798 research outputs found

    Propuesta de mejora de la gestión de producción para incrementar la rentabilidad de la empresa Tejas y Chocotejas Sra. Buendia S. A. C.

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    El presente trabajo ha sido elaborado con la finalidad de incrementar la rentabilidad de la empresa de Tejas y Chocotejas Sra. Buendia S.A.C., para ello se ha planteado mejorar el Área de Producción a través de una propuesta de mejora en la gestión de Producción. Se realizó el diagnóstico del estado actual de la gestión de producción de la empresa Tejas y Chocotejas Sra. Buendia S.A.C., hallando que los principales problemas que afectan a la rentabilidad son: La empresa en los últimos 3 años (2014 -2015 y 2016) no llegó a satisfacer la demanda de sus clientes debido a que no contaba con una adecuada planificación de su producción, obteniendo un cumplimiento de la producción de 89% en el año 2016. Todo ello significó que la empresa dejo de vender un determinado número de cajas de su producto, lo que significó una pérdida de dinero de S/. 264,439. La falta de un balance de masa de materiales los cuales son utilizados en el proceso de producción de sus productos generó una pérdida de S/. 150,432. La falta de distribución de planta definido debido a que es una producción artesanal, no han tenido un asesoramiento adecuado para diseñar un layout que le permita reducir los tiempos de recorrido innecesario entre las áreas de trabajo. Además, se sabe que la falta de capacitación se ve reflejado en el % de producto defectuoso que se tuvo en el año 2016, el cual fue de un 2.9% de su producción. Para el desarrollo de la propuesta de mejora se hizo el uso de las siguientes metodologías y herramientas: MRP I, balance de masa, distribución de planta, procedimiento de compra de materiales de producción, plan de capacitación para los trabajadores del área de producción. Todas estas propuestas de mejora incrementaron la rentabilidad sobre las ventas de un 26% a un 29%. Esto se logró debido a que se incrementó las ventas en un 10% (8272 cajas adicionales), se redujo el % de producto rechazado de 3% a 1%. Estas propuestas generaron ingresos por un total de S/.476.486. Para culminar, se realiza una evaluación económica financiera obteniéndose un VAN de S/. 37,471, un TIR de 47.4% y un B/C de 1.36, lo cual indica que el proyecto es RENTABLE.The present work has been elaborated with the purpose to increase the profitability of the company “Tejas y Chocotejas Sra. Buendi a S.A.C”, for this has posed improve the Area of Production through a proposal of improvement in the management of Production. It made the diagnostic of the current state of the management of production of the company “Tejas y Chocotejas Sra. Buendi a S.A.C”, finding that the main problems that affect to the profitability are: The company of in the last 3 years (2014 -2015 and 2016) did not arrive to satisfy the demand of his customers due to the fact that it did not have a suitable planning of his production, obtaining a fulfillment of the production of 89% in the year 2016. All this mean that the company leave to sell a determinate number of boxes of his product, what meant a loss of money of S/. 264,439. The fault of a balance of mass of materials which are used in the process of production of his products generated a loss of S/. 150,432. The fault of distribution of plant defined due to the fact that as it is a production artesanal, have not had a suitable advice to design a layout that allow him reduce the times of unnecessary route between the areas of work. Besides, it knows that the fault of qualification sees reflected in the % of defective product that had in the year 2016, which went of 2.9% of his production. For the development of the proposal of improvement did the use of the following methodologies and tools: MRP I, balance of mass, distribution of plant, procedure of purchase of materials of production, plan of qualification for the workers of the area of production. All these proposals of improvement increased the profitability on the sales of 26% to 29%. This attained due to the fact that it increased the sales in 10% (8272 additional boxes), reduced the % of product refused of 3% to 1%. These proposals generated income by a total of S/.476.486. To culminate, makes a financial economic evaluation obtaining a VAN of S/. 37,471, a TIR of 47.4% and a B/C of 1.36, which indicates that the project is PROFITABLE

    The effect of fervid attachment to religious rites on tourism: evidence from the Holy Week in Southern Italy

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    Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is aimed to examine natives’ Fervid Attachment to religious rites, as a part of cultural heritage, in its extrinsic (sense of belonging, rituality) and intrinsic (intimate bond, emotionality) characteristics, by shedding light on how leveraging on these characteristics could be emphasized to promote sustainable local development. Design/methodology/approach – Based on the principles of an ethnographic research approach based on observational methods, this paper analyzes the rites of Holy Week in Taranto, a city located in the Southern Italy, by capturing individuals’ behavior according the concept of Fervid Attachment. Findings – Results show that tourism destinations preserving their traditions and religious rites as part of their cultural heritage can satisfy tourists’ spirituality needs and, by promoting the interaction with the local population (natives) in terms of relationship between them and tourists, supporting local communities’ development. Moreover their Fervid Attachment in terms of sense of belonging, rituality, intimate bond and emotionality could be empathized to promote sustainable local development. Practical implications – Our results provide suggestions on how local policymakers and tourism marketers could leverage natives’ attachment to religious rites to boost religious tourism. Originality/value – This paper shows from a new perspective based on the concept of natives’ Fervid Attachment how local people are relevant in promoting a tourism destination

    Combining Decentralized IDentifiers with Proof of Membership to Enable Trust in IoT Networks

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    The Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is a decentralized paradigm enabling full control over the data used to build and prove the identity. In Internet of Things networks with security requirements, the Self-Sovereign Identity can play a key role and bring benefits with respect to centralized identity solutions. The challenge is to make the SSI compatible with resource-constraint IoT networks. In line with this objective, the paper proposes and discusses an alternative (mutual) authentication process for IoT nodes under the same administration domain. The main idea is to combine the Decentralized IDentifier (DID)-based verification of private key ownership with the verification of a proof that the DID belongs to an evolving trusted set. The solution is built around the proof of membership notion. The paper analyzes two membership solutions, a novel solution designed by the Authors based on Merkle trees and a second one based on the adaptation of Boneh, Boyen and Shacham (BBS) group signature scheme. The paper concludes with a performance estimation and a comparative analysis

    Actividades sobre gráficos estadísticos en libros de texto de ciencias naturales de educación primaria chilena

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    En el campo de las ciencias naturales los gráficos estadísticos son considerados objetos matemáticos que facilitan la comprensión de los fenómenos naturales, permitiendo comunicar resultados de experimentos. Dada esta relevancia es que analizamos la presencia de los gráficos estadísticos en libros de texto de Ciencias Naturales de Educación Primaria en Chile

    Transition Layer for the Heterogeneous Allen-Cahn Equation

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    We consider the equation \e^{2}\Delta u=(u-a(x))(u^2-1) in Ω\Omega, uν=0\frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu} =0 on Ω\partial \Omega, where Ω\Omega is a smooth and bounded domain in Rn\R^n, ν\nu the outer unit normal to \pa\Omega, and aa a smooth function satisfying 1<a(x)<1-1<a(x)<1 in \ov{\Omega}. We set KK, Ω+\Omega_+ and Ω\Omega_- to be respectively the zero-level set of aa, {a>0} and {a<0}. Assuming a0\nabla a \neq 0 on KK and a0a\ne 0 on Ω\partial \Omega, we show that there exists a sequence \e_j \to 0 such that the above equation has a solution u_{\e_j} which converges uniformly to ±1\pm 1 on the compact sets of \O_{\pm} as j+j \to + \infty.Comment: 25 page

    Dual-Band Integrated Antennas for DVB-T Receivers

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    An overview on compact Planar Inverted-F Antennas (PIFAs) that are suitable for monitor-equipped devices is presented. In particular, high efficiency PIFAs (without any dielectric layer) with a percentage bandwidth (%BW) greater than 59% (470–862 MHz DVB-T band) are considered. In this context, two PIFA configurations are reviewed, where a dual-band feature has been obtained, in the 3300–3800 MHz (14% percentage bandwidth) WiMAX and 2400–2484 MHz (2.7% percentage bandwidth) WLAN IEEE 802.11b,g frequency bands, respectively, to also guarantee web access to on-demand services. The two PIFAs fill an overall volume of  mm3 and  mm3, respectively. They are composed of a series of branches, properly dimensioned and separated to generate the required resonances. Finally, to show the extreme flexibility of the previous two configurations, a novel dual-band L-shape PIFA has been designed. A reflection coefficient less than −6 dB and −10 dB and an antenna gain of around 2 dBi and 6.3 dBi have been obtained in the 470–862 MHz DVB-T band and the 2400–2484 MHz WLAN band, respectively. The L-shape PIFA prototype can be obtained by properly cutting and folding a single metal sheet, thus resulting in a relatively low-cost and mechanically robust antenna configuration

    Unlocking Mozambique’s economic potential for sustainable growth

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    Mozambique has abundant natural resources, natural gas reserves, a young population, and a strategic position in Southern Africa. Yet it remains one of the world’s poorest nations. To unlock the country’s economic potential for sustainable growth the focus must be on infrastructure and government regulation, write Andrea Correa-Jimenez, Rahat Siddique, Fernando Pino

    Gráficos estadísticos en libros de texto chilenos de Ciencias Naturales

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    En el trabajo se presentan los resultados del análisis de las actividades en las que se trabaja con gráficos estadísticos en libros de texto de Ciencias Naturales en Educación Primaria chilena. La recogida de datos se ha realizado mediante análisis de contenidos en una muestra de dos series de textos con amplia difusión a nivel nacional. Tras el estudio se identificó un total de 70 actividades educativas, en las que se pudo observar el predominio de los gráficos de barras y líneas; las actividades demandan mayoritariamente un nivel de lectura de “leer los datos”, el nivel semiótico de “representación de un listado de datos”, y las actividades de explicar y comparar. Se concluye que el número de actividades puede ser mayor y que su inclusión puede ser desde los primeros cursos, con actividades sencillas y basadas en la observación del entorno. Los niveles de lectura y semióticos son considerados adecuados para su trabajo en el aula debido a que en esta asignatura los gráficos estadísticos cumplen un rol de apoyo a los temas. Se recomienda que los profesores vigilen que el trabajo con gráficos se centre con aquellas representaciones que se hayan estudiado previamente en matemática para evitar dificultades extras

    Development of an analytical model for the extraction of manganese from marine nodules

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    Multivariable analytical models provide a descriptive (albeit approximate) mathematical relationship between a set of independent variables and one or more dependent variables. The current work develops an analytical model that extends a design of experiments for the leaching of manganese from marine nodules, using sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in the presence of iron-containing tailings, which are both by-products of conventional copper extraction. The experiments are configured to address the effect of time, particle size, acid concentration, Fe2O3/MnO2 ratio, stirring speed and temperature, under typical industrial conditions. The recovery of manganese has been modeled using a first order differential equation that accurately fits experimental results, noting that Fe2O3/MnO2 and temperature are the most critical independent variables, while the particle size is the least influential (under typical conditions). This study obtains representative fitting parameters, that can be used to explore the incorporation of Mn recovery from marine nodules, as part of the extended value chain of copper sulfide processing.The authors are grateful for the contribution of the Scientific Equipment Unit- MAINI of the Universidad Católica del Norte for aiding in generating data by automated electronic microscopy QEMSCAN®, and for facilitating the chemical analysis of the solutions. We are also grateful to the Altonorte Mining Company for supporting this research and providing slag for this study, and we thank Marina Vargas Aleuy, María Barraza Bustos and Carolina Ossandón Cortés of the Universidad Católica del Norte for supporting the experimental tests