56 research outputs found

    How do specialist surgeons treat the atrophic tooth gap? A vignette-based study among maxillofacial and oral surgeons

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    Background There is little information available regarding the decision-making process of clinicians, especially in the choice of therapy for a severely atrophic tooth gap. The aim of this research was to use case vignettes to determine the influence of possible factors on the decision making of maxillofacial and oral surgeons. Methods A total of 250 maxillofacial (MFS) and oral (OS) surgeons in southern Germany were surveyed for atrophic single- or multiple-tooth gap with the help of case vignettes. The influence of different determinants on the therapy decision was investigated. Two case vignettes were designed for this purpose: vignette 1 with determinants “patient age” and “endocarditis prophylaxis” and vignette 2 with determinants “anxiety” and “bisphosphonate therapy”. Furthermore, the specialist designation was assessed for both. The options available to achieve a sufficient implant site were "bone split", "bone block", "augmentation with bone substitute material" and "bone resection". Therapy was either recommended or rejected based on principle. Results A total of 117 participants returned the questionnaire: 68 (58%) were OS and 49 (42%) MFS. “Patient age” and “patient anxiety” were not significantly associated with any therapy decision. However, required “endocarditis prophylaxis” led to significantly higher refusal rates for "bone split", "bone block" and "bone replacement material" and to higher rates of general refusal of a therapy. “Bisphosphonate therapy” was significantly associated with general refusal of therapy, but with no significant correlation with different therapy options. In vignette 1, OS refused therapy significantly more often than MFS, though there was no association with the specialist designation for other therapy modalities. In vignette 2, specialty was not significantly associated with the therapy decision. Conclusion “Patient age” as well as “patient anxiety” appear to have no or little influence on the treatment decision for severely atrophic single- or multiple-tooth gap by specialist surgeons. Surgeons more often refuse treatment for patients with endocarditis prophylaxis and bisphosphonate therapy

    Decision-Making in Implantology—A Cross-Sectional Vignette-Based Study to Determine Clinical Treatment Routines for the Edentulous Atrophic Mandible

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    This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the influence of possible factors in the patient history on decision making in the therapy for a severely atrophied edentulous mandible. A vignette-based survey among 250 maxillofacial and oral surgeons was conducted. Determinants that could influence the therapy decision were patient age, smoking, fear of surgery, and radiotherapy in the head and neck area (the implant region is not in the direct radiation area). To achieve a suitable implant site, the options offered to the surgeons were bone split, bone block, augmentation with bone substitute material, and bone resection. There also was the option of rejecting any therapy. The response rate was 47%. Patient age, radiotherapy, and fear of surgery did not influence the approval of a therapy. Smoking was associated with a significantly lower endorsement of a treatment. Resection was preferred by a large majority to all other forms of therapy, regardless of the four determinants. Surgeons tend to refrain from bone block transplants in older patients. In summary, it can be said that, of the four determinants, only smoking influenced treatment refusal. Bone resection is the preferred therapy independent of all determinants

    Comparison of initial oral microbiomes of young adults with and without cavitated dentin caries lesions using an in situ biofilm model

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    Dental caries is caused by acids released from bacterial biofilms. However, the in vivo formation of initial biofilms in relation to caries remains largely unexplored. The aim of this study was to compare the oral microbiome during the initial phase of bacterial colonization for individuals with (CC) and without (NC) cavitated dentin caries lesions. Bovine enamel slabs on acrylic splints were worn by the volunteers (CC: 14, NC: 13) for in situ biofilm formation (2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 1 ml saliva as reference). Sequencing of the V1/V2 regions of the 16S rRNA gene was performed (MiSeq). The relative abundances of individual operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were compared between samples from the CC group and the NC group. Random forests models were furthermore trained to separate the groups. While the overall heterogeneity did not differ substantially between CC and NC individuals, several individual OTUs were found to have significantly different relative abundances. For the 8 h samples, most of the significant OTUs showed higher relative abundances in the CC group, while the majority of significant OTUs in the saliva samples were more abundant in the NC group. Furthermore, using OTU signatures enabled a separation between both groups, with area-under-the-curve (AUC) values of ~0.8. In summary, the results suggest that initial oral biofilms provide the potential to differentiate between CC and NC individuals

    Технология сборки и сварки защитной гильзы ротора центробежного насоса

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    В процессе работы проводилась разработка и усовершенствование технологического процесса сборки и сварки защитной гильзы ротора. В результате исследования и сравнения приемлемых способов сварки была заменена ручная дуговая сварка неплавящимся электродом в среде защитного газа на автоматическую сварку неплавящимся электродом в среде защитного газа, выбрано сварочное оборудование, сварочные материалы, посчитаны параметры режима сварки.In the process of work, the development and improvement of the technological process of assembling and welding the rotor protective sleeve was carried out. As a result of research and comparison of acceptable welding methods, manual arc welding with a non-consumable electrode in a protective gas environment for automatic welding with a non-consumable electrode in a shielding gas environment was selected, welding equipment, welding materials were selected, and the parameters of the welding regime were calculated. The technical and economic analysis of the manufacturing process of the protective sleeve of the centrifugal pump rotor is carried out

    Removing Biofilms from Microstructured Titanium Ex Vivo: A Novel Approach Using Atmospheric Plasma Technology

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    The removal of biofilms from microstructured titanium used for dental implants is a still unresolved challenge. This experimental study investigated disinfection and removal of in situ formed biofilms from microstructured titanium using cold atmospheric plasma in combination with air/water spray. Titanium discs (roughness (Ra): 1.96 µm) were exposed to human oral cavities for 24 and 72 hours (n = 149 each) to produce biofilms. Biofilm thickness was determined using confocal laser scanning microscopy (n = 5 each). Plasma treatment of biofilms was carried out ex vivo using a microwave-driven pulsed plasma source working at temperatures from 39 to 43°C. Following plasma treatment, one group was air/water spray treated before re-treatment by second plasma pulses. Vital microorganisms on the titanium surfaces were identified by contact culture (Rodac agar plates). Biofilm presence and bacterial viability were quantified by fluorescence microscopy. Morphology of titanium surfaces and attached biofilms was visualized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Total protein amounts of biofilms were colorimetrically quantified. Untreated and air/water treated biofilms served as controls. Cold plasma treatment of native biofilms with a mean thickness of 19 µm (24 h) to 91 µm (72 h) covering the microstructure of the titanium surface caused inactivation of biofilm bacteria and significant reduction of protein amounts. Total removal of biofilms, however, required additional application of air/water spray, and a second series of plasma treatment. Importantly, the microstructure of the titanium discs was not altered by plasma treatment. The combination of atmospheric plasma and non-abrasive air/water spray is applicable for complete elimination of oral biofilms from microstructured titanium used for dental implants and may enable new routes for the therapy of periimplant disease

    Responsible Human-Robot Interaction with Anthropomorphic Service Robots: State of the Art of an Interdisciplinary Research Challenge

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    Anthropomorphic service robots are on the rise. The more capable they become and the more regular they are applied in real-world settings, the more critical becomes the responsible design of human-robot interaction (HRI) with special attention to human dignity, transparency, privacy, and robot compliance. In this paper we review the interdisciplinary state of the art relevant for the responsible design of HRI. Furthermore, directions for future research on the responsible design of HRI with anthropomorphic service robots are suggested

    Der „Professional Ear User“ – Implikationen für die Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie von Ohrerkrankungen

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    BACKGROUND Perfect hearing is crucial to the practice of various professions, such as instrument makers, musicians, sound engineers, and other professions not related to music, such as sonar technicians. For people of these occupational groups, we propose the term "professional ear user" (PEU) in analogy to "professional voice user". PEUs have special requirements for their hearing health, as they have well-known above-average auditory perceptual abilities on which they are professionally dependent. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this narrative review is to summarize selected aspects of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of ear disorders in PEUs. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Prevention of hearing disorders and other ear diseases includes protection from excessive sound levels, avoidance of ototoxins and nicotine, and a safe manner of cleaning the outer auditory canal. Diagnosing hearing disorders in PEUs can be challenging, since subclinical but relevant changes in hearing cannot be reliably objectified by conventional audiometric methods. Moreover, the fact that a PEU is affected by an ear disease may influence treatment decisions. Further, physicians must be vigilant for non-organic ear diseases in PEUs. Lastly, measures to promote comprehensive ear health in PEUs as part of an educational program and to maintain ear health by means of a specialized otolaryngology service are discussed. In contrast to existing concepts, we lay the attention on the entirety of occupational groups that are specifically dependent on their ear health in a professional setting. In this context, we suggest avoiding a sole focus on hearing disorders and their prevention, but rather encourage the maintenance of a comprehensive ear health.Hintergrund Ein vollständig intaktes Hörvermögen ist zentral für die Ausübung verschiedener Berufe wie Instrumentenbaumeister, Musiker, Tonmeister sowie für weitere Berufsgruppen ohne Bezug zu Musik wie beispielsweise Sonar-Techniker. Für Personen all dieser Berufsgruppen schlagen wir in Analogie zum „Professional Voice User“ den Begriff „Professional Ear User“ (PEU) vor. PEU haben spezielle Anforderungen an ihre Ohrgesundheit, da sie über eine überdurchschnittliche auditive Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit verfügen, von der sie beruflich abhängig sind. Fragestellung Die vorliegende narrative Übersichtsarbeit hat zum Ziel, die sich daraus ergebenden speziellen Aspekte der Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie von Ohrerkrankungen bei PEU zusammenzufassen. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung Die Prävention von Hörstörungen und weiteren Ohrerkrankungen umfasst den Schutz vor zu hohen Schallpegeln, die Vermeidung von Ototoxinen oder Nikotin sowie die korrekte Durchführung einer Gehörgangsreinigung. Die Abklärung von Hörstörungen kann sich bei PEU herausfordernd gestalten, da subklinische, jedoch einschränkende Veränderungen des Hörvermögens mit konventionellen audiometrischen Methoden nicht zuverlässig objektiviert werden können. Schließlich kann das Vorliegen einer Ohrerkrankung bei einem PEU Therapieentscheidungen beeinflussen. Weiter muss bei PEU auch eine hohe Wachsamkeit bezüglich nichtorganischer Ohrerkrankungen bestehen. Abschließend werden Möglichkeiten diskutiert, um bei PEU eine umfassende Ohrgesundheit im Rahmen eines edukativen Programms zu fördern und mittels einer spezialisierten ohrenärztlichen Sprechstunde zu erhalten. Im Gegensatz zu bestehenden Konzepten ist der Fokus dabei auf die Gesamtheit der Berufsgruppen gerichtet, welche in professionellem Rahmen speziell von der Ohrgesundheit abhängig sind. Außerdem soll der Schwerpunkt hierbei nicht nur auf Hörstörungen und deren Prävention, sondern auch auf der Erhaltung einer ganzheitlichen Ohrgesundheit liegen

    Der „Professional Ear User“ – Implikationen für die Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie von Ohrerkrankungen

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    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Ein vollständig intaktes Hörvermögen ist zentral für die Ausübung verschiedener Berufe wie Instrumentenbaumeister, Musiker, Tonmeister sowie für weitere Berufsgruppen ohne Bezug zu Musik wie beispielsweise Sonar-Techniker. Für Personen all dieser Berufsgruppen schlagen wir in Analogie zum „Professional Voice User“ den Begriff „Professional Ear User“ (PEU) vor. PEU haben spezielle Anforderungen an ihre Ohrgesundheit, da sie über eine überdurchschnittliche auditive Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit verfügen, von der sie beruflich abhängig sind. Fragestellung Die vorliegende narrative Übersichtsarbeit hat zum Ziel, die sich daraus ergebenden speziellen Aspekte der Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie von Ohrerkrankungen bei PEU zusammenzufassen. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung Die Prävention von Hörstörungen und weiteren Ohrerkrankungen umfasst den Schutz vor zu hohen Schallpegeln, die Vermeidung von Ototoxinen oder Nikotin sowie die korrekte Durchführung einer Gehörgangsreinigung. Die Abklärung von Hörstörungen kann sich bei PEU herausfordernd gestalten, da subklinische, jedoch einschränkende Veränderungen des Hörvermögens mit konventionellen audiometrischen Methoden nicht zuverlässig objektiviert werden können. Schließlich kann das Vorliegen einer Ohrerkrankung bei einem PEU Therapieentscheidungen beeinflussen. Weiter muss bei PEU auch eine hohe Wachsamkeit bezüglich nichtorganischer Ohrerkrankungen bestehen. Abschließend werden Möglichkeiten diskutiert, um bei PEU eine umfassende Ohrgesundheit im Rahmen eines edukativen Programms zu fördern und mittels einer spezialisierten ohrenärztlichen Sprechstunde zu erhalten. Im Gegensatz zu bestehenden Konzepten ist der Fokus dabei auf die Gesamtheit der Berufsgruppen gerichtet, welche in professionellem Rahmen speziell von der Ohrgesundheit abhängig sind. Außerdem soll der Schwerpunkt hierbei nicht nur auf Hörstörungen und deren Prävention, sondern auch auf der Erhaltung einer ganzheitlichen Ohrgesundheit liegen. Abstract Background Perfect hearing is crucial to the practice of various professions, such as instrument makers, musicians, sound engineers, and other professions not related to music, such as sonar technicians. For people of these occupational groups, we propose the term “professional ear user” (PEU) in analogy to “professional voice user”. PEUs have special requirements for their hearing health, as they have well-known above-average auditory perceptual abilities on which they are professionally dependent. Objective The purpose of this narrative review is to summarize selected aspects of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of ear disorders in PEUs. Results and conclusion Prevention of hearing disorders and other ear diseases includes protection from excessive sound levels, avoidance of ototoxins and nicotine, and a safe manner of cleaning the outer auditory canal. Diagnosing hearing disorders in PEUs can be challenging, since subclinical but relevant changes in hearing cannot be reliably objectified by conventional audiometric methods. Moreover, the fact that a PEU is affected by an ear disease may influence treatment decisions. Further, physicians must be vigilant for non-organic ear diseases in PEUs. Lastly, measures to promote comprehensive ear health in PEUs as part of an educational program and to maintain ear health by means of a specialized otolaryngology service are discussed. In contrast to existing concepts, we lay the attention on the entirety of occupational groups that are specifically dependent on their ear health in a professional setting. In this context, we suggest avoiding a sole focus on hearing disorders and their prevention, but rather encourage the maintenance of a comprehensive ear health