81 research outputs found

    S-layer and cytoplasmic membrane - exceptions from the typical archaeal cell wall with a focus on double membranes

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    The common idea of typical cell wall architecture in archaea consists of a pseudo-crystalline proteinaceous surface layer (S-layer), situated upon the cytoplasmic membrane. This is true for the majority of described archaea, hitherto. Within the crenarchaea, the S-layer often represents the only cell wall component, but there are various exceptions from this wall architecture. Beside (glycosylated) S-layers in (hyper)thermophilic cren- and euryarchaea as well as halophilic archaea, one can find a great variety of other cell wall structures like proteoglycan-like S-layers (Halobacteria), glutaminylglycan (Natronococci), methanochondroitin (Methanosarcina) or double layered cell walls with pseudomurein (Methanothermus and Methanopyrus). The presence of an outermost cellular membrane in the crenarchaeal species lgnicoccus hospitalis already gave indications for an outer membrane similar to Gram-negative bacteria. Although there is just limited data concerning their biochemistry and ultrastructure, recent studies on the euryarchaeal methanogen Methanomassilficoccus luminyensis, cells of the ARMAN group, and the SM1 euryarchaeon delivered further examples for this exceptional cell envelope type consisting of two membranes

    Interference activity of a minimal Type I CRISPR-Cas system from Shewanella putrefaciens

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    Type I CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)-Cas (CRISPR-associated) systems exist in bacterial and archaeal organisms and provide immunity against foreign DNA. The Cas protein content of the DNA interference complexes (termed Cascade) varies between different CRISPR-Cas subtypes. A minimal variant of the Type I-F system was identified in proteobacterial species including Shewanella putrefaciens CN-32. This variant lacks a large subunit (Csy1),Csy2 and Csy3 and contains two unclassified cas genes. The genome of S. putrefaciens CN-32 contains only five Cas proteins (Cas1, Cas3, Cas6f, Cas1821 and Cas1822) and a single CRISPR array with 81 spacers. RNA-Seq analyses revealed the transcription of this array and the maturation of crRNAs (CRISPR RNAs). Interference assays based on plasmid conjugation demonstrated that this CRISPR-Cas system is active in vivo and that activity is dependent on the recognition of the dinucleotide GG PAM (Protospacer Adjacent Motif) sequence and crRNA abundance. The deletion of cas1821 and cas1822 reduced the cellular crRNA pool. Recombinant Cas1821 was shown to form helical filaments bound to RNA molecules, which suggests its role as the Cascade backbone protein. A Cascade complex was isolated which contained multiple Cas1821 copies, Cas1822, Cas6f and mature crRNAs

    A novel Methylomirabilota methanotroph potentially couples methane oxidation to iodate reduction

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    Impact statement Methane oxidizing microbes play a key role in reducing the emission of this potent greenhouse gas to the atmosphere. The known versatility of the recently discovered anaerobic Methylomirabilota methanotrophs is limited. Here, we report a novel uncultured Methylomirabilis species, Candidatus Methylomirabilis iodofontis, with the genetic potential of iodate respiration from biofilm in iodine‐rich cavern spring water. Star‐like cells resembling Methylomirabilis oxyfera were directly observed from the biofilm and a high‐quality metagenome‐assembled genome (MAG) of Ca. M. iodofontis was assembled. In addition to oxygenic denitrification and aerobic methane oxidation pathways, the M. iodofontis MAG also indicated its iodatereducing potential, a capability that would enable the bacterium to use iodate other than nitrite as an electron acceptor, a hitherto unrecognized metabolic potential of Methylomirabilota methanotrophs. The results advance the current understanding of the ecophysiology of anaerobic Methylomirabilota methanotrophs and may suggest an additional methane sink, especially in iodate‐rich ecosystems

    Interference activity of a minimal Type I CRISPR-Cas system from Shewanella putrefaciens

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    Type I CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)-Cas (CRISPR-associated) systems exist in bacterial and archaeal organisms and provide immunity against foreign DNA. The Cas protein content of the DNA interference complexes (termed Cascade) varies between different CRISPR-Cas subtypes. A minimal variant of the Type I-F system was identified in proteobacterial species including Shewanella putrefaciens CN-32. This variant lacks a large subunit (Csy1),Csy2 and Csy3 and contains two unclassified cas genes. The genome of S. putrefaciens CN-32 contains only five Cas proteins (Cas1, Cas3, Cas6f, Cas1821 and Cas1822) and a single CRISPR array with 81 spacers. RNA-Seq analyses revealed the transcription of this array and the maturation of crRNAs (CRISPR RNAs). Interference assays based on plasmid conjugation demonstrated that this CRISPR-Cas system is active in vivo and that activity is dependent on the recognition of the dinucleotide GG PAM (Protospacer Adjacent Motif) sequence and crRNA abundance. The deletion of cas1821 and cas1822 reduced the cellular crRNA pool. Recombinant Cas1821 was shown to form helical filaments bound to RNA molecules, which suggests its role as the Cascade backbone protein. A Cascade complex was isolated which contained multiple Cas1821 copies, Cas1822, Cas6f and mature crRNAs

    An endocytic-secretory cycle participates in Toxoplasma gondii in motility

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    Apicomplexan parasites invade host cells in an active process involving their ability to move by gliding motility. While the acto-myosin system of the parasite plays a crucial role in the formation and release of attachment sites during this process, there are still open questions regarding the involvement of other mechanisms in parasite motility. In many eukaryotes, a secretory-endocytic cycle leads to the recycling of receptors (integrins), necessary to form attachment sites, regulation of surface area during motility, and generation of retrograde membrane flow. Here, we demonstrate that endocytosis operates during gliding motility in Toxoplasma gondii and appears to be crucial for the establishment of retrograde membrane flow, because inhibition of endocytosis blocks retrograde flow and motility. We demonstrate that extracellular parasites can efficiently incorporate exogenous material, such as labelled phospholipids, nanogold particles (NGPs), antibodies, and Concanavalin A (ConA). Using labelled phospholipids, we observed that the endocytic and secretory pathways of the parasite converge, and endocytosed lipids are subsequently secreted, demonstrating the operation of an endocytic-secretory cycle. Together our data consolidate previous findings, and we propose an additional model, working in parallel to the acto-myosin motor, that reconciles parasite motility with observations in other eukaryotes: an apicomplexan fountain-flow-model for parasite motility

    Microalgae as bioreactors for bioplastic production

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is a polyester with thermoplastic properties that is naturally occurring and produced by such bacteria as <it>Ralstonia eutropha </it>H16 and <it>Bacillus megaterium</it>. In contrast to currently utilized plastics and most synthetic polymers, PHB is biodegradable, and its production is not dependent on fossil resources making this bioplastic interesting for various industrial applications.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we report on introducing the bacterial PHB pathway of <it>R. eutropha </it>H16 into the diatom <it>Phaeodactylum tricornutum</it>, thereby demonstrating for the first time that PHB production is feasible in a microalgal system. Expression of the bacterial enzymes was sufficient to result in PHB levels of up to 10.6% of algal dry weight. The bioplastic accumulated in granule-like structures in the cytosol of the cells, as shown by light and electron microscopy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our studies demonstrate the great potential of microalgae like the diatom <it>P. tricornutum </it>to serve as solar-powered expression factories and reveal great advantages compared to plant based production systems.</p

    The second most abundant dinophyte in the ponds of a botanical garden is a species new to science

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    In the microscopy realm, a large body of dark biodiversity still awaits to be uncovered. Unarmoured dinophytes are particularly neglected here, as they only present inconspicuous traits. In a remote German locality, we collected cells, from which a monoclonal strain was established, to study morphology using light and electron microscopy and to gain DNA sequences from the rRNA operon. In parallel, we detected unicellular eukaryotes in ponds of the Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg by DNA-metabarcoding (V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene), weekly sampled over the course of a year. Strain GeoK*077 turned out to be a new species of Borghiella with a distinct position in molecular phylogenetics and characteristic coccoid cells of ovoid shape as the most important diagnostic trait. Borghiella ovum, sp. nov., was also present in artificial ponds of the Botanical Garden and was the second most abundant dinophyte detected in the samples. More specifically, Borghiella ovum, sp. nov., shows a clear seasonality, with high frequency during winter months and complete absence during summer months. The study underlines the necessity to assess the biodiversity, particularly of the microscopy realm more ambitiously, if even common species such as formerly Borghiella ovum are yet unknown to science

    Extrachloroplastic PP7L functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress tolerance

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    Chloroplast biogenesis is indispensable for proper plant development and environmental acclimation. In a screen for mutants affected in photosynthesis, we identified the protein phosphatase7-like (pp7l) mutant, which displayed delayed chloroplast development in cotyledons and young leaves. PP7L, PP7, and PP7-long constitute a subfamily of phosphoprotein phosphatases. PP7 is thought to transduce a blue-light signal perceived by crys and phy a that induces expression of SIGMA FACTOR5 (SIG5). We observed that, like PP7, PP7L was predominantly localized to the nucleus in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), and the pp7l phenotype was similar to that of the sig6 mutant. However, SIG6 expression was unaltered in pp7l mutants. Instead, loss of PP7L compromised translation and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) maturation in chloroplasts, pointing to a distinct mechanism influencing chloroplast development. Promoters of genes deregulated in pp7l-1 were enriched in PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR (PIF)-binding motifs and the transcriptome of pp7l-1 resembled those of pif and CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENESIS1 (COP1) signalosome complex (csn) mutants. However, pif and csn mutants, as well as cop1, cryptochromes (cry)1 cry2, and phytochromes (phy)A phyB mutants, do not share the pp7l photosynthesis phenotype. PhyB protein levels were elevated in pp7l mutants, but phyB overexpression plants did not resemble pp7l. These results indicate that PP7L operates through a different pathway and that the control of greening and photosystem biogenesis can be separated. The lack of PP7L increased susceptibility to salt and high-light stress, whereas PP7L overexpression conferred resistance to highlight stress. Strikingly, PP7L was specifically recruited to Brassicales for the regulation of chloroplast development. This study adds another player involved in chloroplast biogenesis

    The enigmatic nucleus of the marine dinoflagellateProrocentrum cordatum

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    The marine, bloom-forming dinoflagellateProrocentrum cordatum CCMP 1329 (formerly P. minimum) has a genome atypical of eukaryotes, with a large size of ∼4.15 Gbp, organized in plentiful, highly condensed chromosomes and packed in a dinoflagellate-specificnucleus (dinokaryon). Here, we apply microscopic and proteogenomic approaches to obtain new insights into this enigmatic nucleus of axenic P. cordatum. High-resolution focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy analysis of the flattenednucleus revealed highest density of nuclear pores in the vicinity of the nucleolus, a total of 62 tightly packed chromosomes (∼0.4-6.7 μm3), and interaction of several chromosomes with the nucleolus and other nuclear structures. A specificprocedure for enriching intact nuclei was developed to enable proteomic analyses of soluble and membrane protein-enriched fractions. These were analyzed with geLC and shotgun approaches employing ion-trap and timsTOF (trapped-ion-mobility-spectrometry time-of-flight)mass spectrometers, respectively. This allowed identificationof 4,052 proteins (39% of unknown function), out of which 418 were predicted to serve specificnuclear functions; additional 531 proteins of unknown function could be allocated to the nucleus. Compaction of DNA despite very low histone abundance could be accomplished by highly abundant major basic nuclear proteins (HCc2-like). Several nuclear processes including DNA replication/repair and RNA processing/splicing can be fairly well explained on the proteogenomic level. By contrast, transcription and composition of the nuclear pore complex remain largely elusive. One may speculate that the large group of potential nuclear proteins with currently unknown functions may serve yet to be explored functions in nuclear processes differingfrom those of typical eukaryotic cells