266 research outputs found

    Nutrigenòmica: La nutrició personalitzada

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    Nutrigenomics: personalized nutrition.Nutrigenomics is an emerging discipline that studies how information of foods interacts with that of genes and their derived metabolic framework, as well as the consequences. This science uses traditional techniques of nutrition and metabolismbut also new technologies, and is nourished by the rapid advances in our knowledge of the genes composing the genome, their regulating mechanisms and how certain food components influence these systems. Moreover, this field benefits from the great advances being made in human biochemistry and particularly metabolism. Nutrigenomics can help in the design of new functional foods and implementation of better eating habits to control obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and otherchronic illnesses of our times. Nutrigenomics contributes to developing early or primary biomarkers of predictive homeostatic dysfunctions altering processes or functions that herald certain diseases or other welfare concerns

    Cultural control of herbicide-resistant Lolium rigidum Gaud. Populations in winter cereal in Northeastern Spain

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    Lolium rigidum Gaud. is one of the most common weed species in winter cereals in Northeastern Spain. Herbicide resistance has been growing since the mid 90's and exclusive herbicide use is not enough in many cases, so that it is necessary to combine as many control tools as possible. Six field trials have been conducted during the cropping seasons 2001-02, 2002-03 and 2003-04 on winter cereal infested with herbicide resistant L. rigidum in Northeastern Spain testing different cultural control strategies. Sowing delay was conducted at five fields, mouldboard ploughing at four fields, the combination of sowing delay and ploughing at two fields, increasing the cereal sowing density and combined with sowing delay at one field. Sowing delay was confirmed to have an irregular efficacy depending on the L. rigidum emergence during the delay period. In the trials, weed emergence was reduced up to 88% in the best case but there was no effect in two cases. Ploughing had a more constant efficacy and reduced weed emergence between 50 and 80% although stoniness impeded in one occasion a correct soil inversion causing a very low efficacy. Increasing the cereal sowing rate did not reduce the weed population. The combination of the different methods did not increase significantly the individual efficacy, and one method was clearly more effective than the other, depending on the trial. In fields with high L. rigidum density, these methods are not effective enough and need to be combined with other methods, which are discussed in the text.Lolium rigidum Gaud. es una de las especies de malas hierbas más comunes en cereal de invierno en el nordeste de España. La resistencia a herbicidas ha ido aumentando desde mediados de los años 90, haciendo necesaria la combinación de cuantas más técnicas de control sean posibles. Se realizaron seis ensayos de campo desde el año 2001 al 2004 sobre cereal de invierno infestado con L. rigidum resistente a diferentes herbicidas en el nordeste de España, para probar diferentes estrategias de control culturales. Se estudió el retraso de siembra en seis campos, laboreo de vertedera en cuatro campos, la combinación de retraso de siembra y laboreo de vertedera en dos campos, incrementar la densidad de siembra y combinarla con retraso de siembra en un campo. El retraso de siembra tuvo una eficacia irregular dependiendo de la emergencia de L. rigidum durante el período de retraso. Se alcanzó una reducción de la emergencia del 88% en el mejor de los casos, pero no hubo efecto en otros dos campos. El laboreo tuvo una eficacia más constante y redujo la emergencia de la mala hierba entre el 50 y el 80%, aunque la pedregosidad impidió en un caso una correcta labor. Incrementar la dosis de siembra no redujo la población de la mala hierba. La combinación de los diferentes métodos no aumentó de forma significativa el efecto individual y un método fue claramente más efectivo que el otro, dependiendo del ensayo. En campos con densidades elevadas de L. rigidum estos métodos no la reducen de forma suficiente y necesitan ser combinados con otros métodos que son discutidos en el texto

    Sexual dimorphism in the lasting effects of moderate caloric restriction during gestation on energy homeostasis in rats is related with fetal programming of insulin and leptin resistance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>We aimed to characterize the lasting effect of moderate caloric restriction during early pregnancy on offspring energy homeostasis, by focusing on the effects on food intake and body weight as well as on the insulin and leptin systems.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Male and female offspring of 20% caloric restricted dams (from 1 to 12 days of pregnancy) (CR) and from control dams were studied. These animals were fed after weaning with a normal-fat (NF) diet until the age of 4 months, and then moved to a high-fat (HF) diet. Blood parameters were measured under fed and 14-h fasting conditions at different ages (2, 4 and 5 months). Food preferences were also assessed in adult animals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Accumulated caloric intake from weaning to the age of 5 months was higher in CR animals compared with their controls, and this resulted in higher body weight in adulthood in males, but not in females. Both male and female CR animals already showed higher insulin levels at the age of 2 months, under fed conditions, and higher HOMA-IR from the age of 4 months, compared with their controls. CR male animals, but not females, displayed higher preference for fat-rich food than their controls in adulthood and higher circulating leptin levels when they were under HF diet.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is suggested that hyperinsulinemia may play a role in the etiology of hyperphagia in the offspring of caloric restricted animals during gestation, with different outcomes on body weight depending on the gender, which could be associated with different programming effects on later leptin resistance.</p

    La evidencia científica en la información al consumidor: las declaraciones nutricionales y de propiedades saludables (health claims) en los alimentos = Scientific evidence in consumer information: nutrition and health claims on food

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    Resumen: El Reglamento Europeo 1924/2006 sobre declaraciones de salud (nutricionales y de propiedades saludables o health claims) gobierna el uso de estas declaraciones de forma armonizada en toda la Unión Europea. Representa el resultado y es, a su vez, el principal elemento generador del cambio cualitativo más importante en el sector de la alimentación de las últimas 4 décadas, el que conecta al consumidor con el binomio alimentación-salud. Desde incluso antes de su implementación a principios de 2007, se ha situado en la base de los principales criterios y tendencias que dirigen los nuevos desarrollos en la industria agroalimentaria. En el fondo está la preocupación por los principales problemas de salud de las sociedades desarrolladas, la obesidad, diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares y otras enfermedades crónicas de nuestro tiempo que tienen que ver, fundamentalmente con la alimentación y el sedentarismo, con un enorme coste en términos de salud y económicos. En 2006 los estados miembros de la UE recogieron y presentaron a la Comisión Europea para su evaluación por EFSA unos 44 mil eslóganes  de salud en los alimentos existentes en el mercado comunitario, muchos de ellos repetitivos o obviamente descartables y quedaron en 4637; actualmente sólo hay unos 260 health claims autorizados. Hoy las propiedades saludables de los alimentos deben haber sido demostradas científicamente mediante estudios del más alto nivel de calidad, incluyendo la demostración de los efectos en humanos. Deben reevaluarse algunas de las previsiones que no ha sido posible materializar tras 10 años de desarrollo de esta legislación, periodo en el que todos (legisladores, empresas, consumidores, administración y científicos) hemos ido aprendiendo en la aplicación y descifrado de una normativa que los expertos consideran como una de la más complejas del ámbito Europeo. Problemas pendientes  mayúsculos son: a) los "perfiles nutricionales": ¿cualesquiera alimentos, incluso los más energéticos, pueden llevar health claims?);  y b) la evaluación de los extractos de plantas y otros productos 'botánicos' que componen muchos de los complementos alimenticios, un subsector que también demanda armonización a nivel Europeo. Palabras clave: declaraciones de propiedades saludables; propiedades nutricionales; alimentos funcionales; Reglamento (CE) 1924/2006. Abstract: Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods (“the Regulation”) was adopted in 2006 to govern the use of health claims in the labelling, presentation and advertising of foods in the European Union. It represents the result and is, in turn, the principal generating element of the most important qualitative change in the food sector of last 4 decades. The Regulation connects the consumer with the binomial food-health. It conforms the basis for the main criteria and tendencies directing strategic developments in the agro-food sector. The main health problems in the developed societies are those related with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and other chronic disorders, closely related with food and sedentary life with an enormous cost in terms of health and economy. In 2006 about 44000 slogans were gathered by the EU member states from their markets and presented to the European Commission for evaluation by EFSA. After filtering repetitions and obvious cases, 4636 were set for evaluation. Currently only 260 health claims are authorized. The change is that nowadays to allow a health claim its effects have to be demonstrated (substantiated by robust high quality scientific studies), including the demonstration of the effects in humans. All stakeholders (legislators, companies, consumers, administration and scientists) have been learning during these 9 years of the implementation and developments of the Regulation, which is considered one of the more complex piece of legislation ever adopted in the EU. Pending issues are: a) nutritional profiles: any food, even the most energetics, should be allowed to bear health claims?); and b) the current rules concerning health claims on botanicals. Key words: health claims; nutritional properties; functional foods; Regulation (EC) 1924/2006. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20318/recs.2016.312

    Moderate Caloric Restriction during Gestation in Rats Alters Adipose Tissue Sympathetic Innervation and Later Adiposity in Offspring

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    Maternal prenatal undernutrition predisposes offspring to higher adiposity in adulthood. Mechanisms involved in these programming effects, apart from those described in central nervous system development, have not been established. Here we aimed to evaluate whether moderate caloric restriction during early pregnancy in rats affects white adipose tissue (WAT) sympathetic innervation in the offspring, and its relationship with adiposity development. For this purpose, inguinal and retroperitoneal WAT (iWAT and rpWAT, respectively) were analyzed in male and female offspring of control and 20% caloric-restricted (from 1–12 d of pregnancy) (CR) dams. Body weight (BW), the weight, DNA-content, morphological features and the immunoreactive tyrosine hydroxylase and Neuropeptide Y area (TH+ and NPY+ respectively, performed by immunohistochemistry) of both fat depots, were studied at 25 d and 6 m of age, the latter after 2 m exposure to high fat diet. At 6 m of life, CR males but not females, exhibited greater BW, and greater weight and total DNA-content in iWAT, without changes in adipocytes size, suggesting the development of hyperplasia in this depot. However, in rpWAT, CR males but not females, showed larger adipocyte diameter, with no changes in DNA-content, suggesting the development of hypertrophy. These parameters were not different between control and CR animals at the age of 25 d. In iWAT, both at 25 d and 6 m, CR males but not females, showed lower TH+ and NPY+, suggesting lower sympathetic innervation in CR males compared to control males. In rpWAT, at 6 m but not at 25 d, CR males but not females, showed lower TH+ and NPY+. Thus, the effects of caloric restriction during gestation on later adiposity and on the differences in the adult phenotype between internal and subcutaneous fat depots in the male offspring may be associated in part with specific alterations in sympathetic innervation, which may impact on WAT architecture

    Expression of Adipose MicroRNAs Is Sensitive to Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid Treatment in Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Investigation of microRNAs (miRNAs) in obesity, their genetic targets and influence by dietary modulators is of great interest because it may potentially identify novel pathways involved in this complex metabolic disorder and influence future therapeutic approaches. This study aimed to determine whether miRNAs expression may be influenced by conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), currently used to induce fat loss. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We determined retroperitoneal adipose tissue (rWAT) expression of five miRNAs related to adipocyte differentiation (miRNA-143) and lipid metabolism (miRNA-103 and -107) and altered in obesity (miRNA-221 and -222), using the TaqMan®MicroRNA Assay (Applied-Biosystems). In the first experiment, mice were fed with a standard fat diet and orally treated with sunflower oil (control group) and 3 or 10 mg CLA/day for 37 days. In the second experiment, mice were fed with a high fat diet for 65 days. For the first 30 days, mice received the same doses of CLA described above and, from that time onwards, animals received a double dose. Results showed that expression of selected miRNAs was modified in response to CLA treatment and metabolic status. Interestingly, a strong correlation was observed between miR-103 and -107 expression, as well as miR-221 and -222 in both experiments. Moreover, changes in miRNAs expression correlated with several adipocyte gene expressions: miR-103 and -107 correlated with genes involved in fatty acid metabolism whereas miR-221 and miR-222 correlated with the expression of adipocytokines. Regarding the minor changes observed in miR-143 expression, no differences in expression of adipogenic markers were observed. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Although elucidating the functional implications of miRNAs is beyond the scope of this study, these findings provide the first evidence that miRNAs expression may be influenced by dietary manipulation, reflecting or even contributing to the new metabolic state originated by CLA treatment

    Manejo integrado de Bromus diandrus. Resultados de tres años de ensayos

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    En el presente trabajo se aportan los resultados obtenidos tras tres años de ensayos sobre estrategias de control de Bromus diandrus en una zona en la que se cultivan principalmente cereales en siembra directa. Se han rotado, durante los tres años, tres cultivos diferentes con diversos herbicidas para cada uno, lo cual ha permitido diversificar tanto las fechas de siembra, de octubre a enero, como los herbicidas utilizados. El guisante y la cebada, por la siembra tardía, han permitido disminuir las infestaciones de bromo. Además, la eficacia de los herbicidas selectivos del guisante es significativamente superior a la de los autorizados en trigo. El rendimiento del trigo en “rotación” ha sido muy superior al del trigo en “monocultivo” considerado como estándar. El rendimiento del guisante ha sido aproximadamente del 55% del trigo en rotación, lo que garantiza su rentabilidad económica. También el rendimiento de la cebada, sembrada tras guisante, ha sido muy superior al del trigo.In this paper the results of a three year experiment for Bromus diandrus management strategies, carried out in a winter cereal area under no-tillage, are provided. The managements combine three different crops during three years with various herbicides for each crop. Sowing dates have been diversified from October to January, as well as the herbicides. Field pea and barley, by the fact that are sown late in the season, have reduced Brome infestations. Moreover, the efficacy of selective herbicides for field pea is significantly higher than those authorized in wheat. Wheat yield in “rotation” has been much higher than in “monocrop”. Field pea yield was about 55% of wheat in rotation, ensuring its profitability. Yield for barley sown after pea, was also much higher than for wheat