402 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the competency profile of ICT teachers at Mertoyudan State senior High school 1 and Muntilan State Senior high School 1. Besides, this research is expected to obtain any efforts made by those teachers. Type of this research is a descriptive research by using survey design methods with questionnaires instruments, practical booklet, and interviews. The subject of the research is ICT teacher at Mertoyudan State Senior High School 1 as many as 4 teachers and Muntilan Magelang State Senior high School 1 as many as 4 teachers as well. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis by statistic techniques. The results of this research shows that competency level of ICT teachers in Mertoyudan State Senior High School 1, are: there are 2 teachers categorized as quite good, 1 teacher categorized as less good and the last 1 teacher categorized as good. While the level of ICT competence of teachers in Muntilan Magelang State Senior High School 1 is the same like the first one. There are 2 teachers categorized as quite good, 1 teacher categorized as less good and the last 1 teacher categorized as good. Key word: Competency profile, Teacher

    Validitas dan Praktikalitas E-Modul Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Terintegrasi Laboratorium Virtual pada Materi Hidrolisis Garam kelas XI SMA/MA

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    E-modules are one of the innovations in the development of teaching materials that can be integrated with virtual laboratories. The learning model that can be applied in the development of e-modules is a guided inquiry learning model . This research aims to produce a salt hydrolisis e-module oriented on guided inquiry learning model integrated with virtual laboratories  and reveal the validity and practicality of e-modules. The type of this research  is research and development (R&D). the method used in this research is developmental model by using 4-D or 4-P design. They are define, design, develop and disseminate. This research is limited to the stage of development, the validity and practicality test. The data collection instrument is  a questionnaire of validity and practicality. The e-module was validated by 6 experts, they are 3 chemistry lectures of FMIPA UNP and 3 chemistry teachers while practicality test was carried out by 2 chemistry teachers and 15 XII grade students of MIPA SMAS Adabiah 2 Padang. data from validity and practicality test results were analyzed using the cohen kappa formula. Based on the results of the study, it was found that average kappa moment of validity test was 0,83 with a very high validity category, the average kappa moment of teacher practicality was 0,82 with a very high practicality category and the average kappa moment students practicality was 0,82 with a very high practicality category. The results of the analysis of students answer on e-module, it was found average of key question was 90%, average of worksheet was 94,8% and average of evaluation test was 90%. Thus, it was concluded that the salt hydrolysis e-module based on guided inquiry learning virtual laboratories integrated was produced was valid and practical

    Efektivitas E-modul Berbasis Guided Inquiry Learning Terintegrasi Virlabs dan Multirepresentasi pada Materi Larutan Elektrolit dan Nonelektrolit terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Berdasarkan observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan di MAN 2 Pesisir Selatan didapatkan data bahwa 69% siswa sulit memahami konsep dari materi larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit yang memiliki sifat abstrak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis tingkat efektivitas e-modul berbasis guided inquiry learning terintegrasi virlabs dan multirepresentasi pada materi larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan motode eksperimen semu  dalam bentuk nonequivalent control group design. Populasi terdiri dari semua siswa kelas X MAN 2 Pesisir Selatan tahun ajaran 2020/2021 dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian berupa tes dalam bentuk pilihan ganda yang memiliki validitas, daya pembeda, reliabilitas dan indeks kesukaran dengan kriteria soal baik. Tingkat efektivitas e-modul berbasis inkuiri terbimbing diketahui melalui uji n-gain. Hasil analisis nilai n-gain diperoleh dengan nilai g = 0,85 menyatakan bahwa e-modul berbasis guided inquiry learning terintegrasi virlabs dan multirepresentasi pada materi larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit efektif terhadap hasil belajar dengan kriteria tinggi sehingga e-modul ini efektif digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

    Development of e-module STEAM-Integrated problem based learning for salt hydrolysis topic

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    Teaching materials as a support in the learning process in this technological era can be in the form of e-modules. Using e-modules in the learning process is declared effective, with a marked increase in student learning outcomes. This research aims to produce an integrated STEAM Problem-Based Learning E-Module of Salt Hydrolysis and determine its validity and practicality level. The type of research used is research development or Research and Development (R&D). The development model used is the Plomp model, which consists of 3 stages, namely: (1) Preliminary Research, (2) the Development or Prototyping Phase, and (3) Trial and Assessment (assessment phase). This research is limited to the development stage, namely the validity and practicality test. The research instrument used was a validity and practicality questionnaire. Five validators validated the e-module, while the practicality test was carried out by three chemistry teachers and 12 students in class XII MIPA senior high school SMAN 15 Padang. The results of the validation analysis obtained an average content validity test value of 0.87 with a valid category and an average media validity test value of 0.90 with a valid category. At the same time, the practicality tests of teachers and students obtained 91% and 91%, respectively, in the very practical practicality category. In conclusion, the salt hydrolysis e-module based on STEAM integrated Problem-Based Learning for class XI SMA/MA, which has been developed, is valid and practical

    Development of STEM-Based Problem Based Learning E-Module on Electrolysis Cell Material for Class XII SMA/MA

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    Abstract: Development of STEM-Based Problem Learning E-Module on Electrolysis Cell Material for Class XII SMA/MA. This study aims to develop an electrolysis cell e-module based on STEM Integrated problem-based learning. The type of research used is research and development or Research and Development (RD). The development model used is the plomp model which consists of 3 stages, namely: preliminary research (early investigation stage), (2) development or prototyping phase (development or prototyping stage), and (3) assessment phase (trial and assessment stage). This research is limited to the development stage, namely the validity test and practicality test. The research instrument used was a validity and practicality questionnaire. The E-Module was validated by 5 validators while the practicality test was carried out by 3 chemistry teachers and 16 students of class XII MIPA SMAN 10 Padang. The data from the validity test were analyzed using the Aikens'V formula and the practicality was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Validation is carried out in two stages. Stage I obtained an average content validity test of 0.76 with an invalid category and an average media validity test of 0.77 with an invalid category, so that stage II validation was carried out, where the average content validity test was 0. 91 with a valid category and the media validity test average of 0.90 with a valid category. While the practicality test for teachers is 0.91 and students are 0.91 with a very high practicality category. Thus, it can be concluded that the problem-based integrated STEM-based electrolysis cell e-module produced for class XII SMA/MA students that was developed is valid and practical

    Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Berbasis Higher Order Thinking Skill Pada Materi Hidrolisis Garam Untuk Siswa SMA/MA

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     The purpose of this study was to develop a higher order thinking skill (HOTS) based test instrument on salt hydrolysis for senior high school students. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) using the Plomp model which consists of three stages, namely Preliminary Research, Prototyping Stage and Assessment Phase. The test instrument was validated by 7 experts, namely 4 chemistry lecturers of FMIPA UNP, and 3 chemistry teachers using a validation questionnaire. The small group trial was carried out by 6 students and the field test was carried out by 26 students of Senior High School number 1 in Padang. The data analysis technique for content validity uses Lawshe's CVR and the construct validity uses the aiken’s formula. The results showed that the instrument developed had good characteristics in terms of logical validity with a content validity index (CVI) of 0.841 and a construct validity of 0.82. The reliability coefficient of 0.89 is very high. The analysis of discriminating power showed 16 items had very good distinguishing quality, 4 items had good distinguishing quality, 4 items had moderate distinguishing quality. The difficulty index for 88% of the questions is categorized as medium. The correlation of the item score with a significant total score was 21 items. The dictator function on all items is effective. The data obtained shows that the test instrument based on higher order thinking skills (HOTS) on salt hydrolysis material for senior high school students is valid and has good item quality

    The Journey Full of Emotions: Parents’ Experiences in Raising Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    Raising a child with cerebral palsy (CP) is a formidable challenge for parents that can lead to tension and reality denial. This qualitative study aims to explore the parenting experience and the acceptance process of parents towards children with CP. This study used a qualitative design with semi-structured in-depth interviews. Three mothers and two fathers of children with CP were involved as interviewees. Data analysis was carried out using deductive thematic analysis technique. Common themes such as post-diagnosis denial; a long and emotional acceptance process; spouse's involvement in parenting; spiritual implication; the need for community support, are experienced by parents. Parental acceptance towards a child with CP is a long, complex, and emotional process. In conclusion, families that are able to achieve acceptance more easily adapting to family changes and dealing with stress. The findings of this study became an important milestone for the development of studies in the fields of family, disability, and social work.


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the application of guided discovery learning models based on lesson study for community learning on student learning outcomes. The type of research that pseudo-experiments use with research design is pretest-postest control group design. The population consists of students of class X MIPA at public high school 1 Padang. Sample selection is carried out by random sampling techniques, and selected sample classes, namely X MIPA 1 and X MIPA 4. The instrument used in this study is a test instrument in the form of multiple choice questions consisting of 20 questions with 5 answer options. Data analysis techniques use n-gain tests, normality tests, F tests and hypothesis tests (t tests). The average learning outcomes of students of the experiment and control classes were 81, and 72, respectively,.The level of influence of LSLC-based guided discovery learning models is analyzed through n-gain test scores. From the results of the study obtained an n-gain score in the experimental class of 0.74 with a high category while the control class was 0.61 with a medium category. At the significance level of 0.05 indicates the value of tcount (2.746) > ttable (1.995). So that the implementation of a guided discovery learning model based on lesson study for community learning has a problem with improving student learning outcome
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