218 research outputs found

    Stock assessment of Australian east coast sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) with data to December 2020

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    Australian east coast sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) are a predominantly commercially caught species. Sea mullet occur as one continuous stock (population) off the Australian east coast. This is the third stock assessment of the Australian east coast stock. The assessment implemented a two-sex population model fit to age and length data, constructed within the Stock Synthesis modelling framework. The model incorporated data spanning the period 1899 to 2020 including commercial harvests (1899–2020), and length and age data (1990–2020). Eight model scenarios were run, covering a range of modelling assumptions. Base case (preferred) scenario results suggested that biomass has shown an overall decline since 1980 to 37% unfished biomass in 2021 (31–43% range across scenarios). The harvest consistent with a biomass ratio of 50%, the Harvest Strategy target, was estimated at 4801 t (4357–5054 t range across scenarios). The recommended harvest in 2021 for all regions is 2541 t (1254–3632 t range across scenarios) to return to 50%

    Coherent state transfer between an electron- and nuclear spin in 15N@C60

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    Electron spin qubits in molecular systems offer high reproducibility and the ability to self assemble into larger architectures. However, interactions between neighbouring qubits are 'always-on' and although the electron spin coherence times can be several hundred microseconds, these are still much shorter than typical times for nuclear spins. Here we implement an electron-nuclear hybrid scheme which uses coherent transfer between electron and nuclear spin degrees of freedom in order to both controllably turn on/off dipolar interactions between neighbouring spins and benefit from the long nuclear spin decoherence times (T2n). We transfer qubit states between the electron and 15N nuclear spin in 15N@C60 with a two-way process fidelity of 88%, using a series of tuned microwave and radiofrequency pulses and measure a nuclear spin coherence lifetime of over 100 ms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures with supplementary material (8 pages

    Quantum capacitance and charge sensing of a superconducting double dot

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    We acknowledge the support from Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory and EPSRC Grant No. EP/K027018/1. A.J.F. is supported by a Hitachi Research fellowship.We study the energetics of a superconducting double dot, by measuring both the quantum capacitance of the device and the response of a nearby charge sensor. We observe different behaviour for odd and even charge states and describe this with a model based on the competition between the charging energy and the superconducting gap. We also find that, at finite temperatures, thermodynamic considerations have a significant effect on the charge stability diagram.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Towards a fullerene-based quantum computer

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    Molecular structures appear to be natural candidates for a quantum technology: individual atoms can support quantum superpositions for long periods, and such atoms can in principle be embedded in a permanent molecular scaffolding to form an array. This would be true nanotechnology, with dimensions of order of a nanometre. However, the challenges of realising such a vision are immense. One must identify a suitable elementary unit and demonstrate its merits for qubit storage and manipulation, including input / output. These units must then be formed into large arrays corresponding to an functional quantum architecture, including a mechanism for gate operations. Here we report our efforts, both experimental and theoretical, to create such a technology based on endohedral fullerenes or 'buckyballs'. We describe our successes with respect to these criteria, along with the obstacles we are currently facing and the questions that remain to be addressed.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figs, single column forma

    Assessing the farm-scale impacts of cover crops and non-inversion tillage regimes on nutrient losses from an arable catchment

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    The efficacy of cover crops and non-inversion tillage regimes at minimising farm-scale nutrient losses were assessed across a large, commercial arable farm in Norfolk, UK. The trial area, covering 143 ha, was split into three blocks: winter fallow with mouldboard ploughing (Block J); shallow non-inversion tillage with a winter oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus) cover crop (Block P); and direct drilling with a winter oilseed radish cover crop (Block L). Soil, water and vegetation chemistry across the trial area were monitored over the 2012/13 (pre-trial), 2013/14 (cover crops and non-inversion tillage) and 2014/15 (non-inversion tillage only) farm years. Results revealed oilseed radish reduced nitrate (NO3¬¬-N) leaching losses in soil water by 75–97% relative to the fallow block, but had no impact upon phosphorus (P) losses. Corresponding reductions in riverine NO3¬¬-N concentrations were not observed, despite the trial area covering 20% of the catchment. Mean soil NO3¬¬-N concentrations were reduced by ~77% at 60–90 cm depth beneath the cover crop, highlighting the ability of deep rooting oilseed radish to scavenge nutrients from deep within the soil profile. Alone, direct drilling and shallow non-inversion tillage were ineffective at reducing soil water NO3¬¬-N and P concentrations relative to conventional ploughing. Applying starter fertiliser to the cover crop increased radish biomass and nitrogen (N) uptake, but resulted in net N accumulation within the soil. There was negligible difference between the gross margins of direct drilling (£731 ha-1) and shallow non-inversion tillage (£758 ha-1) with a cover crop and conventional ploughing with fallow (£745 ha-1), demonstrating farm productivity can be maintained whilst mitigating diffuse pollution. The results presented here support the wider adoption of winter oilseed radish cover crops to reduce NO3¬¬-N leaching losses in arable systems, but caution that it may take several years before catchment-scale impacts downstream are detected

    Multiple Sclerosis Followed by Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder: From the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Case Conference Proceedings

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    A woman presented at age 18 years with partial myelitis and diplopia and experienced multiple subsequent relapses. Her MRI demonstrated T2 abnormalities characteristic of multiple sclerosis (MS) (white matter ovoid lesions and Dawson fingers), and CSF demonstrated an elevated IgG index and oligoclonal bands restricted to the CSF. Diagnosed with clinically definite relapsing-remitting MS, she was treated with various MS disease-modifying therapies and eventually began experiencing secondary progression. At age 57 years, she developed an acute longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis and was found to have AQP4 antibodies by cell-based assay. Our analysis of the clinical course, radiographic findings, molecular diagnostic methods, and treatment response characteristics support the hypothesis that our patient most likely had 2 CNS inflammatory disorders: MS, which manifested as a teenager, and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, which evolved in her sixth decade of life. This case emphasizes a key principle in neurology practice, which is to reconsider whether the original working diagnosis remains tenable, especially when confronted with evidence (clinical and/or paraclinical) that raises the possibility of a distinctively different disorder

    Public opinion on energy crops in the landscape: considerations for the expansion of renewable energy from biomass

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    Public attitudes were assessed towards two dedicated biomass crops – Miscanthus and Short Rotation Coppice (SRC), particularly regarding their visual impacts in the landscape. Results are based on responses to photographic and computer-generated images as the crops are still relatively scarce in the landscape. A questionnaire survey indicated little public concern about potential landscape aesthetics but more concern about attendant built infrastructure. Focus group meetings and interviews indicated support for biomass end uses that bring direct benefits to local communities. Questions arise as to how well the imagery used was able to portray the true nature of these tall, dense, perennial plants but based on the responses obtained and given the caveat that there was limited personal experience of the crops, it appears unlikely that wide-scale planting of biomass crops will give rise to substantial public concern in relation to their visual impact in the landscape

    Application of high-resolution telemetered sensor technology to develop conceptual models of catchment hydrogeological processes

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    Mitigating agricultural water pollution requires changes in land management practices and the implementation of on-farm measures to tackle the principal reasons for water quality failure. However, a paucity of robust empirical evidence on the hydrological functioning of river catchments can be a major constraint on the design of effective pollution mitigation strategies at the catchment-scale. In this regard, in 2010 the UK government established the Demonstration Test Catchment (DTC) initiative to evaluate the extent to which on-farm mitigation measures can cost-effectively reduce the impacts of agricultural water pollution on river ecology while maintaining food production capacity. A central component of the DTC platform has been the establishment of a comprehensive network of automated, web-based sensor technologies to generate high-temporal resolution empirical datasets of surface water, soil water, groundwater and meteorological parameters. In this paper, we demonstrate how this high-resolution telemetry can be used to improve our understanding of hydrological functioning and the dynamics of pollutant mobilisation and transport under a range of hydrometerological and hydrogeological conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate how these data can be used to develop conceptual models of catchment hydrogeological processes and consider the implications of variable hydrological functioning on the performance of land management changes aimed at reducing agricultural water pollution

    Yield of Smear Microscopy and Radiological Findings of Male and Female Patients with Tuberculosis in Abuja, Nigeria

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    Objective. To describe the yield of smear-microscopy and radiological findings by male and female patients with symptoms of tuberculosis in Abuja, Nigeria. Methods. Patients ≥15 years old with cough for >3 weeks submitted 3 sputum samples for smear microscopy. One specimen was cultured using MGIT-960. All patients had lung X-rays and screened for HIV. Results. were more likely to be smear-positive than females (262/774 [34%] and 137/547 [25%], P < .01), but similar proportions of males and females were culture-positive (437/691 [63%] and 294/495 [59%], P = .09). 317/626 (50.6%) males and 249/419 (59.4%) females were HIV-positive (P < .005). Among culture-positives patients, HIV-infected males were less likely to have positive smears than HIV-negative males (49.2% versus 66%, P = .001). Among females, smear positivity did not vary with HIV (46.4% for HIV-positive and 52.9% for HIV-negative, P = .38). Of 274 culture-confirmed TB cases, 226 (82.5%) had cavities, and 271 (99%) had ≥1 lung areas affected. HIV-positive males were more likely to have lung cavities than HIV-positive females (85% versus 69%, P < .04) and to have ≥3 lung areas affected (P = .03). Conclusion. Differences in the yield of smear-microscopy, culture and X-rays on presentation are due to several factors including HIV coinfection and gender