39 research outputs found

    Utilization of the Swedish version of the Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills

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    Abstract Introduction: The Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills is based on the Mode

    Wellness through a comprehensive Yogic breathing program – A controlled pilot trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increasing rates of psychosocial disturbances give rise to increased risks and vulnerability for a wide variety of stress-related chronic pain and other illnesses. Relaxation exercises aim at reducing stress and thereby help prevent these unwanted outcomes. One of the widely used relaxation practices is yoga and yogic breathing exercises. One specific form of these exercises is Sudarshan Kriya and related practices (SK&P) which are understood to have favourable effects on the mind-body system. The goal of this pilot study was to design a protocol that can investigate whether SK&P can lead to increased feeling of wellness in healthy volunteers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Participants were recruited in a small university city in Sweden and were instructed in a 6-day intensive program of SK&P which they practiced daily for six weeks. The control group was instructed to relax in an armchair each day during the same period. Subjects included a total of 103 adults, 55 in the intervention (SK&P) group and 48 in the control group. Various instruments were administered before and after the intervention. Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale measured the degree of anxiety and depression, Life Orientation Test measured dispositional optimism, Stress and Energy Test measured individual's energy and stress experiences. Experienced Deviation from Normal State measured the experience of altered state of consciousness.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were no safety issues. Compliance was high (only 1 dropout in the SK&P group, and 5 in the control group). Outcome measures appeared to be appropriate for assessing the differences between the groups. Subjective reports generally correlated with the findings from the instruments. The data suggest that participants in the SK&P group, but not the control group, lowered their degree of anxiety, depression and stress, and also increased their degree of optimism (ANOVA; p < 0.001). The participants in the yoga group experienced the practices as a positive event that induced beneficial effects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data indicate that the experimental protocol that is developed here is safe, compliance level is good, and a full scale trial is feasible. The data obtained suggest that adult participants may improve their wellness by learning and applying a program based on yoga and yogic breathing exercises; this can be conclusively assessed in a large-scale trial.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Australian Clinical Trial Registry ACTRN012607000175471.</p

    Participating in diagnostic experience: adults with neuropsychiatric disorders

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    Abstract Knowledge about neuropsychiatric disabilities has increased in recent years, resulting in an increasing number of adults requesting neuropsychiatric evaluation. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe adult clients&apos; experiences of participating actively in a supportive assessment process in which they received a diagnosis of either Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and/or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and then received follow-up counselling, guidance, and compensatory resources that were immediate and directly integrated into the diagnostic experience. The Occupational Performance History Interview -Second Version (OPHI-II) was selected because it is client-centered. It measures how a significant life event affects a person&apos;s occupational identity, occupational competence, and interaction with the environment. The OPHI-II was administered to capture 15 participants&apos; experiences of being diagnosed with ASD and/or ADHD as the significant life event of focus. Three categories were formed by using qualitative content analysis: (I) strengthened occupational identity; (II) compensatory support enhances occupational competence, and (III) effects of the social environment on relationships. Findings indicated that the diagnostic experience had transformative effects on participants&apos; occupational identities, occupational competence, and ability to self-advocate for increased understanding and resources within their environments. Implications of these findings and future research are discussed

    ÖvergĂ„ngsprocessen frĂ„n skola till vidare studier och arbete : intervjuer med unga vuxna med ADHD och Aspergers syndrom

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    Det övergripande syftet med studien var att fĂ„ en fördjupad förstĂ„else av övergĂ„ngsprocessen frĂ„n skola till vidare studier och arbete för unga vuxna med ADHD och Aspergers syndrom. UtifrĂ„n syftet har studien tre frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som Ă€r följande: Vilka strategier anvĂ€nder deltagarna för att hantera övergĂ„ngsprocessen? Hur förhĂ„ller sig deltagarna till diagnosen och dess betydelse förövergĂ„ngsprocessen? Vilka faktorer stödjer respektive hindrar övergĂ„ngsprocessen? Bakgrunden i rapporten innefattar en presentation av funktionshinderpolitiken i Sverige. Vidare Ă„terfinns en forskningsöversikt över studier som belyser utbildning och arbete för personer med ADHD och Aspergers syndrom och som Ă€r relevanta för studien. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med nio kvinnor och elva mĂ€n i Ă„ldrarna 19–30 Ă„r som har ADHD eller Aspergers syndrom. Samtliga utom en deltagare har avslutat grundskolan med fullstĂ€ndiga betyg. Åtta har avslutat gymnasiet med fullstĂ€ndiga betyg och endast en person har genomgĂ„tt universitetsutbildning. Sex deltagare har arbete varav tvĂ„ pĂ„ öppna marknaden och fyra i daglig verksamhet enligt lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade. Av övriga deltagare Ă€r sex arbetslösa och uppbĂ€rande av arbetsmarknadspolitiska Ă„tgĂ€rder. Kvalitativ analys har anvĂ€nts för att bearbeta data. Resultatet Ă€r indelat i tre delar. Resultatet i del ett innefattar tvĂ„ idealtyper ”pĂ„drivarna” och ”accepterarna” som beskrivs som tvĂ„ olika strategier som deltagarna anvĂ€nder för att hantera övergĂ„ngsprocessen. Del tvĂ„ beskriver hur deltagarna förhĂ„ller sig till sin diagnos och dess betydelse för övergĂ„ngsprocessen. Den tredje delen visar faktorer som stödjer och hindrar övergĂ„ngprocessen frĂ„n skola till vidare studier och arbete. Fyra av faktorerna; socialt stöd, lĂ€rsituation, institutionella förutsĂ€ttningar och samhĂ€lleligt stöd har sĂ„vĂ€l frĂ€mjat som hindrat övergĂ„ngsprocessen för deltagarna. Förekomsten av kognitivt stöd Ă€r en stödjande faktor, medan individuella förutsĂ€ttningar visar sig vara en hindrande faktor. I diskussionen tas upp att övergĂ„ngsprocessen bestĂ„r av faktorer pĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l individ som pĂ„ samhĂ€llsnivĂ„, vilket leder till att det krĂ€vs en mĂ„ngfald av aktörer som samverka för att underlĂ€tta övergĂ„ngsprocessen för unga vuxna med ADHD och Aspergers syndrom. Fortsatt forskning inom omrĂ„det Ă€r nödvĂ€ndigt med tanke pĂ„ att  forskningsomrĂ„det Ă€r under utveckling

    Utilization of the Swedish version of the Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills

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    Introduction The Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills, which is based on the Model of Human Occupation, is used when observing a client’s skills to communicate and interact with others while performing an occupation. The utility and psychometric status of an assessment is critical for treatment planning in occupational therapy. The aim of the current study was to examine the utility of the Swedish version of the Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills from the perspective of occupational therapists working in the field of mental health, considering its clinical relevance and potential for implementation. Method Eight occupational therapists performed 116 assessments. Most of the 58 clients had affective or anxiety disorders. Descriptive and qualitative analysis were performed. Results In 76% of the assessments, the occupational therapists perceived that they had obtained a deeper knowledge of the client’s communication and interaction skills. This supports the clinical relevance of the assessment. Concerning the implementation potential and time required for using the assessment, all occupational therapists considered it reasonable. Conclusion The Swedish version of the Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills is appropriate to use in the field of mental health for supporting occupational therapists in the treatment planning process

    Creation of monitoring of the draft laws on NAIS.lv website

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    Likumprojektu monitorings ir sadaÄŒa portālā NAIS.lv, kas dod iespēju reÄŁistrētam lietotājam sekot likumprojekta izskatÄ«ĆĄanas gaitai, saƆemot atgādinājuma ziƆojumus e-pastā. Visiem portāla apmeklētājiem pieejami pēdējā sasaukuma likumprojekti. Likumprojektus var sameklēt pēc nosaukuma, tā numura, statusa. Pie kam, izmainot kādu no parametriem, rezultātu kopa tiek dinamiski atjaunota. Informācijā par likumprojektu (likumprojekta kartÄ«te) tiek attēlota tā izskatÄ«ĆĄanas gaita. Likumprojekta kartÄ«te satur arÄ« saites uz to pavadoĆĄajiem dokumentiem, kā arÄ« uz aktuālo likuma redakciju, ja likumprojekts ir grozÄ«jums. Savukārt lietotājam, kurĆĄ ir reÄŁistrējies NAIS.lv portālā, pieejamas plaƥākas iespējas. Katram topoƥā likumprojektam ir iespējams sākt sekoĆĄanu, pievienot papildus e-pastus, uz kuriem saƆemt atgādinājuma ziƆojumus, termiƆu tuvoĆĄanās gadÄ«jumos. ReÄŁistrēts lietotājs var pievienot savas piezÄ«mes un komentārus. Likumprojektu monitorings izveidots ciÄŒĆ†u veidā: Monitorējamiem likumprojekti; Jaunākās izmaiƆas; Atgādinājumi Ć Ä« sadaÄŒas saskarne un iespējas lÄ«dzinās tiesvedÄ«bas lietu monitoringa sadaÄŒai, kas dos iespēju esoĆĄajiem lietotājiem viegli adaptēties. SadaÄŒa bĆ«s ērti izmantojama jauniem lietotājiem, kuri vēl nav iepazinuĆĄies ar to, jo pieejamās funkcijas ir viegli un intuitÄ«vi saprotamas.Monitoring of the draft laws is a section on NAIS.lv website, which allows following the process of a draft law, receiving remainders to their emails. All users are able to see all the last term draft laws. You can search through draft laws by its name, number, status. As well as if you change some of the parameters, the results will change dynamically. In the information section about a draft law (card of draft law) there are its status reports. In the card of draft law, there are links to connected documents, as well as to its actual edition of law, if the draft law is a modification. If a user is registered, then there are more opportunities available. You can start following to the future draft laws, add extra emails, to which receive notifications, as well as add own comments. Monitoring of the draft laws are made as tabs: Monitoring draft laws; Latest changes; Remainders. The interface of this section as well as functionality is similar to “Court cases monitoring” section, which lets users, who already have used it, easily adapt to the new section, though it won’t be complicated for new users to get to know it, because the functions available are simple and intuitively understandable

    The myth of participation in occupational therapy: reconceptualizing a clientcentred approach. Scand J Occup Ther 2012;19:421–7

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    Abstract Participation is often the comprehensive objective of treatment but also an indication of the extent to which the process of occupational therapy is client-centred. The purpose of this study was to explore levels of participation during occupational therapy among clients in the area of mental health from the occupational therapists&apos; perspectives. Additionally we seek to identify factors that might hinder client participation. Postal questionnaires were sent out to 670 Swedish occupational therapists working with persons with mental illness and learning disabilities. The questionnaire required therapists to rate clients&apos; levels of participation during occupational therapy. Findings indicated the most common level of participation for the clients was interdependent meaning that problems, goals, and plans were identified jointly and collaboratively with the occupational therapist. However, more than 20 % of the clients were described as being dependent. Almost 90 % of the occupational therapists rated client participation in therapy to be very important and nearly 70 % claimed that client participation in general needed to be increased. Occupational therapists rated the primary barriers to participation as being clients&apos; inability to participate and organizational and financial problems. Implications of these findings for education in client-centred practice approaches are discussed