36 research outputs found

    A Conditional Deletion of the NR1 Subunit of the NMDA Receptor in Adult Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn Reduces NMDA Currents and Injury-Induced Pain

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    To determine the importance of the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) in pain hypersensitivity after injury, the NMDAR1 (NR1) subunit was selectively deleted in the lumbar spinal cord of adult mice by the localized injection of an adenoassociated virus expressing Cre recombinase into floxed NR1 mice. NR1 subunit mRNA and dendritic protein are reduced by 80% in the area of the virus injection, and NMDA currents, but not AMPA currents, are reduced 86–88% in lamina II neurons. The spatial NR1 knock-out does not alter heat or cold paw-withdrawal latencies, mechanical threshold, or motor function. However, injury-induced pain produced by intraplantar formalin is reduced by 70%. Our results demonstrate conclusively that the postsynaptic NR1 receptor subunit in the lumbar dorsal horn of the spinal cord is required for central sensitization, the central facilitation of pain transmission produced by peripheral injury

    Reduced Plasma Levels of 25-Hydroxycholesterol and Increased Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels of Bile Acid Precursors in Multiple Sclerosis Patients

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune, inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS). We have measured the levels of over 20 non-esterified sterols in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients suffering from MS, inflammatory CNS disease, neurodegenerative disease and control patients. Analysis was performed following enzyme-assisted derivatisation by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) exploiting multistage fragmentation (MS n ). We found increased concentrations of bile acid precursors in CSF from each of the disease states and that patients with inflammatory CNS disease classified as suspected autoimmune disease or of unknown aetiology also showed elevated concentrations of 25-hydroxycholestertol (25-HC, P < 0.05) in CSF. Cholesterol concentrations in CSF were not changed except for patients diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (P < 0.01) or pathogen-based infections of the CNS (P < 0.05) where they were elevated. In plasma, we found that 25-HC (P < 0.01), (25R)26-hydroxycholesterol ((25R)26-HC, P < 0.05) and 7α-hydroxy-3-oxocholest-4-enoic acid (7αH,3O-CA, P < 0.05) were reduced in relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) patients compared to controls. The pattern of reduced plasma levels of 25-HC, (25R)26-HC and 7αH,3O-CA was unique to RRMS. In summary, in plasma, we find that the concentration of 25-HC in RRMS patients is significantly lower than in controls. This is consistent with the hypothesis that a lower propensity of macrophages to synthesise 25-HC will result in reduced negative feedback by 25-HC on IL-1 family cytokine production and exacerbated MS. In CSF, we find that the dominating metabolites reflect the acidic pathway of bile acid biosynthesis and the elevated levels of these in CNS disease is likely to reflect cholesterol release as a result of demyelination or neuronal death. 25-HC is elevated in patients with inflammatory CNS disease probably as a consequence of up-regulation of the type 1 interferon-stimulated gene cholesterol 25-hydroxylase in macrophage

    Elevated oxysterol levels in human and mouse livers reflect nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

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    Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a primary cause of liver disease, leads to complications such as fibrosis, cirrhosis, and carcinoma, but the pathophysiology of NASH is incompletely understood. Epstein Barr virus induced G protein coupled receptor 2 (EBI2) and its oxysterol ligand 7α,25-dihydroxycholesterol (7α,25-diHC) are recently discovered immune regulators. Several lines of evidence suggest a role of oxysterols in NASH pathogenesis, but rigorous testing has not been performed. We measured oxysterol levels in livers of NASH patients by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and tested the role of the EBI2-7α,25-diHC-system in a murine feeding model of NASH. Free oxysterol profiling in livers from NASH patients revealed a pronounced increase in 24- and 7-hydroxylated oxysterols in NASH compared to controls. Levels of 24- and 7-hydroxylated oxysterols correlated with histological NASH activity. Histological analysis of murine liver samples demonstrated ballooning and liver inflammation. No significant genotype related differences were observed in Ebi2-/- animals and animals with defects in the 7α,25-diHC synthesizing enzymes CH25H and CYP7B1 compared to wildtype littermate controls,arguing against an essential role of these genes in NASH pathogenesis. Elevated 24- and 7-hydroxylated oxysterol levels were confirmed in murine NASH liver samples. Our results suggest increased bile acid synthesis in NASH samples, as judged by enhanced level of 7α- hydroxycholest-4-en-3-one, and impaired 24S-hydroxycholesterol metabolism as characteristic biochemical changes in livers affected by NASH

    EBI2 receptor regulates myelin development and inhibits LPC-induced demyelination

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    Abstract Background The G protein-coupled receptor EBI2 (Epstein-Barr virus-induced gene 2) is activated by 7α, 25-dihydroxycholesterol (7α25HC) and plays a role in T cell-dependant antibody response and B cell migration. Abnormal EBI2 signaling is implicated in a range of autoimmune disorders; however, its role in the CNS remains poorly understood. Methods Here we characterize the role of EBI2 in myelination under normal and pathophysiological conditions using organotypic cerebellar slice cultures and EBI2 knock-out (KO) animals. Results We find that MBP expression in brains taken from EBI2 KO mice is delayed compared to those taken from wild type (WT) mice. In agreement with these in vivo findings, we show that antagonism of EBI2 reduces MBP expression in vitro. Importantly, we demonstrate that EBI2 activation attenuates lysolecithin (LPC)-induced demyelination in mouse organotypic slice cultures. Moreover, EBI2 activation also inhibits LPC-mediated release of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL6 and IL1β in cerebellar slices. Conclusions These results, for the first time, display a role for EBI2 in myelin development and protection from demyelination under pathophysiological conditions and suggest that modulation of this receptor may be beneficial in neuroinflammatory and demyelinating disorders such as multiple sclerosis

    Oxysterol‐EBI2 signaling in immune regulation and viral infection

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    The seven transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) induced gene 2 (EBI2; also known as GPR183) was identified in 1993 on the basis of its substantial upregulation in EBV-infected cells. It is primarily expressed in lymphoid cells; most abundantly in B cells. EBI2 is central for the positioning of B cells within the lymphoid organs, a process that is regulated in part by a chemotactic gradient formed by the endogenous lipid agonists, and in part by a fine-tuned regulation of EBI2 cell surface expression. The most potent endogenous EBI2 agonist is 7α, 25-dihydroxyxcholesterol (7α,25-OHC), yet many structurally related oxysterols can bind to an EBI2 pocket that is defined by the upper parts of the transmembrane helices and extracellular receptor regions. EBI2 signals via Gαi, as well as via G protein-independent pathways like β-arrestin recruitment. The concerted action of these pathways leads to cell migration. By genetically interfering with its up- and downregulation, EBI2 was also recently shown to induce cell proliferation, an action that could be inhibited by small molecule antagonists. Here, we focus on the oxysterol–EBI2 axis in immune control, including its role in the EBV life cycle. We also summarize the structural and functional properties of EBI2 interaction with oxysterol agonists and small molecule antagonists and discuss EBI2 as therapeutic target for diseases of the immune system

    Oxysterol-EBI2 signaling in immune regulation and viral infection

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    The 7TM G protein-coupled receptor EBI2 (GPR183) was identified in 1993 by its substantial upregulation in Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) infected cells. It is primarily expressed in lymphoid cells; most abundantly in B lymphocytes. EBI2 is central for the positioning of B cells within the lymphoid organs, a process that is regulated in part by a chemotactic gradient formed by the endogenous lipid agonists, and in part by a fine-tuned regulation of EBI2 cell surface expression. The most potent endogenous agonist is 7a, 25-dihydroxyxcholesterol (7a,25-OHC), yet EBI2 binds many structurally related oxysterols in a pocket defined by the upper parts of the transmembrane helices and extracellular receptor regions. It signals via Gi and also G protein-independent pathways like b-arrestin recruitment. The concerted action of these pathways leads to cell migration. By using genetically engineered up- and down regulation, EBI2 was recently shown also to induce cell proliferation; an action that could be inhibited by small molecule antagonists. Here we focus on the EBI2/oxysterol axis in immune control, hereunder the role in the EBV lifecycle. We also summarize the structural and functional properties of EBI2 interaction with oxysterol agonists and small molecule antagonist and ultimately discuss the drugability of EBI2 for diseases within the immune system

    EBI2 Expression and Function: Robust in Memory Lymphocytes and Increased by Natalizumab in Multiple Sclerosis

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    The interaction between oxysterols and the G protein-coupled receptor Epstein-Barr virus-induced gene 2 (EBI2) fine-tunes immune cell migration, a mechanism efficiently targeted by several disease-modifying treatments developed to treat multiple sclerosis (MS), such as natalizumab. We previously showed that memory CD4(+) T lymphocytes migrate specifically in response to 7α,25-dihydroxycholesterol (7α,25-OHC) via EBI2 in the MS murine model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. However, the EBI2 expression profile in human lymphocytes in both healthy and MS donors is unknown. Here, we characterize EBI2 biology in human lymphocytes. We observed that EBI2 is functionally expressed on memory CD4(+) T cells and is enhanced under natalizumab treatment. These data suggest a significant role for EBI2 in human CD4(+) T cell migration, notably in patients with MS. Better knowledge of EBI2 involvement in autoimmunity may therefore lead to an improved understanding of the physiopathology of MS

    The oxysterol receptor GPR183 in inflammatory bowel diseases

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    Immune cell trafficking is an important mechanism for the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The oxysterol receptor GPR183 and its ligands, dihydroxylated oxysterols, can mediate positioning of immune cells including innate lymphoid cells. GPR183 has been mapped to an IBD risk locus, however another gene, Ubac2 is encoded on the reverse strand and associated with Behçet's disease, therefore the role of GPR183 as a genetic risk factor requires validation. GPR183 and production of its oxysterol ligands are up-regulated in human IBD and murine colitis. Gpr183 inactivation reduced severity of colitis in group 3 innate lymphoid cells-dependent colitis and in IL-10 colitis but not in dextran sodium sulphate colitis. Irrespectively, Gpr183 knockout strongly reduced accumulation of intestinal lymphoid tissue in health and all colitis models. In conclusion, genetic, translational and experimental studies implicate GPR183 in IBD pathogenesis and GPR183-dependent cell migration might be a therapeutic drug target for IBD