49 research outputs found

    Campaign effects in the Spanish election of 2000

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    This article addresses two controversial questions related to the effect of electoral campaigns. Malaise theories suggest that, although campaigns are intended to get out votes, they can in some cases have a demobilizing effect. Minimal effects theories suggest that campaigns have little conversion effects and that they mainly reinforce prior predispositions of voters. Looking at the Spanish general election of 2000 this article examines whether the campaign had a demobilizing effect and whether it also had an impact on the vote choice itself. Panel data make it possible to estimate the effect of exposure to campaign messages, the evaluation of the campaign carried out by parties and candidates, and the changes in attitudes that may have occurred during the campaign. The results show that the campaign did not demobilize voters but did have a significant effect on voters' support of the party in government

    驴Qui茅nes se abstuvieron y por qu茅?: la participaci贸n en el refer茅ndum sobre el Tratado por el que se establece una Constituci贸n para Europa

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    Este an谩lisis examina la participaci贸n registrada en el refer茅ndum celebrado el 20 de febrero de 2005 sobre el Tratado por el que se establece una Constituci贸n Europea. La participaci贸n registrada en el refer茅ndum sobre la Constituci贸n Europea ha sido del 42,3%. El an谩lisis de los datos disponibles permite realizar las siguientes afirmaciones. En primer lugar, las pautas de distribuci贸n territorial son muy similares a las de las pasadas elecciones europeas; una vez m谩s, la abstenci贸n ha sido mayor en la periferia que en el centro del pa铆s. En segundo lugar, la participaci贸n tiene un claro perfil sociol贸gico: la abstenci贸n ha sido mayor entre las mujeres, los j贸venes menores de 25 a帽os, las personas con niveles de estudios inferiores, los parados y las amas de casa. Esto permite interpretar la abstenci贸n m谩s como un signo de indiferencia que de rechazo. Tercero, la participaci贸n ha sido m谩s elevada entre los votantes afines a posiciones ideol贸gicas de izquierda, aquellos que valoran positivamente la gesti贸n del Gobierno y aquellos que conf铆an en el presidente Rodr铆guez Zapatero. Cuarto, el voto en blanco ha sido inusualmente elevado. A falta de estudios postelectorales m谩s precisos, la abstenci贸n puede explicarse como resultado de: el elevado desconocimiento y la complejidad del tema objeto de la votaci贸n; la previsibilidad del resultado; las actitudes pol铆ticas; y las presiones cruzadas y mensajes contradictorios recibidas por los electores

    La doble rasadora en la toler脿ncia a la corrupci贸

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    No nom茅s els pol铆tics, tamb茅 els ciutadans tenen una doble vara de mesurar a l'hora de jutjar la gravetat de casos de corrupci贸: un experiment mostra que som m茅s tolerants quan la corrupci贸 afecta als pol铆tics del partit amb el qual simpatitzem. Les dades tamb茅 mostren que aquesta doble rasadora 茅s m茅s important en els simpatitzants del PP que en els simpatitzants del PSOE. Per 煤ltim, s'ha pogut observar que la doble rasadora desapareix quan els ciutadans tenen nivells alts de coneixement pol铆tic.No solo los pol铆ticos, tambi茅n los ciudadanos tienen un doble rasero a la hora de juzgar la gravedad de casos de corrupci贸n: un experimento muestra que somos m谩s tolerantes cuando la corrupci贸n afecta a los pol铆ticos del partido con el que simpatizamos. Los datos muestran que este doble rasero es m谩s importante en los simpatizantes del PP que en los simpatizantes del PSOE. Por 煤ltimo, se ha podido observar que el doble rasero desaparece cuando los ciudadanos tienen niveles altos de conocimiento pol铆tico.Not only politicians, but also citizens have double standards when judging the severity of corruption: an experiment shows that individuals are more tolerant when corruption affects politicians from the party they sympathise with. Data shows that this perceptual partisan bias is more important among Spain's Popular Party (PP) supporters than among supporters of the Spanish Workers' Socialist Party (PSOE). Finally, it has been observed that the bias disappears when citizens have high levels of political knowledge

    Individual characteristics, institutional incentives and electoral abstention in Western Europe

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    This article examines the interaction between individual characteristics and institutional incentives in non-voting, with a special focus on the interaction between these two types of explanatory variables. The analysis of survey and contextual data for parliamentary elections in 15 Western European countries shows that the effect of individual resources and motivations on abstention is not constant across different countries. Conversely, the effect of institutional incentives (compulsory voting, voting facilities, electoral thresholds of representation and preference expression) on non-voting depends on the elector's level of resources and motivations. One of the four institutional incentives considered has even opposite effects for citizens with different individual characteristics. The analysis also shows that when analysing interactions it is fundamental to distinguish between magnitudes and consequences of the effects of explanatory variables. This has important implications for the interpretation of the results of logistic regression analysis

    Internet, campanyes electorals i ciutadans : l'estat de la q眉esti贸

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    Aquest article repassa com internet est脿 afectant els processos electorals i, en particular, el desenvolupament i les conseq眉猫ncies de les campanyes segons la investigaci贸 existent. Les principals conclusions d'aquesta revisi贸 de la literatura apunten que existeix una dist脿ncia important entre les potencialitats que aquest nou mitj脿 ofereix tant a partits com a ciutadans i la realitat dels usos que tots dos en fan. Els partits utilitzen internet com a eina de comunicaci贸 que complementa, per貌 en cap cas substitueix, les activitats offline. Els ciutadans encara confien en els mitjans tradicionals com a principals fonts d'informaci贸 sobre les eleccions. Els ciutadans que busquen informaci贸 en l铆nia a Espanya s贸n una minoria que concentra recursos socioecon貌mics, habilitats tecnol貌giques i motivacions pol铆tiques. Els efectes de l'煤s d'internet sobre el coneixement, la implicaci贸 pol铆tica i la participaci贸, les actituds i els comportaments no s贸n negatius, tot i que s铆 modestos.This article reviews how, according to current research, the internet is affecting electoral processes and, in particular, the development and consequences of campaigns. The main conclusions of this review of the literature state that there is a significant distance between the potential offered by this new medium, both to parties and citizens, and how it is actually used by everyone concerned. Political parties use the internet as a communication tool that complements but in no way replaces offline activities. Citizens still put their faith in traditional media as their main sources of information on elections. Citizens that look for information online in Spain are a minority that concentrates socio-economic resources, technological skills and political motivations. The effects of internet use on knowledge, the implementation of policies and participation, attitudes and behaviour are not negative although they are moderat

    The Economic correlates of populist attitudes : an analysis of nine European countries

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    This paper analyzes individuals' adoption of populist attitudes in nine European countries in the wake of the Great Recession. We assess the consequences of three different, interrelated aspects of economic hardship that are expected to foster the development of populist attitudes at the individual level: vulnerability, grievances, and perceptions of the national economic situation. Using comparative survey data, we find effects of all three of these individual aspects. Our analysis suggests that the main explanation for populist attitudes is neither the vulnerability nor the economic hardship suffered by the people, but rather the perceptions that citizens have about the economic situation in their country. Using panel data from Spain, we address concerns about the presence of endogeneity in the relationship between economic perceptions and populism and conclude that the effect goes mostly from economic perceptions to populist attitudes, not the other way around

    Sexism and the Far-Right vote : the individual dynamics of gender backlash

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABAltres ajuts: Fundaci贸 ICREAThis article contends that sexism plays a fundamental role in the electoral rise of the far right, both as a predisposition and as a changing attitude. Using panel data from Spain, we show that modern sexism is indeed among the most important attitudinal predictors of voting for the far-right party Vox. The results also show that internal individual changes in levels of modern sexism impact far-right voting. Backlash attitudinal change, defined as increases in sexism occurring in a context of feminist momentum, contributed significantly to the recent emergence of the radical right. Our findings indicate that sexism is not a crystalized attitude but rather susceptible to showing short-term changes with important political consequences. This highlights the importance of understudied context-dependent individual dynamics of gender backlash in far-right voting

    El IV Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba

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    [ES] El IV Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba, celebrado en octubre de 1991, estuvo marcado por una voluntad continuista. Aunque el pa铆s atraviesa una de sus peores crisis, las reformas fueron pocas, dirigidas principalmente a aumentar la representatividad del partido y el grado de democracia en su funcionamiento interno. En el aspecto econ贸mico el 煤nico cambio fue el permitir a ciertas categor铆as profesionales el trabajo por cuenta propia.[EN] The IV congress of the Cuban Communist Party, held in October 1991 showed a will of continuity. Although the country must cope with the worst crisis ever suffered reforms are not as many as expected. The congress aproved some modest changes intended to make the party more democratic in its inner working and more representative, such as the direct election of the National Assembly members. The sole concession made to free markets was to allow small tradesmen to work on their own account

    El descontento con el funcionamiento de la democracia en Espa帽a

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    Si este cap铆tulo se hubiera escrito en cualquier otro momento de la historia de la democracia espa帽ola, su t铆tulo hubiera sido otro. El an谩lisis se habr铆a centrado en describir las pautas y explicar las diferencias en los niveles de satisfacci贸n con el funcionamiento de nuestra democracia. Sin embargo los datos disponibles m谩s recientes nos muestran hoy un sentimiento claramente mayoritario de insatisfacci贸n, que alcanza m谩ximos hist贸ri卢cos. En este cap铆tulo analizamos este descontento y su relaci贸n con la crisis, econ贸mica y pol铆tica, que afecta a Espa帽a en los 煤ltimos a帽os. La satisfacci贸n con el funcionamiento de la democracia se considera un indicador de la salud de un sistema democr谩tico. Aunque existe cierto debate en torno a su interpreta卢ci贸n, habitualmente se considera que dicho nivel de satisfacci贸n refleja el grado de apoyo espec铆fico, es decir, el apoyo a los resultados del sistema pol铆tico y al rendimiento de sus instituciones a la hora de satisfacer las demandas de los ciudadanos. La satisfacci贸n con el funcionamiento de la democracia reflejar铆a por lo tanto principalmente la valoraci贸n que los ciudadanos hacen del trabajo de los l铆deres pol铆ticos y sus decisiones