263 research outputs found

    Attractiveness of Central and Eastern European Countries for Foreign Direct Investment in the Context of European Integration: The Case of Estonia

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    Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows in the world have increased rapidly during the last decade. Most of the FDI inflows are targeted to developed countries (78% in 1999, about fifth of the flows are going to developing countries and Central and Eastern European transition countries are the host countries for only 2% of the world FDI. The necessity of foreign investments in the transition countries is the result of industrial restructuring in post-socialist Eastern Europe and the Baltic countries. New markets, lower production costs and higher profit rates have been the main motivators in investing to the transition countries. Privatization programs of some of these countries have also facilitated foreign direct investments. Lankes and Venables (1996) and Lankes and Stern (1998) have noted that previous studies have shown predominance of market seeking investors in Central and Eastern European countries and factor cost considerations appeared to be of less importance for the majority of investments. A study by Meyer (1995) showed also that local market of Central and Eastern European countries is the primary motive in making foreign direct investments and factor costs played only a secondary role in investing to those markets at the beginning of the transition process. Several other studies (for example Barrell et al. 1999; Borsos-Torstila 1998; Éltetö 1999, Garibaldi et al. 1999; Guimaraes et al. 1997; Holland et al. 1998a, 1998b; Wang et al. 1995; Ziacik 2000 have also shown the significance of the determinants that are important for these types of investors in explaining the foreign investments’ flows into the transition countries. Two other types of foreign investors are not so important due to the relative lack of natural resources and strategic assets in Central and Eastern European transition countries. However, it has to be considered that there are quite big differences in the shares of different types of foreign investors between countries and sectors. A number of Central and Eastern European transition countries are in the middle of process of integration to the European Union now. Economic integration has impact on the movement of the foreign direct investment. The main aim of this paper is to find out the possible changes in attractiveness of investment climate of the Central and Eastern European transition countries in the context of European integration. Taking into account this aim, paper is divided into four parts: * At first, theoretical foundations of foreign direct investments movements and results of the previous empirical research are presented. * Then, theoretical foundations of the impact of regional integration on foreign direct investment flows is discussed. * After this, determinants of FDI inflows in Central and Eastern European countries and in Estonia are analyzed by using generalized component, regression and multinominal logistic analysis, * Finally potential changes in attractiveness of the Central and Eastern European transition countries are discussed and some economic-political recommendations for the governments are presented. REFERENCES: 1. Barrell, R., Pain, N. Trade Restraints and Japanese Direct Investment Flows. - European Economic Review, 1999, Vol. 43, pp. 29-45. 2. Borsos-Torstila, J. Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Operations of Finnish Multinational Companies in Transition Economies in 1990-1995. Helsinki, 1998, 180 p. 3. Ëltetö, A. The Impact of FDI on the Foreign Trade of Central European Countries. – Materials of the workshop "Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the International Competitiveness of CEEC Manufacturing and EU Enlargement", Budapest, November 19-20, 1999, 23 p. 4. Garibaldi, P., Mora, N., Sahay, R., Zettelmeyer, J. What Moves Capital to Transition Economies? – Materials of the IMF Conference "A Decade of Transition: Achievements and Challenges", February, 1999, 49 p. 5. Guimaraes, P., Rolfe, R.J., Doupnik, T., Woodward, D.P. The Locational Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Central Europe. – SSRN Journal, 1997, July, 17 p. 6. Holland, D., Pain, N. The Determinants and Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in the Transition Economies: A Panel Data Analysis. – Materials of the conference “Convergence or Divergence: Aspirations and Reality in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia” Buckinghamshire, 1998a, pp. 300-325. 7. Holland D., Pain, N. The Diffusion of Innovations in Central and Eastern Europe: A Study of the Determinants and Impact of Foreign Direct Investment. – Materials of the conference “Convergence or Divergence: Aspirations and Reality in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia”, Buckinghamshire, 1998b, 49 p. 8. Lankes, H.-P., Stern, N. Capital Flows to Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. – EBRD Working Paper, 1998, No. 27, 31 p. 9. Lankes, H.-P., Venables, A.J. Foreign Direct Investment in Economic Transition: The Changing Pattern of Investments. – Economies of Transition, 1996, Vol. 4, No. 2 pp. 331-347. 10. Meyer, K. Direct Foreign Investment in Eastern Europe: The Role of Labor Costs. - Comparative Economic Studies, 1995, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 69-88 (cited by http://www.ebscohost.com pp. 1-16). 11. Wang, Z.Q., Swain, N.J. The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Transforming Economies: Empirical Evidence from Hungary and China. – Weltwirtschaftlisches Archiv, 1995, Band 131, pp. 359-382. 12. Ziacik, T. An Assessment of the Estonian Investment Climate: Results of a Survey of Foreign Investors and Policy Implications. – BOFIT Discussion Papers, 2000, No. 3, 52 p.

    The role of the nordic dimension for foreign trade relations of baltic states

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    Baltic Sea Region (BRS) can be seen as one good example of an attempt to integrate countries with different development levels. In the long run the Baltic Sea could be seen as the internal sea of European Union. However, as different are the development stages of BRS countries, different is their co-operation experience with European Union (EU). Foreign trade can be seen as one possibility for facilitating economic cooperation between countries. Foreign trade must have a positive impact on economic development of trading partners, when they are equal in the level of development, and foster economic growth even then, when their are unequal. Nevertheless, the one assumption of the theory is a free trade, but this assumption is not always fulfilled. Baltics as small transition countries have from one side not many possibilities for influencing foreign trade, because we are price and conditions takers. From other side, we are small enough to get more favourable conditions in trading with economic blocks and developed countries. Nevertheless, the better conditions compared to other third and associated countries, that we achieved for trading with EU, do not guarantee automatically higher volumes and more equal conditions in trade with above mentioned countries. Encouraging is the fact that European Union Council has approved the Action Plan for the Northern Dimension with external and cross-border policies of the European Union 2000-2003. The aim of current paper is to analyse the current situation in foreign trade of three Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) in the context of fostering economic co-operation in Nordic Dimension. To accomplish this aim: - We analyse the openness or closeness of the trade in Baltic Sea region, find out its positive and negative aspects. -We will look at geographical distribution of foreign trade of three Baltics and analyse it. -We analyse the commodity structure of foreign trade of three Baltics with countries in BSR. -We will analyse the possibilities and risks of current situation in Baltics’ foreign trade in the context of economic globalisation and integration. Data of national statistic bureaus and national banks will be used for comparing the situation in Baltics’ foreign trade. The analysis will not cover transit trade and trade with services.

    Majandusteaduse termineid : eesti, inglise, saksa ja vene keeles

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    Deutsche Wirtschaftstexte zum Übersetzen

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    \Delta G/G results from the COMPASS experiment for Q^2 > 1 GeV^2, using high p_T hadrons

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    One of the goals of COMPASS experiment is the determination of the gluon polarisation, \Delta G/G, for a deep understanding of the spin structure of the nucleon. The gluon polarisation can be measured via the Photon-Gluon-Fusion (PGF) process. One of the methods to identify this process is selecting high p_T hadron pairs in the final state. The data used for this analysis were collected by the COMPASS experiment during the years 2002 to 2006, using a 160 GeV naturally polarised positive muon beam impinging on a polarised nucleon target. A new result of \Delta G/G from high p_T hadron pairs in events with Q^2>1 GeV^2 is presented. This result has a better precision due to the addition of 2006 data and an improved analysis based on a neural network approach. The gluon polarisation is also presented in three bins of x_G.Comment: Proceedings for SPIN2010 - 19th International Spin Physics Symposium September 27 - October 2, 2010, Juelich, German

    Enneaegse sünnituse ja enneaegse vastsündinu perinataalperioodi ravijuhend

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    Eesti Arst 2017; 96(7):422–43

    Symbiont-specific responses to environmental cues in a threesome lichen symbiosis

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    Photosymbiodemes are a special case of lichen symbiosis where one lichenized fungus engages in symbiosis with two different photosynthetic partners, a cyanobacterium and a green alga, to develop two distinctly looking photomorphs. We compared gene expression of thallus sectors of the photosymbiodeme-forming lichen Peltigera britannica containing cyanobacterial photobionts with thallus sectors with both green algal and cyanobacterial photobionts and investigated differential gene expression at different temperatures representing mild and putatively stressful conditions. First, we quantified photobiont-mediated differences in fungal gene expression. Second, because of known ecological differences between photomorphs, we investigated symbiont-specific responses in gene expression to temperature increases. Photobiont-mediated differences in fungal gene expression could be identified, with upregulation of distinct biological processes in the different morphs, showing that interaction with specific symbiosis partners profoundly impacts fungal gene expression. Furthermore, high temperatures expectedly led to an upregulation of genes involved in heat shock responses in all organisms in whole transcriptome data and to an increased expression of genes involved in photosynthesis in both photobiont types at 15 and 25 degrees C. The fungus and the cyanobacteria exhibited thermal stress responses already at 15 degrees C, the green algae mainly at 25 degrees C, demonstrating symbiont-specific responses to environmental cues and symbiont-specific ecological optima

    Incidência de fraudes, alterações e adulterações em leite cru refrigerado comercializado clandestinamente no Norte do Tocantins

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    La leche es objeto de varios fraudes que alteran y adulteran sus características normales, provocando pérdidas económicas y posibles riesgos químicos para la salud del consumidor. La leche cruda refrigerada, cuando se comercializa de forma clandestina, puede presentar un mayor riesgo de fraudes y peligros microbiológicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la ocurrencia de fraudes, alteraciones y adulteraciones en la leche cruda refrigerada comercializada en Araguaína, Tocantins, y verificar la calidad físico-química utilizando los métodos analíticos oficiales regulados por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Abastecimiento (MAPA). Se analizaron 18 muestras recogidas en el periodo comprendido entre noviembre de 2019 y junio de 2020. Se evaluaron sustancias que reconstituyen la densidad y el índice crioscópico, neutralizadores de la acidez para el retorno de los parámetros normales de la leche y conservantes, sustancias que inhiben la multiplicación microbiana. Se verificó que 07 muestras (38,89%) estaban fuera de los estándares requeridos para el porcentaje de grasa; 01 (5,56%) para la lactosa; 01 (5,56%) para los sólidos no grasos; 02 (11,11%) para los sólidos totales; y para la proteína, las muestras estaban dentro del límite requerido. Considerando la acidez titulable, se observó que 03 (16,66%) de las muestras eran ácidas. En cuanto al índice crioscópico, 11 (61,11%) de las muestras indicaban la inclusión de agua. No se encontraron sustancias conservadoras (cloro, hipoclorito y formaldehído) ni neutralizadoras de la acidez. En la investigación de la reconstitución de la densidad y el índice crioscópico, evaluando la presencia de sacarosa, cloruro de sodio y almidón, no se encontraron resultados positivos. Sin embargo, tres (16,66%) muestras fueron positivas en la investigación cualitativa del etanol, un reconstituyente del índice crioscópico. Se observó que la leche cruda refrigerada clandestina comercializada en Araguaína, Tocantins, presenta fraudes debido a la inclusión de agua y al intento de reconstituir los parámetros normales con la inclusión de etanol, lo que exige un mayor control e inspecciones del comercio clandestino de leche cruda refrigerada, prohibido por la legislación brasileña.O leite é alvo de diversas fraudes que alteram e adulteram as suas características normais, causando prejuízo financeiro e possíveis perigos químicos à saúde do consumidor. O leite cru refrigerado, quando comercializado de forma clandestina, pode apresentar maior risco à ocorrência de fraudes além de perigos microbiológicos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar ocorrência de fraudes, alterações e adulterações em leite cru refrigerado clandestino comercializado em Araguaína, Tocantins, e verificar a qualidade físico-química utilizando-se métodos analíticos oficiais regulamentados pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Foram analisadas 18 amostras coletadas no período de novembro de 2019 a junho de 2020. Foram avaliadas substancias que reconstituem a densidade e índice crioscópico, neutralizantes de acidez para devolução dos parâmetros normais do leite e conservantes, substâncias inibidoras da multiplicação microbiana. Foi verificado que 07 amostras (38,89%) estavam fora dos padrões exigidos para percentual de gordura; 01 (5,56%) para lactose; 01 (5,56%) para sólidos não gordurosos; 02 (11,11%) para sólidos totais; e, para proteína as amostras apresentaram-se dentro do limite exigido. Considerando a acidez titulável, foi observado que 03 (16,66%) das amostras estavam ácidas. Em relação ao índice crioscópico, 11 (61,11%) das amostras indicavam a inclusão de água. Não foram encontradas substâncias conservantes (cloro, hipoclorito e formaldeído) ou neutralizantes da acidez. Na pesquisa de reconstituintes da densidade e índice crioscópico, avaliando a presença de sacarose, cloreto de sódio e amido também não foram encontrados resultados positivos. No entanto, na pesquisa qualitativa do etanol, reconstituinte do índice crioscópico, três (16,66%) amostras foram positivas. Foi observado que o leite cru refrigerado clandestino comercializado em Araguaína, Tocantins, apresenta fraudes por inclusão de água e tentativa de reconstituição dos parâmetros normais com a inclusão de etanol, necessitando de maior controle e fiscalizações do comércio clandestino de leite cru refrigerado, proibido pela legislação brasileira

    Vastsündinute rehospitaliseerimine Harjumaal aastatel 2005–2006

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    Viimase 15 aasta jooksul on Eesti Vabariigis muutunud vastsündinute meditsiiniabi korraldus: vastsündinud kirjutatakse sünnitusmajast koju varakult ja järgneva tervisekontrolli teeb perearst. Ülevaate saamiseks vastsündinute hospitaliseerimise põhjustest nende kahe olulise tervishoiukorraldusliku muudatuse taustal analüüsisime oma töös 2005. ja 2006. a Tallinna Lastehaiglasse kodust hospitaliseeritud vastsündinute haiguslugusid. Leidsime, et vaatamata toimunud muudatustele oli uuringuperioodil rehospitaliseerimist vajanud vastsündinute hulk võrreldes kirjanduse andmetega pigem väike. Peamisteks vastsündinute haiglaravi põhjusteks olid toitmisprobleemid, ikterus ja infektsioonid. Vastsündinute hospitaliseerimise ennetamiseks on olulised emade varane ja efektiivne nõustamine ning korrektne ja toimiv vastsündinute tervisekontrolli süsteem. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(11):708−71