49 research outputs found


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    This article presents findings of the study of students’ attitude toward the dynamics of learning motivation/de-motivation and teachers’ competencies in learning motivation. The study is based on the assumption that students’ motivation in higher education (college or university) is to be supported and enhanced throughout their studies, while positive dynamics of it is subject to the use of learning motivation competencies by teachers in their teaching activities. It is highly important to identify the interrelation between teachers’ competencies in learning motivation and students’ motivation/de-motivation factors so that to establish tools for refining the objects under study, to enable a purposeful action, to make a focused intervention in the ongoing teaching processes for improvement thereof and obtaining better learning outcomes for students. Analysis of students’ attitude might help to respond more comprehensively the following problematic questions: What are motivation/de-motivation factors for student learning? What do teachers’ competencies in learning motivation consist of? In what ways can a teacher support the positive dynamics of learning motivation in students? Thus, this article is aimed to analyse factors for the dynamics of students’ motivation/de-motivation, a content of teachers’ competencies in learning motivation, and their practice from the students’ point of view. The article consists of an introduction and two parts: the first part provides theoretical discourse, the second part is dedicated to an empirical analysis of students’ attitude toward the learning motivation/de-motivation factors, teachers’ competencies in learning motivation, a content thereof, and dynamics of learning motivation. The article ends with a discussion and conclusions, followed by references.

    Universiteto dėstytojų didaktinė veikla: reali praktika, problemos, poreikiai

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    Straipsnyje analizuojama aktuali universitetui ir akademinei bendruomenei mokslinėproblema: reali universiteto dėstytojų didaktinės veiklos praktika, problemos irkvalifikacijos tobulinimo poreikiai. Remiantis kokybinio tyrimo duomenimis, atliktaanalizė, ieškant atsakymų į pagrindinius probleminius tyrimo klausimus: dėstytojų,einančių pagrindines pareigas, reali didaktinės veiklos praktika, dėstytojų veiklos,vaidmens, studentų mokymosi konceptualizavimas, veiklos problemos, dėstytojųtęstinio mokymosi poreikiai (didaktiniai, dalykiniai, tyrimo, vadybiniai ir kt.). Analizuojamasuniversiteto administracijos atstovų požiūris į dėstytojų didaktinės veiklospraktiką, pateikiami dėstytojų veiklos problemų sprendimų variantai, numatoma, kokiasaukštojo mokslo didaktikos, profesionalumo tobulinimo ir kt. mokslinių tyrimųkryptis būtų galima projektuoti, remiantis šiuo tyrimu.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: universitetas, dėstytojai, didaktinė veikla, reali praktika. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/andragogy.v5i0.96

    Dialogas suaugusiųjų švietimo procese

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    Straipsnyje aptariamas dialogas kaip suaugusiųjų švietimo būdas. Teorinėje analizėjestraipsnio autoriai, analizuodami dialogo sampratą ir strategiją suaugusiųjų švietimoprocese, remiasi E. Husserlio ir Platono filosofijų epistemologine prieiga. Šios filosofinėskoncepcijos laiduoja skirtingą dialogo koncepto supratimą: pirmoji akcentuojadialogą kaip trinarę sąveiką (Aš, Kitas ir jų sąveika), platoniškoji dialogo sampratadialogą leidžia suvokti kaip gyvą pokalbį. Straipsnyje aptariamas andragoginio dialogokonceptas bei raiška suaugusiųjų švietimo procese, pristatomos tokio dialogofunkcijos, struktūra ir etapai. Andragoginis dialogas laiduoja galimybę motyvuoti besimokančiuosius,perteikiant reikalingas žinias, suprasti vienas kitą (Aš–Kitas), tuosukuriant palankų mokymosi mikroklimatą ir mažinant įtampą tarp besimokančiojo irandragogo. Dialogas suaugusiųjų švietimo procese leidžia išvengti stereotipinio mąstymo,atgyvenusių mokymo metodų, besimokantįjį skatinti tapti proaktyviu studijųdalyviu, lengviau ir greičiau įvaldyti žinias ir jas kristalizuoti.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: dialogas, suaugusiųjų švietimas, andragogas. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/andragogy.v5i0.96


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    There are very limitted investigations in Lithuania on appearance matters. Research results reavealed that attitudes towards his/her appearance is one of the leading personal identity factors which influenze psyhosocial developement and this is particular actual for adolescents. Research study done in 1999–2000 perfomed in Lithuanian cities revealed that among factors influenzing appearance matters among adolescents mass media is most important: 60–80 percent of adolescent girls reported that TV or press influenzed their opinion about their appearance problems.  The study surveyed 227 respondents. The study was conducted at the University of Klaipeda. In order to find out how much appearance matters we did an investigation with staff and students of our university. The data acquired would be helpful to present collected information for better understanding of the subject.egative control of the weight and more anxiety.KEY WORDS: appearance, body image, teachers and students.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/tbb.v67i2.850

    Systemic approach towards organisation of the activities of continuing studies institution

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    The article aims to respond to the question that is relevant to management of adult education, how application of systemic approach can turn into an effective measure that helps adult education institution to organise activities in unstable competitive environment. The article presents and analyses the actual model of the efficiently operating Continuing Studies Institute of Klaipeda University, which reflects reality of adult education institution, the whole with its constituents, aspects, features and synergetic relations. The analysis of the system modulated at the Continuing Studies Institute of Klaipeda University is presented together with the social, technical analysis of the system, according to which every component of the system is further split down into separate subsystems: technical, social, organisational and human