123 research outputs found

    The atmospheric bridge communicated the δ13C decline during the last deglaciation to the global upper ocean

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    During the early part of the last glacial termination (17.2-15 ka) and coincident with a ∼ 35 ppm rise in atmospheric CO2, a sharp 0.3‰-0.4‰ decline in atmospheric δ13CO2 occurred, potentially constraining the key processes that account for the early deglacial CO2 rise. A comparable δ13C decline has also been documented in numerous marine proxy records from surface and thermocline-dwelling planktic foraminifera. The δ13C decline recorded in planktic foraminifera has previously been attributed to the release of respired carbon from the deep ocean that was subsequently transported within the upper ocean to sites where the signal was recorded (and then ultimately transferred to the atmosphere). Benthic δ13C records from the global upper ocean, including a new record presented here from the tropical Pacific, also document this distinct early deglacial δ13C decline. Here we present modeling evidence to show that rather than respired carbon from the deep ocean propagating directly to the upper ocean prior to reaching the atmosphere, the carbon would have first upwelled to the surface in the Southern Ocean where it would have entered the atmosphere. In this way the transmission of isotopically light carbon to the global upper ocean was analogous to the ongoing ocean invasion of fossil fuel CO2. The model results suggest that thermocline waters throughout the ocean and 500-2000m water depths were affected by this atmospheric bridge during the early deglaciation

    Acoustical and Intelligibility Test of the Vocera(Copyright) B3000 Communication Badge

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    To communicate with each other or ground support, crew members on board the International Space Station (ISS) currently use the Audio Terminal Units (ATU), which are located in each ISS module. However, to use the ATU, crew members must stop their current activity, travel to a panel, and speak into a wall-mounted microphone, or use either a handheld microphone or a Crew Communication Headset that is connected to a panel. These actions unnecessarily may increase task times, lower productivity, create cable management issues, and thus increase crew frustration. Therefore, the Habitability and Human Factors and Human Interface Branches at the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) are currently investigating a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) wireless communication system, Vocera(C), as a near-term solution for ISS communication. The objectives of the acoustics and intelligibility testing of this system were to answer the following questions: 1. How intelligibly can a human hear the transmitted message from a Vocera(c) badge in three different noise environments (Baseline = 20 dB, US Lab Module = 58 dB, Russian Module = 70.6 dB)? 2. How accurate is the Vocera(C) badge at recognizing voice commands in three different noise environments? 3. What body location (chest, upper arm, or shoulder) is optimal for speech intelligibility and voice recognition accuracy of the Vocera(C) badge on a human in three different noise environments

    The Role of Tryptophan in π Interactions in Proteins:An Experimental Approach

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    In proteins, the amino acids Phe, Tyr, and especially Trp are frequently involved in π interactions such as π-π, cation-π, and CH-π bonds. These interactions are often crucial for protein structure and protein-ligand binding. A powerful means to study these interactions is progressive fluorination of these aromatic residues to modulate the electrostatic component of the interaction. However, to date no protein expression platform is available to produce milligram amounts of proteins labeled with such fluorinated amino acids. Here, we present a Lactococcus lactis Trp auxotroph-based expression system for efficient incorporation (≥95%) of mono-, di-, tri-, and tetrafluorinated, as well as a methylated Trp analog. As a model protein we have chosen LmrR, a dimeric multidrug transcriptional repressor protein from L. lactis. LmrR binds aromatic drugs, like daunomycin and riboflavin, between Trp96 and Trp96' in the dimer interface. Progressive fluorination of Trp96 decreased the affinity for the drugs 6- to 70-fold, clearly establishing the importance of electrostatic π-π interactions for drug binding. Presteady state kinetic data of the LmrR-drug interaction support the enthalpic nature of the interaction, while high resolution crystal structures of the labeled protein-drug complexes provide for the first time a structural view of the progressive fluorination approach. The L. lactis expression system was also used to study the role of Trp68 in the binding of riboflavin by the membrane-bound riboflavin transport protein RibU from L. lactis. Progressive fluorination of Trp68 revealed a strong electrostatic component that contributed 15-20% to the total riboflavin-RibU binding energy

    Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Regulation of IKs during Sustained Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation

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    Background Sustained β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) stimulation causes pathophysiological changes during heart failure (HF), including inhibition of the slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current (IKs). Aberrant calcium handling, including increased activation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), contributes to arrhythmia development during HF. Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate CaMKII regulation of KCNQ1 (pore-forming subunit of IKs) during sustained β-AR stimulation and associated functional implications on IKs. Methods KCNQ1 phosphorylation was assessed using LCMS/MS after sustained β-AR stimulation with isoproterenol (ISO). Peptide fragments corresponding to KCNQ1 residues were synthesized to identify CaMKII phosphorylation at the identified sites. Dephosphorylated (alanine) and phosphorylated (aspartic acid) mimics were introduced at identified residues. Whole-cell, voltage-clamp experiments were performed in human endothelial kidney 293 cells coexpressing wild-type or mutant KCNQ1 and KCNE1 (auxiliary subunit) during ISO treatment or lentiviral δCaMKII overexpression. Results Novel KCNQ1 carboxy-terminal sites were identified with enhanced phosphorylation during sustained β-AR stimulation at T482 and S484. S484 peptides demonstrated the strongest δCaMKII phosphorylation. Sustained β-AR stimulation reduced IKs activation (P = .02 vs control) similar to the phosphorylated mimic (P = .62 vs sustained β-AR). Individual phosphorylated mimics at S484 (P = .04) but not at T482 (P = .17) reduced IKs function. Treatment with CN21 (CaMKII inhibitor) reversed the reductions in IKs vs CN21-Alanine control (P < .01). δCaMKII overexpression reduced IKs similar to ISO treatment in wild type (P < .01) but not in the dephosphorylated S484 mimic (P = .99). Conclusion CaMKII regulates KCNQ1 at S484 during sustained β-AR stimulation to inhibit IKs. The ability of CaMKII to inhibit IKs may contribute to arrhythmogenicity during HF

    A Location-based File Sharing Application

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    Multiple computing devices in close proximity must usually rely on the Internet in order to share information, even though doing so is grossly inefficient and subject to external factors. A method to facilitate this sort of local sharing in a secure manner could help alleviate these issues. This study proposes to demonstrate the substantial demand for a more efficient and interactive means to exchange information among networks of people. We will detail how this project will result in a software protocol capable of linking mobile devices for the purpose of sending and receiving data through manipulation of available technology, pursuit of developing computer systems, and creation of an innovative program. The tasks at hand do not rely on innovation through "brute force" development of new hardware, but rather on manipulation of existing technology through revolutionary software

    A location-based communication platform: integrating file sharing with interpersonal contact

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    Gemstone Team FLIP (File Lending in Proximity)Sharing on the Internet, even among computing devices in close proximity, is both inefficient and inconvenient. Online services and websites do not take advantage of easily obtainable geo-locational data that can improve sharing. We at Team FLIP have extended an existing mapping system called TerpNav with functionality that allows proximate users to interact and collaborate while sharing digital information. This study demonstrates both the feasibility of and demand for a more efficient and interactive method to exchange information among proximate networks of people

    Density distribution profile for internodes and nodes of Phyllostachys edulis (Moso bamboo) by computer tomography scanning

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    This study aims to quantify the density distribution, and specify the density distribution difference between internodes and nodes parts of Phyllostachys edulis (Moso Bamboo) in the radial, tangential and longitudinal directions. Due to the anatomical complexity of Moso bamboo, the measurement methods of bulk density are insufficient. In this work, Computed Tomography (CT) scanning has been selected to quantify the density distribution of Moso bamboo. Major findings from both anatomical analysis and CT scanning quantifications are that the Moso bamboo density of the internodes parts and the nodes parts reduce from the external surface to the internal surface of the culm wall in the radial direction. In the longitudinal direction, the internode parts of the Moso bamboo have relatively uniform density. Significant density fluctuation variations occur at the nodes parts of the Moso bamboo. The different proportions of the vascular bundles tissues and the parenchyma ground tissues dominate the density variation of the Moso bamboo in the radial direction. In the longitudinal direction, relatively uniform density of the internodes parts of the Moso bamboo is attributed to the straight vascular bundles. The significant density variation in the node parts is caused by the irregular intertwined vascular bundles
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