331 research outputs found

    Acoustic Rock Art Landscapes: A comparison between the Acoustics of three Levantine Rock Art areas in Mediterranean Spain

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    This article focuses on the relationship between acoustics and rock art in Levantine art in Mediterranean Spain. It takes as a case study three rock art areas where Levantine-style rock art was produced: the Valltorta Gorge, the Mortero Gorge and the Godall mountains. The study centres on the analysis of reverberation and echoes. In each area a comparison was made between the acoustic properties of sections of the area with rock art and of others with none. Different sounds were also tested in order to identify which possible instruments had the best chance of producing a sensory reaction. Although we cannot hypothesise on the specific practices that may have taken place in these areas, we conclude with the proposition that the acoustic properties of a site indicate a sacred use of the landscape, in which sound was a key element of ritual performance

    Identificación de productos de Triticum aestivum en las pastas alimenticias. II. Determinación colorimétrica del palmitato de sitosterol.

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    Walde y Mangel (1930) estudiaron los extractos acetónicos de las harinas de una variedad de Triticum durum y otra de Triticum aestivum (incl. T. vulgare); encontraron que la sustancia grasa de esta última contenía una cantidad apreciable de sustancia cristalina, mientras que la de T. durum no presentaba cristales y era menos viscosa. Ambos extractos daban reacción positiva de Liebermann-Burchard, pero el desarrollo de color era más lento en el de T. durum. También encontraron estos autores que el extracto de T. aestivum, disuelto en acetona y llevado a 0o C, separaba un precipitado que no aparecía en el de T. durum. Dicho precipitado fue estudiado por Spielman (1933), siendo identificado como el ester palmítico de una mezcla de sitosterol y sitostanol. Walde y Mangel fueron, por tanto, los primeros en sugerir la presencia de palmitato de sitosterol como posible carácter específico de T. aestivum

    Quotas regulation is necessary but not sufficient to mitigate the impact of SCUBA diving in a highly visited marine protected area

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    When effectively managed, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) can produce wide ecosystem benefits that can foster, directly and indirectly, local economies. Tourism is one of the sectors mainly benefited by the effect of conservation. SCUBA diving represents an important tourism activity, especially in the context of MPAs, where it is one of the few activities often fostered rather than limited, for its capacity to integrate environmental and socio-economic sustainability. However, SCUBA diving can also produce negative impacts on the environment when tourism frequentation exceeds a sustainable threshold, these potentially generating negative effects on the sector itself. In this study, we (1) investigated the impact of SCUBA diving in one of the most frequented diving areas of the Mediterranean Sea (Cabo de Palos - Islas Hormigas marine reserve), and (2) assessed the potential benefits over time related to the adoption of a regulation change for the diving activity (i.e., formally adoption of diving quotas). Specifically, we compared demographic (density of alive and dead colonies) and morphometric (height, width and complexity) characteristics of the false coral (Myriapora truncata) between dived and fully protected (non-dived) locations over four diving seasons (one before and three after the change in diving quotas). The density of alive colonies of the false coral was, on average, six times lower in dived locations compared to controls, highlighting a clear impact of SCUBA diving (consistent over time). Colonies were also significantly smaller in dived locations. The diving quotas produced a significant reduction of the ratio dead/total colonies in the dived locations soon after their adoption, but these benefits disappeared over the following years, possibly due to a gradual decline in operators' and divers' observance and concern, rather than an increasing number of dives. This suggests that the adoption of effective regulations is crucial for the environmental sustainability of diving tourism in protected areas and can provide positive effects, but an effort is needed to ensure that compliance is consistent over time, and that low-impact diving practices are adopted by this important recreational sector

    International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form and accelerometer-assessed physical activity: concurrent validity using six cut-points in HF patients

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    Aims Physical activity (PA) is an important target for improving clinical outcomes in heart failure (HF) patients. Nonetheless, assessing the daily PA profile in this population is a challenging task, traditionally performed using self-report questionnaires such as the International PA Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF). This study aimed to evaluate the concurrent validity of the IPAQ-SF and accelerometer-assessed PA using six published cut-points in patients with HF and reduced or mildly reduced ejection fraction. Methods and results The concordance between the IPAQ-SF and a hip-worn accelerometer regarding daily time spent performing moderate to vigorous PA in bouts of at least 10 min was assessed in 53 participants for seven consecutive days using six different cut-points (Barnett, Dibben, Mark, Sanders, Troiano, and Vaha-Ypya). Spearman’s correlation and Bland–Altman plots were used to evaluate concurrent validity between methods. Regressions were used to study the association between patient variables, wear protocol (waking hour or 24 h), and absolute bias. The kappa index was used to evaluate the concordance between IPAQ-SF and accelerometry for classifying patients as active or non-active. All analyses were re-run using non-bouted metrics to investigate the effect of bouted versus non-bouted analysis. The IPAQ-SF and accelerometry showed low to negligible correlation (ρ = 0.12 to 0.37), depending on the cut-point used. The regression analysis showed that the absolute bias was higher in participants following the waking-hour protocol at all cut-points except Dibben’s (P ≤ 0.007). The concordance between the two methods to classify patients as active and non-active was low when using Mark (κ = 0.23) and Barnett (κ = 0.34) cut-points and poor for the remaining cut-points (κ = 0.03 to 0.18). The results of the sensitivity analysis showed negligible to low correlation using non-bouted metrics (ρ = 0.27 to 0.33). Conclusions Moderate to vigorous PA measures using IPAQ-SF and accelerometers are not equivalent, and we do not encourage researchers to use IPAQ-SF alone when assessing PA in HF patients. Moreover, applying personalized collection and processing criteria is important when assessing PA in HF patients. We recommend following the 24 h protocol and selecting cut-points calibrated in patients with cardiovascular diseases. Finally, it is necessary to develop a new tailored questionnaire that considers walking intensity and is adjusted to the current World Health Organisation recommendations, which use non-bouted metrics

    Detection of protection benefits for predatory fishes depends on census methodology

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) are used as fisheries management and conservation tools. Well-enforced no-take zones allow the rebuilding of natural populations of exploited species; however, there is still controversy on the role of buffer zones. The effectiveness of MPAs could be underestimated, as fish population assessments depend largely on traditional methodologies that have difficulties in detecting predatory fish because of their low abundances, their patchy distribution, and their reaction to the presence of divers. The performance of different census methods was compared in assessing the protection benefits for large predatory fishes under different protection levels (i.e. no-take and buffer zones) in five Mediterranean MPAs. Specifically, conventional strip transects (CSTs, 50 × 5 m2) and tracked roaming transects combined with distance sampling (TRT + DS, variable lengths) were compared, including a series of TRT-derived estimators with variable transect lengths and fixed widths of 20, 10, and 6 m (TRT20, TRT10, and TRT6, respectively). Additionally, the effectiveness of the MPAs studied and protection levels for conserving large predatory species was evaluated. Transects covering larger areas (i.e. TRT + DS and TRT20) allowed the detection of a greater number of species and yielded more accurate estimates of density and biomass than transects of narrower fixed widths, particularly the CSTs, which were associated with the lowest richness detection capability, accuracy, and precision. On average, both no-take zones and buffer zones appeared effective for the conservation of predatory fishes, indicating that multiple protection areas were ecologically effective. Differences between MPAs were also observed, however, probably arising from both local environmental and management factors. We suggest the implementation of methodologies with larger transects for the study of large predatory fish, combined with CSTs for the rest of the fish community, in order to avoid biases in predatory population assessments, which are key indicators of MPA effectiveness

    Photo(geno)toxicity changes associated with hydroxylation of the aromatic chromophores during diclofenac metabolism

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    [EN] Diclofenac (DCF) can cause adverse reactions such as gastrointestinal, renal and cardiovascular disorders; therefore, topical administration may be an attractive alternative to the management of local pain in order to avoid these side effects. However, previous studies have shown that DCF, in combination with sunlight, displays capability to induce photosensitivity disorders. In humans, DCF is biotransformed into hydroxylated metabolites at positions 4¿ and 5 (4¿OH-DCF and 5OH-DCF), and this chemical change produces non negligible alterations of the drug chromophore, resulting in a significant modification of its light-absorbing properties. In the present work, 5OH-DCF exhibited higher photo(geno)toxic potential than the parent drug, as shown by several in vitro assays (3T3 NRU phototoxicity, DNA ssb gel electrophoresis and COMET), whereas 4¿OH-DCF did not display significant photo(geno)toxicity. This could be associated, at least partially with their more efficient UV-light absorption by 5OH-DCF metabolite and with a higher photoreactivity. Interestingly, most of the cellular DNA damage photosensitized by DCF and 5OH-DCF was repaired by the cells after several hours, although this effect was not complete in the case of 5OH-DCF.This work was supported by the Carlos III Institute of Health (Grants: RD16/0006/0030, PI16/01877), by the MINECO (Grants: CTQ2013-47872, CTQ2016-78875), and by the Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo 2017/075).García -Laínez, G.; Ana M Marínez-Reig; Limones Herrero, D.; Jiménez Molero, MC.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ.; Andreu Ros, MI. (2018). Photo(geno)toxicity changes associated with hydroxylation of the aromatic chromophores during diclofenac metabolism. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 341:51-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.taap.2018.01.005S515534

    Disease severity in familial cases of IBD

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    Background: Phenotypic traits of familial IBD relative to sporadic cases are controversial, probably related to limited statistical power of published evidence. Aim: To know if there are phenotype differences between familial and sporadic IBD, evaluating the prospective Spanish registry (ENEIDA) with 11,983 cases. Methods: 5783 patients (48.3%) had ulcerative colitis (UC) and 6200 (51.7%) Crohn's disease (CD). Cases with one or more 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree relatives affected by UC/CD were defined as familial case. Results: In UC and CD, familial cases compared with sporadic cases had an earlier disease onset (UC: 33 years [IQR 25–44] vs 37 years [IQR 27–49]; p b 0.0001); (CD: 27 years [IQR 21–35] vs 29 years [IQR 22–40]; p b 0.0001), higher prevalence of extraintestinal immune-related manifestations (EIMs) (UC: 17.2% vs 14%; p = 0.04); (CD: 30.1% vs 23.6%; p b 0.0001). Familial CD had higher percentage of ileocolic location (42.7% vs 51.8%; p = 0.0001), penetrating behavior (21% vs 17.6%; p = 0.01) and perianal disease (32% vs 27.1%; p = 0.003). Differences are not influenced by degree of consanguinity. Conclusion: When a sufficiently powered cohort is evaluated, familial aggregation in IBD is associated to an earlier disease onset, more EIMs and more severe phenotype in CD. This feature should be taken into account at establishing predictors of disease course

    Impaired expression of mitochondrial and adipogenic genes in adipose tissue from a patient with acquired partial lipodystrophy (Barraquer-Simons syndrome): a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Acquired partial lipodystrophy or Barraquer-Simons syndrome is a rare form of progressive lipodystrophy. The etiopathogenesis of adipose tissue atrophy in these patients is unknown.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>This is a case report of a 44-year-old woman with acquired partial lipodystrophy. To obtain insight into the molecular basis of lipoatrophy in acquired partial lipodystrophy, we examined gene expression in adipose tissue from this patient newly diagnosed with acquired partial lipodystrophy. A biopsy of subcutaneous adipose tissue was obtained from the patient, and DNA and RNA were extracted in order to evaluate mitochondrial DNA abundance and mRNA expression levels.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The expression of marker genes of adipogenesis and adipocyte metabolism, including the master regulator <it>PPARγ</it>, was down-regulated in subcutaneous adipose tissue from this patient. Adiponectin mRNA expression was also reduced but leptin mRNA levels were unaltered. Markers of local inflammatory status were unaltered. Expression of genes related to mitochondrial function was reduced despite unaltered levels of mitochondrial DNA. It is concluded that adipogenic and mitochondrial gene expression is impaired in adipose tissue in this patient with acquired partial lipodystrophy.</p