1,576 research outputs found

    Excitonic effects in optical absorption and electron-energy loss spectra of hexagonal boron nitride

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    A new interpretation of the optical and energy-loss spectra of hexagonal boron nitride is provided based on first-principle calculations. We show that both spectra cannot be explained by independent-particle transitions but are strongly dominated by excitonic effects. The lowest direct and indirect gaps are much larger than previously reported. The direct gap amounts to 6.8 eV. The first absorption peak at 6.1 eV is due to an exciton with a binding energy of 0.7 eV. We show that this strongly bound Frenkel exciton is also responsible for the low frequency shoulder of the pi plasmon in the energy-loss function. Implications for nanotube studies are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Many body effects in the excitation spectrum of a defect in SiC

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    We show that electron correlations control the photophysics of defects in SiC through both renormalization of the quasiparticle bandstructure and exciton effects. We consider the carbon vacancy, which is a well-identified defect with two possible excitation channels that involve conduction and valence band states. Corrections to the Kohn-Sham ionization levels are found to strongly depend on the occupation of the defect state. Excitonic effects introduce a red shift of 0.23 eV. The analysis unambigiously re-assigns excitation mechanism at the thresholds in photo-induced paramagnetic resonance measurements [J. Dashdorj \emph{et al.}, J. Appl. Phys. \textbf{104}, 113707 (2008)]

    Cansancio del rol de cuidador: Revisión bibliográfica

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    El envejecimiento progresivo de la población se relaciona con un aumento de la dependencia, y por tanto de los cuidados de larga duración. Los proveedores de dichos cuidados son los “cuidadores informales” y debido a la plena dedicación, muchos de ellos acaban desarrollando los síntomas del Diagnóstico Enfermero: Cansancio del rol de cuidador. El perfil más común del cuidador informal, es una mujer casada, de mediana edad, con algún lazo sanguíneo con la persona a la que está cuidando, sin estudios o estudios primarios. Manifiesta ciertos sentimientos y emociones derivados de la tarea de cuidar como miedo, tristeza, ansiedad, agotamiento físico, apatía o aislamiento social. La detección precoz de los signos/síntomas del cuidador (Riesgo de Cansancio del rol de cuidador) y una pronta intervención enfermera, pueden hacer que no aparezca el diagnóstico real: Cansancio del rol de cuidador. La escala de Zarit (más utilizada) y el Test de Rasch son los más utilizados para medir la sobrecarga. La figura de la Enfermera de Enlace supone un nexo entre diferentes niveles asistenciales, coordina recursos, servicios y formación, lo que lleva al cuidador informal a asumir, sin tanta dificultad, la tarea de cuidar. El anteproyecto de Ley de Promoción de Autonomía y Atención a Personas Dependientes Personal y Dependencia aprobado en 2005 contemplaba la figura de la Enfermera de Enlace con cierta controversia, ya que en ese mismo año se estaba desarrollando la especialidad de E. Familiar y Comunitaria, que capacita a la enfermera para asumir los roles propuestos para esta nueva figura (enfermera de enlace). El objetivo de este trabajo es: analizar la figura del cuidador principal (informal) profundizando en las consecuencias de los cuidados continuados que realiza y la ayuda profesional que recibe. Palabras clave: cansancio, enfermería, cuidador informal, sobrecarga.Grado en Enfermerí

    Spatial and temporal features of neutrophils in homeostasis from the perspective of computational biology

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de Lectura: 22-07-2022Neutrophils are myeloid cells that originate in the Bone Marrow and enter circulation to patrol for infectious agents. An important part of the “nonspecific” immune system consists on Neutrophils infiltrating challenged tissues, and the established belief was that they stay away from steady-state organs to avoid the risk of exposing them to their cytotoxic content. In the papers presented in this thesis, we show that neutrophils can in fact be found in almost all tissues under homeostasis. We further present proof that they undergo shifts in DNA accessibility, RNA expression and protein content in the infiltrated tissues. Using functional annotation we predict distinct roles depending on the tissue. While in hematopoietic organs the transcriptomic signatures of neutrophils align with canonical functions like immune response and migration, in other tissues such as the skin we find non-canonical functions i.e, epithelial and connective tissue growth or pro-angiogenic roles in the gut and the lung. This predicted pro-angiogenic role was indeed confirmed for the lung. We finally describe that infiltration in tissues follows circadian dynamics, and that once it has occurred, neutrophils experience changes in transcription depending on the time of the day. The analyses of circadian rhythms on mammalian models are often hindered by the inherent difficulty of performing exhaustive sampling (i.e.: every hour for at least 48h). Hence, I implemented CircaN as an R package, which outperforms existing tools in most scenarios. To provide the most complete analysis possible, we provide a full mode analysis option, in which we run CircaN and the two most used algorithms and provide integrated results. We present proof-of-concept results showing that combining various tools yields the best true positive to false positive ratio for most purposesEsta Tesis ha sido financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN

    Joint optimization of power and data transfer in multiuser MIMO systems

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    We present an approach to solve the nonconvex optimization problem that arises when designing the transmit covariance matrices in multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) broadcast networks implementing simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT). The MIMO SWIPT problem is formulated as a general multiobjective optimization problem, in which data rates and harvested powers are optimized simultaneously. Two different approaches are applied to reformulate the (nonconvex) multiobjective problem. In the first approach, the transmitter can control the specific amount of power to be harvested by power transfer whereas in the second approach the transmitter can only control the proportion of power to be harvested among the different harvesting users. We solve the resulting formulations using the majorization-minimization (MM) approach. The solution obtained from the MM approach is compared to the classical block-diagonalization (BD) strategy, typically used to solve the nonconvex multiuser MIMO network by forcing no interference among users. Simulation results show that the proposed approach improves over the BD approach both the system sum rate and the power harvested by users. Additionally, the computational times needed for convergence of the proposed methods are much lower than the ones required for classical gradient-based approaches.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    SWIPT techniques for multiuser MIMO broadcast systems

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    In this paper, we present an approach to solve the nonconvex optimization problem that arises when designing the transmit covariance matrices in multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) broadcast networks implementing simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT). The MIMO SWIPT design is formulated as a nonconvex optimization problem in which system sum rate is optimized considering per-user harvesting constraints. Two different approaches are proposed. The first approach is based on a classical gradient-based method for constrained optimization. The second approach is based on difference of convex (DC) programming. The idea behind this approach is to obtain a convex function that approximates the nonconvex objective and, then, solve a series of convex subproblems that, eventually, will provide a (locally) optimum solution of the general nonconvex problem. The solution obtained from the proposed approach is compared to the classical block-diagonalization (BD) strategy, typically used to solve the nonconvex multiuser MIMO network by forcing no inter-user interference. Simulation results show that the proposed approach improves both the system sum rate and the power harvested by users simultaneously. In terms of computational time, the proposed DC programming outperforms the classical gradient methods.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft