451 research outputs found

    Future air traffic - A study of the terminal area

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    Systems analysis approach to airport planning and predicting terminal facility and aircraft demands in year 2000 for air traffic control system

    Characteristics tests of cerebrospinal fluid cytology, chemistry and bacteriology in invasive paediatric bacterial meningitis in Madagascar

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    Background: Paediatric bacterial meningitis is a major public health problem. CSF laboratory analysis is the key element to confirm the disease but remains difficult to access by clinicians or patients in low-resource settings. We described CSF biological tests results in invasive paediatric bacterial meningitis at the University Hospital Mother and Child of Tsaralalàna (CHUMET) in Madagascar.Methods: In this retrospective and descriptive study from January 2013 to December 2018, all CSF samples that were confirmed for bacterial meningitis by triplex PCR Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis were enrolled. CSF collected from eligible children were tested by microscopy, culture, soluble antigen at CHUMET laboratory. Residual CSF was referred to the regional reference laboratory (RRL) for real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) confirmatory testing and serotyping.Results: Over the 6-year study period, 2286 CSF were tested by PCR, 141 (6.1%) were positive. The age group of (1-12 months) was the most affected (68.0%). The majority of CSF were cloudy with pleiocytosis >100/mm3. Hyperproteinorrhea >1 g/l was noted in 48.2% of cases. The sensitivity of gram stain was respectively 56.6% and 75% for Pneumococcus and Meningococcus detection while for culture it was 28.3% and 66.6%, respectively. The average white cell count was notably higher in meningococcal meningitis and changed significantly according to the pathogens identified (p=0.007).Conclusions: Paediatric bacterial meningitis diagnosis are based on CSF laboratory testing. Accessibility to multiplex PCR point-of-care tests targeting meningitis pathogens should be made easier for laboratories in low-income countries to improve patient care, monitor pathogen trends and vaccine impact program.


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    Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) is one of Indonesian faunas. The brain is the most vital organ for living organism because it is a central coordination of the various activities, internal mechanisms and coordinating all body activities related to the stimulation of the surrounding environment. The purpose of this research was to observe the brain macroscopic representation of Asian palm civet. Three Asian palm civets were used in this study. Asian Palm Civet was anaesthetized and perfused then opened the skull to observe the brain macroscopic representation. The brain macroscopic representation showed that the Asian palm civet had 3 parts of brain the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem. Sulcus and gyrus in Asian palm civet are simpler than dogs. Paraflocculus lobes in the dog is more complicated  compare to Asian palm civet that is found on the ventral and dorsal. Vermisin the Asian Palm civet resemblance to the vermis in dog. The continued development of the vermisin Asian palm civet and more developed than the fruit bat (Rousettus sp), in connection with the Asian palm civet life as nocturnal and live in tree

    Is it safe to cross? Identification of trains and their approach speed at level crossings

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd Improving the safety at passive rail crossings is an ongoing issue worldwide. These crossings have no active warning systems to assist drivers’ decision-making and are completely reliant on the road user perceiving the approach of a train to decide whether to enter a crossing or not. This study aimed to better understand drivers’ judgements regarding approaching trains and their perceptions of safe crossing. Thirty-six participants completed a field-based protocol that involved detecting and judging the speeds of fast moving trains. They were asked to report when they first detected an approaching train, when they could first perceive it as moving, as well as providing speed estimates and a decision regarding when it would not be safe to cross. Participants detected the trains ∼2 km away and were able to perceive the trains as moving when they were 1.6 km away. Large differences were observed between participants but all could detect trains within the range of the longest sighting distances required at passive level crossings. Most participants greatly underestimated travelling speed by at least 30%, despite reporting high levels of confidence in their estimates. Further, most participants would have entered the crossing at a time when the lights would have been activated if the level crossing had been protected by flashing lights. These results suggest that the underestimation of high-speed trains could have significant safety implications for road users’ crossing behaviour, particularly as it reduces the amount of time and the safety margins that the driver has to cross the rail crossing

    Perhitungan Struktur Beton Bertulang Hotel 8 Lantai di Jalan Ahmad Yani 2 Kubu Raya

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    Seiring dengan meningkatnya perkembangan pembangunan dan berkembangnya dunia pariwisata di Indonesia, maka harus diimbangi dengan berkembangnya sarana prasarana khususnya dalam jasa penginapan atau perhotelan. Hotel merupakan tempat peristirahatan yang sangat diperlukan bagi kalangan masyarakat yang sering berpergian. Untuk menunjang pembangunan hotel yang efektif dan efisien serta tidak melupakan aspek ekonomis dari konstruksi maka setiap perencana harus merencanakan struktur bangunan dengan mengacu pada peraturan yang berlaku. Bangunan yang ditinjau adalah hotel dengan konstruksi beton bertulang berlantai 8 di jalan Ahmad Yani 2, Kubu Raya. Dalamanalisis struktur, sistempembebanan yangdibebankanpadagedungadalahsistempembebanan horizontal yang mencakupbebangempa, danpembebananvertikalyang mencakupbebanhidupdanbebanmati. Analisisstrukturdibantudengan program ETABS. Penentuanbebanmatiyaitu beratsendiristrukturdankomponen-komponentetapsepertibebandinding, beban plesteran lantai, beban plafond, bebanmekanikalelektrikaldanlainnya. Sedangkan besarnyabebanhidupditentukanberdasarkankegunaanbangunantersebut yang diaturdalam Minimun Design Load for Building and Other Structures. Beban gempa yang bekerjaditentukanberdasarkanfaktorpada petazonasigempa, tinggibangunan, bentukbangunan, pemanfaatandanlainnyayang diatur dalam Standar Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung dan Non Gedung, SNI 1726-2012.Hasil desainstrukturberupadimensielemen-elemenstrukturutama yang tahanterhadapgempa. Strukturtanggadihitungterpisahdaristrukturutama. Pondasidianggapkaku sempurna sehinggadimodelkansebagaijepit. Analisisstrukturmeliputipelat, balok, kolom, danpondasi. Dari hasilperhitungandiperolehjumlahtitikpondasiminipile, dimensipelat lantai, balok, dan kolompadastruktur yang telahdikerjakan. Dengan kata lain, gedung hotel 8 lantai di jalan Ahmad Yani 2 Kubu Raya inisudahdirencanakandenganperaturangempa yang berlaku, dalamhalini SNI 1726-2012

    Narrative Review Hubungan Masa Kerja Dengan Risiko Terkena De Quervain`s Syndrome pada Pekerja Industri

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    Latar Belakang: Sektor Perindustrian memiliki standarisasi dalam operasional tugas pekerjanya sehingga tugas pekerja menjadi lebih mirip dan monoton, Seperti di sektor Perindustrian Gerabah memiliki pola kerja cenderung menggunakan ibu jari dan tangan terus menerus dalam jangka waktu masa lama. Semakin lama masa kerja seseorang maka terkena paparan di tempat kerja sehingga resiko tinggi terjadinya penyakit akibat kerja.Gerakan ibu jari berulang oleh para pekerja Industri Gerabah menyebabkan overuse pada jari sehingga memicu terjadinya gesekan antara tendon Abductor Policis Longus (APL) dan Ekstensor Policis Brevis (EPB) menimbulkan nyeri dan keterbatasan gerak pada ibu jari. Nyeri ditimbulkan pada daerah ibu jari di sebut dengan De Quervain`s Syndrome. Mengakibatkan menurunnya produktivitas dan kenyamanan saat bekerja. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan masa kerja dengan risiko terkena De Quervain`s Syndrome pada pekerja industry. Metode: Metode Narrative Review dengan Framework PEOS (Population, Exsposure, Outcomes, Study Design) mengidentifikasi artikel database yang relevan (PubMed, Google Schoolar, Science Direct) dengan kata kunci, setelah itu dimasukkan kedalam prisma Flawchart, menyusun, meringkas dan melaporkan hasil. Hasil: Pencarian database 172 artikel setelah dilakukan penyaringan judul dan relevasi abstrak, didapatkan 10 artikel yang sesuai dengan tema. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara masa kerja dengan risiko terkena De Quervain`s Syndrome pada pekerja Industri. Saran: Bagi institusi pendidikan khususnya di bidang fisioterapi dan untuk penelitian selanjutnya dapat menjadi refrensi terkait dengan hubungan masa kerja dengan risiko De Quervain`s Syndrome


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    Latar Belakang: Ketenaran program latihan ini didasarkan pada keyakinan bahwa Core Stability dan endurance inti kekuatan dan ketahanan adalah hal penting untuk memelihara kekuatan punggung bawah dan untuk mencegah terjadinya cidera terutama dalam resiko jatuh. Tujuan; Untuk mengetahui hubungan Core Stability Exercise terhadap keseimbangan pada lansia Metode: Korelasi yaitu melihat hubungan antara gejala variabel yang satu dengan yang lain untuk mengetahui hubungan antara variabel, dengan mengidentifikasi variabel yang ada pada suatu objek, kemudian diidentifikasi pula variabel yang lain dan di lihat apakah hubungan diantaranya. Penelitian ini melihat hubungan Core Stability Exercise tehadap keseimbangan pada lansia. Teknik pengambilan sempel mengunakan total sampling yang berjumlah 18 responden di Puskesmas Godean 1. Hasil Hasil taraf signifikasi p = 0,001 atau p < 0,05 menunjukkan ada hubungan antara Core Stability Exercise tehadap keseimbangan pada lansia. Berdasar analisa diatas didapatkan angka koefisien korelasi (r) adalah 0,716 yang berarti kekuatan kolerasinya sedang dengan arah kolerasi searah dimana semakin besar satu variabel semakin besar pula variabel lainnya. Simpulan dan saran: adanya gangguan keseimbangan dengan taraf yang berbedabeda setiap respondennya. Saran Seharusnya peneliti selanjutnya harus mencari perbandingan latihan agar dapat memberikan opsi lain penanganan keseimbangan pada lansia, mencari tempat penelitian yang lebih mengarah kepada lansia tidak umum seperti sarana kesehatan pada umumny

    The impact of electronic versus paper-based data capture on data collection logistics and on missing scores in thyroid cancer patients.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the type of data capture on the time and help needed for collecting patient-reported outcomes as well as on the proportion of missing scores. In a multinational prospective study, thyroid cancer patients from 17 countries completed a validated questionnaire measuring quality of life. Electronic data capture was compared to the paper-based approach using multivariate logistic regression. A total of 437 patients were included, of whom 13% used electronic data capture. The relation between data capture and time needed was modified by the emotional functioning of the patients. Those with clinical impairments in that respect needed more time to complete the questionnaire when they used electronic data capture compared to paper and pencil (OR &lt;sub&gt;adj&lt;/sub&gt; 24.0; p = 0.006). This was not the case when patients had sub-threshold emotional problems (OR &lt;sub&gt;adj&lt;/sub&gt; 1.9; p = 0.48). The odds of having the researcher reading the questions out (instead of the patient doing this themselves) (OR &lt;sub&gt;adj&lt;/sub&gt; 0.1; p = 0.01) and of needing any help (OR &lt;sub&gt;adj&lt;/sub&gt; 0.1; p = 0.01) were lower when electronic data capture was used. The proportion of missing scores was equivalent in both groups (OR &lt;sub&gt;adj&lt;/sub&gt; 0.4, p = 0.42). The advantages of electronic data capture, such as real-time assessment and fewer data entry errors, may come at the price of more time required for data collection when the patients have mental health problems. As this is not uncommon in thyroid cancer, researchers need to choose the type of data capture wisely for their particular research question

    An Integrated TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource to Drive High-Quality Survival Outcome Analytics

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    For a decade, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) program collected clinicopathologic annotation data along with multi-platform molecular profiles of more than 11,000 human tumors across 33 different cancer types. TCGA clinical data contain key features representing the democratized nature of the data collection process. To ensure proper use of this large clinical dataset associated with genomic features, we developed a standardized dataset named the TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource (TCGA-CDR), which includes four major clinical outcome endpoints. In addition to detailing major challenges and statistical limitations encountered during the effort of integrating the acquired clinical data, we present a summary that includes endpoint usage recommendations for each cancer type. These TCGA-CDR findings appear to be consistent with cancer genomics studies independent of the TCGA effort and provide opportunities for investigating cancer biology using clinical correlates at an unprecedented scale. Analysis of clinicopathologic annotations for over 11,000 cancer patients in the TCGA program leads to the generation of TCGA Clinical Data Resource, which provides recommendations of clinical outcome endpoint usage for 33 cancer types