26 research outputs found
Peningkatan Kemampuan Berbahasa Anak Melalui Metode Bercerita Dengan Boneka Tangan Kelompok A Di Tk Pertiwi Padas Karanganom Klaten Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012
Penelitian ini bertujuan : Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa anak khususnya pada kemampuan menyimak, menceritakan kembali, tanya / jawab dan memahami kosa kata dengan metode bercerita dengan boneka tangan di TK Pertiwi Padas, Karananom, Klaten tahun ajaran 2011/2012 subyek penelitian ini adalah guru dan anak pada anak ke1ompok A yang berjumlah 15 anak yang terdiri dari 6 anak laki-laki dan 9 anak perempuan.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan observasi dan subjek dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil analisi Bab IV disimpulkan bahwa “Metode bercerita dengan boneka tangan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa anak pada anak kelompok A di TK Pertiwi Padas, Karanganom, Klaten tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas (Class/ Room Action) berbentuk siklus siklis seolah-olah merupakan proses daur ulang, mulai dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi.
Dari siklus-siklus kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut : Siklus I prosentasi siswa yang dapat menyimak, menceritakan kembali, tanya jawab dan menguasai kosa kata sebanyak 9 anak (64.71%), pada siklus II disajikan dengan boneka tangan dengan cerita yang lebih menarik, boneka tangan dengan bentuk lain yang menarik pula dan tema yang lain dan diselingi beberapa lagu yang ada dalam cerita dan prosentase keberhasilan menjadi 18 anak (84.50%), sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa penelitian ini telah berhasil
Effect of Addition of Oleic Acid as a Template with Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) as Source of Silica on Porosity Mesoporous Silica Material
Mesoporous silica material has been synthesized using tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) as a source of silica, oleic acid as a template, and 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APMS) as co-structure directing agents (CSDA). The synthesis of silica material was made with a variation in the mole ratio of TEOS: Oleic acid with a ratio of 1: 0.2; 1: 0.3; 1: 0.5; 1: 0.6; 1: 0.7; 1: 0.9, and 1: 1. A mixture between TEOS and APMS was added to a mixture of oleic acid, HCl 0.1N and demineralized water then stirred at room temperature for 2 hours. Then aging, the mix at 80oC for 48 hours until solids are formed. Product separation was used in the centrifugation method. The resulting solid was dried at 50oC, and to remove the template, calcined at 550oC for 6 hours. The product of XRD analysis has a wider diffraction peak that indicates an amorphous material. The FT-IR spectrum shows the Si-OH and Si-O-Si groups which area characteristic of silica material. The product of SEM analysis offers the presence of sheets and plates of particle forms with different sizes. Adsorption desorption isotherm (BET) shows an isotherm type IV curve, and dominant pore sizes are 1.945 and 4.588 nm
The Construction of Oven Designed by Heat Exchanger in Drying Porang at SME Coco Prima
The small-medium enterprise (SME) Coco Prima has been under nurtured of LPPM USU since 2018. Ever since, it has been improving its productivity and diversifying its productivity into drying products. Currently, this SME manages porang as one of new export commodity. The problem faced by partners is a large and fast drying methodology. Porang or iles-iles are rotten raw materials that only last for three days after harvesting due to the unpleasant odors resulted more than three days, and subsequently, they cannot be processed. Drying under sunlight requires to four days reaching about 70% degree of dryness. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, the raw material becomes sweaty and moldy and produces black colour and soft textures. Therefore, a 3x3x2 cubic meter of drying oven has been constructed along with shelves and heat exchanges supported by liquid petroleum gas (LPG) gas. The heat exchange is designed accordingly to provide lower temperature in the oven, so that the air pressure within it is more efficient and less heat is wasted during reheating process. The heating is sufficient by using LPG and fan 18’. The oven is consisted of two layers in which between the layers are given glass wool as a heat barrier to the environment. It is also designed with a small vent exactly on the middle of the top with the intention to flow water vapour out from the vent, while the cold air is touched by that water vapour in the oven, it converts downward on the heat exchanger repeatedly. From this applied system, 750 kg iles-iles was heated within two days with a tube-of-12 kg LPG gas
The Effect of Chemical Activation Using Base Solution With Various Concentrations Towards Sarulla Natural Zeolite
Abstract : Material characteristics analysis of Sarulla natural zeolite (SNZ) with base activation has been carried out. The base used was NaOH at various concentrations; 0.2 M, 0.5 M, and 2 M. Base activated catalysts were characterized by X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Fourier-transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and gas adsorption analysis using BET method. The procedures applied have caused differences in adsorption and desorption rates as well as the crystallinity values of the catalytic materials. Moreover, the ratio of Si/Al contents has also changed at the lowest concentration. On the other hand, the crystallinity of catalysts has decreased at the highest concentration of base applied. The results are reinforced in FTIR characterization which shows the changes of silanol bonds to become silicate and aluminate. Furthermore, morphological analysis of the catalysts shows that homogenous surface was obtained at low concentration, while rough/lumpy surfaces was obtained at higher concentration.Abstrak : Analisis terhadap karakteristik material dari zeolit alam Sarulla (SNZ) dengan metode aktivasi basa telah dilakukan. Basa yang digunakan ialah NaOH dengan berbagai konsentrasi; 0,2 M; 0,5 M, dan 2 M. Katalis yang telah diaktivasi dengan basa kemudian dikarakterisasi dengan Analisis X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Fourier-transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) dan Gas Adsorption menggunakan metode BET. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan perbedaan pada tingkat adsorpsi dan desorpsi, begitu juga dengan kristalinitas pada material katalis. Lebih jauh, rasio konten Si/Al juga berubah pada basa dengan konsentrasi terendah. Di sisi lain, tingkat kristalinitas dari katalis mengalami penurunan pada basa dengan konsentrasi tertinggi. Hasil ini diperkuat dengan data FTIR yang menunjukkan perubahan ikatan silanol menjadi silikat dan aluminat. Lebih jauh, analisis morfologi pada katalis menunjukkan bahwa permukaan yang homogen didapatkan dari penggunaan basa dengan konsentrasi rendah. Sebaliknya, basa dengan konsentrasi tinggi memberikan bentuk permukaan katalis yang tidak homogen serta kasar
Teacher Upgrading Skill in Preparing Materials and Examination Based on Images in Sibolga City
There are 61 primary/ibtidaiyah schools, 18 junior high schools, and 18 senior high schools in the city of Sibolga, which is located in Teluk Tapian Nauli, with a total number of teachers of about 2000. This is in line with the vision of Sibolga city (2016-2021) in order to create a stable, advanced, and successful Sibolga City by producing highly competitive quality human beings in order to create a harmonious, peaceful, secure and unified society. As mentioned above, one of its mission points is to prepare human resources (HR) that have integrity, reliable, competitive, expert in science and technology so that they able to compete in the global job market. As the education stakeholder, Sibolga Education and Culture Official has plan many outstanding work programs such as made a collaboration in partnership with the Universitas Sumatera Utara community service team. As a result, based on field observations and discussions, it was known that one of the obstacle that facing by the teachers in Sibolga is not being able to provide teaching materials and also picture-based examination questions as contained in the question grid. Currently, there are several technology-driven applications that can be used to make images or graphics creating process easier. Two of them are, GeoGebra Classic that used to create graphics and images in mathematics and Chemdraw that used to create structure images that related to chemistry. In addition word optimization training was also conducted to optimize teacher on preparing teaching materials with Ms. word
Faktor Risiko yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Malaria di Indonesia (Analisis Lanjut Riskesdas 2013)
Malaria is still endemic in most areas of Indonesia. Indonesia incluted the eastern part of the high malaria stratification, while Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Sumatra are being incluted in the medium stratification. Java and Bali are low endemic even though there are some villages of high endemic. Health status in an area is affected by four factors that are related and influenceach other, namely environmental, behavioral, health services and the off spring factors. Individual risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of malaria infection are age, gender, pregnancy, genetic, nutritional status, activities out of the house at night and contextual risk faktors (environment, seasons, social economy). The purpose of this research was to analyze the risk factors associated with the occurrence of malaria in Indonesia based on the data of basic health research (Riskesdas) by 2013. There were 19 individual factors showed significantly with malaria risk. History of insecticide spraying (and use of household insecticides) was not significantly associated with malaria risk. The greatest risk factor for malaria infection was the use of mosquito nets of nineteen individual factors there is one factors that was not a risk factor for the occurrence of malaria infection which is the factor home insect repellent/insecticide spraying. The greatest risk factor was the use of mosquito nets (OR = 2.30; 95% CI: 1.28-4.12) while the smallest was the travel time to the midwive services (OR = 0.32; 95% CI: 0.55-0,19.Keywords : Risk Faktors, Malaria, IndonesiaAbstrakMalaria masih endemis di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia. Indonesia bagian timur masuk dalam stratifikasi malaria tinggi, sementara Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Sumatera masuk dalam stratifikasi sedang. Daerah Jawa dan Bali masuk dalam stratifikasi rendah, namun masih terdapat desa dengan angka kasus malaria yang tinggi. Status kesehatan disuatu daerah dipengaruhi oleh empat faktor yang berhubungan dan saling mempengaruhi yaitu faktor lingkungan, perilaku, pelayanan kesehatan dan keturunan. Faktor risiko individual yang berperan terjadinya infeksi malaria adalah usia, jenis kelamin, genetik, kehamilan, status gizi, aktivitas keluar rumah pada malam hari dan faktor risiko kontekstual (lingkungan Perumahan, keadaan musim, sosial ekonomi). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria di Indonesia berdasarkan data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2013. Dari total sembilan belas faktor individual ada satu faktor yang bukan merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya infeksi malaria yaitu faktor rumah yang disemprot obat nyamuk/insektisida. Faktor yang paling besar risikonya adalah pemakaian kelambu berinsektisida (OR = 2,30 ; CI 95 % : 1,28-4,12) dan yang paling kecil adalah waktu tempuh ke pelayanan bidan (OR = 0,32 ; CI 95% : 0,19-0,55)Kata kunci : Faktor Risiko, Malaria, Indonesi
Training on Creating a Simple Composter for Producing Liquid Organic Fertilizer from Household Waste
Fertilizer is the main needed for farmers to support agricultural products. However, the availability of chemical fertilizers in the market was once scarce due to its limited availability. To avoid dependence on the need for chemical fertilizers is to look for other alternatives as plant fertilizers. One alternative to chemical fertilizers is compost produced from organic waste. Compost fertilizer is available in several forms, namely solid fertilizer and liquid fertilizer. In this community service, training was conducted on making a simple composter to make organic fertilizer. The composter produced in this activity is very easy to do and made by partners because it comes from materials that are easily obtained around partners. The advantage of this composter is that it can produce both solid fertilizer and liquid fertilizer at the same time, but the concern of the service team is a liquid fertilizer because its use is more practical and easier for plants to absorb. During the training process, the partners were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity and asking questions related to composting. In this composter, the waste used is organic waste resulting from household waste which is placed at the top of the composter. Then the composter is closed and allowed to ferment by microorganisms. The results of organic liquid fertilizer can be accommodated at the bottom of the composter and then applied to plants in a ratio of 1:10
Pembuatan polyblend sebagai bahan dasar plastik ramah lingkungan telah dilakukan dari limbah styrofoam dan serat daun nanas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui formula terbaik dari polyblend antara limbah styrofoam dan α-selulosa serta mengetahui kemampuan terdegradasi oleh mikroorganisme dengan metode pencampuran. Campuran styrofoam-diklorometana divariasikan dengan campuran dimetil sulfoksida-α-selulosa dengan formulasi (90:10); (80:20); (70:30); (60:40). Penambahan gliserol pada setiap formulasi dilakukan untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik dan biodegrabilitas dalam tanah. Formulasi terbaik polyblend antara limbah styrofoam dan α-selulosa yaitu 90:10. Nilai kuat tarik yang dihasilkan adalah 10,492 MPa, elongasi 10%, persentase daya serap air 14,81% serta kemampuan terdegradasi 25,225% di dalam tanah. Hasil analisis karakteristik gugus fungsi menggunakan Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) menunjukkan adanya puncak baru pada styrofoam-α-selulosa pada panjang gelombang 2345,16 cm-1 yang menunjukkan gugus alkil. Puncak tersebut menandakan adanya interaksi kimiawi antara gugus fungsi dari styrofoam dan α-selulosa dari serat nanas. Kata kunci: α-selulosa, daun nanas, plastik, lingkungan, styrofoa