43 research outputs found

    Some in-field experiences of non-synchronous vibrations in large rotating machinery

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    Some problems associated with non-synchronous vibrations are analyzed by describing three cases experienced with fairly large rotating machines in operating conditions. In each case, a brief description is first given of the machine and of the instrumentation used. The experimental results are then presented, with reference to time or frequency domain recordings. The lines followed in diagnosis are then discussed and, lastly, the corrective action undertaken is presented

    Effects of garden management practices, by different types of gardeners, on human wellbeing and ecological and soil sustainability in Swiss cities

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Urban Ecosystems. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-018-0806-2. The aim of this exploratory study is to address this research gap by identifying the characteristics of gardens and the management practices of gardeners that enhance the outcomes of gardening, which we separate into three dimensions: human wellbeing, biodiversity, and soil quality. Data were collected from 18 gardens in Zurich, Switzerland and a typology of gardeners was identified, which included ‘conservationist’, ‘functional’, ‘minimum effort’, ‘child-friendly’, and ‘aesthetic’ gardeners. The conservationist gardeners were found to have, on average, the highest species richness in their gardens, while the minimum effort gardeners had the lowest, which suggests that some degree of management can enhance species richness. The conservationist and minimum effort gardeners had, on average, the highest values for stable aggregates, while the minimum effort gardeners had the highest phosphorous content in their soil. The wellbeing of the minimum effort gardeners was lower than the other groups, which suggests it is the act of gardening, rather than merely having a garden, which leads to wellbeing outcomes. The results suggest that ecologically friendly gardening is compatible with desired social outcomes and furthermore that the beneficial effects of gardens are indeed related to the practices implemented by the gardeners, which are influenced by their attitudes towards gardening and the role of gardens in their lives

    A gardener’s influence on urban soil quality

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    Gardens are hot spots for urban biodiversity and provide habitats for many plant and animal species, both above- and below-ground. Furthermore, gardens provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including carbon (C) storage and nutrient cycling. Although the soil is the foundation of sustainable gardens providing those ecosystem services, very little is known about the consequences of garden management on soil quality. Here we present a comprehensive assessment of urban garden soil quality, including biotic and abiotic site characteristics combined with land-use history and garden management information in a multivariate evaluation. A set of 44 soil quality indicators was measured at 170 sites of 85 gardens in the city of Zurich, Switzerland, comprising contrastingly managed garden habitats along a gradient of urban density. Taken together, our results show that garden management was the driving factor that influenced soil quality and soil functions. Eco-physiological soil quality indices were useful to identify differences in disturbance and intensity of soil use, showing highest microbial [microbial biomass (Cmic)/soil organic carbon (SOC)] and lowest metabolic (qCO2) quotients in perennial grass sites compared to annual vegetable sites. Despite the intensity of soil disturbance in annual vegetable and flower beds, the highest endogeic earthworm biomass and diversity were found in those habitats. Whereas decomposition of green tea bags was higher in grass sites. Soil heavy metal contents varied considerably and could not be linked with garden management practices, but with spatial patterns of industry and traffic. We conclude that understanding soil quality in urban ecosystems needs multi-indicator frameworks to capture the complexity of soil characteristics and the influencing factors in space and time. This study contributes to a better understanding of urban gardens and enhances the development of sustainable soil management strategies aimed at long-term improvement of soil quality and related ecosystem services in cities

    El nasciturus y el derecho a la vida. Un estudio desde el derecho romano a la realidad argentina actual

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    Desde el Derecho Romano, y aún hasta hoy, se ha debatido acerca de la persona por nacer, un tema que es todavía (y más que nunca) materia de discusión inclusive a nivel legislativo. ¿El nasciturus es persona? Creemos que aquí está el meollo del tema, porque si no lo fuese, obviamente no podríamos pretender que tenga "derechos" ya que conformaría solamente parte de la entraña materna y la mujer embarazada tendría la posibilidad de decidir sobre su continuidad o no. En el caso inverso sucedería todo lo contrario, coexistirían dentro de un mismo cuerpo (el materno) dos seres humanos distintos, cada uno con sus derechos, supuesto en el cual el legislador deberá decidir si alguno priva sobre el otro. Conocemos que el tema tiene múltiples aristas y no es nuestra intención incursionar en todas ellas, ocupándonos de cuestiones médicas o bioéticas que nos son ajenas, nuestro objetivo es bastante más modesto, pero a la vez planeamos hacerlo profundo, específicamente en el ámbito jurídico. Para ello habremos de desentrañar cuál fue la solución consagrada por el Derecho Romano, fundamentalmente en el Corpus Iuris, porque existen muchos civilistas que a nuestro criterio tienen un concepto errado sobre ese tema. Avanzaremos luego en el estudio de los derechos de la época intermedia fundamentalmente las leyes españolas, y también en lo que al respecto consagra tanto el Derecho Canónico como los sistemas jurídicos vigentes en el Derecho Comparado, particularmente en América Latina. Paralelamente se evaluará el problema desde la óptica de la Bioética y la Filosofía. Con este bagaje acumulado estaremos en condiciones de analizar cuál es la realidad jurídica Argentina, cuáles leyes están vigentes, cuáles son los proyectos pendientes de tratamiento legislativo y finalmente formular sugerencias acerca de las características de la norma, o normas, cuya sanción propugnamos. O eventualmente desaconsejar la sanción de una ley al respecto.Fil: Ghirardi, Juan Carlos. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Andruet, Armando Segundo. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    El nasciturus y el derecho a la vida. Un estudio desde el derecho romano a la realidad argentina actual

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    Desde el Derecho Romano, y aún hasta hoy, se ha debatido acerca de la persona por nacer, un tema que es todavía (y más que nunca) materia de discusión inclusive a nivel legislativo. ¿El nasciturus es persona? Creemos que aquí está el meollo del tema, porque si no lo fuese, obviamente no podríamos pretender que tenga "derechos" ya que conformaría solamente parte de la entraña materna y la mujer embarazada tendría la posibilidad de decidir sobre su continuidad o no. En el caso inverso sucedería todo lo contrario, coexistirían dentro de un mismo cuerpo (el materno) dos seres humanos distintos, cada uno con sus derechos, supuesto en el cual el legislador deberá decidir si alguno priva sobre el otro. Conocemos que el tema tiene múltiples aristas y no es nuestra intención incursionar en todas ellas, ocupándonos de cuestiones médicas o bioéticas que nos son ajenas, nuestro objetivo es bastante más modesto, pero a la vez planeamos hacerlo profundo, específicamente en el ámbito jurídico. Para ello habremos de desentrañar cuál fue la solución consagrada por el Derecho Romano, fundamentalmente en el Corpus Iuris, porque existen muchos civilistas que a nuestro criterio tienen un concepto errado sobre ese tema. Avanzaremos luego en el estudio de los derechos de la época intermedia fundamentalmente las leyes españolas, y también en lo que al respecto consagra tanto el Derecho Canónico como los sistemas jurídicos vigentes en el Derecho Comparado, particularmente en América Latina. Paralelamente se evaluará el problema desde la óptica de la Bioética y la Filosofía. Con este bagaje acumulado estaremos en condiciones de analizar cuál es la realidad jurídica Argentina, cuáles leyes están vigentes, cuáles son los proyectos pendientes de tratamiento legislativo y finalmente formular sugerencias acerca de las características de la norma, o normas, cuya sanción propugnamos. O eventualmente desaconsejar la sanción de una ley al respecto.Fil: Ghirardi, Juan Carlos. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Andruet, Armando Segundo. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Lire les Salons de Baudelaire

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    Rendez-vous officiel scandant la vie artistique du XIXe siècle, le Salon de peinture offre l’occasion aux critiques de faire entendre leur voix. Parmi les nombreuses et remarquables plumes qui se prêtèrent à l’exercice, celle de Charles Baudelaire s’imposa comme l’une des plus virtuose. Moqueur, véhément, précis dans ses haines comme dans ses admirations, parfois lyrique, parfois philosophique, le ton du poète-salonnier fascine. Cet ouvrage se donne pour tâche de saisir la singularité de la pensée baudelairienne de l'art, de donner les repères contextuels nécessaires, et de suivre, d’une recension l’autre, le développement d’une esthétique résolument originale

    Tailoring Material and Interface Properties in Hybrid-Halide Perovskites for Advanced Optoelectronics

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    In risposta all'urgente necessità di affrontare la crisi climatica, la comunità scientifica e i governi hanno sottolineato la necessità di trasformare i nostri metodi di produzione di energia, in particolare potenziando il fotovoltaico come principale motore per la transizione verso fonti di energia rinnovabile. Lo scenario evidenzia il ruolo indispensabile che ha sviluppo di nuove tecnologie fotovoltaiche nell'incontrare la domanda crescente di energia, tra cui le celle solari a perovskite rappresentano una delle soluzioni più promettenti, in grado di combinare sia alta efficienza di produzione sia bassi costi di produzione. Tuttavia, molti problemi legati alle perdite di efficienza e all'instabilità dei dispositivi devono essere risolti. L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è esaminare e indagare i meccanismi di interfaccia che governano le perdite di prestazioni e l'instabilità delle celle solari a perovskite. Sono state adottate diverse strategie, basate sia sull'uso di materiali a base di grafene come modificatori di interfaccia, sia perovskite a bassa dimensionalità come passivante dei difetti nel bulk del materiale e in superficie. Inoltre, è discussa la fabbricazione di dispositivi nella configurazione di modulo. Sulla base delle conoscenze acquisite sulle proprietà delle perovskiti a bassa dimensionalità, la seconda parte del lavoro è incentrata sull'impiego di questi materiali in applicazioni optoelettroniche. In primo luogo, è stata studiata la correlazione tra la composizione chimica delle perovskiti a bassa dimensionalità e la segregazione di diverse fasi, e gli effetti sulle loro proprietà ottiche e strutturali. Infine, tali materiali sono stati sfruttati per fabbricare celle solari innovative, basate su concetti i device semitrasparenti e ad ampio band gap.In response to the urgent need to address the climate crisis, it is imperative to develop innovative solutions. The international community and governments emphasised the necessity of transforming our energy production methods, particularly defining photovoltaics as a key driver in transitioning towards renewable energy sources . These projections highlight the critical role of developing new technologies in meeting this demand , among which perovskite solar cells (PSC) represent one of the most promising solutions, leveraging both high efficiency a nd low production costs. However, many concerns about this technology still must be addressed, mainly related to efficiency losses and instability of the devices. The aim of this work is to examine and investigate the interfacial mechanisms that govern per formance losses and instability of PSCs. Different strategies have been adopted, based on the use of graphene based materials as interface modifiers as well as low dimensional perovskite (LDP) as a passivator of bulk and surface defects. Moreover, the fabr ication of larger area devices in the module configuration is discussed. On the basis of the knowledge acquired on LDP, the second part of the work is focused on employing these materials in optoelectronic applications. Firstly, the effect of compositional engineering on phase segregation, and optical and structural properties of LDPs has been addressed. Lastly, the control over these properties has been exploited to fabricate innovative LDP based solar cells, founded on semi transparent and wide band gap c oncepts