48,609 research outputs found

    Accretion onto the Supermassive Black Hole in M87

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    Chandra X-ray observations of the giant elliptical galaxy M87 resolve the thermal state of the hot interstellar medium into the accretion (Bondi) radius of its central 3 10^9 Msun black hole. We measure the X-ray gas temperature and density profiles and calculate the Bondi accretion rate, Mdot_Bondi \sim 0.1 Msun/yr. The X-ray luminosity of the active nucleus of M87 observed with Chandra is L_{x, 0.5-7 \keV} \sim 7 \times 10^{40}erg/s. This value is much less than the predicted nuclear luminosity, L_{Bondi} \sim 5 \times 10^{44} erg/s, for accretion at the Bondi rate with a canonical accretion radiative efficiency of 10%. If the black hole in M87 accretes at this rate it must do so at a much lower radiative efficiency than the canonical value. The multiwavelength spectrum of the nucleus is consistent with that predicted by an advection-dominated flow. However, as is likely, the X-ray nucleus is dominated by jet emission then the properties of flow must be modified, possibly by outflows. We show that the overall energetics of the system are just consistent with the predicted Bondi nuclear power. This suggests that either most of the accretion energy is released in the relativistic jet or that the central engine of M87 undergoes on-off activity cycles. We show that, at present, the energy dumped into the ISM by the jet may reduce the accretion rate onto the black hole by a factor \propto (v_j/c_s)^{-2}, where v_j is the jet velocity and c_s the ISM sound speed, and that this is sufficient to account for the low nuclear luminosity.Comment: emulateapj.sty, revised version, accepted by Ap

    Universal properties of many-body delocalization transitions

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    We study the dynamical melting of "hot" one-dimensional many-body localized systems. As disorder is weakened below a critical value these non-thermal quantum glasses melt via a continuous dynamical phase transition into classical thermal liquids. By accounting for collective resonant tunneling processes, we derive and numerically solve an effective model for such quantum-to-classical transitions and compute their universal critical properties. Notably, the classical thermal liquid exhibits a broad regime of anomalously slow sub-diffusive equilibration dynamics and energy transport. The subdiffusive regime is characterized by a continuously evolving dynamical critical exponent that diverges with a universal power at the transition. Our approach elucidates the universal long-distance, low-energy scaling structure of many-body delocalization transitions in one dimension, in a way that is transparently connected to the underlying microscopic physics.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; major changes from v1, including a modified approach and new emphasis on conventional MBL systems rather than their critical variant

    The effect of movement variability on putting proficiency during the golf putting stroke

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    Movement variability has been considered important to execute an effective golf swing yet is comparatively unexplored regarding the golf putt. Movement variability could potentially be important considering the small margins of error between a successful and a missed putt. The aim of this study was to assess whether variability of body segment rotations influence putting performance (ball kinematic measures). Eight golfers (handicap range 0–10) performed a 3.2 m level putt wearing retro-reflective markers which were tracked using a three-dimensional motion analysis system sampling at 120 Hz. Ball roll kinematics were recorded using Quintic Ball Roll launch monitor. Movement (segment) variability was calculated based on a scalene ellipsoid volume concept and correlated with the coefficient of variation of ball kinematics. Statistical analysis showed no significant relationships between segment variability and putting proficiency. One significant relationship was identified between left forearm variability and horizontal launch angle, but this did not result in deficits in putting success. Results show that performance variability in the backswing and downswing is not related to putting proficiency or the majority of ball roll measures. Differing strategies may exist where certain golfers may have more fluid movement patterns thereby effectively utilising variability of movement. Therefore, golf instructors should consider movement variability when coaching the golf putt

    Reliability of an experimental method to analyse the impact point on a golf ball during putting

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    This study aimed to examine the reliability of an experimental method identifying the location of the impact point on a golf ball during putting. Forty trials were completed using a mechanical putting robot set to reproduce a putt of 3.2 m, with four different putter-ball combinations. After locating the centre of the dimple pattern (centroid) the following variables were tested; distance of the impact point from the centroid, angle of the impact point from the centroid and distance of the impact point from the centroid derived from the X, Y coordinates. Good to excellent reliability was demonstrated in all impact variables reflected in very strong relative (ICC = 0.98–1.00) and absolute reliability (SEM% = 0.9–4.3%). The highest SEM% observed was 7% for the angle of the impact point from the centroid. In conclusion, the experimental method was shown to be reliable at locating the centroid location of a golf ball, therefore allowing for the identification of the point of impact with the putter head and is suitable for use in subsequent studies

    CAMIEM: Compact Additively Manufactured Innovative Electric Motor

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    New manufacturing methods are needed to obtain innovative electric motor designs that have much higher power densities and/or efficiencies compared to the current state-of-the-art. Additive manufacturing offers the potential to radically change motor designs so that they have compact designs, multi-material components, innovative cooling, and optimally designed and manufactured components. New component designs enabled by additive manufacturing technologies have been designed and were fabricated to include the housing, rotors, stator cooling ring, a direct printed stator, and a wire embedded stator. The new components were integrated into the motor and tested evaluate the performance gains in comparison to the baseline electric motor configuration. Partners on the sub-project include NASA GRC, NASA LaRC, NASA AFRC, LaunchPoint Technologies, and the University of Texas El Paso

    X-ray observations of the galaxy cluster PKS 0745-191: To the virial radius, and beyond

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    We measure X-ray emission from the outskirts of the cluster of galaxies PKS 0745-191 with Suzaku, determining radial profiles of density, temperature, entropy, gas fraction, and mass. These measurements extend beyond the virial radius for the first time, providing new information about cluster assembly and the diffuse intracluster medium out to ~1.5 r_200, (r_200 ~ 1.7 Mpc ~ 15'). The temperature is found to decrease by roughly 70 per cent from 0.3-1 r_200. We also see a flattening of the entropy profile near the virial radius and consider the implications this has for the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium when deriving mass estimates. We place these observations in the context of simulations and analytical models to develop a better understanding of non-gravitational physics in the outskirts of the cluster.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted to MNRAS; expanded discussion of analysis and uncertainties, results qualitatively unchange
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