2,289 research outputs found

    Low gravity containerless processing of immiscible gold rhodium alloys

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    Under normal one-g conditions immiscible alloys segregate extensively during solidification due to sedementation of the more dense of the immiscible liquid phases. However, under low-g conditions it should be possible to form a dispersion of the two immiscible liquids and maintain this dispersed structure during solidification. Immiscible (hypermonotectic) gold-rhodium alloys were processed in the Marshall Space Flight Center 105 meter drop tube in order to investigate the influence of low gravity, containerless solidification on their microstructure. Hypermonotectic alloys composed of 65 atomic % rhodium exhibited a tendency for the gold rich liquid to wet the outer surface of the containerless processed samples. This tendency led to extensive segregation in several cases. However, well dispersed microstructures consisting of 2 to 3 micron diameter rhodium-rich spheres in a gold-rich matrix were produced in 23.4 atomic % rhodium alloys. This is one of the best dispersions obtained in research on immiscible alloy-systems to data

    Influence of a magnetic field during directional solidification of MAR-M 246 + Hf superalloy

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    An area that has been almost totally overlooked in the optimization of properties in directionally solidified superalloys is the control of microstructural features through the application of a magnetic field during solidification. The influence of a magnetic field on the microstructural features of a nickel-base superalloys is investigated. Studies were performed on the dendritic MAR-M 246+Hf alloy, which was solidified under both a 5 K gauss magnetic field and under no-applied-field conditions. The possible influences of the magnetic field on the solidification process were observed by studying variations in microstructural features including volume fraction, surface area, number, and shape of the carbide particles. Stereological factors analyzed also included primary and secondary dendrite arm spacing and the volume fraction of the interdendritic eutectic constituent. Microprobe analysis was performed to determine the chemistry of the carbides, dendrites, and interdendritic constituents, and how it varied between field and no-field solidification samples. Experiments involving periodic application and removal of the magnetic field were also performed in order to permit a comparison with structural variations observed in a MAR-M 246+Hf alloy solidified during KC-135 high-g, low-g maneuvers

    Containerless low gravity processing of glass forming and immiscible alloys

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    Under normal one-g conditions immiscible alloys segregate extensively during solidification due to sedimentation of the more dense of the immiscible liquid phases. Immiscible (hypermonotectic) gold-rhodium alloys were processed in the 100 meter drop tube under low gravity, containerless conditions to determine the feasibility of producing dispersed structures. Three alloy compositions were utilized. Alloys containing 10 percent by volume of the gold-rich hypermonotectic phase exhibited a tendency for the gold-rich liquid to wet the outer surface of the samples. This wetting tendency led to extensive segregation in several cases. Alloys containing 80 and 90 percent by volume of the gold-rich phase possessed completely different microstructures from the 10 percent samples when processed under low-g, containerless conditions. Several samples exhibited microstructures consisting of well dispersed 2 to 3 microns diameter rhodium-rich spheres in a gold-rich matrix

    A study of surface tension driven segregation in monotectic alloy systems

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    The compatibilities of various monotectic alloy systems with several different crucible materials were evaluated. The study was carried out using small candidate alloy samples of compositions that produced fifty volume percent of each liquid phase at the monotectic temperature. Compatibility was based on the evaluation of the wetting tendency of the two immiscible phases with the crucible material in a one-g solidified sample. Three types of wetting phenomena were observed during the evaluation. Type 1 indicates an alloy-crucible combination where the L2 phase preferentially wets the crucible material. Since L2 is usually the minority phase in desirable alloys, this material combination would be difficult to process and is therefore considered incompatible. Type 2 behavior indicates an alloy-crucible combination where the L1 phase preferentially wets the crucible material. This type of combination is considered compatible since surface tension effects should aid in processing the alloy to a useful form. Type 3 indicates any combination that leads to major reactions between the alloy and crucible material, gas entrapment, or separation of the metal from the crucible wall. Additional compatibility evaluations would have to be carried out on combinations of this category. The five alloy systems studied included aluminum-bismuth, copper-lead, aluminum-indium, aluminum-lead and cadmium-gallium. The systems were combined with crucibles of alumina, boron nitride, mullite, quartz, silicon carbide and zirconia

    Immiscible phase incorporation during directional solidification of hypermonotectics

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    Solidification processes in immiscible samples were investigated by directly observing the events taking place at the solid-liquid interface during directional solidification. Visualization of these events was made possible through the use of a transparent metal analog system and a temperature gradient stage assembly fitted to an optical microscope. The immiscible transparent analog system utilized was the succinonitrile-glycerol system. This system has been shown to exhibit the same morphological transitions as observed in metallic alloys of monotectic composition. Both monotectic and hypermonotectic composition samples were directionally solidified in order to gain an improved understanding of the manner in which the excess hypermonotectic liquid is incorporated into the solidifying structure. The processing conditions utilized prevented sedimentation of the excess hypermonotectic liquid by directionally solidifying the samples in very thin (13 microns), horizontally oriented cells. High thermal gradient to growth rate ratios (G/R) were used in an effort to prevent constitutional supercooling and the subsequent formation of L(sub 2) droplets in advance of the solidification front during the growth of fibrous composite structures. Results demonstrated that hypermonotectic composites could be produced in samples up to two weight percent off of the monotectic composition by using a G/R ratio greater than or equal to 4.6 x 10(exp 4) C(s)/mm(sup 2) to avoid constitutional supercooling. For hypermonotectic samples processed with G/R ratios below 4.6 x 10(exp 4) C(s)/mm(sup 2), constitutional supercooling occurred and resulted in slight interfacial instability. For these samples, two methods of incorporation of the hypermonotectic liquid were observed and are reported. The correlation between the phase spacing, lambda, and the growth rate, R, was examined and was found to obey a relationship generally associated with a diffusion controlled coupled growth process. For samples with compositions ranging from the monotectic composition up to 2 percent off of the monotectic composition, data indicated that the square of the phase spacing (lambda) varied linearly with the inverse of the growth rate (R)

    Polynomial Identities, Indices, and Duality for the N=1 Superconformal Model SM(2,4\nu)

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    We prove polynomial identities for the N=1 superconformal model SM(2,4\nu) which generalize and extend the known Fermi/Bose character identities. Our proof uses the q-trinomial coefficients of Andrews and Baxter on the bosonic side and a recently introduced very general method of producing recursion relations for q-series on the fermionic side. We use these polynomials to demonstrate a dual relation under q \rightarrow q^{-1} between SM(2,4\nu) and M(2\nu-1,4\nu). We also introduce a generalization of the Witten index which is expressible in terms of the Rogers false theta functions.Comment: 41 pages, harvmac, no figures; new identities, proofs and comments added; misprints eliminate

    Continued Fractions and Fermionic Representations for Characters of M(p,p') minimal models

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    We present fermionic sum representations of the characters χr,s(p,p)\chi^{(p,p')}_{r,s} of the minimal M(p,p)M(p,p') models for all relatively prime integers p>pp'>p for some allowed values of rr and ss. Our starting point is binomial (q-binomial) identities derived from a truncation of the state counting equations of the XXZ spin 12{1\over 2} chain of anisotropy Δ=cos(πpp)-\Delta=-\cos(\pi{p\over p'}). We use the Takahashi-Suzuki method to express the allowed values of rr (and ss) in terms of the continued fraction decomposition of {pp}\{{p'\over p}\} (and pp{p\over p'}) where {x}\{x\} stands for the fractional part of x.x. These values are, in fact, the dimensions of the hermitian irreducible representations of SUq(2)SU_{q_{-}}(2) (and SUq+(2)SU_{q_{+}}(2)) with q=exp(iπ{pp})q_{-}=\exp (i \pi \{{p'\over p}\}) (and q+=exp(iπpp)).q_{+}=\exp ( i \pi {p\over p'})). We also establish the duality relation M(p,p)M(pp,p)M(p,p')\leftrightarrow M(p'-p,p') and discuss the action of the Andrews-Bailey transformation in the space of minimal models. Many new identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type are presented.Comment: Several references, one further explicit result and several discussion remarks adde

    Discovery of AZD-2098 and AZD-1678, two potent and bioavailable CCR4 receptor antagonists

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    N-(5-Bromo-3-methoxypyrazin-2-yl)-5-chlorothiophene-2-sulfonamide 1 was identified as a hit in a CCR4 receptor antagonist high throughput screen (HTS) of a sub-set of the AstraZeneca compound bank. As a hit with a lead-like profile, it was an excellent starting point for a CCR4 receptor antagonist program and enabled the rapid progression through the Lead Identification and Lead Optimization phases resulting in the discovery of two bioavailable CCR4 receptor antagonist candidate drugs