the link between the theoretical aspects of business theory, the current evolutionary trends in accounting (expressed by IR) and their application in the real world. The results of this paper can offer interesting insights to scholars and accounting professional bodies who must lead accountability strategies and tools

    Feminist Economics and Feminist Accounting in Dialogue: The Contribution to World Inequalities and Ecological Emergencies

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    Ricercatori provenienti da diversi campi attirano spesso l’attenzione su pregiudizi, discriminazioni e significati contestati nel loro lavoro utilizzando la teoria femminista. In quest’ottica, lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di contribuire al dibattito sulla interazione tra economia femminista (FE) e contabilità femminista (FA) per capire se esiste sono aperture verso un possibile cambiamento. Sebbene ci siano stati solo pochi usi della teoria femminista in contabilità, probabilmente gli accademici ne sono consapevoli. Il nostro studio in questo campo mira a cambiare queste questioni non solo per portarle alla luce, partendo dalla domanda se la teoria dell'impresa alla base del framework IR (Integrated Reporting) risponda alle critiche etichettate da FE e FA e aiuta a ridurre la disuguaglianza globale e le emergenze ecologiche. La ricerca La domanda è: “La teoria dell’impresa alla base del quadro IR risponde alle critiche etichettate da FE e l’FA in dialogo contribuendo nel contempo a ridurre le disuguaglianze mondiali e le emergenze ecologiche?” L’indagine è stata condotta utilizzando sia approcci deduttivi che induttivi. Il disegno di ricerca comprende sia l’analisi della letteratura sul collegamento tra FE e FA sia la teoria dell’impresa alla base dell’IR, e l’analisi empirica del contenuto dei report integrati 2020 rilasciati da 21 aziende attive nel settore chimico/farmaceutico e tratto dal sito IR. I risultati rivelano la “debolezza” dell’IR nel divenire un motore per un cambiamento effettivo – pur con alcune eccezioni – e una sostanziale persistenza dello status quo rispetto al mainstream. ​Researchers from different fields frequently draw attention to prejudice, discrimination, and contested meanings in their work by utilizing feminist theory. In this vein, the purpose of this work is to contribute to the debate on the interaction between feminist economics (FE) and feminist accounting (FA) in order to understand whether there are openings towards possible change. Although there have only been a few uses of feminist theory in accounting, academics are likely aware of it. Our study in this field aims to change these issues not only to bring them to light, drawing from wondering if the theory of the firm underpinning the IR (Integrated Reporting) framework responds to the criticisms labeled by FE and FA and helps lessen global inequality and ecological emergencies. The research question is: “Does the theory of the firm underpinning the IR framework respond to the criticisms labeled by FE and FA in dialogue while contributing to reducing world inequalities and ecological emergencies?” A multi-method investigation was carried out, using both deductive and inductive approaches. The research design encompasses both the literature analysis about the connection between FE and FA and the theory of the firm at the core of IR, and the empirical analysis of the content of the 2020 integrated reports released by 21 companies active in the chemical/pharmaceutical sector, and taken from, the IR website. Findings reveal the “weakness” of IR in becoming an engine for effective change - albeit with some exceptions - and a substantial persistence of the status quo compared to the mainstream

    AlleleCoder: a PERL script for coding co-dominant polymorphism data for PCA

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    A useful biological interpretation of diploid heterozygotes is in terms of the dose of the common allele (0, 1 or 2 copies). We have developed a PERL script that converts FASTA files into coded spreadsheets suitable for principal component analysis. In combination with R and R Commander, two- and three-dimensional plots can be generated for visualizing genetic relationships. Such plots are useful for characterizing plant genetic resources. This method nicely illustrated the spectrum of genetic diversity in tomato landraces and the varieties categorized according to human-mediated dispersa

    Underage drinking on saturday nights, sociodemographic and environmental risk factors: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Excessive alcohol consumption in underage people is a rising phenomenon. A major proportion of the disease burden and deaths of young people in developed nations is attributable to alcohol abuse. The aim of this study was to investigate social, demographic and environmental factors that may raise the risk of Saturday night drinking and binge drinking among Italian school students. METHODS: The study was conducted on a sample of 845 Italian underage school students, by means of an anonymous, self-test questionnaire. Multivariate logistic regression was applied to identify independent risk factors for alcohol drinking and binge drinking. Ordered logistic regression was used to identify independent risk factors for harmful drinking patterns. RESULTS: The independent variables that confer a higher risk of drinking in underage students are older age classes, male sex, returning home after midnight, belonging to a group with little respect for the rules, or to a group where young people are not seen as leaders. The higher the perception of alcohol consumption by the group, the higher the risk. Spending time in bars or discos coincides with a two-fold or four-fold increase, respectively, in the risk of alcohol consumption. CONCLUSION: Our findings show that certain environmental and social risk factors are associated with underage drinking. The most important role for preventing young people's exposure to these factors lies with the family, because only parents can exert the necessary control and provide a barrier against potentially harmful situations

    Cerebellar mutism syndrome: from pathophysiology to rehabilitation

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    Cerebellar mutism syndrome (CMS) is a common complication following surgical resection of childhood tumors arising in the posterior fossa. Alteration of linguistic production, up to muteness and emotional lability, generally reported at least 24 h after the intervention, is the hallmark of post-operative CMS. Other associated traits include hypotonia and other cerebellar motor signs, cerebellar cognitive-affective syndrome, motor deficits from the involvement of the long pathways, and cranial neuropathies. Recovery usually takes 6 months, but most children are burdened with long-term residual deficits. The pathogenic mechanism is likely due to the damage occurring to the proximal efferent cerebellar pathway, including the dentate nucleus, the superior cerebellar peduncle, and its decussation in the mesencephalic tegmentum. Proven risk factors include brain stem invasion, diagnosis of medulloblastoma, midline localization, tumor size, invasion of the fourth ventricle, invasion of the superior cerebellar peduncle, left-handedness, and incision of the vermis. Currently, rehabilitation is the cornerstone of the treatment of patients with cerebellar mutism syndrome, and it must consider the three main impaired domains, namely speech, cognition/behavior, and movement

    β-arrestin1-E2F1-ac axis regulates physiological apoptosis and cell cycle exit in cellular models of early postnatal cerebellum

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    Development of the cerebellum is characterized by rapid proliferation of cerebellar granule cell precursors (GCPs) induced by paracrine stimulation of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling from Purkinje cells, in the external granular layer (EGL). Then, granule cell precursors differentiate and migrate into the inner granular layer (IGL) of the cerebellum to form a terminally differentiated cell compartment. Aberrant activation of Sonic hedgehog signaling leads to granule cell precursors hyperproliferation and the onset of Sonic hedgehog medulloblastoma (MB), the most common embryonal brain tumor. β-arrestin1 (ARRB1) protein plays an important role downstream of Smoothened, a component of the Sonic hedgehog pathway. In the medulloblastoma context, β-arrestin1 is involved in a regulatory axis in association with the acetyltransferase P300, leading to the acetylated form of the transcription factor E2F1 (E2F1-ac) and redirecting its activity toward pro-apoptotic gene targets. This axis in the granule cell precursors physiological context has not been investigated yet. In this study, we demonstrate that β-arrestin1 has antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic functions in cerebellar development. β-arrestin1 silencing increases proliferation of Sonic hedgehog treated-cerebellar precursor cells while decreases the transcription of E2F1-ac pro-apoptotic targets genes, thus impairing apoptosis. Indeed, chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments show a direct interaction between β-arrestin1 and the promoter regions of the pro-apoptotic E2F1 target gene and P27, indicating the double role of β-arrestin1 in controlling apoptosis and cell cycle exit in a physiological context. Our data elucidate the role of β-arrestin1 in the early postnatal stages of cerebellar development, in those cell compartments that give rise to medulloblastoma. This series of experiments suggests that the physiological function of β-arrestin1 in neuronal progenitors is to directly control, cooperating with E2F1 acetylated form, transcription of pro-apoptotic genes
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