199 research outputs found

    Effects of palatable diets on appetite regulation, appetite peptides and neurogenesis.

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    Obesity is increasing throughout the world at an epidemic rate, partly due to increased consumption of diets rich in fat and/or sugar. Ghrelin and leptin are hormones, originating from the periphery, involved in the regulation of food intake and of maintaining energy homeostasis. Circulating ghrelin levels increase in times of energy deficiency, such as fasting, signalling hunger whereas circulating leptin levels increase during food intake, signaling termination of feeding. In rats offered a diet rich in sucrose, the pre- and postprandial difference in circulating leptin and ghrelin was abolished. This difference in leptin was also abolished in rats offered a high fat diet. Circulating concentrations of leptin was increased whereas ghrelin concentrations were decreased in the fasted state of rats offered a diet rich in both fat and sucrose. This suggests that the animals are trying to defend themselves against, or ameliorate the effects of, the energy-dense diets. This attempt to protect themselves is, however, not efficient enough to prevent the rats from overconsumption of the diets and gaining weight. Interestingly, fructose, a form of sugar very commonly used as a sweetener in soft drinks and other sweetened beverages, was found to increase fasting levels of ghrelin, thus promoting increased caloric consumption. The removal of the stomach (gastrectomy) in mice resulted in an 80% reduction in circulating ghrelin (hypoghrelinemia), in decreased amount of adipose tissue and decreased thermogenesis and ghrelin, when given daily over a period of eight weeks, normalised the amount of adipose tissue and thermogenesis in gastrectomised mice. A high fat diet was offered to rats in order to study the effect of such a diet on hippocampal neurogenesis. The high fat diet was found to impair neurogenesis in male rats, as indicated by a 40% reduction in newborn neurons. This effect was not observed in female rats. The high fat diet was also found to stimulate corticosterone in male rats (but not female rats), suggesting corticosterone to be responsible for the impairment in hippocampal neurogenesis

    Finita elementanalys av en brandutsatt fackverksbalk i stÄl

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    Det har blivit allt vanligare med direkthandel i stora enplansvaruhus, dĂ€r kunder plockar sina varor direkt frĂ„n pallstĂ€ll. Dessa pallstĂ€ll gĂ„r ofta frĂ„n golv till tak och Ă€r lastade med varor Ă€nda upp till taket. I taket förekommer ofta fackverksbalkar i stĂ„l som bĂ€r upp stomsystemet. Vid en eventuell brand i ett pallstĂ€ll kan det bli stor lokal ïŹ‚ampĂ„verkan med snabb upphettning i delar av fackverksbalkarna i stĂ„l. Tester utförda av SP visar att en brand i en chipshylla ger en temperatur pĂ„ nĂ€stan 1000 ◩C redan efter tre minuter och med en slutlig maxeïŹ€ekt pĂ„ 6 MW. Vid sĂ„dan lokal ïŹ‚ampĂ„verkan pĂ„ fackverksbalken har inte brandgasventilationen nĂ„gon eïŹ€ekt till följd av en snabb upphĂ€ttning av balken. Vid lokal ïŹ‚ampĂ„verkan kan dĂ€rför en kollaps intrĂ€ïŹ€a lĂ„ngt innan de 30 minuter som lagstiftningen har som krav pĂ„ den bĂ€rande stommen. För att simulera ett ïŹktivt brandscenario undersöktes en fackverksbalk m.h.a. FE-programmet ABAQUS. Balken exponerades av en 8 meter bred ïŹ‚amma vid balkens stöd. Denna ïŹ‚amma skulle simulera en brand i ett stallage som brinner, för att 10 minuter senare sprida sig till nĂ€sta stallage lĂ€ngs med balken. Det medförde sĂ„ledes tre stycken brĂ€nder i lika mĂ„nga stallage under sammanlagt 30 minuter. Balken analyserades för tvĂ„ olika brandkurvor dĂ€r balkens temperatur uppgick till 950 respektive 650 ◩C. Den första av dessa kurvur skulle motsvara branden i en chipshylla medan den andra motsvarade en mildare brand. Till modelleringen av fackverks- balken anvšandes indata i form av temperaturberoende termiska och mekaniska materialparameterar. Balken utsattes för en last pĂ„ 46 kPa enligt lastkombination 7 som gĂ€ller vid brand enligt Boverkets Konstruktionsregler samt en termisk last i form av en brandkurva. En bucklingsanalys genomfördes pĂ„ balken för att kontrollera dess benĂ€genhet att vippa. Det visades att en balk av detta slag Ă€r mycket instabil och mĂ„ste stabiliseras utmed hela sin lĂ€ngd för att inte vippa till följd av kollaps. Deformationerna hos strukturen beror pĂ„ temperaturfĂ€ltets fördelning som funktion av tiden men temperaturen beror inte pĂ„ deformationerna. PĂ„ grund av det genomfördes först en transient vĂ€rmeanalys pĂ„ balken dĂ€r utdatan i form av temperaturen som funktion av tiden i nodpunkterna anvĂ€ndes som indata till deformationsanalysen som berĂ€knade spĂ€nningar och töjningar i balken under hela brandförloppet. För en balk som ej stabiliserades skedde buckling till följd av en direkt kollaps redan vid 0.33 gĂ„nger den pĂ„lagda lasten. Om dĂ€remot balken var fullt stabiliserad utmed hela sin lĂ€ngd skedde inte buckling förrĂ€n lasten uppgick till 7 gĂ„nger den pĂ„lagda lasten. En balk som exponerades av en kraftig brand klarade inte av att behĂ„lla sin lastbĂ€rande förmĂ„ga utan kollapsade plötsligt redan efter 3 minuter vid en temperatur av 560◩C. För att förhindra kollaps krĂ€vdes det att hela balken brandskyddsmĂ„lades. Om dĂ€remot brandkurvan var nĂ„got mildare gick det att pĂ„visa att endast de mest belastade strukturdelarna var nödvĂ€ndiga att brandskydda

    Rusta för torkan

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    Northern Crossings

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    This open access book uses Swedish literature and the Swedish publishing field as recurring examples todescribe and analyse the role of the literary semi-peripheral position in world literature from various perspectives and on meso, micro and macro levels, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. This includes the role of translation in the semi-periphery and the conditions under which literature travels to and from that position. The focus is not on Sweden, as such, but rather on the semi-peripheral transitional space as exemplified by the Swedish case. Consisting of three co-written chapters, this study sheds light on what might be called the semi-peripheral condition or the semi-periphery as an area of transition. As part of the Cosmopolitan and Vernacular Dynamics in World Literatures series, it makes continuous use of the concepts of 'cosmopolitan' and 'vernacular' – or rather, the processual terms, cosmopolitanization and vernacularization – which provide an overall structure to the analysis of literature and literary phenomena. In this way, the authors show that the semi-periphery is an ideal point of departure to further the understanding of world literature, because it is a place where the cosmopolitan (the literary universal) and the vernacular (the rootedness in a particular culture or place) interact in ways that have not yet been thoroughly explored. The open access edition of this book is available under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Open access was funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

    Impacts of future climate on local water supply and demand – A socio-hydrological case study in the Nordic region

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    Study region FĂ„rö island, part of Region Gotland, Sweden. Study focus Despite its importance for proactive planning and management, understanding of how future climate and socioeconomic trends may interact to influence water supply and demand at sub-regional scale remains limited for the Nordic region. We aim to close this knowledge gap by developing a combined social and hydrological simulation model for FĂ„rö island in the Baltic Sea. We use multivariate Monte Carlo simulations to explore the effects of future climate scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) on local groundwater supplies, and subsequent impacts on the housing sector, tourism sector, and municipal water supply system in the period 2020–2050. New hydrological insights for the region Our results suggest that groundwater storage will remain critically low in the coming 30 years, with a 60–70% probability of the groundwater head falling to lower levels than experienced in the past 60 years. Low water availability and widespread saltwater intrusion will constrain housing and tourism development by up to 11% and 30% respectively. To sustain growth, the tourist sector will become increasingly reliant on water from private wells, and supplementary water deliveries from neighboring regions will be required to meet water demand on the municipal grid.publishedVersio

    Cdc25B cooperates with Cdc25A to induce mitosis but has a unique role in activating cyclin B1–Cdk1 at the centrosome

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    Cdc25 phosphatases are essential for the activation of mitotic cyclin–Cdks, but the precise roles of the three mammalian isoforms (A, B, and C) are unclear. Using RNA interference to reduce the expression of each Cdc25 isoform in HeLa and HEK293 cells, we observed that Cdc25A and -B are both needed for mitotic entry, whereas Cdc25C alone cannot induce mitosis. We found that the G2 delay caused by small interfering RNA to Cdc25A or -B was accompanied by reduced activities of both cyclin B1–Cdk1 and cyclin A–Cdk2 complexes and a delayed accumulation of cyclin B1 protein. Further, three-dimensional time-lapse microscopy and quantification of Cdk1 phosphorylation versus cyclin B1 levels in individual cells revealed that Cdc25A and -B exert specific functions in the initiation of mitosis: Cdc25A may play a role in chromatin condensation, whereas Cdc25B specifically activates cyclin B1–Cdk1 on centrosomes

    Northern Crossings

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    This open access book uses Swedish literature and the Swedish publishing field as recurring examples todescribe and analyse the role of the literary semi-peripheral position in world literature from various perspectives and on meso, micro and macro levels, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. This includes the role of translation in the semi-periphery and the conditions under which literature travels to and from that position. The focus is not on Sweden, as such, but rather on the semi-peripheral transitional space as exemplified by the Swedish case. Consisting of three co-written chapters, this study sheds light on what might be called the semi-peripheral condition or the semi-periphery as an area of transition. As part of the Cosmopolitan and Vernacular Dynamics in World Literatures series, it makes continuous use of the concepts of 'cosmopolitan' and 'vernacular' – or rather, the processual terms, cosmopolitanization and vernacularization – which provide an overall structure to the analysis of literature and literary phenomena. In this way, the authors show that the semi-periphery is an ideal point of departure to further the understanding of world literature, because it is a place where the cosmopolitan (the literary universal) and the vernacular (the rootedness in a particular culture or place) interact in ways that have not yet been thoroughly explored. The open access edition of this book is available under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Open access was funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

    Digital leg i danske bþrnehaver – en national kortlégning af barrierer, holdninger og populére redskaber

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    Digitale medier – fra spillekonsoller og teknologisk legetĂžj, til tablets og mobiltelefoner – er en integreret del af bĂžrns liv, ogsĂ„ i de mange timer de tilbringer i danske daginstitutioner, hvor der i stigende grad stilles krav til digital dannelse og kompetenceopbygning. Samtidig er mange pĂŠdagoger, forĂŠldre og beslutningstagere skeptiske ift. bĂžrns »skĂŠrmtid« bl.a. begrundet med forestillinger om kognitive eller socioemotionelle skadesvirkninger og manglende tid til udviklende leg. I denne artikel formidles de centrale fund vedrĂžrende teknologileg i dagtilbud fra et mixed methods studie af 746 danske daginstitutioner. Vi finder stor spredning i pĂŠdagogers holdninger og praksisser i forhold til digitale teknologier i bĂžrnehĂžjde, men flertallet af bĂžrn i danske daginstitutioner (70%) bruger max 10 minutter dagligt pĂ„ skĂŠrmaktiviteter, og 47% begrunder fravalget af digitale medier med at bĂžrnene har meget skĂŠrmtid derhjemme. I de institutioner, der anvender digitale medier, bruges disse hovedsagligt til lĂŠrings- og udviklingsmĂ„l, men ogsĂ„ som medier for bĂžrns leg. Vi konkluderer, at det er en fejlslutning at se pĂ„ digitale medier og teknologi som antitetisk til autentisk leg, og illustrerer hvordan legen netop giver en meningsfuld prisme til at forstĂ„ den mĂ„de mindre bĂžrn engagerer sig med digitale teknologier – individuelt og i fĂŠllesskab med voksne og andre bĂžrn
