3,531 research outputs found

    Orientation-sensitivity to facial features explains the Thatcher illusion

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    The Thatcher illusion provides a compelling example of the perceptual cost of face inversion. The Thatcher illusion is often thought to result from a disruption to the processing of spatial relations between face features. Here, we show the limitations of this account and instead demonstrate that the effect of inversion in the Thatcher illusion is better explained by a disruption to the processing of purely local facial features. Using a matching task, we found that participants were able to discriminate normal and Thatcherized versions of the same face when they were presented in an upright orientation, but not when the images were inverted. Next, we showed that the effect of inversion was also apparent when only the eye region or only the mouth region was visible. These results demonstrate that a key component of the Thatcher illusion is to be found in orientation-specific encoding of the expressive features (eyes and mouth) of the face

    Steady-state MreB helices inside bacteria: dynamics without motors

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    Within individual bacteria, we combine force-dependent polymerization dynamics of individual MreB protofilaments with an elastic model of protofilament bundles buckled into helical configurations. We use variational techniques and stochastic simulations to relate the pitch of the MreB helix, the total abundance of MreB, and the number of protofilaments. By comparing our simulations with mean-field calculations, we find that stochastic fluctuations are significant. We examine the quasi-static evolution of the helical pitch with cell growth, as well as timescales of helix turnover and denovo establishment. We find that while the body of a polarized MreB helix treadmills towards its slow-growing end, the fast-growing tips of laterally associated protofilaments move towards the opposite fast-growing end of the MreB helix. This offers a possible mechanism for targeted polar localization without cytoplasmic motor proteins.Comment: 7 figures, 1 tabl

    A comparison of mean winds and gravity wave activity in the northern and southern polar MLT

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    Mean winds and waves observed in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere with MF radars located at Davis (69°S, 78°E) and Poker Flat (65°N, 147°W) are compared. Measurements covering the period from 1999 to mid 2000 show differences in the strength of the horizontal wind fields. In the southern hemisphere the zonal and meridional winds reach their maximum values near the summer solstice, but are delayed by 2–3 weeks in the northern hemisphere. Gravity wave variances also show significant differences, as do the strength of vertical velocities.Andrew Dowdy and Robert A. Vincent, Kiyoshi Igarashi and Yasuhiro Murayama, Damian J. Murph

    Computing and Diagnosing Changes in Unit Test Energy Consumption

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    Many developers have reason to be concerned with with power consumption. For example, mobile app developers want to minimize how much power their applications draw, while still providing useful functionality. However, developers have few tools to get feedback about changes to their application\u27s power consumption behavior as they implement an application and make changes to it over time. We present a tool that, using a team\u27s existing test cases, performs repeated measurements of energy consumption based on instructions executed, objects generated, and blocking latency, generating a distribution of energy use estimates for each test run, recording these distributions in a time series of distributions over time. Then, when these distributions change substantially, we inform the developer of this change, and offer them diagnostic information about the elements of their code potentially responsible for the change and the inputs responsible. Through this information, we believe that developers will be better enabled to relate recent changes in their code to changes in energy consumption, enabling them to better incorporate changes in software energy consumption into their software evolution decisions

    Ligand-enabled copper-mediated radioiodination of arenes

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    The discovery of a copper precatalyst that facilitates the key mechanistic steps of arene halodeboronation has allowed a step change in the synthesis of radioiodine-containing arenes. The active precatalyst [Cu(OAc)(phen)2]OAc was shown to perform room temperature radio-iododeboronation of aryl boronic acids with 1–2 mol % loadings and 10 min reaction times. These mild conditions enable particularly clean reactions, as demonstrated with the efficient preparation of the radiopharmaceutical and SPECT tracer, meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG).Peer reviewe

    Response of face-selective brain regions to trustworthiness and gender of faces

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    Neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies have demonstrated a role for the amygdala in processing the perceived trustworthiness of faces, but it remains uncertain whether its responses are linear (with the greatest response to the least trustworthy-looking faces), or quadratic (with increased fMRI signal for the dimension extremes). It is also unclear whether the trustworthiness of the stimuli is crucial or if the same response pattern can be found for faces varying along other dimensions. In addition, the responses to perceived trustworthiness of face-selective regions other than the amygdala are seldom reported. The present study addressed these issues using a novel set of stimuli created through computer image-manipulation both to maximise the presence of naturally occurring cues that underpin trustworthiness judgments and to allow systematic manipulation of these cues. With a block-design fMRI paradigm, we investigated neural responses to computer-manipulated trustworthiness in the amygdala and core face-selective regions in the occipital and temporal lobes. We asked whether the activation pattern is specific for differences in trustworthiness or whether it would also track variation along an orthogonal male–female gender dimension. The main findings were quadratic responses to changes in both trustworthiness and gender in all regions. These results are consistent with the idea that face-responsive brain regions are sensitive to face distinctiveness as well as the social meaning of the face features

    Common Proper-motion Wide White Dwarf Binaries Selected From the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Wide binaries made up of two white dwarfs (WDs) receive far less attention than their tight counterparts. However, our tests using the binary population synthesis code StarTrack indicate that, for any set of reasonable initial conditions, there exists a significant observable population of double white dwarfs (WDWDs) with orbital separations of 102-105 AU. We adapt the technique of Dhital et al. to search for candidate common proper-motion WD companions separated by 12,000 spectroscopically confirmed hydrogen-atmosphere WDs recently identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Using two techniques to separate random alignments from high-confidence pairs, we find nine new high-probability wide WDWDs and confirm three previously identified candidate wide WDWDs. This brings the number of known wide WDWDs to 45; our new pairs are a significant addition to the sample, especially at small proper motions (10''). Spectroscopic follow-up and an extension of this method to a larger, photometrically selected set of SDSS WDs may eventually produce a large enough dataset for WDWDs to realize their full potential as testbeds for theories of stellar evolution

    Dynamic stimuli demonstrate a categorical representation of facial expression in the amygdala

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    Face-selective regions in the amygdala and posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) are strongly implicated in the processing of transient facial signals, such as expression. Here, we measured neural responses in participants while they viewed dynamic changes in facial expression. Our aim was to explore how facial expression is represented in different face-selective regions. Short movies were generated by morphing between faces posing a neutral expression and a prototypical expression of a basic emotion (either anger, disgust, fear, happiness or sadness). These dynamic stimuli were presented in block design in the following four stimulus conditions: (1) same-expression change, same-identity, (2) same-expression change, different-identity, (3) different-expression change, same-identity, and (4) different-expression change, different-identity. So, within a same-expression change condition the movies would show the same change in expression whereas in the different-expression change conditions each movie would have a different change in expression. Facial identity remained constant during each movie but in the different identity conditions the facial identity varied between each movie in a block. The amygdala, but not the posterior STS, demonstrated a greater response to blocks in which each movie morphed from neutral to a different emotion category compared to blocks in which each movie morphed to the same emotion category. Neural adaptation in the amygdala was not affected by changes in facial identity. These results are consistent with a role of the amygdala in category-based representation of facial expressions of emotion
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