8,660 research outputs found

    Social capital, industrial districts and regional unemployment in Italy

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    We consider the industrial districts “conductors” of social capital. Hence, we use the regional density of industrial districts to measure social capital and we analyse its impact on regional unemployment in Italy. By using regional data from the Italian National Statistical Office (ISTAT), we develop a pooled cross-sectional analysis based on the years 2001 and 2005. For a more robust analysis we divide unemployment into two types: general and youth. Interestingly, contrary to the theory of the “strength of position proposition” (Lin 2000), we find that both youth and general unemployment decreases with social capital only within low-educated individuals. In addition, within the low-educated group, empirical evidence shows that the magnitude of the effect of social capital on unemployment increases with the age

    Social capital, community governance and credit market

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    Abstract Financial contracts represent an exchange of financial resources today, such as money, for a promise to return more financial resources tomorrow. The aim of the paper is to test whether cheating or respecting a promise, in particular a “financial one”, is also a matter of community norms in which the individuals are involved. According to the social capital literature, where a community is characterised by a high level of social capital, then a higher level of civic engagement, trustworthiness and self monitoring among its members occur. These elements characterise the so called community governance. By using regional data from Italy, the paper will analyse the association between the community governance, through different aspects of social capital, and credit market variables such as interest rate, credit supply and insolvency rate without and with legal institutional enforcements. Empirical evidence shows that, in absence of legal enforcement, indicators of structural social capital, civic engagement and outcome-based social capital are positively related to better credit market performances. When legal enforcement is included in our models still social capital, through the civic engagement aspect, negatively affects the insolvency rate by confirming our hypothesis of complementarity among community state and market

    Social capital: a road map of theoretical frameworks and empirical limitations

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    The general idea of social capital is that relationships matter. In this sense, trust, cooperation and reciprocity involved in these relationships can have a positive impact on the wealth of the society by reducing transaction costs, facilitating collective actions and lowering opportunistic behaviour. This work sheds light on the different theoretical and empirical problems that a scholar is likely to face in dealing with social capital research and analysis. We propose a critical road map of the social capital theories and applications for a general audience, non-users included, with particular attention to the works of political and social economists. We provide a critical debate on the different definitions and measures produced, the theoretical frameworks developed and the empirical techniques adopted so far in the analysis of the impact of social capital on socio-economic outcomes. We stress on the limitations of these techniques and we suggest some basic strategies to reduce the magnitude of these limitations

    Rasio gangguan dalam desain rebust

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    Salah satu teknik Pengendalian Mutu dengan aplikasi pengembangan produk diperkenalkan oleh Dr. Taguchi, merupakan teknik metodologi untuk memperbaiki produk melalui Penelitian dan Pengembangan, dan.juga meningkatkan kualitas produk agar proses cepat dan beaya rendah. Dibahas Pendeteksian Sinyal dengan parameter yang diketahui, dan sekaligus mengetahui jenis Once of Quality Control Technique with aplication to development product introduce by DR. Taguchi, means methodology technique to improve product trough Riset and Development, also to increase productions quality in order process more rmickiv and lower costs. We discussed the detection of known signals with parameter, and also to know of noise of kinds WHITE NOISE and COLORED NOISE

    A new proxy of social capital and the economic performance across the Italian regions

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    In the last 20 years, social capital, has been evoked in several field of social science research and used to explain a vast range of phenomena: political participation, institution performance, corruption, economic success of countries and so on. Unfortunately, dealing with social capital at a scientific level presents, at least, three main problems. First social capital’s definition is still elusive, especially due to its multi-dimensional nature. Second, it is a particular form of capital related to a very high level of intangibility. Finally, because of lack of suitable data there is neither a universal measurement method, nor a single underlined indicator commonly accepted by the literature. These are some of the reasons for which social capital measures are considered as proxies. By using the density of workers within industrial districts, we have constructed an alternative proxy to those that already exist in the literature in order to empirically analyse the difference, in terms of economic performance, across the Italian regions. The methodology we have applied to derive the index is identical to that one used to construct the Putnam’s instrument. Empirical evidence shows that our measure does not affect macroeconomic indicators such as investment and income per capita. However, it significantly influences unemployment disparities, and the level of innovation

    Social capital, poverty and social exclusion in Italy

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    The paper investigates whether social capital can affect the standard living of the Italian households based on poverty and social exclusion. The analysis is developed at the regional level through cross-sections based in the year 2002 and in the year 2003. The indices of social capital that we use are the associational activity a la Putnam and a new proxy based on the regional density of industrial districts. By using the empirical model advanced by Grootaert (2001) we find that our results confirm the theory of social capital and poverty transition mechanism advanced by Narayan and Woolcock (2000). Moreover we find significant and negative correlation between social capital and the measures of social exclusion. All these results, drive the paper to the conclusion that social capital is positively correlated to higher level of living standard


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    Perilaku, sikap dan perhatian seorang ibu merupakan materi pembelajaran bagi anak, baik disadari ataupun tidak disadari ibunya sendiri. Oleh sebab itu ibu harus mengajarkan anaknya memulai kebiasaan kebiasaan baik.Berdasarkan wawancara dengan 20 orang ibu murid didapatkan 15 ibu  jarang untuk menyuruh anak menyikat gigi sebelum tidur dan anak jarang sekali menyikat gigi malam sebelum tidur. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prilaku ibu dalam pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan status kebersihan gigi dan mulut pada anak di SDN Lamsayuen Kabupaten Aceh Besar.   Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan desain cross sectional .Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah 52 orang ibu dan 52 anak.seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara pada ibu dan pemeriksaan PHP-M pada anak. Analisa data univariat yaitu untuk mengetahui distribusi frekuensi masing-masing variable. Analisa bivariate menggunakan uji statistik chi square dengan nilai α = 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distribusi frekuensi indeks PHP-M anak paling banyak pada kategori buruk yaitu 53,8% dengan perilaku ibu paling banyak dalam kategori kurang baik yaitu 67,3%. Hasil uji statistik chi square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku ibu dengan status kebersihan gigi dan mulut pada anak di SDN Lamsayuen Kabupaten Aceh Besar dengan nilai p value = 0,001 (p < 0,05). Disarankan kepada ibu agar lebih meningkatkan pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi dan mulut anak dengan cara menjaga kesehatan gigi anak, menggosok gigi minimal 2 kali sehari sesudah makan dan sebelum tidur untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit gigi dan mulut


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    Tanah bengkok merupakan bagian dari tanah desa yang selama ini diperuntukkan untuk gaji pamong desa. Desa merupakan ujung tombak dalam pelaksanaan program-program pemerintah. Oleh karena itu mutlak kinerja perangkat desa sangat berpengaruh terhadap berhasilnya program-program pemerintah pusat. Adil adalah sesuatu yang sesuai dengan kondisinya. Adil bukan berarti sama dalam hal jumlah maupun dalam hal lainnya. Dalam upah adil bukan berarti besarnya  harus sama antara pekerja satu dengan kerja lainnya. Latar belakang tersebut mendorong peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian dengan fokus penelitian: 1. Mengetahui upah tanah bengkok perangkat desa di Kecamatan Banyakan. 2. Mengetahui kinerja perangkat desa di Kecamatan Banyakan. 3. Mengetahui pengaruh upah tanah bengkok terhadap kinerja perangkat desa di Kecamatan Banyakan. 4. Mengetahui pengaruh upah tanah bengkok terhadap kinerja perangkat desa di Kecamatan Banyakan dalam pandangan prinsip keadilan ekonomi Syariah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Metode sampling jenuh digunakan peneliti untuk menentukan besarnya sampel. Seluruh populasi yang berjumlah 111 dijadikan sampel dan mengisi angket penelitian. Selain angket, peneliti menggunakan metode observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara kepada pegawai kecamatan perangkat desa, serta warga untuk mendapatkan data yang dibutuhkan.  Uji validitas, reabilitas, analisis deskriptif, uji normalitas, uji autokorelasi, korelasi product momen, uji regresi linier sederhana, uji t dan uji determinasi dilakukan peneliti untuk analisis data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa upah tanah bengkok dalam kategori baik dan kinerja perangkat desa dalam kategori sangat baik. Uji Hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa bahwa nilai t hitung adalah 1.297 sedangkan t tabel adalah 1,66571 Sehingga  upah tanah bengkok  tidak berpengaruh  terhadap kinerja perangkat desa. Berdasarkan uji determinasi didapatkan variabel upah tanah bengkok hanya mempengaruhi kinerja sebesar 0.4% . Berdasarkan hasil wawancara terhadap warga didapatkan kesimpulan kinerja perangkat desa dirasa masih kurang bagus. Sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa upah tanah bengkok, tidak berimplikasi kepada kinerja perangkat desa. Praktek upah tanah bengkok tidak melanggar hukum Islam, namun dalam teori keadilan perbedaan luas tanah bengkok dirasa kurang adil, karena perbedaan tersebut tidak berdasarkan nilai kerja maupun kebutuhan perangkat desa

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menganalisis Unsur Intrinsik Cerpen Dengan Model Inside Outside Circle Siswa Kelas XI Ipa2 SMA Negeri 1 Polewali Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    This study aimed to describe the increasing ability on the learning process and results to analyze the intrinsic elements of a short story by the model Inside Outside Circle IPA2 class XI student of SMAN 1 Polewali Polewali Mandar. This type of research is a classroom action research. This research data is data learning process and learning outcome data. The data source of this research is the teachers and students of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Polewali IPA2 Polewali Mandar with the number of 29 people. The technique used to collect the data, namely: observation, testing, and documentation. Data were analyzed research process with a qualitative descriptive technique while learning outcome data were analyzed by using quantitative descriptive. The learning process to analyze the intrinsic elements of the first cycle has not yet reached the target set research and the classroom atmosphere less conducive. Second cycle learning process more effective and have reached the target after repairs to problems in cycle I. In the second cycle shows that the general conditions have been conducive learning and students' interest in learning to follow analyze the intrinsic elements of a short story by Inside Outside Circle models is quite large. The results of this study indicate that learning to analyze the intrinsic elements of short stories has increased both in the learning process and learning outcomes. The test results of learning to analyze the intrinsic elements of a short story by Inside Outside Circle models increased. In the first cycle of 58.6% of students received grades ≄75 with an average value of 72.7 and the test cycle II of 79.3% of students received grades ≄75 with an average value of 81.9. The results of the first cycle test that is still less than the target of research that students who scored above learning outcomes 75 to ≄75% can be increased in the second cycle students who received grades ≄75 increased by 20.7% of student
