53 research outputs found

    O nekotoryh problemah i zadačah sovremennoj balkanistiki

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    (ruski) V centre vnimanija stat'i nahodjatsja obščestvenno relevantnye i prognostičeski cennye voprosy o konvergentnyh i divergentnyh jazykovyh processah v poliëtničeskih, mnogojazyčnyh i mul'tireligioznyh gruppah na sovremennom ëtape razvitija

    Sprachatlas Ostserbiens und Westbulgariens (II)

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    In der Reihe Scripta Slavica werden Beiträge aus dem gesamten Gebiet der Slawistik veröffentlicht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Studien und Nachschlagewerken zur bulgarischen Sprache und Kultur liegt. Die Publikationen umfassen neben monographischen

    The first high-resolution observations of 37.7-, 38.3- and 38.5-GHz methanol masers

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    We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to undertake the first high angular resolution observations of 37.7-GHz (7281E7_{-2} - 8_{-1}E) methanol masers towards a sample of eleven high-mass star formation regions which host strong 6.7-GHz methanol masers. The 37.7-GHz methanol sites are coincident to within the astrometric uncertainty (0.4 arcseconds) with the 6.7-GHz methanol masers associated with the same star formation region. However, spatial and spectral comparison of the 6.7- and 37.7-GHz maser emission within individual sources shows that the 37.7-GHz masers are less often, or to a lesser degree co-spatial than are the 12.2-GHz and 6.7-GHz masers. We also made sensitive, high angular resolution observations of the 38.3- and 38.5-GHz class II methanol transitions (6253A6_{2} - 5_{3}A^{-} and 6253A+6_{2} - 5_{3}A^{+}, respectively) and the 36.2-GHz (4130E4_{-1} - 3_{0}E) class I methanol transition towards the same sample of eleven sources. The 37.7-, 38.3- and 38.5-GHz methanol masers are unresolved in the current observations, which implies a lower limit on the brightness temperature of the strongest masers of more than 10610^6K. We detected the 38.3-GHz methanol transition towards 7 sources, 5 of which are new detections and detected the 38.5-GHz transition towards 6 sources, 4 of which are new detections. We detected 36.2-GHz class I methanol masers towards all eleven sources, 6 of these are new detections for this transition, of which 4 sources do not have previously reported class I methanol masers from any transition.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 34 pages, 20 figure

    Maser action in methanol transitions

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    We report the detection with the ATCA of 6.7 GHz methanol emission towards OMC-1. The source has a size between 40'' and 90'', is located to the south-east of Ori-KL and may coincide in position with the 25 GHz masers. The source may be an example of an interesting case recently predicted in theory where the transitions of traditionally different methanol maser classes show maser activity simultaneously. In addition, results of recent search for methanol masers from the 25 and 104.3 GHz transitions are reported.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 2004 European Workshop: "Dense Molecular Gas around Protostars and in Galactic Nuclei", Eds. Y.Hagiwara, W.A.Baan, H.J. van Langevelde, 2004, a special issue of ApSS, Kluwer; author list has been corrected, text is unchange

    Govor sela Vratarnica v vostočnoj Serbii v istoričeskom i areal'nom osveščenii

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    Govor sela Vratarnica - odin iz južnoslavjanskich govorov, rasprostranennych vok rug serbsko-bolgarskoj političeskoj granicy. Govory, nachodjaščiesja s zapadnoj (serbskoj) storony etoj granicy, tradicionno v jugoslavskoj dialektologii nazyvajutsja timoksko-lužnickim i i otnosjatsja k serbochorvatskomu jazyku, esli ich nositeli opredeljajut sebja kak etničeskie serby, i k bolgarskom u jazyku, esli ich nositeli sčitajut sebja bolgarami. Govory s bolgarskoj storony granicy polučili v bolgarskoj dialektologii nazvanie "zapadnye perechodnye govory bolgarskogo jazyka" [Stojkov 1962: 108-112]. Nesomnennoe genetičesko e edinstvo etich govorov pozvoljaet rassmatrivat'ich (vopr eki složivšimsja nacional'nym tradicijam) ne izolirovanno drug ot druga, no kak celostnoe lingvističesko e obrazovanie ranga dialekta, prinadležaščee odnovremenno dvum nacional'nym kollektivam

    Sprachatlas Ostserbiens und Westbulgariens (III). Texte

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    In der Reihe Scripta Slavica werden Beiträge aus dem gesamten Gebiet der Slawistik veröffentlicht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Studien und Nachschlagewerken zur bulgarischen Sprache und Kultur liegt. Die Publikationen umfassen neben monographischen Studien, die den aktuellen Forschungsstand widerspiegeln, auch Sprachatlanten

    The low-mass stellar population in the young cluster Tr37: Disk evolution, accretion, and environment

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    We present a study of accretion and protoplanetary disks around M-type stars in the 4 Myr-old cluster Tr37. With a well-studied solar-type population, Tr37 is a benchmark for disk evolution. We used low-resolution spectroscopy to identify 141 members (78 new) and 64 probable members, mostly M-type stars. H\alpha\ emission provides information about accretion. Optical, 2MASS, Spitzer, and WISE data are used to trace the SEDs. We construct radiative transfer models to explore the structures of full-disks, pre-transition, transition, and dust-depleted disks. Including the new and previously known members, we confirm that a substantial fraction (~2/5) of disks show signs of evolution, either as radial dust evolution (transition/pre-transition disks) or as a more global evolution (low small-dust masses, dust settling, and weak/absent accretion signatures). Accretion is strongly dependent on the SED type. About half of the transition objects are consistent with no accretion, and dust-depleted disks have weak (or undetectable) accretion signatures, especially among M-type stars. The analysis of accretion and disk structure suggests a parallel evolution of dust and gas. We find several distinct classes of evolved disks, based on SED type and accretion, pointing to different disk dispersal mechanisms and probably different evolutionary paths. Dust depletion and opening of inner holes appear to be independent processes: most transition disks are not dust-depleted, and most dust-depleted disks do not require inner holes. The differences in disk structure between M-type and solar-type stars in Tr37 (4 Myr) are not as remarkable as in the young, sparse, Coronet cluster (1-2 Myr), suggesting that other factors, like the environment/interactions, are likely to play a role in the disk evolution and dispersal. Finally, we also find some evidence of clumpy star formation or mini-clusters within Tr37.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, plus appendix with tables and figures. Accepted by A&

    Sprachatlas Ostserbiens und Westbulgariens (I)

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    Die Analyse der spezifischen Struktur der Mundart des Dorfes Vratarnica, dessen Bevölkerung im 19. Jh. aus Westbulgarien einwanderte und einige Besonderheiten der Mundarten der östlichen Stara Planina mitbrachte, führte zur Problemstellung der südslavischen Mundarten um die serbisch-bulgarische politische Grenze