323 research outputs found

    A Non-blocking Buddy System for Scalable Memory Allocation on Multi-core Machines

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    Common implementations of core memory allocation components handle concurrent allocation/release requests by synchronizing threads via spin-locks. This approach is not prone to scale with large thread counts, a problem that has been addressed in the literature by introducing layered allocation services or replicating the core allocators - the bottom most ones within the layered architecture. Both these solutions tend to reduce the pressure of actual concurrent accesses to each individual core allocator. In this article we explore an alternative approach to scalability of memory allocation/release, which can be still combined with those literature proposals. We present a fully non-blocking buddy-system, that allows threads to proceed in parallel, and commit their allocations/releases unless a conflict is materialized while handling its metadata. Beyond improving scalability and performance it is resilient to performance degradation in face of concurrent accesses independently of the current level of fragmentation of the handled memory blocks

    Assessing the three attentional networks in children from three to six years: A child-friendly version of the Attentional Network Test for Interaction

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    Open access funding provided by Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza within the CRUI-CARE Agreement.We want to thank all children, parents, teachers, and headmasters who made this study possible. In particular, we thank the following schools: the Istituto Comprensivo M.T. Cicerone in Arpino (Scuola Infanzia Arpino Cap. (Panaccio), Scuola Infanzia San Sosio, Scuola Infanzia Pagnanelli, Scuola Infanzia Fontana Liri, Scuola Infanzia Santopadre) and the Istituto Comprensivo Vito Fabiano in Latina. We also thank Valentina Valli and Alfredo Spagna for the test drawings.Attention involves three functionally and neuroanatomically distinct neural networks: alerting, orienting, and executive control. This study aimed to analyze the development of attentional networks in children aged between 3 and 6 years using a child-friendly version of the Attentional Network Test for Interaction (ANTI), the ANTI-Birds. The sample included 88 children divided into four age groups: 3-year-old, 4-year-old, 5-year-old, 6-year-old children. The results of this study would seem to indicate that between 4 and 6 years, there are no significant changes in attentional networks. Instead, between 3 and 4 years of age, children significantly improve all their attentional skills.Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza within the CRUI-CARE Agreemen

    NBBS: A Non-blocking Buddy System for Multi-core Machines

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    Common implementations of core memory allocation components, like the Linux buddy system, handle concurrent allocation/release requests by synchronizing threads via spinlocks. This approach is not prone to scale with large thread counts, a problem that has been addressed in the literature by introducing layered allocation services or replicating the core allocators—the bottom most ones within the layered architecture. Both these solutions tend to reduce the pressure of actual concurrent accesses to each individual core allocator. In this article we explore an alternative approach to scalability of memory allocation/release, which can be still combined with those literature proposals. We present a fully non-blocking buddy-system, where threads performing concurrent allocations/releases do not undergo any spinlock based synchronization. Our solution allows threads to proceed in parallel, and commit their allocations/releases unless a conflict is materialized while handling its metadata. Conflict detection relies on conventional atomic machine instructions in the Read-Modify-Write (RMW) class. Beyond improving scalability and performance, our solution can also avoid wasting clock cycles for spin-lock operations by threads that could in principle carry out their memory allocation/release in full concurrency. Thus, it is resilient to performance degradation—in face of concurrent accesses—independently of the current level of fragmentation of the handled memory blocks

    The Effect of Trust on Gaze-Mediated Attentional Orienting

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    The last two decades have witnessed growing interest in the study of social cognition and its multiple facets, including trust. Interpersonal trust is generally understood as the belief that others are not likely to harm you. When meeting strangers, judgments of trustworthiness are mostly based on fast evaluation of facial appearance, unless information about past behavior is available. In the past decade, studies have tried to understand the complex relationship between trust and gaze-cueing of attention (GCA) (i.e., attentional orienting following another person’s gaze). This review will focus on the studies that used a gaze-cueing paradigm to explore this relationship. While the predictivity of the gaze-cue seems to consistently influence trustworthiness judgments, the impact of trust on gaze-cueing is less clear. Four studies found enhanced gazecueing effects with trustworthy faces; one found stronger effects of gaze-cueing with faces associated with undesirable behavior, but only when the observer’s personal evaluations were taken into account. Four studies did not observe an effect of trust on gaze-cueing. Overall, studies have highlighted the complexity of this relationship, suggesting that multiple factors (including age, gender, the characteristics of the observer, and whether or not a threat is perceived) are likely to intervene in the interplay between trust and gaze-triggered attentional orienting. After discussing results in the context of existing theories of gaze-cueing and trust, we conclude that further investigation is needed to better understand this relationship and the contribution of social factors to attentional shifts guided by gaze.Zayed University R1905

    Development in attention functions and social processing: Evidence from the Attention Network Test

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    According to the attention network approach, attention is best understood in terms of three functionally and neuroanatomically distinct networks – alerting, orienting, and executive attention. Recent findings showed that social information influences the efficiency of these networks in adults. Using some social and non-social variants of the Attentional Network Test (ANT), this study was aimed to evaluate the development of the three attention networks in childhood, also assessing the development of the ability to manage social or non-social conflicting information. Sixty-six children (three groups of 6, 8, and 10 years of age) performed three variants of the original ANT, using fish, schematic, or real faces looking to the left or right as target and flanker stimuli. Results showed an improvement from 6 to 8 and 10 years of age in reaction time (RT) and accuracy, together with an improvement of executive control and a decrement in alerting. These developmental changes were not unique to social stimuli, and no differences were observed between social and no-social variants of the ANT. However, independently from the age of the children, a real face positively affected the executive control (as indexed by RTs) as compared to both a schematic face and a fish. Findings of this study suggest that attentional networks are still developing from 6 to 10 years of age and underline the importance of face information in modulating the efficiency of executive control

    Food-Related Attentional Bias in Individuals with Normal Weight and Overweight: A Study with a Flicker Task

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    The primary purpose of the present study was to investigate attentional biases for food-related stimuli in individuals with overweight and normal weight using a flicker paradigm. Specifically, it was tested whether attention allocation processes differ between individuals with overweight and normal weight using transient changes of food-related and neutral pictures. Change detection latencies in objects of central interest (CI) or objects of marginal interest (MI) were measured as an index of attention allocation in a sample of fifty-three students with overweight/obesity and sixty students with normal weight during a flicker paradigm with neutral, hypercaloric and hypocaloric food pictures. Both groups of participants showed an attentional bias for food-related pictures as compared to neutral pictures. However, the bias was larger in individuals with overweight than in individuals with normal weight when changes were of marginal interest, suggesting a stronger avoidance of the food-related picture. This study showed that food-related stimuli influence attention allocation processes in both participants with overweight and normal weight. In particular, as compared to individuals with normal weight, those with overweight seem to be characterised by a stronger attentional avoidance of (or smaller attention maintenance on) food-related stimuli that could be considered as a voluntary strategy to resist food consumption

    Arrows don’t look at you: Qualitatively different attentional mechanisms triggered by gaze and arrows

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    Eye gaze conveys rich information concerning the states of mind of others, playing a critical role in social interactions, signaling internal states, and guiding others’ attention. On the basis of its social significance, some researchers have proposed that eye gaze may represent a unique attentional stimulus. However, contrary to this notion, the majority of the literature has shown indistinguishable attentional effects when eye gaze and arrows have been used as cues. Taking a different approach, in this study we aimed at finding qualitative attentional differences between gazes and arrows when they were used as targets instead of as cues. We used a spatial Stroop task, in which participants were required to identify the direction of eyes or arrows presented to the left or the right of a fixation point. The results showed that the two types of stimuli led to opposite spatial interference effects, with arrows producing faster reaction times when the stimulus direction was congruent with the stimulus position (a typical spatial Stroop effect), and eye gaze producing faster reaction times when it was incongruent (a Breversed^ spatial Stroop effect). This reversed Stroop is interpreted as an eye-contact effect, therefore revealing the unique nature of eyes as special social-attention stimuli

    Correlating Fluorescence and High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy (HRSEM) for the study of GABAA receptor clustering induced by inhibitory synaptic plasticity

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    Both excitatory and inhibitory synaptic contacts display activity dependent dynamic changes in their efficacy that are globally termed synaptic plasticity. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying glutamatergic synaptic plasticity have been extensively investigated and described, those responsible for inhibitory synaptic plasticity are only beginning to be unveiled. In this framework, the ultrastructural changes of the inhibitory synapses during plasticity have been poorly investigated. Here we combined confocal fluorescence microscopy (CFM) with high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) to characterize the fine structural rearrangements of post- synaptic GABAA Receptors (GABAARs) at the nanometric scale during the induction of inhibitory long-term potentiation (iLTP). Additional electron tomography (ET) experiments on immunolabelled hippocampal neurons allowed the visualization of synaptic contacts and confirmed the reorganization of post- synaptic GABAAR clusters in response to chemical iLTP inducing protocol. Altogether, these approaches revealed that, following the induction of inhibitory synaptic potentiation, GABAAR clusters increase in size and number at the post-synaptic membrane with no other major structural changes of the pre- and post-synaptic elements

    MaxHadoop: An Efficient Scalable Emulation Tool to Test SDN Protocols in Emulated Hadoop Environments

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    AbstractThis paper presents MaxHadoop, a flexible and scalable emulation tool, which allows the efficient and accurate emulation of Hadoop environments over Software Defined Networks (SDNs). Hadoop has been designed to manage endless data-streams over networks, making it a tailored candidate to support the new class of network services belonging to Big Data. The development of Hadoop is contemporary with the evolution of networks towards the new architectures "Software Defined." To create our emulation environment, tailored to SDNs, we employ MaxiNet, given its capability of emulating large-scale SDNs. We make it possible to emulate realistic Hadoop scenarios on large-scale SDNs using low-cost commodity hardware, by resolving a few key limitations of MaxiNet through appropriate configuration settings. We validate the MaxHadoop emulator by executing two benchmarks, namely WordCount and TeraSort, to evaluate a set of Key Performance Indicators. The tests' outcomes evidence that MaxHadoop outperforms other existing emulation tools running over commodity hardware. Finally, we show the potentiality of MaxHadoop by utilizing it to perform a comparison of SDN-based network protocols

    A Non-blocking Buddy System for Scalable Memory Allocation on Multi-core Machines

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    Common implementations of core memory allocation components, like the Linux buddy system, handle concurrent allocation/release requests by synchronizing threads via spin-locks. This approach is clearly not prone to scale with large thread counts, a problem that has been addressed in the literature by introducing layered allocation services or replicating the core allocators-the bottom most ones within the layered architecture. Both these solutions tend to reduce the pressure of actual concurrent accesses to each individual core allocator. In this article we explore an alternative approach to scalability of memory allocation/release, which can be still combined with those literature proposals. Conflict detection relies on conventional atomic machine instructions in the Read-Modify-Write (RMW) class. Furthermore, beyond improving scalability and performance, it can also avoid wasting clock cycles for spin-lock operations by threads that could in principle carry out their memory allocation/release in full concurrency. Thus, it is resilient to performance degradation---in face of concurrent accesses---independently of the current level of fragmentation of the handled memory blocks
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