2,059 research outputs found

    Assessment of the susceptibility of roads to flooding based on geographical information – test in a flash flood prone area (the Gard region, France)

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    International audienceIn flash flood prone areas, roads are often the first assets affected by inundations which make rescue operations difficult and represent a major threat to lives: almost half of the victims are car passengers trapped by floods. In the past years, the Gard region (France) road management services have realized an extensive inventory of the known road sub- mersions that occurred during the last 40 years. This inven- tory provided an unique opportunity to analyse the causes of road flooding in an area frequently affected by severe flash floods. It will be used to develop a road submersion suscep- tibility rating method, representing the first element of a road warning system.This paper presents the results of the analysis of this data set. A companion paper will show how the proposed road susceptibility rating method can be combined with dis- tributed rainfall-runoff simulations to provide accurate road submersion risk maps.The very low correlation between the various possible ex- planatory factors and the susceptibility to flooding measured by the number of past observed submersions implied the use of particular statistical analysis methods based on the general principals of the discriminant analysis.The analysis led to the definition of four susceptibility classes for river crossing road sections. Validation tests con- firmed that this classification is robust, at least in the con- sidered area. One major outcome of the analysis is that the susceptibility to flooding is rather linked to the location of the road sections than to the size of the river crossing structure (bridge or culvert)

    Size effect on magnetism of Fe thin films in Fe/Ir superlattices

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    In ferromagnetic thin films, the Curie temperature variation with the thickness is always considered as continuous when the thickness is varied from nn to n+1n+1 atomic planes. We show that it is not the case for Fe in Fe/Ir superlattices. For an integer number of atomic planes, a unique magnetic transition is observed by susceptibility measurements, whereas two magnetic transitions are observed for fractional numbers of planes. This behavior is attributed to successive transitions of areas with nn and n+1n+1 atomic planes, for which the TcT_c's are not the same. Indeed, the magnetic correlation length is presumably shorter than the average size of the terraces. Monte carlo simulations are performed to support this explanation.Comment: LaTeX file with Revtex, 5 pages, 5 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Simulation à l'aide d'un modèle numérique de terrain des échos de sol détectés par un radar météorologique

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    La possibilité de simuler des cartes d'écho de sol, qui font obstacle à la mesure de la pluie par un radar météorologique, est étudiée en s'appuyant sur l'information topographique fournie par un modèle numérique de terrain. Une carte de visibilité du relief par le faisceau radar pour un site de tir donné est tout d'abord calculée. Cette carte est ensuite convertie en une carte d'indice d'écho, par le biais d'une intégration simplifiée de l'équation fournissant la puissance rétrodiffusée du signal en fonction des caractéristiques de l'antenne émettrice d'une part et de la cible rétrodiffusante d'autre part. La validité des cartes obtenues est analysée à travers une étude de cas ayant pour cadre la campagne de qualification d'un radar hydrométéorologique menée conjointement par le Laboratoire Associé de Météorologie Physique de Clermont-Ferrand et l'Institut de Mécanique de Grenoble sur la région des Cévennes (sud-est de la France). (Résumé d'auteur

    An oxygen isotope record of lacustrine opal from a European Maar indicates climatic stability during the Last Interglacial

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    The penultimate temperate period, 127–110 ka before present (BP), bracketed by abrupt shifts of the global climate system initiating and terminating it, is considered as an analogue of the Holocene because of a similar low global ice‐volume. Ice core records as well as continental and marine records exhibit conflicting evidence concerning the climate variability within this period, the Last Interglacial. We present, for the first time, a high‐resolution record of oxygen isotopes in diatom opal of the Last Interglacial obtained from the Ribains Maar in France (44°50′09″N 3°49′16″E). Our results indicate that the Last Interglacial in southwestern Europe was generally a period of climatic stability. The record shows that the temperate period was initiated by an abrupt warm event followed midway by a minor climatic transition to a colder climate. An abrupt isotopic depletion that occurs simultaneously with abrupt changes in pollen and diatom assemblages marks the end of the temperate period, and is correlative with the Melisey I stadial. Variations in the isotopic composition of lake‐water related to the isotopic composition of precipitation and evaporation dominate the biogenic opal oxygen isotope record

    A late Pleistocene long pollen record from Lake Urmia, NW Iran

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    A palynological study based on two 100-m long cores from Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran provides a vegetation record spanning 200 ka, the longest pollen record for the continental interior of the Near East. During both penultimate and last glaciations, a steppe of Artemisia and Poaceae dominated the upland vegetation with a high proportion of Chenopodiaceae in both upland and lowland saline ecosystems. While Juniperus and deciduous Quercus trees were extremely rare and restricted to some refugia, Hippophaë rhamnoides constituted an important phanerophyte, particularly during the upper last glacial sediments. A pronounced expansion in Ephedra shrub-steppe occurred at the end of the penultimate late-glacial period but was followed by extreme aridity that favoured an Artemisia steppe. Very high lake levels, registered by both pollen and sedimentary markers, occurred during the middle of the last glaciation and upper part of the penultimate glaciation. The late-glacial to early Holocene transition is represented by a succession of Hippophaë, Ephedra, Betula, Pistacia and finally Juniperus and Quercus. The last interglacial period (Eemian), slightly warmer and moister than the Holocene, was followed by two interstadial phases similar in pattern to those recorded in the marine isotope record and southern European pollen sequences

    Defendant Dolly\u27s Opposition Reply to Plaintiff\u27s Motion for Summary Judgment

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    Defendant Dolly\u27s Motion for Summary Judgment: Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof

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    Finite-size scaling in thin Fe/Ir(100) layers

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    The critical temperature of thin Fe layers on Ir(100) is measured through M\"o{\ss}bauer spectroscopy as a function of the layer thickness. From a phenomenological finite-size scaling analysis, we find an effective shift exponent lambda = 3.15 +/- 0.15, which is twice as large as the value expected from the conventional finite-size scaling prediction lambda=1/nu, where nu is the correlation length critical exponent. Taking corrections to finite-size scaling into account, we derive the effective shift exponent lambda=(1+2\Delta_1)/nu, where Delta_1 describes the leading corrections to scaling. For the 3D Heisenberg universality class, this leads to lambda = 3.0 +/- 0.1, in agreement with the experimental data. Earlier data by Ambrose and Chien on the effective shift exponent in CoO films are also explained.Comment: Latex, 4 pages, with 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett

    White-handed gibbons discriminate context-specific songs compositions

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    This research project has been funded by the Leverhulme Trust (Research Leadership Award F/00268/AP), the European Research Council (grant number FP7; PRILANG GA283871) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (310030_185324).White-handed gibbons produce loud and acoustically complex songs when interacting with their neighbours or when encountering predators. In both contexts, songs are assembled from a small number of units although their composition differs in context-specific ways. Here, we investigated whether wild gibbons could infer the ‘meaning’ when hearing exemplars recorded in both contexts (i.e. ‘duet songs’ vs. ‘predator songs’). We carried out a playback experiment by which we simulated the presence of a neighbouring group producing either its duet or a predator song in order to compare subjects’ vocal and locomotor responses. When hearing a recording of a duet song, subjects reliably responded with their own duet song, which sometimes elicited further duet songs in adjacent groups. When hearing a recording of a predator song, however, subjects typically remained silent, apart from one of six groups which replied with its own predator song. Moreover, in two of six trials, playbacks of predator songs elicited predator song replies in non-adjacent groups. Finally, all groups showed strong anti-predator behaviour to predator songs but never to duet songs. We concluded that white-handed gibbons discriminated between the two song types and were able to infer meaning from them. We discuss the implications of these findings in light of the current debate on the evolutionary origins of syntax.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe