211 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Indeks Tunggal dalam Menghitung Beta Saham Jakarta Islamic Index untuk Mengukur Risiko Sistematis

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    Β merupakan ukuran sensitivitas pengembalian saham terhadap Perubahan pengembalian pasar. Perhitungan β sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui berapa besar risiko saham tersebut. Saham dengan nilai β > 1 memiliki risiko lebih tinggi dari risiko pasar, sebaliknya saham dengan nilai β 1 yaitu saham AALI, ASII, BUMI, SMGR, TLKM dan TINS, sedangkan saham yang termasuk dalam kelompok β < 1 yaitu saham ADHI, PTBA, PGAS, SULI, UNTR dan UNVR

    Menentukan Nilai Eigen Tak Dominan suatu Matriks Definit Negatif Menggunakan Metode Kuasa Invers dengan Shift

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    Metode Kuasa dengan shift adalah metode iteratif untuk menentukan nilai eigen tak dominan suatu matriks definit negatif. Jika vektor eigen tak dominan perkiraan diketahui, Kuesien Rayleigh memberikan nilai eigen tak dominan perkiraan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bagaimana menentukan nilai eigen tak dominan suatu matriks definit negatif dengan metode Kuasa Invers dengan shift. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa iterasi berhenti ketika nilai galat mendekati nilai eigen tak dominan

    Analisis Penyelesaian Integrasi Perkalian dalam Membentuk Model Peluang Kebangkrutan suatu Perusahaan Asuransi

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    Traditional techniques used to compute the probability of ultimate ruin converge slowly to desired probabilities. Product integration can be used in such situations to yield fast and accurate estimates of ruin probabilities. Since product integration uses quadrature weights suited to the underlying distribution. Especially when claims risk model are from a heavy-tailed distribution, such as Weibull distribution

    Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak melalui Kegiatan Tari Kreasi Baru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan motorik kasar anak melalui kegiatan tari kreasi baru (kelas eksperimen) di RA An-Nihayah Bojongranca Kecamatan Cipongkor Kabupaten Bandung Barat, kemampuan motorik kasar anak melalui kegiatan tari daerah (kelas kontrol) di RA An-Nihayah Bojongranca Kecamatan Cipongkor Kabupaten Bandung Barat, dan perbedaan kemampuan motorik kasar anak melalui kegiatan tari kreasi baru dengan kegiatan tari daerah di RA An-Nihayah Bojongranca Kecamatan Cipongkor Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian nonequivalent control group desain. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah anak kelompok B RA An-Nihayah Bojongranca Kecamatan Cipongkor Kabupaten Bandung Barat sebanyak 29 orang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diketahui bahwa hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemampuan motorik kasar anak kelas eksperimen dengan kegiatan tari kreasi baru diperoleh nilai rata-rata pre test sebesar 55 dan post test sebesar 80. Sedangkan pada kelas kontrol dengan kegiatan tari daerah nilai rata-rata pre test 53 dan post test sebesar 72. perbandingan kemampuan motorik kasar anak dengan kegiatan tari kreasi baru dan kegiatan tari daerah memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan, hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil uji hipotesis yang menunjukkan nilai thitung = 3,416 > ttabel = 2,052 pada taraf signifikansi 5%

    The Importance of Implementation of Hand Hygiene Practice in Reducing Healthcare-associated Infections: A Systematic Review

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    Healthcare-associated Infections (HAIs) become the priority attentions of health authorities worldwide because it became the most frequent adverse event of infections in the health care system. Hand hygiene is the effective way in preventing HAIs since healthcare personnel’s hands frequently serve as vectors in transmissionof organism from personnel’s hands to patient’s, and for that reason, hand hygiene become important to patient safety. Although it is seen as the most important way to reduce HAIs’ rate, hand hygiene compliance among healthcare professionals continues to be low, and most efforts to improve it have failed. This study aims to assess the hand-hygiene practices in health workers in order to reduce HAIs. The study is a systemic review with PRISMA method, articles were downloaded from online databases such as ProQuest and SAGE using keywords hand hygiene, hand washing, and Healthcare-associated Infections. The period of the articles that had been review is 10 years backwards. After the title was selected, the next step was to read the abstract and full article. Authors determined 11 articles in qualitative synthesis study to be reviewed. As a result, there were 11 journal articles, 10 of which were on observational studies and 1 was an experimental interventional study. Four of the articles were based on systematic review analysis and the rest of the articles were based on statistics analysis. Half of the studies in this systematic review were done in the American region, two studies in European regions and three studies in Asian regions that included Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Shanghai, and China. From all of the articles, only five showed a positive association between implementation of hand hygiene and HAIs. The positive articles gave information that the practice of hand hygiene significantly decreases HAIs’ rate. This systematic review proved that hand hygiene is clearly effective to reduce HAIs’ rate. Improvement of hand hygiene practice resulted in reduction of both gastrointestinal illness and respiratory illness. In practice, more women than men wash their hands and between health workers, nurses achieve higher compliance than physicians. Even when hand hygiene is proven to be the best way to reduce HAIs, the compliance of hand washing still lacks and needs more monitoring and strategies to improve. &nbsp; Keywords: hand hygiene, hand washing, Healthcare-associated Infection

    Peningkatan Penguasaan Konsep Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Argument Driven Inquiry Pada Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Di SMP Kelas VII

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    Mastery of the concept of science which is still low in the schools is the joint work of practitioners of science education. Learning science should be based on the nature of science itself that is the process of investigating the nature around systematically, but it has not been done by the school because most of the learning is still in the form of direct transfer from teachers to students. Learning ADI (Argument Driven Inquiry) is seen to facilitate students to understand the concept of science as well. Research on the implementation of the ADI (Argument Driven Inquiry) to improve the mastery of concepts is done in junior high school students of class VII in one of the Junior High School in Garut district, with 66 students who were divided into two classes namely experimental class that implemented ADI (Argument Driven Inquiry) and the control class that used guided inquiry learning. The results showed Application Inquiry Driven Argument learning model can significantly improve students\u27 mastery of concepts than learning with guided inquiry. The cognitive aspect which aspect is the most improved is C2 (understand) both in the classroom that uses the learning Argument Driven Inquiry as well as in the classroom using learning Inquiry guided, and mastery of concepts most improved is in matter convection either in class that used the learning Argument Driven Inquiry as well as in the classroom which used guided Inquiry learning

    Persepsi Pedagang Kaki Lima terhadap Penertiban yang Dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru (Studi di Jalan Hr. Soebrantas Kecamatan Tampan)

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    This research is to study analyzes the views and strategies of Street Vendors of the demolition carried out by the municipality of Pekanbaru. Is a social phenomenon that occurs in people who have low income as street vendors (Informal Sector) at HR. Soebrantas. The theory used is the theory of perception, rational action and social capital. The data analysis was done by descriptive qualitative data collection techniques in this research is purposive in which the number of informants numbering 10 people consisting of hawkers, pp municipal police and the consumer. From the results of research in the field that the perception of street vendors (Informal Sector) give a good response, demolition is done is correct and good, while the response is not good from the merchant is to say demolition is done is not good because of evictions uneven. In conducting trade activities of traders has a coping strategy in facing demolition by performing resistance or resistance, resistance is done in two ways, among others, resistence to open and covert resistenceKeywords: Street Vendors (Informal Sector), Perception, Strateg

    Organic Geochemistry Studies Aliphatic Fraction Bontang Coal, East Kalimantan

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    The free radical scavenging activity of Mangiferaindica L. Leaves had been performed. The methanol extract showed the highest 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) free radical scavenging activity among other extracts. Bioassay guided fractionation was performed and yielded three isolated compounds. Their structures were identified as mangiferin (1), friedelin (2) and lupeol (3). Mangiferin exhibited free radical scavenging activity, with an IC50 value of 12.12 µg/mL in vitro

    Perbandingan Kemampuan Berpikir Reflektif antara Siswa yang Mendapatkan Pendekatan Open Ended dengan Konvensional

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    The results of this Researcher that is data analysis and hypothesis testing to test the end of retrieved Zhitung = 2.57 and at siginifikansi level 0.01 retrieved Ztabel = 2.33, then Zhitung (2.57) > Ztabel (2,33), so the Ha is received. Therefore it can be kesimpuian that the results of the students learn math using the open ended approach is better than using the conventional pembeiajaran. There are factors other than open ended approach against the results of learning math students, factors that include an understanding of the concept of a sum against the material and approach the open ended character of the students as well as heterogeneous pembeiajaran operates on the students more active in seeking and finding method in solving math problems
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