17 research outputs found

    Ökonomie des Opfers. Literatur im Zeichen des Suizids

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    Warum bleibt im GedĂ€chtnis nur, was nicht aufhört, weh zu tun, wie Nietzsche einmal gesagt hat? Der vorliegende Sammelband sucht Antworten darauf – im Werk und im Suizid von Autoren wie Heinrich von Kleist, Virginia Woolf, Yukio Mishima, Anne Sexton, Hermann Burger und David Foster Wallace. Es scheint einen fatalen Zusammenhang zu geben zwischen Dichtung, die den Erwartungshorizont der Zeitgenossen sprengt, und dem Suizid des Dichters – einen fatalen Zusammenhang auch von Suizid und Nachruhm eines Autors. Von individuellen Leiden abgesehen gilt: Wer monströs als Subjekt aus der Geschichte verschwindet, taucht irgendwann als Objekt von Geschichten wieder auf, erreicht Aufmerksamkeit in Nachrufen, ErzĂ€hlungen, mündlicher und schriftlicher Historiografie. Dergestalt paradox ist die Ökonomie des Selbstopfers, in der sich auch eine vorgĂ€ngige Anökonomie verbergen kann

    Use of historical isoscapes to develop an estuarine nutrient baseline

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    Coastal eutrophication is a prevalent threat to the healthy functioning of ecosystems globally. While degraded water quality can be detected by monitoring oxygen, nutrient concentrations, and algal abundance, establishing regulatory guidelines is complicated by a lack of baseline data (e.g., pre-Anthropocene). We use historical carbon and nitrogen isoscapes over ~300 years from sediment cores to reconstruct spatial and temporal changes in nutrient dynamics for a central California estuary, Elkhorn Slough, where development and agriculture dramatically enhanced nutrient inputs over the past century. We found strong contrasts between current sediment stable isotopes and those from the recent past, demonstrating shifts exceeding those in previously studied eutrophic estuaries and substantial increases in nutrient inputs. Comparisons of contemporary with historical isoscapes also revealed that nitrogen sources shifted from a historical marine-terrestrial gradient with higher ή15N near the inlet to amplified denitrification at the head and mouth of the modern estuary driven by increased N inputs. Geospatial analysis of historical data suggests that an increase in fertilizer application – rather than population growth or increases in the extent of cultivated land – is chiefly responsible for increasing nutrient loads during the 20th century. This study demonstrates the ability of isotopic and stoichiometric maps to provide important perspectives on long-term shifts and spatial patterns of nutrients that can be used to improve management of nutrient pollution

    Worse outcome and more chronic GVHD with peripheral blood progenitor cells than bone marrow in HLA-matched sibling donor transplants for young patients with severe acquired aplastic anemia

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    We analyzed the outcome of 692 patients with severe aplastic anemia (SAA) receiving transplants from HLA-matched siblings. A total of 134 grafts were peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) grafts, and 558 were bone marrow (BM) grafts. Rates of hematopoietic recovery and grades 2 to 4 chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) were similar after PBPC and BM transplantations regardless of age at transplantation. In patients older than 20 years, chronic GVHD and overall mortality rates were similar after PBPC and BM transplantations. In patients younger than 20 years, rates of chronic GVHD (relative risk [RR] 2.82; P = .002) and overall mortality (RR 2.04; P = .024) were higher after transplantation of PBPCs than after transplantation of BM. In younger patients, the 5-year probabilities of overall survival were 73% and 85% after PBPC and BM transplantations, respectively. Corresponding probabilities for older patients were 52% and 64%. These data indicate that BM grafts are preferred to PBPC grafts in young patients undergoing HLA-matched sibling donor transplantation for SAA

    Evaluating Thin-Layer Sediment Placement as a Tool for Enhancing Tidal Marsh Resilience: a Coordinated Experiment Across Eight US National Estuarine Research Reserves

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    Thin-layer sediment placement (TLP) is a promising management tool for enhancing tidal marsh resilience to rising seas. We conducted a 3-year experiment at eight US National Estuarine Research Reserves using a standardized implementation protocol and subsequent monitoring to evaluate effects of sediment placement on vegetation in low and high marsh, and compared this to control and reference plots. Sediments added to experimental plots were sourced from nearby quarries, were sandier than ambient marsh soils, and had more crab burrowing, but proved effective, suggesting that terrestrial sources can be used for tidal marsh restoration. We found strong differences among sites but detected general trends across the eight contrasting systems. Colonization by marsh plants was generally rapid following sediment addition, such that TLP plot cover was similar to control plots. While we found that 14-cm TLP plots were initially colonized more slowly than 7-cm plots, this difference largely disappeared after three years. In the face of accelerated sea-level rise, we thus recommend adding thicker sediment layers. Despite rapid revegetation, TLP plots did not approximate vegetation characteristics of higher elevation reference plots. Thus, while managers can expect fairly fast revegetation at TLP sites, the ultimate goal of achieving reference marsh conditions may be achieved slowly if at all. Vegetation recovered rapidly in both high and low marsh; thus, TLP can serve as a climate adaptation strategy across the marsh landscape. Our study illustrates the value of conducting experiments across disparate geographies and provides restoration practitioners with guidance for conducting future TLP projects