24 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Motekar cadres (Family Resilience Motivators) were formed in 2014 by recruiting around 1,000 motekar cadres spread across villages/kelurahan in 27 regencies/cities in West Java, especially areas that have a relatively low level of family resilience, both vulnerable and characterized by The divorce rate is high, and that's what happened in the City of Banjar, it has been 7 years since the establishment of this Motekar program, but the population of Banjar City is the highest in West Java, at 3.74%. The writer uses descriptive qualitative research method in order to deepen the findings and analysis of the research. The theory used as a knife of analysis is the effectiveness of budiani. The results of the study found that first, the accuracy of the program had not run as expected because it turned out that the ratio of Motekar cadres was 1: 9,983, so it was not possible for this program to be on target as a whole. Second, in terms of program socialization, there were findings that the majority of the people of Banjar City did not know what the Motekar program was. Third, from the dimensions of the accuracy of the program and the socialization of the program that has not been fully implemented, that is the reason why the objectives of this program have not been achieved. Namely, one of its achievements is to reduce the divorce rate which is the estuary of vulnerable family problems. Although, this motekar program is an innovation from the West Java Provincial Government. It needs special attention from the Banjar City Government as a coach and user of energy from motekar cadres, so that the problems of vulnerable families that lead to divorce can be suppressed. Keywords : Effectiveness, Motekar, Divorce, Family Resilience  ABSTRAKKader Motekar (Motivator Ketahanan Keluarga) dibentuk pada tahun 2014 dengan merekrut sekitar 1.000 orang kader motekar yang  tersebar di Desa/Kelurahan di 27 Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Barat, terutama daerah-daerah yang memiliki tingkat ketahanan keluarga yang relatif rendah, baik rentan ditandai dengan angka perceraian yang tinggi, dan itu yang terjadi di Kota Banjar, sudah 7 tahun sejak dibentuknya program motekar ini, namun angka penduduk Kota Banjar tertinggi di Jawa Barat, yakni diangka 3,74%. Metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif penulis gunakan dalam agar memperdalam temuan dan analisis penelitian. Teori yang digunakan sebagai pisau analisis adalah efektivitas dari budiani. Hasil penelitian menemukan pertama, ketepatan program belum berjalan sesuai harapan karena ternyata rasio kader motekar 1: 9.983, sehingga tidak memungkin program ini tepat sasaran secara menyeluruh. Kedua, dari segi sosialisasi program, terdapat temuan bahwa masyarakat Kota Banjar mayoritas belum mengetahui apa itu program Motekar. Ketiga, dari dimensi ketepatan program dan sosialisasi program yang belum berjalan dengan sepenuhnya, itulah yang menyebabkan tujuan program ini belum tercapai. Yakni salahsatu capaiannya adalah menurunkan angka perceraian yang merupakan muara dari permasalaha keluarga rentan. Walaupun, program motekar ini adalah inovasi dari Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat Perlu perhatian khusus dari Pemerintah Kota Banjar sebagai pembina dan pengguna tenaga dari kader motekar, sehingga permasalahan keluarga rentan yang berujung perceraian dapat ditekan. Kata Kunci : Efektivitas, Motekar, Perceraian, Ketahanan Keluarga


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    Riset ini bertujuan  untuk mengetahui pengaruh pada perusahaan return on asset (ROA), terhadap nilai perusahaan manufaktur yang terdapat di bursa efek indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pengujian yang telah diuraikan pada bab sebelumnya, maka peneliti menarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut:Nilai signifikansi Return On Assets sebesar 0,101>0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel ROA tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dan didapatkan nilai thitung  (1,672) Ftabel (2,80) dengan demikian, maka H0 ditolak dan H2 diterima. Hal ini berarti dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel Return On Asset (ROA) secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan. Nilai Adjusted R Squere sebesar 0,233  ini berarti 23,3% variasi nilai perusahaan dapat dijelaskan oleh variasi dari ketiga variabel independen yaitu : ROA, Sedangkan sisanya 76.7% dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab lain di luar regresi. Kata kunci: Return On Asset (ROA), Terhadap Nilai Perusahaa

    Utilization Juice Wastes as Corn Replacement in the Broiler Diet

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    An experiment was conducted with 80 unsexed broilers of the Arbor Acress strain to determine the capability of a carrot and fruit juice wastes mixture (carrot, apple, manggo, avocado, orange, melon and Dutch egg plant) in the same proportion for replacing corn in broiler diet. This study involved a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% of juice wastes mixture in diets) and 4 replicates per treatment. Diets were isonitrogenous (22% crude protein) and isocaloric (3000 kcal/kg diet). Measured variables were feed consumption, average daily gain, feed conversion, as well as percentages of abdominal fat pad, carcass, digestive organs (liver, pancreas and gizzard), and heart. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance for CRD. Increasing juice wastes mixture levels in diets increased feed consumption (P0.05) on carcass, liver, pancreas, gizzard or heart percentages. In conclusion, up to 20% of juice wastes mixture could be included for the broiler diet to effectively replace up to 40% corn in the diet

    Perbaikan Manajemen Pakan Silase untuk Keberlanjutan Usaha Peternakan Sapi di Era New Normal pada Kelompok Ternak Bago Mulyo

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    Feeding independence is one of the target achievements desired by every farmer. One of them is the Bago Mulyo livestock group. The Bago Mulyo livestock group is a livestock group located in Gumukmas District, Jember Regency. Several problems of the Bago Mulyo Livestock Group which reduce production by 5% because the prices of production facilities (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and feed) are expensive and the distribution is not smooth; the need for food will increase by 5% due to panic buying and food supplies. The distribution of feed was not optimal, making farmers have to find solutions so that feed ingredients are still available. One solution is to utilize existing feed ingredients and maintain their feed quality until they are available throughout the year, namely by silage method. The implementation of the service consists of several activities, the first was coordination with the head of the Bago Mulyo livestock group, purchased silage materials, simulated modified silo tools, implementation of community service, and surveying the results of community service activities. The results of the community service survey which have shown that 100% of farmers who participate in the service activities understand silage technology with the addition of silo modification from previously only 43% who understand silage technology. The conclusion is an increase in understanding of silage technology which is one of the indicators of support for the service team in carrying out service activities for the Bago Mulyo Livestock Group, so that this technology can be applied properly for the sustainability of the cattle business in the Livestock Group

    Penyuluhan Standar Produksi Ayam Petelur Jantan pada Kelompok Ternak Nawawi Farm

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    One of the livestock groups engaged in raising male laying hens is the "Nawawi Farm" Farmer Group, which is located in Nogosari Village, Jember Regency. This group is chaired by Mr. Ainul and consists of approximately 100 breeders. Based on discussions with members of the livestock group, breeders have several problems. Farmers experience a lack of standard information on feed nutrient requirements, feed amount and feed conversion. The unknown standard of feed nutrient in male layer hens causes breeders to find it difficult to achieve the target harvest. Therefore, it is necessary to provide counseling on the production standards of male layer hens in the "Nawawi Farm" livestock group. The method of implementing the activity is in the form of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with stages, namely the analysis of community needs, counseling on the production standards of male laying hens, and guiding the maintenance of male laying hens. The output of this dedication is that all breeders of the "Nawawi Farm" livestock group can understand the production standards of male laying hens. Rations with protein, namely 18% crude protein, had no effect on feed consumption, FCR, mortality, production index. Rations with 18% crude protein can replace rations with 21% crude protein for feeding male layer hens. This service activity was welcomed by all breeders from the "Nawawi Farm" livestock group so that the service that has been carried out is well organized. Suggestions from this activity are expected that this service will be held at the next meeting in the form of competency training for making rations with the use of local materials in meeting the nutrient feed standards in raising male layer chickens in the "Nawawi Farm" livestock group of Jember Regency, in order to increase the production standards of male layer chickens so that they get greater profit


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    The main purpose of this study was to find out the barrier factors of learning process in fourth semester students in learning English skills through online learning method in English Education Study Program at UIN STS Jambi. A case study was used in the design of this study. The subjects of this study were students of the fourth semester of English Education Study Program. This research data was collected through observation and interview, based on findings and analysis, the process of learning English skills by students of the fourth semester of the English Education Study Program through online learning has several barrier factors. One of these factors is the lack of facilities and infrastructure in the learning process using online learning methods. In addition, the lack of facilities of the students is also the cause of barrier on the learning process using online learning methods. Moreover, the lack of parental cooperation in the learning process is also a factor. This happened due to the differences students’ learning method with their parent. Meanwhile, the implementation of online learning methods cannot be applied as a whole well. This is indicated by the method of online learning is more dominant and obstacles appeared when teaching and learning process in the fourth semester students of English Education Study Program


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    Objective: The objectives of this study were to investigate the antioxidant activities in peel and seed of six tropical fruits from Indonesia and to evaluate their bioavailability by in vitro digestion model.Methods: Six tropical fruits namely kapundung, matoa, papaya, rambai salak and soursop were used. The study measured antioxidant activities through 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay, total phenolic and total flavonol content of the samples. Further, the bioavailability of the antioxidant was determined by in vitro gastrointestinal digestionResults: Matoa peel and salak peel exhibited high DPPH radical scavenging activity with a SC50values of 6.6 and 6.4 µg/ml, respectively. Soursop peel had the highest for inhibiting lipid peroxidation followed by matoa peel and salak peel. The highest value for total phenolic content had in salak peel (317.0 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g dry basis). Then, total flavonol content values in salak seed (96.7 mg quercetin equivalent (QE)/g dry basis) was the highest in this study. The antioxidant activity of matoa peel and soursop peel increased after being digested.Conclusion: The results obtained in the present study indicate that peels from matoa (Pometia pinnata) and soursop (Annona muricata L) could serve as potential sources of antioxidant for use in food or feed supplement, and pharmaceutical industries.Keywords: Antioxidant, Lipid peroxidation, Phenolic compounds, Fruit peel, Fruit seed, Tropical frui

    Improving the Nutrient Quality of Carrot and Fruit Juice Wastes Mixture for Poultry Diet Through Utilization of Rice-Hull Ash Filtrate

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    Two experiments had been conducted to improve the nutrient quality of carrot and fruits (apple, mango, avocado, orange, melon and tree-potato) juice waste mixture. Experiment 1: to determine effects of rice-hull ash filtrate level and soaking length on nutrient contents of this juice waste mixture. A 3 x 4 factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with 3 replicates was performed. First factor was rice-hull ash filtrate level (10, 20 and 30%) and second factor was soaking length (0, 24, 48 and 72 h). Measured variables were: crude fiber, crude protein and ether extract contents. Experiment 2: to compare treated vs. untreated juice wastes mixture numerically. Nutrient contents (crude fiber, crude protein and ether extract), anti-nutrition contents (phytate and tannin) and nutritive values (amino acids profile, nitrogen retention and metabolizable energy) of treated juice waste mixture were compared with untreated one. Results of experiment 1: crude fiber and ether extract reduced (p<0.01) by soaking in 20% rice-hull ash filtrate for 72 h, while crude protein increased (p<O. 01). In experiment 2, crude fiber and ether extract decreased from 17 .10 to 12. 70% and 6.18 to 5.50%, respectively. Crude protein and phytate increased from 9.58 to 12.22% and 0.84 to 1.28%, respectively. Tannin content did not differ (1.60 vs. 1.59%). Amino acid contents were improved. Nitrogen retention and metabolizable energy were augmented from 59.99 to 67.57% and from 1744 to 2717 kcal/kg, respectively. In conclusion, carrot and fruit juice wastes mixture soaking in 20% rice-hull ash filtrate for 72 h improved its nutrient quality

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kader Posyandu dalam Pembuatan PMT Berbahan Dasar Kelor sebagai Upaya Percepatan Pencegahan Stunting

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    Berdasarkan data profil Dinas kesehatan Kota Probolinggo Tahun 2017 masih ditemukan balita mengalami gizi buruk sebanyak 27 balita. Kecamatan Kanigaran merupakan salah satu Kecamatan di Kota Probolinggo yang memiliki jumlah balita gizi buruk tertinggi sebanyak 10 balita (37%). Peran kader di Posyandu “Boegenville” belum optimal karena masih memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang terkait stunting dan cara pencegahannya. Kader juga belum berperan aktif dalam pengolahan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) balita. Salah satu bahan makanan lokal yang baik untuk PMT adalah daun kelor (Moringa Oleivera). Dengan demikian diperlukan peningkatan pengetahuan kader posyandu dalam pembuatan PMT berbahan dasar kelor sebagai upaya percepatan pencegahan stunting. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan memberikan materi meliputi pengertian stunting, penyebab balita stunting, cara mencegah stunting dan pengertian PMT. Kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan PMT berbahan dasar kelor juga dilakukan dengan menghasilkan tiga produk antara lain puding oreo coklat kelor, nugget ayam kelor dan cookies emping kelor. Hasil evaluasi dilakukan dengan memberikan pretest dan posttest dengan indicator keberhasilan skor 70. Sebanyak 30% kader memiliki nilai diatas 70 pada pretest dan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan berdasarkan hasil posttest 100% kader memiliki nilai diatas 70. Perlu untuk merancang program lanjutan sebagai tindak lanjut dari kegiatan ini yaitu pelatihan kewirausahaan produk PMT bagi untuk mendukung ekonomi kader Posyandu

    Filogenetik Kutu Penghisap Darah (Haematopinus sp.) pada Beberapa Jenis Sapi berdasarkan Gen 18S rRNA

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the phylogenetic relationship of Haematopinus sp. which became parasites in several types of cattle, namely Simmental, Limousin, PO (Peranakan Ongole), and FH (Friesian Holstein) from Jember Regency and Simmental and PO cattle from Karanganyar Regency. The method used was to isolate DNA from 6 samples of Haematopinus sp. and amplified using 18S rRNA universal primers with 18S (5'-TCATTACGAGCTCTGCAAT-3) reverse primers and 18S (5'-TTCAAAGTAAACGTGTCGGC-3) sequential PCR sequencing. Sequencing results were analyzed using MEGA 6 software for phylogenetic tree construction using the Neighbor-Joining and Maximum Parsimony Methods. The results showed that the sample Haematopinus sp. originating from Simmental, Limousin, and PO cattle from Jember, and Simmental and PO from Karanganyar were included in one cluster by Haematopinus quadripertusus. Haematopinus sp. sample from Jember FH cattle had a considerable genetic distance from Haematopinus quadripertusus which was possible because the sequence that could be analyzed was only 236 nt