2,506 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Aktivitas Customer Relationship Marketing Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Melalui Manfaat Penerapan Relationship Marketing Di Excelso Galaxy Mall Surabaya

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman persaingan di dunia bisnis akan semakin ketat, sehingga setiap Perushaan harus mempunyai cara untuk bertahan secara jangka panjang. Relationship marketing merupakan salah satu cara agar Perusahaan bisa menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan pelanggannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh aktivitas customer relationship marketing terhadap kepuasan pelanggan melalui manfaat penerapan relationship marketing di excelso galaxy mall surabaya. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel sebanyak 200 responden dari semua pelanggan excelso yang telah melakukan pembelian lebih dari 1 kali. Adapun pemilihan sampel dilakukan melalui metode purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode structural equation modeling agar dapat mengetahui apakah aktivitas customer relationship marketing berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan atau harus melalui manfaat penerapan relationship marketing. Program yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lisrel

    Analysis Methods of Errors (Motion and Atmospheric) in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images

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    A method to allow the analysis of the effects of motion and atmospheric errors in SAR images is here presented. The objective of the method is to allow the visualization of the effects of motion errors and atmospheric artefacts on the processed (focused) SAR image. The method is intended to allow the analysis of the interaction of motion and atmospheric errors with the adopted SAR processing procedure and motion compensation algorithms. In this article the analysis method has been applied and tested to a C-Band E-SAR (DLR airborne SAR system) data set where we see that the effects of linear and non-linear phase errors observed are in agreement with the theory


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    We are all familiar with the tagline ”experience the modern box house” or ” the green tropical minimalist housing”. Or how about this story, about a meeting of an operating manager with his client;… after talking about his house project, the client asked ”what do you think is best for my house?’. The operating manager answered ”Well, it depends on you. What kind of style do you like, there is minimalist-style which is very popular these days. It shaped like stacks of boxes. And there is also classical-style, whatever you like”.These are the phenomenon of architectural practice nowadays. It is considered as if the only truth that is shown consistently and continuously. Style has been dominant. Life-style became the great operation tool that gave us the useful sight of information practically and academicly.The architectural data from the objects is collected in order to be compared by the theory of cultural and natural contextuality in architecture. Symbols and characteristic that is attached to the object is used to analyze the connection to the local culture and nature.Both objects that is chosen shows no connection to the earlier local culture that had exist before them. It is influencing the balance between the building and its enviromental nature. This ‘box-shaped architecture’ shows how imbalance the connection among buildings (architecture) and its local culture and nature.Keywords: style, culture, nature, contextual, fi


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    We are all familiar with the tagline ”experience the modern box house” or ” the green tropical minimalist housing”. Or how about this story, about a meeting of an operating manager with his client;… after talking about his house project, the client asked ”what do you think is best for my house?’. The operating manager answered ”Well, it depends on you. What kind of style do you like, there is minimalist-style which is very popular these days. It shaped like stacks of boxes. And there is also classical-style, whatever you like”.These are the phenomenon of architectural practice nowadays. It is considered as if the only truth that is shown consistently and continuously. Style has been dominant. Life-style became the great operation tool that gave us the useful sight of information practically and academicly.The architectural data from the objects is collected in order to be compared by the theory of cultural and natural contextuality in architecture. Symbols and characteristic that is attached to the object is used to analyze the connection to the local culture and nature.Both objects that is chosen shows no connection to the earlier local culture that had exist before them. It is influencing the balance between the building and its enviromental nature. This ‘box-shaped architecture’ shows how imbalance the connection among buildings (architecture) and its local culture and nature.Keywords: style, culture, nature, contextual, fi

    Penerapan Metode Stanislavski pada Casting Pemeran Bella untuk Musik Video "Berjuang atau Menyerah" Karya Fredo Aquinaldo

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    Industri kreatif telah menjadi salah satu sektor yang semakin berkembang pesat dalam perekonomian global. Secara umum, industri kreatif mencakup berbagai bidang seperti seni, desain, media, teknologi informasi, periklanan, film, musik, penerbitan, dan sebagainya. Di tengah pertumbuhan industri ini, banyak mahasiswa jurusan komunikasi yang tertarik untuk berpartisipasi dalam program magang di berbagai perusahaan dan organisasi yang bergerak di sektor industri kreatif. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti ingin mengetahui pengalaman mahasiswa komunikasi yang magang di industri kreatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, metode penelitian fenomenologi, dan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dengan 4 orang mahasiswa komunikasi yang sedang menjalani proses kerja magang di industri kreatif. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa meskipun merasa adanya ketidaksesuaian antara gaji yang diterima dengan effort yang dikeluarkan selama kerja magang, para mahasiswa tetap merasa bahwa mereka perlu memenuhi tanggung jawab mereka karena magang merupakan salah satu syarat kelulusan yang harus dipenuhi. Selain itu, lingkungan dan perlakuan karyawan setempat mempengaruhi proses komunikasi di lingkungan kerja. Ditemukan juga sebuah pemaknaan unik salah seorang partisipan yang mengatakan bahwa ada perusahaan yang menyamaratakan beban kerja serta kedudukan karyawan magang dengan karyawan tetap

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Pada Materi Pokok Suhu Dan Kalor

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    The research development aimed to produce physics learning module based on guided inquiry in the main subject of temperature and heat to student in X class. The research method used Research and Development approach. The development procedure of this module include: potential problems, data collection to meet the need, product design, the validation design, the revised design, the friendly match products include, trial internal: feasibility test products, trial external: trial utility products, revision and final stage, the production. After doing the trial learning module that developed was interesting, easy, and beneficial for the students. The learning module is also effective used as a learning media.Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran fisika berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada materi pokok suhu dan kalor untuk siswa kelas X. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Prosedur pengembangan modul ini meliputi: potensi masalah, pengumpulan data untuk memenuhi kebutuhan, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba produk meliputi, uji internal: uji kelayakan produk, uji eksternal: uji kemanfaatan produk, revisi dan tahap terakhir, produksi. Setelah melakukan uji coba lapangan modul pembelajaran yang dikembangkan menarik, mudah, dan bermanfaat bagi siswa. Modul pembelajaran tersebut juga efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran

    Factors in Building Employee Commitment: Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction at Bank Central Asia

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    This study aims to establish an understanding of specific factors in HR practices in BCA upon employee commitment and the role of job satisfaction as a mediating role. The study analyzed four factors with a sample of 409 employees in Bank Central Asia, Tbk. The researchers used regression analysis to investigate the hypothesis. The findings revealed that job enrichment and job training in Bank Central Asia were positively related to job satisfaction and employee commitment. Salary and job stability were found to be insignificant factors in job satisfaction. Job satisfaction mediates the effect of salary, job enrichment, and job training but not job stability. We hope to provide insight into the role of HR best practices in Bank Central Asia, Tbk, as one of the top-performing banks in Indonesia

    Desain Sistem Penerangan dan Efisiesi Penggunaan Energi Listrik di Rumah Sakit Gatoel Kota Mojokerto

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    Intensitas pencahayaan di tempat kerja dan rumah sakit sangat penting karena jika tidak sesuai standar, dapat menyebabkan gangguan penglihatan, ketidaknyamanan lingkungan, dan risiko kecelakaan. Di rumah sakit, penggunaan listrik meningkat hingga 50 persen karena kebutuhan pencahayaan 24/7. Disarankan untuk menggunakan lampu LED yang lebih efisien dalam penggunaan energi dan perawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meredesain sistem penerangan di rumah sakit Gatoel Kota Mojokerto, dengan fokus pada ruang rawat inap VVIP, VIP, kelas, dan ruang persalinan. Evaluasi sistem penerangan yang ada dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa kuat penerangan di setiap area memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan. Data kuat penerangan diperoleh melalui hasil perhitungan dan pengukuran dengan luxmeter dan akan dibandingkan dengan standar kuat penerangan yang berlaku. Jika ada ketidaksesuaian, langkah perbaikan akan diusulkan. Simulasi menggunakan software dialux dilakukan untuk memastikan kuat penerangan yang sesuai dengan standar. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan pembahasan, hasil perhitungan, pengukuran dan perbandingan, kuat penerangan di masing-masing ruangan, masih jauh dari  Standart yang berlaku. Lalu dari data kondisi ruangan yang diperoleh, dapat diketahui kuat penerangan yang sesuai standart  dengan cara menghitung fluks cahaya yang dibutuhkan luas permukaan. Setelah melakukan simulasi dengan bekal fluks cahaya yang dibutuhkan luas permukaan pada ruangan Rumah Sakit Gatoel Kota Mojokerto, dapat dipastikan distribusi pencahayaan yang merata di seluruh ruangan. Kata Kunci: Sistem penerangan, Standart kuat penerangan, , Sistem Penerangan Rumah Sakit
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